God’s Guide for Teasing Heroes

Chapter 13: Yanase Yokuami and Unique Skill



A girl with long brown hair was standing in front of the castle gates with an old man. 

The two looked like mages since both of them are wearing magical-looking robes. 

The old man wears an elaborate robe with a fancy design and golden-colored hem. 

His wizard-like appearance makes him appear like a very powerful mage. 

This was while the Brown-haired girl was standing in front of the old man listening to his various advice. 



This girl was Yanase Yokuami one of the 28 heroes that were summoned into this world. 

She had been training with the court magicians this past 3 weeks to hone her skills in magic.  

As she was training with her other classmates in the empire, she noticed a change in her appearance. 

The color of her hair changed from the original black color into an earthy brown color. 

This was the reason she wanted to have a beige-colored robe with orange and brown designs with her robe. 

She also carries a wooden magic staff with her that only makes her look like a proper-looking mage. 




Yanase POV 



"Here's your 100-gold coin" <Orga> 

"Thanks, Gramps..." <Yanase> 

"Honestly I feel lonely." <Orga> 

"Cheer up gramps! I honestly feel thankful toward you~" <Yanase> 

"First Reno, Emika and Akemi. Then Shino, and now you too... Also, it seems that the others are preparing to do the same." <Orga> 



I felt bad for the old man. 

These past 3 weeks he's been the one who was looking after us in this unknown place. 

At first, we were doubting his intention thinking that he had an ulterior motive. 

But the longer we are together we realized that his action was genuine and was truly from the heart. 

This world was really on the edge of falling before the rein of the demon lord who is slowly conquering the world. 

They had no choice but to summon heroes from the other world. 



Orga really was a good person.  

Although... I am not saying that all of them had no desire on using us for their benefit. 

Orga Les Versi was not one of them. 

This old man had wanted us to choose our path in this world. 

Yes, He might be hiding something from us but that does not change the fact that he had been taking care of us. 

The old man had been diligently training us, informing us, guiding us, and even scolding us on time. 

It feels like he had become the "grandparent" figure to us in this world. 



"Well then Gramps, Bye!" <Yanase> 

"Take care, remember you can always come back here!" <Orga> 

"Yup! I'll keep that in mind!" <Yanase> 



I ventured on my own and explore this world with my own eyes. 



I walked around the town and saw the location of the Adventurer's Guild. 

It was not hard to find after all it was sticking out like a sour thumb out of all the buildings around the plaza. 

2 Large concrete building stands out from all the wooden structures around the area that you would immediately know that that place was something important. 

Those buildings were the Adventurer's guild building and the other one is the Scale Atelier's building. 

I choose to enter the Adventurer's guild building. 

I registered in the guild while befriending one of the guild's receptionists. 



At the moment I am still level 1 and my status was not standing out amongst my classmates. 

My stats were about average compared to my classmates. 

Luckily, I am a mage. 

I need not fight monsters’ heads on. 

I pictured the status I had in my head as I was aware of them even without looking at my Status card. 



I had 100 gold which was a good amount of money that allows me to not have any problem with my living expenses for a long time. 

I heard from the soldiers before that they receive 1 Gold coin a week from the Empire and that 1 gold coin is enough to provide for a whole family to go by for a week with all the needs provided.  

When I registered in the guild, I deposited most of my money at the guild bank and only had 4 gold coins and a few silver and copper coins at hand. 

Today, I went out of the castle gate for the first time. 



I was looking forward to testing my skills with the monsters that live within the area. 

I went toward the western gate where a lot of weak monsters can be found. 

It was a 40-minute walk from the western gate of the empire, there I saw the forest. 

I could immediately see various kinds of monsters in the area. 

There was a rabbit that had a horn on its head. 

An odd-looking bird that looked very unique features in its body like having a scaled forehead. 

There insect that was as large as a fully grown dog. 

There were large rat-like creatures, worms, and weird-looking beings. 

It was Unlike in the forest near the northern gate where most monsters living in the shallow area of the forest were slimes. 



I saw other adventurers nearby who were working as a party as they went toward the deeper part of the forest. 

As for me, I was just looking forward to testing the skills I learned at the castle as a result of my training. 

For the moment I have 2 common skills and one unique skill at my disposal. 



I gathered myself and locked my eyes on the target. 

I pointed my wooden staff toward the bird who was sitting still on a branch of a tree. 

Yellowish faint light gathered at the tip of my staff and felt a decrease in my energy which was a sign of mana depletion. 

A sharp brown object appeared adjacent to the light that was coming from the wooden staff that I was holding. 

"Stone Spike!" <Yanase> 

I said the name of the skill and the Stone left the staff and flew forward at great speed. 

This was a skill of mine. 

A magic skill that I learned through my training within the castle. 



I felt a tingling sensation, it was the feeling of shame. 

"Haha, I can't get accustomed to shouting the skill name." <Yanase> 

I felt itchy all over from the fact that I still need to say the name of the skill for the stone to fly forward. 

It can’t be helped since I needed to do that for the magic to work. 

Mages in the Empire even do "Chanting" which minimizes the Mana needed to cast a Magic skill and at the same time boosts its effect. 

That is how this magic skill works, since I still can’t make the stone fly without saying the skill name, I had no choice but to do it despite feeling cringy. 

But as far as I know, casting magic without chanting was possible, and doing so would take a lot of practice. 

And so, this became my personal goal at the moment in terms of casting my magic. 

That is for me to be able to use magic without saying a single word 



The stone spike struck the bird and some blood sprayed out of it as the fast-flying stone came in contact with it. 

The stone pierced a hole through the unsuspecting bird killing it on the spot. 

It fell lifelessly on the floor. 



"It worked! I defeated a monster!" <Yanase> 

I took out my status card and excitedly said "Status" 






I was disappointed that my level did not go up. 

Leveling up from killing monsters makes us stronger but at the same time, you need to defeat quite a lot of them to level up. 

I learned from the soldiers and mages at the castle who were training. 

I was hoping that that would not apply to me since I was one of the 28 Heroes that was summoned from another world but it seemed I was wrong to have my hopes up. 



"No change huh? Well, that is to be expected...I think…" <Yanase> 

Honestly, I was hoping to have the special ability to level up fast but that would not be the case. 



"Alright! next!" <Yanase> 

I pumped my fist to hype myself to continue trying out my skill with the monsters. 

I killed quite some monsters in the area but my level did not go up. 

I was amazed by the fact that after killing so many monsters it was still insufficient to increase my level by at least 1. 

"I need to defeat some stronger monster to level up huh?" <Yanase> 



I looked toward the deeper part of the forest. 

I was tempted to go deeper but I stopped myself from doing just that. 

"Haha, now Yanase don't do that... I know you want to level up but I need to do this in a safer way..." <Yanase> 

I said to myself. 

I turned around to get rid of that idea. 




I heard a voice coming from the direction where I was looking a moment ago. 

It was coming from quite far away. 

But since the forest was practically silent that only the rustling from the trees and faint noises from the calls of the monsters in the area is heard. 

The call of the person seeking help was amplified from that silence and that sudden call for help immediately caught my attention. 



"What?" <Yanase> 

I turned my head in that direction to see what was happening. 

I ran in that direction while holding my wand in front of my body. 

A few moments later I heard the call of help once again this time it was even louder. 



"It's close" <Yanase> 

A minute of running later. 

I saw the party that I saw earlier who had entered the forest not too long ago. 

The party of 5 people was fighting a large humanoid creature holding a gigantic club in its hands. 

It was a monster that was about 3-meter-tall, its hands were also long was that was about 2 meters long, 

Its legs were short compared to its large upper body. 

It was also leather armor-like equipment on its body and was wearing tattered shorts as well. 

Its face was round and yellow fangs from its lower jaw were protruding out of its mouth. 

The muscular body of the monster together with its green skin only pointed to one particular monster. 

"An Ogre?!" <Yanase> 

I voiced out the name of the monster. 



An Ogre was a monster considered a C-rank monster 

It means that the required level to face one was that of a C-rank Adventurer. 

For me who is just an F-rank and a total beginner at that, this kind of monster was not on the level I could take on. 

If it was with Hano this would not be a problem. 

But for me who was just level 1 with stats that were not particularly high, this monster was bad news. 



I looked toward the 5 adventurers, one of them was badly injured while getting healed by the healer of the party. 

2 other members who seemed to have warrior-type jobs 

One was using a spear while the other had a great sword. 

They are taking the attention of the Ogre fighting it up close. 

The two are carefully picking their chance to attack since one hit from the club of the ogre would end up being fatal. 

Meanwhile, a female archer was also drawing its attention by shooting arrows at the ogre. 

Unfortunately, the tough skin of the ogre would not allow the arrow to pierce into its body much less for it to take significant damage. 

I knew just by looking that these people had little to no chance of defeating this monster. 



The party was definitely in a dire situation. 

If I leave them alone, they would be wiped out, but I could only do so much to help them. 

There was no other adventurer near the area so we could not hope for more adventurers to come by. 



The Ogre swung its club toward one of the adventurers who was wielding the great sword. 

He dodged by ducking so low into the ground that he almost kissed the floor. 

The club cleaved into the trees around the area. 

If I were hit by that I would certainly be dead. 



The spear wielder attacked the ogre from behind. 

"hyaa!" <Spearman> 

He was able to pierce through the skin of the ogre but was not enough to do fatal damage by itself. 

But it was enough to call the attention of the ogre toward himself. 



"GRARRRRRRR!!!' <Ogre> 

The Ogre roared and wildly swung its club around at random. 

The spear wielder was able to move his spear in front of his body and blocked the grazing swings of the ogre. 

Although it was just a wild swing it still was able to blow away the spear wielder despite him blocking the attack with his metal spear. 



"Gha~ haa" <Spearman> 

he was tossed flying backward 

His back slammed into one of the trees behind him. 

He staggered and coughed while crouching on the floor in pain. 

"Harley!" <Archer> 

One of his companions called out to him. 

"Dammit" <Warrior> 



The sword wielder took a stance once again. 



Since the ogre still did not know about my existence, I began channeling my mana into the staff in my hand. 

I placed it perpendicular to the ground. 

I concentrated on my magic. 

Although I was able to recover most of my mana after resting not so long ago. 

The mana gathering into the staff drained my mana reserve greatly. 

My head hurt from the sudden depletion of mana. 

"Transmute!" <Yanase> 

After a minute of concentrating I was able to cast my magic. 



I learned many things in the castle. 

I learned how to use a magic skill such as the (Stone Spike I) 

Back in the castle, we checked our status with the status stone that presented our stat, job, titles, and skill. 

There I learned that I have a unique skill called (Transmute). 

Using that Unique skill allows me to change any non-living thing with my magic. 

This magic uses quite an amount of mana so I wish to not use it often. 

But, in this situation, I have no choice or else those people might die. 

I need to do everything I need to do to help them 

And so I used my skill on the ground. 



The ground where the ogre was standing became mud. 

The ogre's feet sunk into the mud.  

"What? what is that? What is happening." <Warrior> 

The adventurers became confused as they did not know what was happening at the moment.  

"I'm here to help! I am limiting its movement at the moment!" <Yanase> 

The adventurers looked in my direction and nodded in response. 



I once again concentrated on the area that had turned into mud. 

I have lost quite an amount of mana, more than what I had lost a while ago. 

My purpose for turning the ground into the mud was to prevent the Ogre from moving. 

This was so I could execute the magic I was working on right now. 

As I was casting on my magic the other adventurers were attacking the Ogre which was stuck in place as its feet could not move away from the mud. 

When it tries to pull one of its feet the other would sink, the more it struggled the faster it sank into the ground. 



The greatsword wielder and the archer was attacking the ogre nonstop. 

Not long after, despite being in pain the spear user joined the fray with his spear. 



My magic took a long time to work. 

The adventurers understood this as well without me explaining it to them. 

They are quite skilled adventurers for them to understand this quickly. 

More than a minute had passed by. 

My mana was pushed to the limit. 



"Alright! step back, everyone!" <Yanase> 

I shout as I was about to unleash my magic. 

A magic circle appeared from below the Ogre 



Suddenly the muddy ground within that circle disappeared like it was never there. 

It created a circular hole and the Ogre fell into it. 

Under that hole were spikes and those spikes pierced the ogre from below. 

That fall managed to do some damage to the ogre but it was not enough to kill it. 



"GRRAAA" <Ogre> 

The ogre growled in pain. 

The party of adventurers did not miss this chance and attacked the exposed head of the ogre. 

The spear user thrust his spear into the eyes of the ogre while the great sword wielders swung his sword vertically into the crown of the ogre. 

They used this chance to finish off the ogre. 

Finally, the ogre made its final cry and died inside the pit hole. 



I fell to the ground as I felt the depletion of my mana from my body. 

I lost my strength to stand up and fell on my butt. 

I took out my status card while still sitting on the ground. 






I level up by 1. 

My STR, AGI, DEX, and VIT increase by 1 while my INT increased by 3. 

My mana went down from about 90% to 8.21% in just 2 use of my (Transmutation) skill. 

This was especially true when I cast the second one which made a hole in the ground. 



"As expected, this skill drains too much of my mana." <Yanase> 

The Transmutation skill. 

Back when we were checking our status for the first time in the castle 

This was the only skill that I possess back then. 



The transmutation was recorded to be a skill possessed by a legendary magician who once lived in the world more than 500 years ago. 

The transmutation skill can change the form of any object like what I did with the ground a while ago. 

Changing the earth into the mud and changing the earth into dust. 

But despite being useful this skill uses too much mana and takes too much time to cast in actual battle. 

If only this magic does not deplete Mana too much, I could have made a deeper and wider hole for the ogre to fall while making sure it would die from falling alone. 




I breathe out some air as a sign of relief. 

One of the adventurers went close to my side. 

This bulky man was the great sword wielder 

He was about in his mid-20s, and he had a very generic face that is not good-looking nor it is bad. 

His good build body makes him give off the feel of a swordsman. 

He was wearing a sturdy-looking set of leather armor and a simple shirt and pants under it while carrying his sword on his back. 



"You save us there miss; I give you our thanks. Please accept this as a symbol of our gratitude." <Warrior> 

The man handed me a beautiful blue crystal. 

"No~ no~ you don't have to! I am just ..." <Yanase> 

"Please...I would be happy if you accepted this, honestly, I feel that this is not enough but still... please accept it." <Warrior> 

I was waving my hand and shaking my head. 

The man was looking down when I tried to refuse his thanks. 

With his plea, I gratefully accepted his thanks and received the Crystal 

"Uhg.. well then it can't be helped...then ... I am grateful for this." <Yanase> 



I examined the Crystal while holding it in my hands 

It gave off a faint glow and was giving off mana. 

"What is this." <Yanase> 

"ah, that is a mana crystal we found it when we were exploring a low-level dungeon before" <Warrior> 

"Oh... so this is a mana crystal... it's beautiful." <Yanase> 



Mana Crystals. 

During our stay in the castle, we were educated about this kind of thing. 

Mana Crystals are stone-filled with Mana and are used for creating weapons and armor. 

The brighter the glow the stronger the mana it has and the more expensive it would be. 

A mana Crystal was a rare item that could be sold at a high price depending on the mana it has. 

The guild as well as merchants would be willing to buy them at a high price. 



The other four came towards the two of us. 

I was still sitting on my butt so I tried to stand up. 

I am feeling exhausted from having low mana and I had a hard time getting up. 

The sword wielder reaches out his hand toward me to help me stand up. 

I dusted off my buttock after getting up. 



"You saved us there miss. Thank you, Thank you very much." <Injured Man> 

One of the adventurers who was being healed by the healer spoke to me while being shouldered by the spear-wielder adventurer. 

It was a male in his late teens. 

He was wearing a light set of metal armor while wearing a hooded brown cape while carrying a short sword and a broken shield in his left hand. 

It seemed that he used this shield to block the Ogre's attack from before since there were traces of fresh blood coming from the broken parts of the shield. 



"Yeah, we were almost got done there! We are grateful that you answered our call for help back then, really you're a lifesaver." <Spearman> 

The spear user said while giving me a thumbs up. 

He was a tall guy with brown hair, he was thin but had a muscled-filled body. 

He was wearing a light set of leather armor and a handkerchief tied to his left arm. 



"Thank you! Thank you... if you did not arrive, we have probably been..." <Healer> 

The healer who was fairly beauty keeps on bowing her head towards me while thanking me with tears in her eyes. 

She was a young girl about my age. 

She had light brown hair and eyes, and her face was a bit rounded but it only adds to her charm. 

She was wearing a nun-inspired robe that was mostly black and white in design. 



While the female archer who had been silent on the side bowed to me as well. 

She had a long ear and just by one look, I notice that she was not a human but an elf. 

Her light clothing and armor show her pearl white skin and slender body. 

Her eye color was green and had a very innocent gorgeous face 

She was a beauty, a beauty that rivals the most beautiful ladies in my memory. 



The greatsword wielder spoke. 

"It's kind of late but let me introduce myself. I am Marvin, a Warrior and the leader of this party." <Warrior/Marvin> 

He pointed at the elf lady, I realized that my eyes were glued to her so I shook my head. 

It seems that Marvin had noticed this and introduced her to me. 

"This lady is Vis as you can see, she's an elf." <Marvin> 

The elf girl bowed to me again. 

"Hi, thanks to earlier you save us there" <Archer/Vis> 



Marvin pointed at the healer next. 

"This one is..." <Marvin> 

"I am April, my job is a Cleric, thanks again and nice to meet you." <Healer/April> 



The spear wielder snapped his finger to get my attention, noticing it was successful he gave me a playful grin. 

"My name is Harley! my job is a spearman!" <Spearman/Harley> 

He said his introduction while doing a thumbs-up pose I somehow see it as funny to look at as I imagined that his teeth sparkle as he ended his sentence. 



Then the last one who was being shouldered by Harley spoke in a bit of pain. 

"And I am Francis, I am swordsman. I am sorry for what happened this was all because of me." <Injured Man/Francis>  

"Don't say that Frans it was because you protected me!" <April> 

April immediately disagreed with Francis who was trying to carry the blame for getting into that situation. 



"Enough with that! no one is blaming you. No one had ever imagined that such a monster would appear in such a place anyway, so do not blame yourself, Frans. Anyway... can we know the name of our savior?" <Marvin> 

"Savior?! no please! that is too much! I just did what I can to help It would be impossible for me to defeat such a monster if I was alone!" <Yanase> 

"ahaha, ok got it you're such a shy one, aren’t you?" <Marvin> 

"Buhhh..." <Yanase> 



I sigh and gave up. 

I ended up introducing myself to Marvin and his party members. 

"I am Yanase Yokuami, you can just call me Yanase. I am a mage... I just became an adventurer today." <Yanase> 

"What?! you're a newbie? you got to be lying!" <Marvin> 

Marvin, April, Vis, Francis, and Harley made a surprising look since they were not expecting me to be a newbie adventurer. 

They began asking me questions to confirm this but the more they ask questions the more amazed they got. 



I tried to change the subject and pointed at the Ogre who was still inside the pitfall. 

"More importantly what should we do with that!" <Yanase> 

Marvin looked to where I was pointing at. 

"Ahh... right we should take some part of its skin and deliver it to the guild as proof of killing it." <Marvin> 

"Proof? why?" <Yanase> 

I asked since I have no idea why would he do that. 



"Since this monster is rarely seen in this area, we must report it to the guild. As proof that we defeated one, we must take a part of its body to confirm it. We can also get a reward from this. It may not count as a successful quest but still... the guild will give some reward for defeating this monster." <Marvin> 

"I see... is it odd that a monster such as this one appears in such a place?" <Yanase> 

"It's not that odd, but rather it's rare... There are times that the monster that lives in the deeper part of the forest would lose his way up to here and often time this would lead to a disaster, but since we managed to defeat it we still have to report this so that the guild may keep a record of things and use it as a reference if something odd might be happening." <Marvin> 

Marvin explained. 



We went to the guild after taking a part of the skin of the Ogre. 

Delivering the skin to the guild's reception and reporting the existence of the Ogre that we defeated. 

After all of the assessments, we are rewarded with 500,000 Dal. 

Marvin's party insisted to reward me but I refused. 

As a result, we ended up splitting the reward and they gave me 250,000 Dal 

I tried to refuse this but they would not budge. 

In the end, I accepted the 250,000 Dal as thanks for helping them defeat the Ogre. 



I ended up chatting with the adventurer that I met today. 

We happily chat in the guild's pub while eating. 

Since April had already depleted her mana trying to heal Francis during the fight with the ogre. 

Francis is getting treated properly by the healers from the guild who are on standby at all times. 

There are no hospitals in this world so if you are sick or in need of treatment for an injury you can look for a cleric in the guild or go to the church to get yourself treated. 

We said goodbye and parted ways after having chats in the guild's pub on the first floor. 

When we parted ways, it was already late noon. 



There were a lot of inns in the city so I decided to look for one and got into an inn called "Four-leaf Clover" 

It was a very classy inn where the ambiance was nice and the food was great. 

It gave off a very high-class vibe to it. 

I rested for the day and prepared for the next. 



Morning came and I got up from the soft bed of the single room I rented. 

It was the first bell of the morning. 

The breakfast was served as a servant delivered it to my room just in time 

I ate the hot soup and soft bread served by them and it tasted great. 

I then prepared to venture once again and went out after eating and washing up. 

I went toward the western gate once again and took some subjugation quests on the way. 

I managed to finish 3 F-rank quests for that day and the day after that. 

Being an adventurer was surprisingly fun since it seemed that I always get to experience new things every time. 



This was the fourth day of me being an adventurer and doing a quest and venturing into the forest to kill some monsters for some quests. 

This became a fun routine for me. 



I notice that a crowd of people was gathering toward the western gate. 

Out of curiosity, I look at the reason why the people were gathering. 

I saw four of my classmates and 2 other familiar people leading an entourage of people. 

It was the Heroes' party 



"Ah... so today is the day... huh wow, so it has been a month now?" <Yanase> 

I stared at the heroes’ party which was waving their hands at the people who were giving them smiles of hope. 

"Do your best, Pres., Chiho, Eiko, Mizuko... I am rooting for your success." <Yanase> 



When the party exited the western gate. 

The people began to dissipate in the area to work and do their usual tasks. 

The people looked empowered and returned to their own business with smiles and boosted morale. 

They are all hopeful for the heroes' departure. 

This signifies that soon, this world will be in peace for the hero will defeat the Demon Lord. 



Later on, I went to the guild to take on some quests. 

There I saw Marvin and his party looking at the quest board outside the guild. 

"Mr. Marvin! good morning" <Yanase> 

"OH! Good morning miss Yanase!" <Marvin> 

He greeted me with his usual vigor. 

I exchange a good morning with the other as well. 



"Miss Yanase are you going out for a quest today too?" <Marvin> 

"Actually yes, but I still have not accepted any quest today I was just going to check what I could take up." <Yanase> 

"Hoo... then would you like to go with us on a quest?" <Marvin> 

"Eh?" <Yanase> 

"We may not look like it but were E-rank adventurers you see. If you come with us you can join us to do an E-rank quest. Well, that is only if you're OK with it?" <Marvin> 

I glanced at Marvin’s party members. 

All of them were smiling at me, no one seemed to be against that idea. 

Their smiles give me the impression of trying to encourage me to accept Marvin's proposal. 

"...If I’m not bothering you then I would love to." <Yanase> 



"Really! YEY!" <April> 

April grabbed my hand right away after hearing that I was willing to accept Marvin's suggestions. 

Her face was close to mine that it was just a foot away from my face. 

Despite being a girl, I could not help but to get amazed at how cute April was especially when she smiles like this. 



"We're counting on you miss Yanase." <Harley> 

Harley said with his usual thumbs-up pose and smile. 

Marvin, April, Vis, and Francis happily accepted me into their party. 

"Ah, me too. Please take care of me." <Marvin> 

I replied timidly while looking downward to hide my embarrassed face from them. 



We accepted several E-rank Subjugation and collection quest from monsters before we departed that same day in the evening. 

And so, from that day forward, I became a temporary member of their party. 

After just a few days I became comfortable with this group. 

Marvin then asked me to join their party officially. 

I did not think twice and joined them. 

And so, I became a member of the party called "Brave Road" 



We celebrated the occasion by drinking and eating in the Guild's pub after registering me officially into their party at the guild. 

Of course, I did not drink liquor instead, I drank fruit juice. 

This was not because I am a minor but because I just personally dislike the taste of alcohol. 

It was the same with April as well. 

There are no age restrictions for one to drink alcoholic drinks in this world. 

While the other 4 took their alcohol. 

One of the receptionists in the guild name Miss Cecil wrote my name on the official list of party members in their registration form. 



As we were eating lively at the pub. 

"NEWS!" <Courier> 

A news courier arrived in the guild carrying a piece of paper in his hands. 



The guild receptionist approached the messenger and took the paper in his hands. 

"Daniella!" <Cecil> 

The guild receptionist called out another one of the receptionists who was resting on the third floor of the guild. 

"Yes! Cecil-senpai!" <Daniella> 

She peaked out from the railing on the third floor where the guild library was located. 

"Take this and give it to the guild master right away!" <Cecil> 

Daniella came downstairs as fast as she could as she felt the urgency of the matter. 

Cecil gave the letter to Daniella who read the parchment with a comprehensive eye and opened the door leading upstairs toward the guild master's office. 

After which Cecil went toward the receptionist's table and began writing something on a piece of paper. 



"I wonder what's up." <Francis> 

Said Francis who became curious about what the commotion was all about. 

It was not every day that one would see a guild receptionist this startled. 

We continued eating while watching Cecil who was busy writing something at the receptionist's table. 

Cecil checked the content of what she wrote on the paper and went up to where Daniella went from a short while ago. 

We speculated what was up. 



Marvin declared his idea about what was happening. 

"It's probably some big quest coming up." <Marvin> 

"Big Quest?" <Yanase> 

I asked 

"It happens from time to time. Well I only experience it once way back when I was still an F-rank" <Marvin> 



Marvin was the only member of this E-rank Party to be a D-rank Adventurer. 

It has been a long time since he became an adventurer and saying that he experiences it way back when he was an F-rank means that this happened quite some time ago. 

So, I joked. 

“So, this happened 100 years ago…”  <Yanase> 

“Hey! I am not that old!” <Marvin> 

“Eh~ You're not?! You’re lying~??” <Yanase> 

The other four laughed at my joke toward the party leader. 



Marvin gained his composure and spoke after coughing several times. 

"Jokes aside, it’s probably a quest that requires us to go to another place that is seeking the help of other adventurer’s guild." <Marvin> 

"Hee..." <Yanase> 



Marvin began to tell us the story of what happened back then. 

It was a simple story where lots of monsters attacked cities in the north because of a migrating fire dragon. 

It caused the monsters in the area into a state of chaos causing strong monsters to migrate into unexpected parts of the area that cause trouble to the people in the cities in the north. 



Sometime later... 

Cecil came out of the door from where she entered while carrying the same paper she brought up a while ago. 

She went toward the bulletin board near the receptionist table where the high-level quest and the emergency quest were posted. 

It was a bulletin board meant for that kind of quest. 

It was unlike what the quest bulletin board posted outside where trivial quests are posted. 



Out of curiosity, we went to look at the paper. 


EMERGENCY QUEST: Scale Atelier Caravan Emergency 



        The Scale Atelier Caravan is requesting assistance from the Adventurer's guild to assist Altus city in a dire situation. 

        All adventurers are invited to join. 


                Minimum Pay per person 100,000 DAL 

Equivalent recognition of 5-E-rank quest completion. 

                Payment may increase depending on the situation. 







4 Days after the heroes’ party left the Capital City of Artesia. 

Together with the Brave Road party members decided to join the assistance troupe and traveled with several other adventurers from the imperial capital. 

We accepted the quest 

After all, if we can complete this quest our party would rank up to D-rank. 

I saw some of my classmates who seemed to join the same quest. 

I saw Shino, Minato, Keikain, and Rio and made a simple greeting with them. 

It’s been a week since I last saw one of my classmates since I was busy taking up a quest. 



3 days later we arrived in the city of Altus. 

The city was preparing for battle. 





Narrator POV 



A black-haired Succubus wearing Victorian Lolita-like clothing was sitting over one of the building’s roofs as she looks over them assessing their abilities through her (God’s Eyes). 

Beside her was a young girl wearing Japanese Shrine Maiden Clothes with her hair swaying with the wind as she stood on the roof. 



“Ara~~ more people from another world are gathering here…” <Stella> 



She saw several intriguing people that arrived. 

"Oh look, Luna More of the heroes had arrived in the city." <Stella> 

"fufufu, this is getting interesting. It seemed that this little scheme of ours will stir a lot of interesting things to happen." <Luna> 



HP: 100.00% (22/22) 

MP: 100.00% (39/39) 

Name: Yanase Yokuami 

Age: 16 

Race: Human 

Rank: F 


        A person from another World (Hidden) 

Level: 3 


        SRT: 7 (+1) VIT: 5 

        AGI: 7 (+1) LUC: 9 (+2) 

        DEX: 7 (+1) INT: 19 (+3) 



        Stone Spike (I) 

        Earth Magic Mastery (I) 



        Enchanted Magician Dress (DEX + 1, INT + 1) 

        Enchanted Magic Staff (INT + 2, LUC +1, STR + 1, -10% MANA CONSUMPTION) 

        Enchanted Mage Cape (LUC + 1, AGI + 1) 



        Unique Skill. 

        A skill that changes the nature or structure of an object. 

        The more complex the changes, the more mana is consumed. 

        When using mana stones, the skill will consume the mana within the mana stone instead. 

        Cannot be used directly on living beings or things imbued with mana. 



The fighting force of Altus city is now formed. 

There are more than 2500 soldiers, almost 600 F-rank Adventurers, 500 E-ranks, 200 D-ranks, 20 C-ranks, 2 B-ranks, and 1 A-Rank who was also the City’s guild master. A total of about 4000 people. 


The next day. 

The Brave road party participated to investigate the situation in the forest together with several other adventurer parties. 

While searching the forest for 2 days the adventurers encountered monsters that should not exist in this Area like undead knights, ghouls, and skeleton warriors. 

These monsters are monster that is often found in the great demon lords’ domain or inside dungeons. It was certainly an odd occurrence. 



Arrived at a hilltop that is a 2-day walk away from the city of Altus. 

The search parties saw a spine-chilling sight. 

An army of about 100,000 undead is devastating the forest making the area where they reside filled with dark miasma. 



“What the…” <Adventurers> 



On the side were 2 beauties who were looking at the army of monsters from far away. 

One was an adventurer with the Ninja job and the other was a Magic Knight. 

The two were looking at the shocked expression coming from the faces of the adventurers around them who were also looking at the sight they were looking at. 




The imp with long black hair wearing a Japanese Miko attire said in her mind. 

[Alright, preparation complete…] <Luna> 

An ominous grin appeared on her face. 



“Luna… your face…” <Stella> 

The succubus wearing a Victorian Lolita costume called out to Luna who was making a scary face. 

“Sorry… I could not help but smile.” <Luna> 

She was looking at the face of a male not so far from where she was standing. 

His face was a mixture of determination and also fear. 

He gritted his teeth looking at the army of undead below the hill they 



“Now, Mr. Hero this is your first trial. I am looking forward to your performance in this ordeal.” <Luna> 








Brave Road Party


 Author Note:

well, I have nothing much to say for now.

I just realize how hard it is to write a story with a lot of focused characters. Whew ...



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