God of Internet

03 – Test of Divine Power

Since I wanted to test my Divine Power and see what I could do with it, I tried to think of something I was already quite familiar with and try it out.

The most successful game I had played was a card game with different magical creatures.

Each card had a creature with an attack power, a defense power, and some kind of effect that could be activated under certain conditions, and what made the game really good was that these creatures could evolve!

So to start testing my Divine Power, the thing I wanted to test was summoning one of the most classic cards in my game.

This being the second time I had used my Divine Power, the feeling was still new to me, but this time I began to feel the subtleties of the movement of this Divine Power and the difference in how my divinity was changing it to do what I wanted.

In less than a second, a card floated in front of me.

As I reached out to grab it, the sensation of holding this card was as real as holding a playing card from my previous world.

Looking at the front of the card, the drawing of a small red dragon spitting fire moved in a very fluid way, as if it were a GIF!

Holding the card, as I was the one who created it, a lot of knowledge about this card came to my mind, and surprisingly I discovered that this card lasted ten hours.

Curious, I looked at the system screen I had projected in front of me and saw that I had spent less than 1 point of Divine Power to materialize it with this quality, meaning that it would be a real thing for 10 hours at a cost of less than 1 point of Divine Power.

Maybe the cost is low because it's just a card? I thought as I tried to understand the cost structure of these things.

Thinking further, I decided to test something even more challenging.

So while holding the card, I thought about what I wanted to happen and kept my eyes on the card.

This time the cost of Divine Power was much higher than the cost of making the card, even 10 times the cost.

But the result made my eyes light up.

The little red two-legged dragon that was just acting like a looped gif on the card slowly began to move and come out of the card!

Slowly it extended its two front claws and leaned on the edge of the card as it jumped into the real world and grew to 60 centimeters in size!

Looking around curiously, the little dragon met my gaze and a big smile appeared on his face as he ran towards me and hugged me.

When I felt his little paws hugging my leg, my eyes widened in amazement.

The feeling of being hugged by him was like being hugged by a real creature!

When I picked him up, I noticed that he even had a weight and mass that matched the 8 kg I had imagined him to have at that size.

Analyzing it with my Divine Power, I discovered that its lifespan was only 6 hours.

Looking at my statistics, I realized that the cost of summoning this little dragon was 5 Divine Power points.

I decided to run some tests, and its intelligence was like the mind of a 4 to 6 year old child.

His strength was quite strong for his size, and he was able to lift one side of my bed without much difficulty, even though he was so small and light.

Most importantly, he could even spit fire, but each time he did something that required him to expend energy, the time he had available to exist decreased, with spitting fire being the action that required the most energy.

But from the temperature I felt from his fire, the little dragon wasn't weak at all!

Of course, compared to the strength I had as an ordinary human in my previous world, as a god in this world, I noticed that all my stats had improved, so while this little 8 kg dragon would have been very heavy on my lap in my previous world, in this world I could hold it with ease.

The problem was the price of summoning it, which cost as much as 6 Divine Power Points.

Considering that it could exist in the world for 6 hours, that was an average of 1 point of Divine Power per hour of existence, so if I reduced the Divine Power I used to create it, I could make it weaker and still have it last 6 hours, or have the same strength but with a shorter duration.

When I thought about how useful it was to be able to summon creatures like that little dragon, I was confused as to why the other gods found the Divinity of Creativity so useless.

As I thought about it, I remembered how the other gods used their powers.

Zack, the God of Thunder, had summoned a huge cloud of thunder in one of the hands-on classes and caused very powerful damage, while saying that he had only used 5 Divine Power Points to cause that damage.

If you compare the damage he did with that attack to the damage I could do with my little dragon, which cost 6 Divine Power points, the comparison was really a bit unfair.

Even though I had much more creative freedom with the style of my god, and even though I am a full god, this advantage was completely negated by how low my attack power was.

As far as I could tell, the only reason I was able to get into this elite military school was because I was a poor orphan who was lucky enough to have awakened a full divinity; if I had been born with only a fragment of the divinity of creativity, I would never have had the chance to study here.

It wasn't for nothing that old Adrian always came last in his class. Although he had a lot of freedom to do whatever he wanted, not only did he have little creativity to use this power in the best possible way, but the level of destruction this power could cause was very weak...' I thought sympathetically.

Considering that I needed 6 Divine Power points to summon such a small dragon, and that a mortal's prayer earned me 1 Divine Power point, and that they prayed one to four times a month at most, it meant that each mortal praying would take more than a month to earn me enough Divine Power to summon this small dragon.

Not to mention, with being such an abstract deity, it would be extremely difficult to attract new believers and make them feel the desire and need to pray to me.

So my first obstacle was not only how to use my divinity in an aggressive and powerful way, but also how to get more believers and make them pray to me often.

Farmers pray to the God of Rain when the land is dry and they need rain to irrigate their crops.

People pray to the Goddess of Life when they are sick and need health to continue living.

But who prays to the God of Creativity?!

Since almost all of the mortal worlds live in a medieval style, where the commoners starve and the nobles squander their profits, would anyone in that situation bother to pray to the God of Creativity?!

Obviously not...

So what could I do to make it better?

Pacing back and forth in my dormitory, my mind worked at top speed trying to come up with possible solutions, but no definitive ones came to mind, so I gave up on one idea after another.

Thinking that this aimless thinking was getting me nowhere, I finally decided to take a break and grabbed my cell phone to search the Internet for something that might give me some inspiration.

Maybe the Internet of the gods was different from the Internet of my previous world? After all, beings that live for thousands of years must have developed an online culture much better than humans.

But when I put my hand in my pocket, I realized that my pocket was empty.

Confused, I started to look for my cell phone as a matter of habit, but surprisingly, my cell phone was nowhere to be found.

Then I suddenly realized something in Adrian's memories of this world.

There was no memory of a cell phone!

Looking around and remembering what I saw outside, I was in a modern world, there were car-like vehicles, there were buildings, there were lamps in the classrooms... the world looked like a modern world, but why didn't I have a cell phone?

When I tried to dig deeper into the memories of this body, I noticed something shocking.

In this divine world, nothing was powered by electricity!

Since electricity is a subclass of a god, using it as a power source was never popularized because it might make the other gods dependent on another god to do everything, which might cause various problems.

So to deal with this, the gods used Divine Power to power the objects that needed it!

Cars were powered by Divine Power, lamps were lit by Divine Power, everything was powered that way!

And since the Gods were beings with very long lives, there was never the rush for innovation that humans had.

The last invention of the Gods was the automobile, which allowed the weaker Gods to move from place to place much more easily.

Even though this was considered a novelty, it was invented over 900 years ago!

Considering their long lifespan, that they were not in a hurry to develop things, and that the creativity needed to develop these novelties was in the hands of another god, I could finally understand why this world was so technologically backward.

But that was an advantage to me, didn't I want a way to get mortals to pray to me more times a week and create a dependency on my divinity?

Wasn't the lack of the Internet a perfect way to do that?

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