God of Internet

18 – Blessing?

"I look forward to working with you, Jaina Proudstone." I said, extending my hand with a smile.

Jaina shook my hand back and nodded in agreement. "I also hope for good cooperation, Lord Athenos, I will pass this information on to the other Archmages and send you an answer as soon as possible."

I nodded and watched her leave.

When I saw Father Robert and Amber looking at me worriedly, I assured them that everything was fine and that they didn't have to worry about Arcantor Magic School.

This made them very relieved, so I talked to them some more and gave them some tips for the classes before I left the mortal world.

My talk with Jaina was quite productive.

Apparently, the government of Arcantor had known about the War of the Gods taking place on this world for many years, possibly from one of the teachers who had come to this world to prepare the students for it.

So I confirmed to Jaina that this war would indeed take place and that each kingdom had been given a god, only the gods of the best kingdoms would remain in this world, and obviously the kingdoms under these gods would be the kingdoms that would benefit the most from all of this.

Of course, I didn't give much information about the divine world, let alone say that we were just students at a school playing with our lives like it was a game.

But even without saying it, I could sense that Jaina already realized that her life wasn't that valuable to the gods, but that only served to make her appreciate me even more, since despite my powers and the influence I could achieve, I was still humble and treated them with respect.

With this discussion, it was decided that the government of Arcantor would not prevent the Internet from spreading throughout the country, but as for their participation in the war, they would have to discuss it with the other archmages before giving me a final answer.

I wasn't worried about the answer, because if they didn't cooperate with me, the only thing left for them would be destruction, since the other gods had set their sights on destroying this kingdom.

So I didn't worry about it and just started looking at the data on the Internet.

And I was very pleased with what I saw.

The number of believers, which was 435 the night before, rose to 770 today, an increase of 77% in just one day!

The Divine Power points I received that day also increased by 79%, giving me 2,335 Divine Power points in a single day!

For a normal god to receive this amount in a month, he would need 583 worshipers, since one prayer was equivalent to 1 Divine Power Point for the other gods.

For the 2,335 Divine Power Points I received in one day, other gods needed 17,512 believers, while I only had 770 believers and received the same amount!

Of course, that's considering that the believers prayed to the other gods an average of 4 times a month, which was normal according to what my teacher said several times, while for me that average prayer was 6 times a day!

That might not sound like much, but if a god ruled a country like Arcantor with a population of 500,000, and managed to get 50% of those people to become believers, that would mean an income of 1,000,000 Divine Power Points per month from 250,000 believers, which was more than enough for the god to rise from an embryonic deity to an elemental deity in a few time.

Of course, this was considering that the god hadn't spent any of the Divine Power Points on battles or anything like that.

Since the god's power was based on his Divine Power, it was understandable that the god would always keep a reserve of Divine Power for battles and emergencies instead of spending it all on evolution.

The more Divine Power the god had, the more powerful the attacks could be, but 1,000 Divine Power points of a rank 1 embryonic deity and 1,000 Divine Power points of a rank 2 embryonic deity had different powers.

It was up to the god to calculate whether it was more worthwhile to store Divine Power or spend it to evolve.

Looking at my character screen, I was satisfied with what I saw.


| Character Status


| Name: Adrian Innovashine

| Titles: God of Creativity, God of the Internet,

| Level: Embryonic Divinity Rank 1


| Divine Power: 3,215 / 10,000 -> 5,550 / 10,000 (+2,335)


I already had more than 50% of the Divine Power points needed to move up a rank, and at the rate I was gaining Divine Power points, it would only be a matter of days before I moved up to Rank 2.

Considering that the test would take 30 days in the divine world and 60 days in the mortal world, it was likely that the other gods would only be able to move up one or two ranks, while I... I felt that I would be able to advance much more than that!

The average time users spent on the Internet was still only 3 hours a day, old users were using it longer, but new users were still cautious about using it.

Something I had already imagined would happen.

So I didn't worry too much about it.

As time went on, the usage rate would increase.

In terms of applications, [CardMasters] managed to overtake [Library] as the most used application by users.

Of the users' usage time, 60% was spent on [CardMasters], 30% on [Library], and only 10% on [Carrier Pigeon].

Since [Carrier Pigeon] was a text-only social network and the vast majority of users were illiterate, its usage was the lowest among the three applications.

It was followed by [Library], which also relied on users to read.

Only [CardMasters] had a large number of users because it didn't require users to be literate.

The next day, I realized that even though Father Robert's lessons were very good compared to the way this world teaches, people's learning speed wasn't as good as I needed it to be.

The test would end in 54 days, and at the rate Robert was teaching, he would hardly be able to make more than 500 people literate by the end of the test...

I needed a way to speed this up...

Back in the divine world, I thought of all the ways I could help mortals learn faster.

The first idea I had was online classes, but the cost of transmitting audio or even video over the Internet was still too high for me... my control of Divine Power as a rank 1 Embryonic Divinity was very low, I would need to raise my rank a few times before I could do something like that without losing.

So I'd have to find another way to solve it...

Thinking back to the lessons I'd had, most of the classes at the Divinity School taught about combat methods and ways to gain the faith of mortals as quickly as possible.

But none of that would help me now.

"It's not like I'm in a war and I can bless a mortal..." But I interrupted my own sentence when I realized that there was a possibility that this could work.

"Blessing, I can bless a mortal, right? What's the limit of a blessing?" I asked myself excitedly.

One of the classes we had was about blessings, and the teacher gave the example of a god with the divinity of fire who could bless a mortal warrior so that he would know how to control the fire in his sword and become a legendary warrior!

This was a great way to create myths and legends among the faithful, making the name of that god much more appealing to mortals, since everyone wanted to receive such blessings.

But blessings were like powers of the gods, the more powerful they were, the more expensive they were in Divine Power Points.

So I couldn't use such a blessing on Robert?

As long as I gave him a blessing that what he taught would be learned many times faster by other people, it could speed up the literacy rate of Arcantor's population even more!

The capital of Arcantor has a population of 130,000, if Robert can teach these people to read and pray in a short time, even if I have to use a lot of divine power, it will quickly come back to me!

But just to be sure, I decided to ask the school for books on blessings so that I could study them as much as possible and make sure that I could use them in the best way possible and get as much out of them as I needed!

While my main body was studying Blessings in the divine world, my consciousness in the mortal world received a call from Jaina via [Carrier Pigeon], possibly about the outcome of her discussion with the other archmages.

This came at a great time, because there's nothing better to get a great teaching place for Robert than from the rulers of Arcantor themselves, right?

So I quickly opened my Internet and looked at her message.


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