Give Me the Name of God

Chapter 46 - Warehouse Blood War

   Why didn’t they come in yet? Why are you still bothering at the door? Judging from the aura, at least two people at the front door possess supernatural powers, although only the first order, plus the two second orders ambushing at the back door, are enough to crush Worm and Manda.

   Listening to the brunette man talking endlessly at the door to persuade him to surrender, Manda gradually figured out the reason, and the problem was with Worm.

  Worm is very special. He received the power of the gods, but he did not perceive the call of the gods. The count defined him as a first-tier believer based on his strength.

   In ordinary battles, Worm’s strength is indeed up and down, but it’s a different matter in his lair.

   According to Quinta, the Sphinx has been punished by Worm. Although he has made fierce resistance, it is of no avail.

In the earl’s study, even the Lioness had no choice but to take Worm. As long as Worm was given enough time to arrange the insect silk in a familiar environment, he could predict the other party’s sneak attack and control the other party’s Action, like dealing with a spider in a web, has a huge advantage, enough to contend with second-order believers.

Worm stayed in the tavern for a month. This place has completely become his lair. His insects are everywhere. With this advantage, the Heavenly Punisher outside the door has not dared to do anything. They tried to oppress and force from the front door. Worm escaped through the back door, and then fell into an ambush by two second-tier believers.

  Korm, why didn’t he notice the ambush at the back door of the tavern?

   There is only one explanation. The insect silk was destroyed by the two second-order believers. The specific method used is unknown.

   Things outside the yard don’t need to be considered for the time being, the key is whether you can hold the tavern, there is a glimmer of hope if you hold it, and you will undoubtedly die if you leave the tavern.

   Manda asked, “Is the insect silk in the yard damaged?”

   “Well, how can there be any bugs…” Worm’s facial features began to twist again.

   “Don’t hide anymore, this is a time of life and death!”

   “The wind is so strong, damage is inevitable, and I can’t tell the extent of the damage.”

  Oops, Worm is not sensitive to wind.

   It’s no wonder that God Punishers specially brought followers of Fengshen, the purpose is to destroy the insect silk, first destroy the insect silk near the back door, and ambush it there. Now the insect silk in the yard is estimated to have been mostly destroyed.

   The wind and snow became more and more violent, and the tone of the brunette man changed.

   “You have failed the Lord’s mercy and rejected my kindness. I can only use the Lord’s majesty to thoroughly purify your flesh and soul!”

   The other party is about to do it, and it proves that there are not many insects left in the courtyard. This is the nest that Worm spent a month laying out. It is impossible to repair it in a short period of time, and the tavern is about to fall!

   “Enter the warehouse, hurry up!”

   can’t guard the entire tavern, at least one warehouse. The warehouse has no windows, only one entrance, because Worm never allows anyone to enter the warehouse, where the insects are the densest.

   The two rushed into the warehouse, Worm hurriedly laid silk to strengthen the defense, and Manda took the opportunity to look at the furnishings in the warehouse.

  He has always been curious about what winemaking method Worm uses, and why he is so afraid of others seeing it.

   To his disappointment, there was nothing but grapes and wine barrels in the warehouse. It seemed that Worm had hidden the tools very deeply.

  The God Punisher quickly smashed open the door of the tavern. At the same time, two second-tier believers who were ambushing at the back door also entered the yard. A group of God Punishers searched around in the warehouse, and the two Tier 2 directly locked the warehouse.

   Under the protection of the two second-tiers, the brunette man walked to the door of the warehouse and shouted loudly: “This is your last chance. Open the door and walk out of it. I can at least save your humble lives.”

   The voice fell to the ground, and a gust of cold wind poured into the crack of the door, causing the insect silk to tremble, but it did not cause substantial damage. Manda was ecstatic, and suddenly felt the warehouse vibrate violently, as if someone was hitting a wall.

   “I am a follower of Hercules!” The insect silk remaining in the yard conveyed a message to Worm. There were two first-tier enemies outside, one of which was a follower of Hercules.

  The divine punishmentrs were tired of waiting. They regarded this believer of Hercules as an abandoned son, and asked him to directly smash the warehouse wall with divine power.

   “Why didn’t you hit the door?” Worm gritted his teeth. “As long as you dare to hit the door, I will let him break his bones immediately!”

The other party is not a fool. They have stepped on a bit before and have some understanding of the tavern and Worm. The insects on the door are very dense, and the wall they choose is the weakest place. Even so, the believer of Hercules The flesh and blood that was also cut by insect silk.

   The wall made of clay and stone soon cracked, and Manda stood beside the crack, ready for the golden finger.

   The bruised Hercules believer riveted his strength and punched through the warehouse wall with a punch. Manda lifted and dropped his hand and cut off his right hand.

  The followers of Hercules fell to the ground and wailed, and a tall warrior slashed towards the hole in the wall with a giant axe.

   The giant axe turned the big hole in the fist into a hole, and the blade of the axe spewed out a ball of flame, burning the insect silk to smoke.

   “Damn believer of false gods!” Worm hurriedly sprayed insect silk to seal the hole.

   False **** believer is the name of the ancient **** believer for the **** punishment warrior. The **** punishment warrior has the power of the **** punishment Lord, and can also enter and upgrade like the ancient **** believers. According to the earl, the God Punishment Warrior can only be promoted to Tier 4. According to the record of the God Punishment Book (Book of God Punishment Church), the God Punishment Warrior can be promoted to Tier 9, which is one more than the Twelve Lord Gods. Order.

  Which is true is not important, what is important is that the skills of the God Punishment Warriors are so strange that it is impossible to speculate. The battle axe of this **** punishment warrior is amazing, and it can burn part of Worm’s insect silk. If he is allowed to chop it down so unscrupulously, a new gate can be cut for the warehouse within a few minutes.

  Worm tried to use insect silk to attack the warrior of God’s Punishment. The silk was slow and floating, and the warrior of God’s punishment easily dodged it. This is Worm’s weakness. With adequate preparations, he can make sophisticated defenses, but his ability to proactively attack is very poor.

The battle axe was still tearing the wall, the cracks had reached the point where a person could get in. Most of the insect silk outside the wall was entangled with the Hercules believer, and the remaining insect silk was only brought to the warrior of God’s Punishment. There was a bit of skin trauma, and Worm’s worm silk had no chance of hitting the opponent.

   With nothing to do, Manda decided to gamble with gold fingers.

   He knew that the great axe used to punish warriors this day must be a sacred object. Using golden fingers and sacred hard steel may cause unimaginable consequences, and it is very likely to lose a hand directly.

   But losing a hand is better than losing a life. The warehouse is breached, and they can only catch with their hands. If they are captured by the enemy, waiting for them will be a stake.

   The axe smashed into the wall again, and a ball of flame burned a piece of insect silk, forcing Worm back several steps. Manda quietly watched the giant axe fall to its lowest point. At the moment when the axe was raised, Manda gathered his five fingers together and pretended to shout: “Claws!”

   The sharp pain and burning pain from the impact were mixed together. At that moment, Manda’s five fingers seemed to be broken, and he instantly lost consciousness.

   He opened his eyes with difficulty and saw a small half of axe left on the ground.

  The axe didn’t cut in again, and Worm was stunned. No wonder Manda could penetrate the scales of the Hydra, and he could even cut the fetish. In his impression, the first-order skills of the last Chimera disciple were not so powerful.

   The God Punishment Warrior was also stunned. This is the battle axe given to him by the bishop. So far, no weapon can hurt its axe blade. Now it has been broken in two.

   The brunette man who had been persuading to surrender also quieted for a while, even the snow outside the door was much smaller.

Manda suppressed his breath, tried to make his voice rough, and shouted to the outside: “You are the servants of the Lord, why do you bully innocent civilians? When you were about to freeze to death, who gave you food and gave you? The residence, let you get through that stormy night!”

   Manda really wants to fight the opponent. Among the means of delaying time, the cost of the gun is undoubtedly the smallest.

   But the other party did not respond. The brunette man didn’t want to fight, he was hesitant to charge.

   “Come on, rush in! You have God’s punishment warriors, and heretics, rush in, let the Lord see your atrocities, let us see whose punishment the Lord will ultimately fall on!”

   After that, Manda picked up the small half of the axe on the ground and threw it out forcefully. The flying axe hit a divine punishment person, and the sharp axe blade was inserted into his shoulder.

   Amid the wailing of the God’s Punisher, the brunette man hesitated a bit.

   In his previous life, Manda was an excellent gambler. He gradually settled the opponent’s bet and is trying to dissolve the opponent’s psychology.

   “Your man has lost a hand, he shed a lot of blood, he is likely to die, just to catch two people, how many people do you plan to kill? Is it really worth it?”

   The brown-haired man did not speak for a long time, and the warrior of God Punishment raised his broken battle axe and said, “Let me rush to the forefront. The Lord’s warriors will never back down in front of heretics.”

   “You come in!” Manda provoked wildly, “The Lord has heard what you said, if you are timid, you are not loyal to the Lord!”


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