Global Awakening SSS-Rank: Hearing the Beauty’s Heart

Chapter 133: Calm Down! Listen to Me If You Don’t Want to Be Treated as a Monster!

Chapter 133: Calm Down! Listen to Me If You Don't Want to Be Treated as a Monster!

Successfully adding Meng Xiyue as a friend thanks to the Blue Crystal Water Tiger cub, Lin Tianming did not return the cub to the beast seal and let the little one sit on his shoulder.

Bringing the Blue Crystal Water Tiger cub back to his dormitory, the cub on Lin Tianming's shoulder attracted Chu Yunfei's attention.

"Hey... Tianming, is that little guy on your shoulder a Blue Crystal Water Tiger cub? How come it's with you?"

"Because I'm its owner."

Sitting down and eating the lunch he packed from the cafeteria, Lin Tianming replied calmly to Chu Yunfei.

Hearing Lin Tianming's answer, Chu Yunfei became even more puzzled.

"You're its owner? But you're not a beast master, how did you become its owner?"

"Who said I'm not a beast master?"

Lin Tianming smiled slightly, revealing the water attribute beast seal in the palm of his right hand, and then continued to enjoy his lunch.

Seeing the beast seal in Lin Tianming's palm, Chu Yunfei thought of Lin Tianming's ability, the Hand of God, and suddenly had an epiphany.

"I get it! You must have copied Meng Xiyue's beast master skill when you sparred with her, and then deliberately caught an awakening beast?"

Chu Yunfei's guess was close enough, and Lin Tianming didn't bother to explain that he actually copied the beast master skill from Meng Xiyue's brother.

"Yeah, pretty much."

Casually replying to Chu Yunfei, Lin Tianming continued to enjoy his lunch.

After receiving Lin Tianming's confirmation, Chu Yunfei looked at him as if he were a monster.

"Your Hand of God is really abnormal, I didn't expect it could even copy the skill to capture awakening beasts from beast masters!"

After exclaiming, Chu Yunfei leaned closer to Lin Tianming, wanting to touch the Blue Crystal Water Tiger cub on his shoulder.

However, as soon as he reached out, the cub let out a milk-fierce roar, warning him not to touch it.

Chu Yunfei didn't take it to heart, instead, he was amused by the cub's fierce yet adorable demeanor.

"This Blue Crystal Water Tiger cub is so fierce even before it grows up? How interesting!"

As he spoke, Chu Yunfei continued to reach his hand toward the little one sitting on Lin Tianming's shoulder.

Seeing that its fierce roar had no effect on Chu Yunfei, the cub, in an attempt to avoid being touched, sprayed Chu Yunfei's face with water from its mouth.

After spraying the water, the cub even slapped Chu Yunfei's face with its paw.

"Whoa! Your Blue Crystal Water Tiger cub is really fierce! Not only did it refuse to be touched, but it also hit me!"

Lin Tianming was surprised as well, noting how fierce his cub was toward Chu Yunfei.

It had been very affectionate and active with Meng Xiyue, even showing up on its own to interact with her.

Could it be that the cub also liked attractive faces?

Seeing the paw print on Chu Yunfei's face, Lin Tianming couldn't help but laugh.

Chu Yunfei was very frustrated: "You're still laughing!"

Lin Tianming replied: "It already warned you by roaring, indicating it doesn't like to be touched. If you don't touch it, nothing would have happened. Besides, it's just a cub. Spraying you with water isn't harmful."

"Alright, my bad!"

Since the cub's slap was not painful, Chu Yunfei just grumbled a bit and didn't take it seriously with the little one.

The Blue Crystal Water Tiger cub, proud and alert, sat on Lin Tianming's shoulder, keeping a wary eye on Chu Yunfei.

After getting sprayed and slapped, Chu Yunfei wised up and stopped provoking the fierce little cub.

Remembering a popular restaurant he found online today, Chu Yunfei said to Lin Tianming: "Tianming, I saw another good restaurant online today. Want to check it out tonight?"

Lin Tianming, having nothing planned for the evening, asked: "Where is it this time? Tianhui Plaza again?"

"Exactly! There are so many restaurants at Tianhui Plaza, and we haven't tried them all yet!"

Chu Yunfei nodded, confirming that the restaurant he found tonight was also at Tianhui Plaza.

Knowing they were heading to Tianhui Plaza again tonight, Lin Tianming felt a bit of anticipation.

Not for the food, but hoping he might encounter the girl in the yellow dress on the subway again.


At night, on the pedestrian street of Tianhui Plaza, Lin Tianming walked out of the restaurant Chu Yunfei had reserved online, satisfied.

"The chopped pepper fish at this place is really good, much better than the one you picked last time!"

Chu Yunfei, hearing Lin Tianming's evaluation, agreed wholeheartedly and burped: "I told you, among all the popular places online, some are genuinely good. This place's chopped pepper fish is great and affordable with generous portions. We should come here more often!"

Lin Tianming glanced at the crowded street scene of Tianhui Plaza and said: "Are we heading straight back to the Imperial Capital University now?"

"What's the rush? We came out early tonight, let's hang out a bit longer! Look, there's a milk tea shop across the street. Let's get some milk tea as dessert. We're young, we should enjoy life, Tianming!"

Hearing Chu Yunfei's philosophy, Lin Tianming glanced at his skinny, bamboo-like figure and was amused.

While accompanying Chu Yunfei to get milk tea, Lin Tianming teased: "You eat all this delicious food every day, how come you're still as thin as a stick?"

Chu Yunfei replied proudly: "I have a naturally slim physique, no matter how much I eat, I won't get fat. Others are envious!"

"You're too thin, like a stick. It seems like you don't digest the food you eat. A normal body should be like mine."

Lin Tianming couldn't agree with Chu Yunfei's view. While chatting and waiting for their milk tea, he noticed someone he had been keen on finding.

It was the girl in the yellow dress he saw on the subway last night, who he suspected was a sinister god!

The girl in the yellow dress was handing out flyers, seemingly working a part-time job.

After spotting her, Lin Tianming scanned the area around her.

Confirming there were no suspicious members of the Yellow-clad Church or possessed monsters from the Disaster Lands watching her, Lin Tianming made up his mind.

"Yunfei, I just remembered I have something to do, so I have to leave first. You can have my milk tea, and I won't ask you to pay me back!"

"Huh? Something to do again... Is it another date? Are you coming back to the dorm tonight or not? Hey!"

Before Chu Yunfei could finish his questions, Lin Tianming disappeared into the crowd.

At that moment, the milk tea they ordered was ready for pickup.

"Your take-away milk tea is ready!"

"Thank you!"

With no choice, Chu Yunfei, who originally planned to hang out more with Lin Tianming at Tianhui Plaza, now had to return to the Imperial Capital University alone, carrying two cups of milk tea.

Watching Chu Yunfei enter the nearest subway entrance, Lin Tianming felt relieved and reappeared.

Targeting the girl in the yellow dress still handing out flyers, Lin Tianming quickly walked toward her.

She had not noticed Lin Tianming yet and stepped closer to him to give him a flyer.

"Sir, please take a look at this flyer!"

Lin Tianming took the flyer and saw it was an opening discount flyer for a new eyeglass shop in Tianhui Plaza.

The girl was thrilled to see someone take her flyer and raised her head to see Lin Tianming's face.

As soon as she recognized him, she was so scared that she dropped a bunch of flyers and tried to run away.

To prevent the girl from being found by the Yellow-clad Church or possessed monsters first, Lin Tianming quickly grabbed her arm.

This sudden grab heightened her panic, causing eerie black mist to seep from her body, more sinister than the demonic aura.

Seeing her about to replicate last night's escape, Lin Tianming sternly warned her.

"If you don't want everyone around here to die because of you and be treated as a monster, calm down and listen to me!"

Hearing this, the sinister aura around the girl began to recede.

However, she was still trembling and softly apologized to Lin Tianming.

"I... I didn't mean to make your eyes bleed last night... really... please believe me, don't catch me!"

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