God of Internet

05 – First App

This was the next task on the list that I began to develop.

2 - Develop a way for the interface that appeared to one person to react in real time to what another person posted on their Internet, creating real time communication and a real Internet.

Frankly, it was both easy and expensive.

Simple because developing it for my deity wasn't too difficult considering the knowledge I already had with programming and the fact that with "creativity" I could use logical commands for what I was developing, and expensive because I had to develop a communication system between the user interfaces of the prayers.

The communication system I developed for these screens was a server.

A partition of my Divine Power that would store the important information from the Internet and transmit it to whoever needed it at that time.

For example.

If a user opened a page from a library App, the server would send information about the books available, the price to read each book, if there was a price, and it would load the pages of the book for the user to read.

If the user wanted to leave a comment on that book, that comment would be sent to the server I developed and stored for distribution to the next users who requested that information.

The problem I had in developing this part was that storing information on the server was very expensive.

Just storing the contents of a book cost 1 Divine Power Point, so once the server was ready, I had to move on to the third item on my to-do list.

3 - Optimize all of this so that the cost to me in Divine Power was as low as possible.

It wasn't surprising to me that this was the most time-consuming part so far.

As a developer, "developing" has always been the most fun part, the problem is that from this part, everything always came out very heavy, and then came the boring part... "optimizing".

So I spent the next two days optimizing.

Since I couldn't make an interface communicate directly with each other, and communicating each action from the screen to the server used a lot of divine power, I had to make a filter on the user screens where each action would ask if it needed an internet connection or not, if not it would just execute the action locally, if yes it would send that command to the server, and the server would send that information to the other screens.

Basically a simple use of "if or else" with divine power.

This was enough to greatly reduce the cost of divine power for using the Internet screen.

To store the data on the server, I had to encrypt and compress the data.

In this way, the cost of storing external data was a little higher, but in compensation, all the internal data of the Internet would be transferred more easily, faster, and take up less space.

My total Internet development time was already at 4 days, counting the day I came to this world, leaving me only 2 days to finish developing the Internet and get in touch with the mortals who could possibly become my believers.

Seeing how little time I had, I had to cut down on my sleep and spend more waking hours developing the most important part of the Internet, the content!

Keeping in mind that the users were middle-aged people, I had to be very selective about what Apps I would develop and how I would get people interested in the Internet.

To do this, I looked at the main focuses a person might have when using the Internet.

1 - Entertainment: This was the most obvious selling point of the Internet in my previous world. I needed to create an App or Apps where the user could find interesting things to do while using the Internet.

2 - Personal development: This was an important point to give value and credibility to the Internet, an App that had knowledge, advice, or things like that that would make the user feel like their time on the Internet wasn't wasted because they were getting something out of it.

3 - Utility: This point focused on Apps that could make people's lives easier. For example, if a person needed to send a message to relatives who lived in another country or were traveling, it would normally take days for the message to be delivered, but with a messaging app it would happen instantly.

With these three points, I was confident that I could get mortals interested in the Internet and make it something important and possibly essential to them.

So I wanted to start with my first app idea, which could include both entertainment and personal development!


This app, as the name implies, was a virtual library where the user could choose which book he wanted to read, and he could read it at any time, just by praying to me.

To make it more interesting, I based it on the novel sites I read in my previous world and made it so that books could be voted on, could have reviews, and chapters could have comments, which would make the reader feel like they were reading with friends, like a book club, which would make the reading experience much more fun.

The problem with this was how I would go about adding books to the library...

Out of curiosity, I looked at the clock and saw that it was 4:50 p.m., still early.

So I decided to go to the school library to see what books were available.

Since old Adrian never went to the library, I had no idea what I would find there.

Seeing the various students playing with their gods brought a smile to my face every time I saw them, because it was always so interesting to see such magical things happening in front of me.

This gave me the motivation to continue developing the Internet so that I would reach a point where I would have enough divine power to use my deity for fun, just like I did on my first day in this world.

For the time being, my focus was only on work, on dedicating myself to evolving and meeting the deadline for my final exam.

When I arrived at the library, the place was pretty empty, but there were still a few students curiously holding books.

Looking curiously through the shelves, I noticed that most of the books were autobiographies of the gods, some were interesting stories that the gods had observed in the mortal world, while others were explanations and tips on how to develop divine abilities in certain directions.

The books that were most useful to me were the ones that told stories about mortals, so I picked one up with interest.

But as I read these books, the excessive use of formal and complicated language, the excessive and annoying points of view and comments of the gods who wrote them, so many points that made it so boring and tedious to read...

I put down the book I'd stopped reading, got up and started walking around the library, looking at the books on the shelves for something interesting.

Until I found something that caught my eye.

"Mortal Magic: Apprentice"

Just as the title said, this was a book about how mortal magic worked, with very detailed and well-written explanations of mortal magic that completely covered the level of Magical Apprentice.

Surprised, I realized that this book might be quite useful for the Internet, so I read it thoroughly, trying to store the information in my mind so that when I got home, I could use my divinity to send it to the Internet server.

When I saw the author's name, I wasn't too surprised.

"Morgana Arcanis, Goddess of Magic."

The Goddess of Magic, one of the most powerful goddesses in the divine world, with followers in thousands of worlds, from small worlds to gigantic worlds, Morgana was a symbol of prestige in the divine world.

According to the notes she left at the end of the book, this book was something she wrote purely out of boredom, and that she hoped it might serve as an inspiration to the other gods on how to handle their divinity, and how to make it more didactic for mortals should they need it.

Looking for more books like this, I found several different volumes!

"Mortal Magic: Arcane Mage"

"Mortal Magic: Master Mage"

"Mortal Magic: Sage Mage"

"Mortal Magic: Archmage"

Perhaps Morgana didn't bother to make these books available to other gods because they wouldn't be of any use to them except as a reference, since gods couldn't use magic that wasn't related to their deity.

But she didn't imagine that I could create an Internet and use all this knowledge to attract more people to become my followers, did she?

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