Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 42 - 2 roads

   To deal with the three blind ducks, Manda didn’t need to exert all his strength, but his emotions were a little out of control. If the opposite party couldn’t get the money for seventy-five copper coins, he might even kill.

   The “jeweler” smelled the murderous aura on Manda. He didn’t dare to step forward and let the two servants rush up first.

   Manda hit a servant in the stomach with a punch. The servant watched his stomach sink in with his fist, and immediately knelt on the ground and vomited. The other servant was kicked over by Manda.

   “Jeweler” stands on the spot, holding a short knife in his hand, and may make a move at any time.

   Manda slowly stepped forward, and whispered in a low voice: “Pay for the wine immediately. Don’t lose a life for seventy-five copper coins.”

   “Jeweler” was silent, Manda jumped up and hit the “Jeweler” with a punch, and the “Jeweler” was scattered on the ground with a pop.

   Manda’s fist remained in the air, unable to retrieve it for a long time.

   Just now I can clearly see the face of the “jeweler”, why is there only a hat and a robe left on the ground.

He turned his head and saw that the two servants had also disappeared. When he chased to the door, he saw three figures running wildly under the sunset. Manda wanted to chase out, but he heard Worm yell: “Don’t chase, that businessman. A believer in Apate, the **** of deception, you may not be able to beat him.”

   Manda said angrily: “Since you have seen his identity, why don’t you come out to help?”

   “This is the punishment from the gods, just a few glasses of wine, the loss is not too big, and they also left clothes, which should be the finest clothes.”

   Manda stared at the clothes with cross-fighting eyes for a long time, and kicked the clothes and hat out of the door with one kick. The fabric was the worst linen, and together it was worth eight copper coins.

   In just three days, after encountering two groups of crooks, Manda sacrificed a whole plate of bacon to Hermes, hoping that the misfortune would end.

   In the next month or so, only five guests came to the door, three of them only ordered a glass of wine, one ordered five glasses of wine, and one guest came to beg for dinner.

   The guest who came to beg came from Hongtu County, where a rebellion broke out and his home was destroyed. He brought his wife and children to Niujiao Town to be with relatives.

   This is very important news. Worm gave him a glass of wine, two pieces of bread and a piece of bacon for this, so that the family had a full meal.

   Red Earth County is the territory of the Marquis of Nars, where a rebellion has occurred, which proves that Nars has fallen into a situation of internal and external troubles. This is an excellent opportunity to take advantage of the fire.

   Worm reported the news to the earl on the same day. The earl did not disclose any information, and only asked Worm to buy five thousand pounds of grain.

  Earl doesn’t want revenge? Disdain to do things that fall into the pit? Have you cleared up your suspicion with Nars?

   Worm couldn’t figure out the earl’s thoughts, and relayed the situation to Manda for the first time.

  Manda doesn’t care about the earl’s thoughts, his only concern is why the earl doesn’t give money.

   One pound of grain and one copper coin, five thousand pounds cost fifty silver coins. The previous capital was spent a long time ago, and now every copper coin spent, Manda has to pay for it himself.

Worm was still keen on making wine. The barrels in the tavern were all filled. Manda sat at the door in a daze. He still had four gold coins, eleven silver coins and thirty-three copper coins left in his hand. Next, we have to figure out how to spend each copper coin.

   Grain must be bought and taxes must be paid, which requires seventy-five silver coins.

   It’s almost the end of the year, and when it’s time to pay the bank’s membership fee, thirty silver coins are needed.

   Worm kept making wine. He found that the grapes were gone the day before yesterday. He went crazy for a whole day. For the money to buy grapes, at least twenty silver coins a month.

   There is also the Maxima. Its skin ringworm is cured and it has become a lot stronger. Its appetite has greatly increased. It needs to eat 20 pounds of wheat and 50 pounds of grass every day, and it needs at least seven silver coins a month.

   Following this trend, this tavern will be closed within three months.

  Worm walked out of the warehouse holding a few clay pots, and carefully placed the clay pots against the wall.

   “The barrels are used up, buy more.”

   “Okay.” Manda sat in the doorway and agreed stupidly.

   “I know this is difficult, but we must stick to it. This is the earl’s order.” Worm sat beside Manda, took out three gold coins and stuffed them into Manda’s hand.

   A bookworm rarely has a chance to perform a task. It is rare to complete a task. He will also choose meritorious service as a reward. After decades of being with the earl, these three gold coins are all his savings.

   “Just for the earl’s order?” Manda looked at Worm with a smile.

   “Yes.” Worm’s cheeks twitched, his left eye drooped, his right eye raised, and the tip of his nose slanted to his cheek. Every time he lied, his facial features would be distorted.

   No wonder he becomes irritated and stingy. He needs this tavern, where he has the life he really yearns for.

   “Think of a way, you always have a way.” Worm stuffed three gold coins into Manda’s hand.

   “There will be a way.” Manda clenched the gold coin and returned to his room.

   At dawn the next day, Manda paid twenty copper coins to hire a carriage or two, pulled two barrels of wine and went to Dunison’s residence.

Seeing the wine barrels in the car, Dunnison frowned and said: “If you want to sell wine at the market, you need to pay another membership fee, and I will not easily give you a booth. Each line has rules for each line. If you want to Sell ​​me the wine, and persuade you to take it back. I don’t lack wine.”

   “This is a gift for you. Please taste it. If you like it, I will send more.”

Dunison didn’t want to receive Manda’s wine, he didn’t want to have too much ties with the earl’s But when he saw Manda put five gold coins on the barrel, he changed his mind, this money It’s not too much for him, but he likes smart kids.

   He tasted a sip of wine, smacked his lips, tasted the mellow aroma of the wine, and also tasted Manda’s intention.

   Dunison laughed and said, “It’s a pity that such a good wine cannot be sold because the tavern is remote. How much does a barrel of wine cost?”

   “Three silver coins.” Manda also smiled, talking to smart people is so easy.

   “Reasonable price.” Dunison pointed out two ways to Manda. The first way was to sell wine to various pubs.

   “There are four pubs in Niujiao Town. No pub will refuse such good wine. You can sell at least 80 barrels a month.”

   Eighty barrels of wine, two hundred and forty silver coins. Excluding the cost and taxes of wine making, you can earn almost one and a half gold coins.

   Such income is enough to support the operation of a tavern, but it is far from Manda’s ambitions.

   The second way: Sell the wine to the Lord Viscount.

“A can of wine is worth sixteen silver coins, so that it can be worthy of the status of a Viscount. You can sell almost ten barrels a month, but there are two conditions. First, you can continue to sell wine in the tavern, but you cannot sell the wine. Selling to other taverns is exclusive to Viscount Gesac. Secondly, half of the income from wine sales must go to me. I introduced you to Viscount.”

   Ten barrels of wine, one hundred and sixty silver coins, half go to Dunison, and only 80 silver coins are left. Before taxes and the cost of wine making, this road seems to be a big loss.

   But there is another attractive condition waiting for him.

   Dunnison laughed and said: “Choose this path, and you will get to know the Viscount. A smart person like you should not want to sell wine for a lifetime.”


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