God’s Cube

Chapter 18

“Welcome to the Mediterranean Academy for the Enhanced." 

Called a voice drawing their attention. A tall, imposing figure stood at the top of the stone steps leading into the main hall, clothed in the Academy's official dark blue robes. His graying hair and sharp eyes gave him an air of authority. 

"I am Headmaster Orion, and I will be overseeing your progress during your time here.”

Thesi felt a ripple of anxiety wash over him as the headmaster's gaze swept the group. He obviously had already heard that name, and he was no ordinary headmaster, as he was a Green. That meant he had completed both the Blue Cube trials followed by the Yellow one, one of the very few in the world. A prestigious figure like his would almost be able to walk any path, so it raised the Academy’s position in the world to have such a figure in its ranks.

"You have been selected to join this Academy because you lived through your first Cube trial, but living through one Cube does not grant you immunity from the next, or to life in general. The enhancements you obtain need to be cultivated for you to take your rightful place in this world."

A hush was cast over the students. They already knew what she was saying, else they wouldn’t be present here, but it still cast a gloomy reminder over their goals.

“Some of you will try for your second Cube at the end of your third year, that is when we believe you will be most prepared for it. We do not recommend any other time frame. Not all will graduate, train hard, study hard, and make use of every facility we offer." 

Orion said, his eyes narrowing. Thesi wasn’t planning to slack, but he could notice Augusto wince as if that message felt targeted.

"Classes begin tomorrow, find your dormitories, settle in, and prepare yourselves. You're not children anymore."

Headmaster Orion concluded. With that, he turned and swept back into the main hall, leaving the students to digest his words. Thesi gave Augusto a look, unbothered by the headmaster's gravity.

"Well, wasn't that exciting, you'd think they would at least give us one day to soak in the view before telling us how our lives will be full of work."

Amina muttered, crossing her arms.

Thesi said nothing and Vasko as well was crossing his arms.

"Let's find our dorms and get settled. Sounds like a fresh start"

Augusto said, breaking the silence. Thesi nodded, though the idea of a fresh start felt weird to him. What had been offered by Flavio was a fresh start, this felt just a continuation on his path.

The interior of the Academy was just as impressive as the exterior. High ceilings supported by intricately carved stone columns reached upwards, the air cool and heavy with the scents of aged wood and something floral from nearby gardens. Sunlight streamed through large stained glass windows, casting colorful patterns along the polished floor.

"Wow, this place is incredible."

Amina hushed in awe as she took in her surroundings. 

“It is like a castle, feels a bit oppressive, as if they want to keep the students here."

Vasko said, squinting to consider the details. Augusto chuckled at the remark. 

"You mean to keep us from running away?”

As they walked toward the dorm assigned to them, a weird sense took over Thesi, he couldn’t quite pinpoint what it’d be, but the idea of sharing daily a room with people that didn’t know everything about him made him uneasy. He still had some unanswered truths even for Augusto afterall.

"Rooming arrangements are just through here, shall we go see who our neighbors are?".

Augusto said, pointing at a wooden door with a brass plaque. Thesi hesitated a moment before stepping inside. The room was large and shared by four students, two bunk beds pressed against the walls with desks and chairs placed neatly between them, a small window which opened out onto a courtyard full of greenery and training dummies.

The others were making their way to their various bed assignments, but Thesi was drawn to the one alongside the window, he did often enjoy the beauty of looking through his class window in highschool.

"Let's get ourselves settled in and then meet back here within the hour, we need to check out the grounds and see what we're dealing with."

Said Amina, already digging into her suitcase. Vasko nodded at her statement and mouthed his wish as well.

"Sounds good, I want to see the training facilities."

Thesi nodded at their words and began to unpack. An hour passed and the four friends stepped out into the courtyard as they reassembled. The sun was beginning to set, the ringing laughter and shouts surrounded them as other students began to mingle, forming small clusters reminiscent of the social dynamics that were in play.

They strolled across the training fields where some students were practicing hand-to-hand combat or tactical maneuvers. Some were armed, while others showed their enhanced abilities. Thesi watched with wonder but was scared from the very start. He needed to pay attention with his strength and more importantly speed, he didn’t want to be outed yet as a Mixed, he didn’t know what that would imply for him and it would make challenging the yellow cube harder.

As they continued on the walk, they passed a small circle around a fire pit. The dancing flames revealed profiles of students sharing stories probably of home, definitely some about their first Cube approaches. Noticing Thesi’s curious glances at the group, Augusto turned to him and asked.

"Want to join them?" 

“Not sure, I want to settle in before making new aquaintances. I’ll go look a bit around, don’t wait for me if you wish to join them.”

"Alright, we'll be around, just don't isolate yourself too much, Thesi. Took you 4 years to even interact with someone outside of Augusto back in highschool.”

Amina said more softly, reading his reluctance. The circumstances were different, was Thesi’s first thought, but he simply nodded and went his way. He moved to the edge of the courtyard and leaned against one of the cool stone walls, staring upwards at the stars just beginning to twinkle through the darkening sky. 

He took a deep breath and steadied the turmoil of emotions inside. The meeting with Tamer shaked him, he knew now why his desire to challenge and progress was so etched in his heart, it was definitely part of his influence, but it still didn’t sit right with him.

"What are you thinking about?" 

A voice cut through his thoughts. Thesi turned to see a woman, willowy and tall, about his age standing by him, her silver veins glinting in the poor light. She was the yellow he spotted earlier in the boat. At her sight, Thesi’s response came with a bit of unease. 

"Just processing, this place is a lot to take in."

Eira nodded, her expression softening. 

"It is. It is everything and nothing like I imagined it, My name’s Eira by the way, I have a feeling you’re in my class since you’re about my age."

“Thesi, will be starting my first year, so yeah probably.”

"Classmates, you sound fun, there’s something about you. Something different, I like that."

Thesi swallowed hard. Maybe it was because she was a Yellow, but his mind couldn’t help but shift to him being a Violet, he couldn’t even consider that she had just called him a loner. Regaining his composure he tried to continue the exchange.

"You make it sound like there's more to this place than meets the eye."

Eira smiled

"Trust me, there is. The Academy isn't just about training and preparing you for the new world, that I am sure of.”

She said this, then turned and strode back in the direction of the dormitories, leaving Thesi to stew on her words. He took another great breath, the stars above still twinkling. This was only the beginning of a journey that would test his beliefs in himself, his friends, and change forever his perception of the world controlled by the mysterious power granted by the Cubes.

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