God of Internet

30 – Employee benefits

Since I had already developed the [Arcantor Magic School App], using it as the basis for developing the [School] app made the development process much easier.

Of course, there were features of the [School] app that didn't need to be copied from the original app, such as the library feature, but since I planned to make this app completely free, I didn't need to make users spend Internet Coins to buy access to books.

All the books that users would need would be available in the [Library] app to read for free at any time.

It's not even like I'd need people's Internet Coins for anything, since I could generate them endlessly for myself or whomever I wanted.

The only problem I thought keeping the school public might bring is that it would cut off Robert's source of income, but I wouldn't have to stop him from continuing to teach people.

Those who wanted more in-depth instruction or had questions could continue to pay 2 copper coins a week to have access to Robert's classes as usual, as well as to ask him questions outside of class time.

This way, Robert would have a steady source of income and the commoners who were most interested in learning to read faster would have a place to learn even faster and ask questions.

As for the textbooks, I already had several books that I had prepared for Robert and made available in the [Library] app; I could just develop a few more books and create a shortcut in the [School] app that would take the students directly to the textbooks with the exact page that the class needed, making the process as easy as possible for the students.

I even thought of charging students 2 copper coins to use the [School] app, but I thought that would be limiting not only to people who could possibly learn to read and use the Internet even more every day, but also to people who lived outside the capital.

The people in the small villages that Rosalind visited could never learn to read if they never came to the capital to pay two copper coins every week to use the app, so I just got rid of that restriction.

With this set, the development of the app went very fast, so that it was ready to use in less than an hour.

The only new unique thing I developed for this app was the functionality to allow teachers to record and publish lessons.

Since recording lessons would use up my Divine Power, I had to make it as controlled as possible so that no one I didn't trust could access it.

I even added safeguards, such as a limit on how much Divine Power this feature could use in a day, so that it wouldn't become a weakness for me and drain my Divine Power without me noticing.

The biggest change I had to make to the app was on the design side, because while the [Arcantor Magic School App] was developed with educated users in mind, I had to greatly simplify the [School] app's interface so that everyone could use it even if they couldn't read.

With everything ready, I waited for Robert to return to the church and flew with my conscience to the marble body in the church.

As Father Robert entered the church, despite his fatigue, I noticed the sparkle in his eyes at how excited he was to be teaching these people.

"Who would have thought that over 200 people would gather to hear this old man speak, Amber..." He sighed with a proud smile.

"Yes, Father Robert, I too was surprised at how many people showed up to attend the class. Did you notice that even people who didn't know about the Internet were willing to listen to the class and learn from you?" Amber asked excitedly.

Robert nodded his head and continued to smile. "Yes... I believe that what caught their attention was the blessing of the Lord God of the Internet, who made them feel that my explanation was simpler than they had imagined and aroused their interest in learning."

Listening to their conversation, I laughed inwardly and felt that this was very interesting.

It was good to know that the two of them enjoyed teaching the commoners, because it helped me tremendously!

When Robert and Amber saw me coming towards them, they were shocked to see me here and quickly shook themselves out of their relaxed posture and stood up straighter.

"Lord Athenos!" Robert said worriedly. "Was there a problem?" He asked.

Amber was worried too, but bowed her head slightly in respect when she saw me.

"There's no problem Robert, in fact I'm here to tell you some great news." I said smiling politely.

As soon as I said this, I noticed the curiosity on both of their faces and I didn't keep them in the dark.

"The God of the Internet is so pleased with your dedication to teaching illiterate believers that he has created an application to make your job even easier." I said, referring to the God of the Internet as if he were someone else.

Upon hearing this, Robert and Amber were completely shocked.

Since they had been using the Internet for the past few days, they were already familiar with the term 'app', so they knew exactly what I was talking about.

"Are you serious, Lord Athenos? Did the God of the Internet create an app to help us in our mission to teach the faithful?" Robert asked incredulously.

Smiling, I nodded and a floating screen appeared in front of me.

This was the way I always used my Divine Power, both the Internet and the status screen I created to display my data, just a simple blue holographic screen floating in front of me.

But noticing Robert and Amber's shock, I realized that this was probably the first time I had used it in front of them.

I didn't worry about it and just waved for them to come over to my side.

With curiosity in their eyes, they both approached me and I pointed to the new app icon on my screen.

The app was there in the middle right, next to the [Arcantor Magic School App].

[Carrier Pigeon]



[Arcantor National]

[Arcantor Magic School App]


"Wasn't that just one app, Lord Athenos? Why are there two new apps on your Internet?" Amber couldn't help but ask.

Realizing that she had spoken, Amber froze and ducked her head, afraid that she had offended me.

Noticing this, Robert was also startled and was about to speak for her to me.

Normally, nobles hated to interact with commoners, so it was understandable that they thought I might be offended by something like this.

Of course, I wasn't worried about such a silly thing, so I calmly replied after thinking about her question.

"Actually, the [Arcantor Magic School App] has been available for a few days now, but only the teachers and students of the Arcantor Magic School have access to it. Since you both work for the God of the Internet, I don't think it would be a problem to give you access to this app as well," I said. I said as I waved my hand.

As soon as I waved it, the books in their hands quickly issued a notification, and when they opened them, they saw that there were indeed two new apps in their books.

"Lord Athenos, is there any problem giving us access to something as exclusive as an app for the Magic School?" Robert asked, genuinely concerned.

I just shook my head. "You're a priest of the Church of the Internet God, so it's only fair that you get some benefits from the Internet God himself for using the Internet, right? Just don't do anything inappropriate on the application. If you want to read the Arcantor Magic School books, you can pay Internet Coins and read them just like the Magic School students."

Upon hearing this, Robert was impressed, but Amber was truly shocked.

As a young girl, she had dreamed of becoming a powerful magician, to the point that she practiced magic every night before going to sleep, using the excuse that it was so that she could pray more to the God of the Internet with the extra mental power she had developed from this training.

But she knew she was doing it for the dream of becoming a real magician.

Now that she even had the right to read books from the Arcantor Magic School's exclusive library, Amber felt extremely grateful to the Persona of Athenos and the God of the Internet for making this possible.

But I didn't worry about it and started explaining to them how the application [School] worked.

When they heard that the 'God of the Internet' was willing to spend more divine power than he would earn so that the commoners could learn to read and write, I could see the emotion welling up in them.

They were both extremely grateful and said that they would be willing to record as many hours of lessons as I wanted every day to help the Internet God as much as possible.

Shaking my head, I explained that they would only need to record one hour's lesson a day and post it separately according to the level of knowledge the students should have for that audio before posting it for all Internet users to hear.

When Robert heard that his lesson would be listened to by thousands of people every day, he even started to get nervous, but with me and Amber there to calm him down, the old man plucked up courage and decided to try recording the lessons as I had suggested.

The preparation time for the lesson was a bit long, so I let the two of them prepare what they were going to record while I looked at how the Internet was developing in the kingdom of Arcantor.


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