God’s Guide for Teasing Heroes

Chapter 17: Mask and Novice Katana

Kazue POV 




It appeared without a sign and appeared in a blink of an eye. 

From a seemingly nonexistent dot in the air, the black portal had appeared once again. 



This portal was the same portal that we saw before we got transported into this labyrinth. 

Once we saw this portal, we immediately became cautious and were intently staring at the portal. 

Weirdly enough I feel that this portal is inviting us to come close to it. 



But before we even had a chance to think of something we were presented with another problem. 


I heard a groan. 

It was coming from the straight hallway from where we came from and from where the Undead knight appeared a while ago. 

A horde of Undead monsters. 

I saw several zombies, skeletons, and undead hounds. 



Our battle with the Undead knight had ended. 

It took us about 5 minutes to defeat the undead knight. 

5 minutes may sound like a short time, but in fact, 5 minutes was already a long time to determine the outcome of the battle. 

We may have won that skirmish but it would not be a shock if it turned out the other way around. 

We could have been the ones who got wiped out. 

The battle could have lasted longer if I had not gambled to attack it aggressively. 

To be honest, I felt something bad would happen if I allowed the battle to last longer than it did. 

It turned out that this feeling that I had was correct. 

Ending the battle with the undead knight as fast as we could was the right choice. 



I was thankful that I followed my instinct at that moment, if not we would have been forced to fight with the Undead knight with this horde of undead coming in now. 

If we did not kill the Undead knight faster, we should be dealing with it together with the monsters that just appeared. 



We started fighting with the undead horde that was coming from that hallway. 

Getting into position. 

I came in front to fight the undead heads on together with Rio to act as the vanguard. 

I started slashing monsters with my Katana. 

Rio was doing the same with her arm blade and Dagger in hand. 

Several meters behind us were Charlotte and Lucas who were shooting arrows and Magic from far away. 

This was while Amy and Grace stay in between our formation so that they would be able to support Charlotte and Lucas in the rear or help me or Rio in the vanguard. 



I have cut down numerous undead and yet their numbers did not go down. 

They keep on coming from the hallway without letting us rest. 

This clash between our party and the horde of undead continued for a while. 



"Sorry, I'm about to run out of Mana" <Charlotte> 

"Me too I'm running out of arrows" <Lucas> 

Lucas and Charlotte said to us. 



"Quicken, Strengthen!" <Amy> 

Amy cast enhancement on herself and pulled out a mace and moved toward me and Rio and helped us kill some zombies with her weapon. 

"I am not dying in this place!" <Amy> 

Amy said while screaming as she swung her mace at the face of one of the zombies. 

“Haaaaaa!!!!!” <Amy> 

Amy screams, swinging a home run strike with her mace to the face of the zombie. 

The zombie’s head was crushed by the impact of Amy’s mace hitting the zombie. 




"Tsk, I'm out of arrow. Aa~ It can’t be helped." <Lucas> 

Lucas dropped his bow and pulled a dagger hidden on his vest. 

Just like Amy, he joined us and pounced at one of the undead. 

He used his dagger to repeatedly stab it into the head of the undead. 

"DIE!!!!" <Lucas> 

Before I knew it, even Charlotte started using her staff to attack the undead. 

This only shows how desperate we are right now. 



The zombies kept coming and there is no sign of them stopping. 

We’re still fighting but none of us know when will this end. 

I mustered all my strength and cut down more undead. 

While doing so, I was thinking of a way for us to escape this unending wave of undead attacking us right now. 



"Charlotte!" <Amy> 

Amy shouts. 

Her attention was caught after she saw that Charlotte was having trouble dealing with one of the undead. 

Charlotte was getting overpowered by an undead hound. 

They were on the floor while the undead hound was biting into Charlotte's staff. 

"Get away from her!!!" <Amy> 

Amy shouted as she swung her mace into the head of the undead hound that was pinning Charlotte down. 

I was busy cutting down undead further in front of Rio. 

I saw that Charlotte was already on her limit. 

She was not a melee fighter and she was already exhausted from the depletion of her mana. 

It was no surprise that she was getting overpowered. 

Without magic, Charlotte can barely even fight a zombie by herself. 



"Kazue! Charlotte is already on her limit!" <Amy> 

Amy yelled in my direction. 

When I glanced in their direction. 

I saw the portal right in the corner of my eye. 

Just like from a while ago, I can't shake off the sensation that it was calling for us.  

"AH!!!!!! WHATEVER!" <Kazue> 

I swung my blade and cut down two undead at the same time. 



"Everyone we are going to that portal!" <Kazue> 

"But Kazue! we might get transported into a more dangerous place!" <Rio> 

Rio said as she was fighting close by. 

"Do we even have a choice? The undead won’t stop coming, there's no end to this. Eventually, we will be overrun by their number." <Kazue> 

"..." <Rio> 

Rio became silent and pondered about what to do. 

“It can't be helped." <Rio> 

She mutters to herself.  



"At the very least we must look for a place to let Charlotte rest." <Kazue> 

Rio was looking into my eyes. 

Without a word, I was telling her to trust me. 

She nodded. 

"Are you sure about this?" <Rio> 

She said with a serious tone. 

"I feel that everything would turn out to be OK." <Kazue> 

"Ok, then I trust you." <Rio> 



I screamed so that everyone could hear me. 

"Everyone! run toward the floating portal! we’re going in there!" <Kazue> 

"What?!" <Lucas, Amy, Grace> 

Lucas, Amy, and Grace looked at me with round eyes. 

It was as if they are asking me "Are you sure?". 



"I feel that everything would be alright! You said before that you trust my instinct, right? Right now, it's telling me that if we get in there we will be saved." <Kazue> 

"..." <Party> 

My party members looked at each other and after a few moments made a nodding action to express their resolve. 


"Well... Kazue says so..." <Amy> 



"Rio! make a way for them! I will try to slow them down here for a bit." <Kazue> 

"Leave it to me! Be careful!" <Rio> 

Rio replied. 

She went toward where Amy and Charlotte were. 

I replied with a nod. 



Charlotte barely had the strength to stand up. 

"Come on Char! we should go." <Amy> 

Amy said while crouching down at Charlotte who was on the ground. 

"Sorry... I'm so weak." <Charlotte> 

Charlotte said in her weak voice. 

She was breathing heavily and it would not be a surprise if she would lose her consciousness at any moment now. 

Amy lend Charlotte her shoulder and helped her walk. 

Luckily the two were not so far away from the portal. 



While Amy was helping Charlotte. 

Rio, Lucas, and Grace surrounded the two as they retreat.  

They moved toward the portal. 

"Come on we're almost there." <Amy> 

Amy encouraged the weakened Charlotte who was borrowing Amy’s shoulder to walk toward the portal. 



"Alright! Kazue! we're here!" <Rio> 

My party members all gathered next to the portal. 

"OK! I'm coming!" <Kazue> 

Hearing this I replied while still cutting down a monster. 

I jumped on the shoulder of one of the zombies and use it as a foothold, leaping toward an open area where I could run and meet up with my party members. 

I ignored all the undead and rushed toward my comrade. 



"!!!" <Kazue> 

All of the sudden, the portal acted weird as it dwindled. 

The portal expanded into a sphere and once again enveloped my party members. 

Rio noticed this right away and said my name in a panic. 

"Kazue!" <Rio> 

She reached out her hand in my direction. 

I also reached out my hand to try to reach her. 

But just like the last time, things happened so fast. 

I was too far away. 

I focused all my strength on my feet and jumped forward so I could reach them. 

I used all of my strength on my feet to push my body forward. 



The sphere vanished like it was never there together with my friends. 

They disappeared. 

I was not able to reach them on time. 

I went past the area where they should have been standing. 

I came tumbling down on the floor since I could not control my body with the strength, I put into my feet to just reach them in time 

I rolled several times on the ground. 

I lost my grip on my katana as I was rolling on the floor. 



Trying to confirm what just happened. 

I tried to gain my balance and stopped myself from rolling on the floor. 

As I was still on all fours while facing the ground. 

I lifted my face and looked in the direction of where my party members should have been. 

No one was there, I did not want to believe it at first but it looks as if they were transported without me. 

I was stunned. 

"Eh?" <Kazue> 




"..." <Kazue> 

I did not know what to do. 

I was at the edge of the room. 

"No way..." <Kazue> 

I said in disbelief. 

It was as if all of my hope to escape disappeared. 

I was left alone with the horde of zombies in front of me. 



I sat on the floor letting all my exhaustion escape my body. 

I felt helpless as I watched the undead move in my direction. 

They are still quite far from where I was but it was just a matter of time before they would reach me. 

I looked behind me. 

I saw a wall. 

There was no other exit other than the hallway where the zombies are coming from. 

"Aa~ ... is this the end for me?" <Kazue> 



I caught a glimpse of my Katana on the floor further behind. 

It was the katana that Shaina gave me for free. 

It was an heirloom from her predecessors. 

It was a precious weapon that I promised that I would return to Shai in the future. 



I got up and walked toward the katana. 

I picked it up and recalls the shopkeeper of the scale atelier. 

"Now that I think about it... Rio's outfit was nice..." <Kazue> 

Out of all things, I remember something out of nowhere. 

Looking upon the ceiling while remembering the nice outfit that Rio had. 

Out of all things to remember... 



"Ah, right she still has my uniform... she said that she would enhance it for me... I wonder if she's already done." <Kazue> 

I gripped the sword tightly as I held it in my hand. 

I used the set of clothes that she would give me once I come back to the imperial capital as a motivation for me to live this situation through. 



"She would be sad if I die..." <Kazue> 


I imagined Shaina's face looking at my dead body. 

I tried to picture her sad face. 

But the face that came into my mind was her smug face telling...  

"Pfft... alright I got the other world's uniform for free I would sell it at a high price." 



"hahaha... she would sell my clothes for a high price." <Kazue> 

She would think of it that way if I die here. 

For that, I must return and get it back later on.  

"Urrgghrg" <Kazue> 

I swung my sword. 

With the swing of the sword, I managed to cut its head from its body. 

Its head flew in the air while its body fell to the floor. 

I gathered myself while shaking my head. 

Removing all the negative thoughts from my mind I mustered my strength to fight till the end. 




Letting out a huge sigh. 

"I can't die here... I still have to get my uniform back from Shai. Also... Kaoru, Hayate, and Isamu would be sad if I die here... my cute babies, they would be sad..." <Kazue> 

I pictured the image of my 3-pet wolf that I left in Shaina's care. 

I heightened all my senses and focused all my attention on the waves of the undead coming after me. 






An hour had passed, and I had no idea how many undead had I defeated. 

The room was full of bones, and corpses of zombies and undead hounds. 

I could feel that I am almost on my limit as well. 

The undead still keeps on coming non-stop. 




"Hahahaha... you've got to be kidding..." <Kazue> 

I heard the sound of metal grinding with each other 

Kacha- Kacha- kacha- kacha 



"I wonder if Charlotte and the other are safe..." <Kazue> 

I said toward the wind. 

Ignoring the fact that I was in a desperate situation. 

I prepared myself for the worse and tried to distract myself away from despair by thinking about the safety of my party members. 



Kacha- Kacha- kacha- kacha-  

Kacha- Kacha- kacha- kacha- 



An Undead Knight had entered the room. 

Rather than falling into despair, I felt like complaining. 

[Just why would that monster appear now? Give me a break] 

My eyes were filled with determination. 

I have managed to survive till now, there is no way I would fall into despair now. 

"Let's see if I can kill one of those on my own..." <Kazue>  

The undead knight raised his sword and attacked me with its range attack. 

The black aura from the Undead knight flew toward me. 



I could feel that I have definitely leveled up with all the undead that I killed so far. 

I felt that I could move faster and my attack had more power behind them. 

But even with that, I feel that I had little to no chance of winning against an undead knight one-on-one. 

I used the undead knight's ranged attacks to make it knock his ally. 

The undead knight does not mind slaughtering the other undead around. 



With its range attack, the undead Knight attack had made skeleton-type undead break right away. 

While the Zombies and hounds that were struck by its ranged attack were blasted into the air breaking their bodies apart. 

Though the zombies and undead hounds did not die, their movement became dull from losing some part of their body or breaking their bones. 

The undead knight's range attack was killing the other undead. 

I took advantage of this. 

The Undead knight seemed to notice what I was doing and gave up using its ranged attacks. 



A black aura enveloped its body and ran toward me. 

Shoving and bumping away the other undead as it ran.  

It got close enough to attack me with its sword in hand. 



I dodged at the last moment making sure that its sword would miss and hit the ground. 

Just like what I did in the first undead knight. 

I used its arm as a foothold and initiated an attack. 

I managed to land 2 blows and made the aura protecting its body disappear. 



The undead knight shook me off. 

I knew that it would use its shield to keep me away from its body so I was able to dodge it this time. 

I went around the undead knight and attack it from behind. 



I managed to inflict damage on its skull. 

It seemed that the experience of fighting an undead knight a while ago made it easier for me to predict its attack. 



Although... the other undead around us made it more difficult for me. 

They attack me whenever they had the chance. 

Then I made a small mistake. 

One of the zombies whom I thought was dead, managed to grab my left foot. 

It managed to disrupt my movement; I made a kicking motion. 

Thanks to my high STR stat, I was able to easily get rid of the zombie and sent it flying into the air with the kicking motion I performed. 

But because of that, I had no time to dodge the attack of the undead knight. 

I knew how strong its attack would be but I have no choice but to block it with my sword. 



I have blasted away into the wall. 

I felt the pain in my back. 




I came falling from the wall to the ground. 

I cough out blood from my mouth. 

"Brghrrrggg" <Kazue> 

Not giving me time to recover... 

A zombie was approaching. 

I swung my sword toward the zombie. 




There was no resistance. 

Since there was no resistance, my eyes went wide as I was accustomed to feeling a bit of slicing the body of the undead. 

But... there was none.  

Trying to understand why the reason why I felt no resistance from the swing presented itself. 

It was because I was not able to hit my target. 

"huh?" I missed?" <Kazue> 



I prepared myself once again for another swing and found out the reason why I missed it. 

The katana's blade was broken. 

"No way?!" <Kazue> 



The zombie was closing in. 

I gave up using my sword at the moment and decided to kick away the zombie with a roundhouse kick. 

This made the zombie to be blown far away from me. 

I jumped back. 

"Tsk..." <Kazue> 



I was feeling sorry since I wanted to return the katana to Shaina in good shape, but it seems that I can not do that now. 

I returned the katana to the scabbard and tried to pull the other one. 

But I realized something. 

The other Katana was not there. 



I remembered right away that it was still pierced in the head of the undead knight we defeated a while ago. 

I looked around and saw the body of the defeated undead knight. 

It was far behind the undead knight that was walking in my direction. 



It seemed that the undead knight decided that I have no chance of winning now that my katana is broken. 

I mustered myself and rushed toward the undead knight acting as if I was doing a final war cry. 

The Undead knight repeatedly opened and closed their mouth as if laughing at my action. 

Ignoring all of the other undead I rushed toward the undead knight. 

I was planning to dash toward my other sword that was behind it. 



I ran forward pretending to attack the undead knight. 

It swung its sword downward. 

I used the momentum to slide between the legs of the undead knight and went straight to pick up my other sword. 



That was supposed to be my plan. 

But then... I saw the eyes of the undead knight and my instinct told me that it was a trap. 

He was planning something... 

When I managed to slip through its legs, I moved to the side without looking back. 

Rather than running straight to my sword, I rolled to the side.  

Right at that moment, a black wave of energy flew in the direction of the defeated undead knight. 




It was the ranged attack of the undead knight. 

it blew apart the corpse of the other undead knight. 

The undead knight knew that I was going for my other sword. 



The sword and the corpse of the undead knight blew apart. 

I saw that my other sword was also shattered into pieces together with it. 

If I did not dodge to the side the Black wave projectile would have struck me from behind and the one who should have been blown apart would be me. 



"NO!" <Kazue> 

I glared at the undead knight who was still making its laughing-like motion. 

I was starting to lose hope, I wanted to fight but I was out of options. 

I took out the broken katana sheathed on my side. 



I had no choice. 

I decided to make a last stand with the broken sword in my hand. 

I took my stance. 



"COME!!!" <Kazue> 

I taunted the undead knight. 

I knew it was the end for me but I refuse to give in to despair. 

I decided to fight to the death. 

A smile crept on my face. 



Out of nowhere. 

The undead knight was bisected into two. 

Its body was split vertically, right in the middle of its head downward. 



"Eh? what?... What the?" eh?" <Kazue> 

I was so confused about what just happened. 

It was so sudden. 

I thought that the Undead knight was performing some sort of an attack. 

I prepared to react to anything that would happen from that moment on. 

But then the undead knight did nothing. 

It just fell to the ground like a broken toy. 



"My my, I did not expect to see such a brave girl in such a place." <Male Voice> 

"Huh?" <Kazue> 

I was trying to understand the situation. 



-Swoosh BOOM- 

-swoosh BOOM- 

-swoosh BOOM- 

Several bursts of wind blew away all around the place. 

"What the?! What's happening?!" <Kazue> 

I crouch my body and covered my face from all the flying debris and dust from the burst of wind around me. 



I waited for a bit and after I realized that the explosions had stopped and settled down. 

I looked around and saw that all the undead was defeated and their body was blasted into the sides and into the walls 

They were shredded into pieces. 



"Missy, Are you ok?" <Male Voice> 

A voice called out to me. 

"Eh?" <Kazue> 

I looked in the direction of the voice and found a person standing near the entrance of the room. 



I saw a figure of a person 

The figure seemed to be a man based on his profile and the sound of his voice. 

He was wearing a black robe and a metal mask on his face. 

The mask he was wearing had no particular design. 

It was just an ordinary oval-shaped metal mask with 2 eye-shaped holes for sight. 

He was holding a thin silver blade; the weapon looks like a rapier but without its crossguard or quillons. 



I can figure that he had white-colored hair. 

Despite looking thin this man was giving off the aura of a strong warrior. 



"Who are you?" <Kazue> 

I asked the masked man. 

"Oh me? just a passing adventurer." <Male Voice> 

He raised his right hand showing to me his hand. 

Silver ring with a rainbow-colored shine. 



I looked at my hand as I compared it to the one on his finger. 

I remembered hearing this from Daniella before, 

A ring with a Rainbow-colored shine. 

"Rainbow metal Ring..." <Kazue> 

A metal with a rainbow-colored luster, Mithril. 

This means that this guy was an A-rank adventurer. 

I said into the air as I realized that the person in front of me right now was an A-rank adventurer. 



I lost the strength in my foot and fell to my knees. 

After realizing that I am saved. 

It seemed that all of the exhaustion from all the fighting earlier took effect in one moment. 

"Am I… saved?... I... I… saved..." <Kazue> 



The last thing I remembered was the feeling of being carried as everything went black. 

I lost consciousness. 






When I opened my eyes, I found myself lying on the ground. 

I was lying down comfortably on the floor. 

A piece of black cloth was covering my body to keep my body warm. 

Looking at it closely it was a black robe. 

A bag was placed to support my head. 

I pushed myself up to look around. 

I blinked several times and saw a fire lit nearby where I was lying down. 



"Are you awake?" <Male Voice> 

A male's voice reverberated from nearby. 

I quickly got up and look in the direction of the voice. 

There was a figure of a man sitting by the other side of the flame. 

As a response, I went into a battle stance and faced the figure. 

"Hahaha, good... you look lively... It appears that you are fine..." <Male Voice> 

The figure did not mind me being hostile to him. 

With a relaxed tone in his voice, he tried to communicate with me. 



What happened? 

Did I pass out... If that is the case why am I still alive? 

Did this man save me? 

These thoughts came into my mind as I was trying to understand what was going on. 



"Who are you?" <Kazue> 

I asked the figure standing before me. 

"I thought I have already told you before. I'm an adventurer. You can just call me Argent." <Male Voice/Argent> 



He lifted his right hand and showed me his ring proving that he was an adventurer like me. 

I remembered that he also did this action before I passed out. 

"I am an adventurer just like you, don't worry I don’t hurt other adventurers..." <Argent> 



I realized that this man was the one who saved me. 

"...sorry..." <Kazue> 

I apologized after I have calmed down. 



The man that calls himself Argent showed me no ill intent. 

I could tell that he was making efforts to keep me at ease. 

He even made an effort to not show any sign of aggression toward me, to the extent that he even lifted his two hands to show me that he had no ill intent whatsoever. 

When I realized that he had no bad intentions and was trying to communicate with me I felt relieved. 



I tried to communicate with Argent and started a conversation which was not my strong point. 

"Where am I? Sir, Argent..." <Kazue> 

"Hahaha, stop that~ don’t call me with a "sir", Argent is just fine don’t worry. We're still inside the dungeon..." <Argent> 

He was troubled by the fact that I have called him "Sir". 

"I can't do that... you are my savior and also you are a senior adventurer..." <Kazue> 

"Like what I said you can just call me Argent..." <Argent> 

"Then... Argent-senpai..." <Kazue> 

He gave up with a sigh, He just let me call him Argent-senpai. 



"Ah, sorry for my late introduction... I am Mizusawa Kazue... E-rank, and a swordsman... " <Kazue> 

I lifted my hands and intendedly to show him my wooden ring. 

"Mizusawa Kazue... hmnn what an odd name..." <Argent> 

"I get it a lot..." <Kazue> 

"Hahaha, I can see that." <Argent> 



The adventurer Argent acts like a fool but I remembered how he cleared the undead. 

I recalled that before I passed out, He managed to defeat all of the undead in just a short time with some flashy attacks. 

He even managed to defeat an undead Knight easily like it was a low leveled monster. 

Remembering what he did, I made sure to treat him with respect. 



"I see that you have collected your thoughts miss Kazue..." <Argent> 

His way of speaking was lively. 

It made it easier for me to interact with Argent since I felt that he was not the kind of person that is hard to talk to. 

I responded to his remarks with a nod. 



He cleared his throat once before he asked me a question 

"So... I wanted to ask... Just how... how did an E-rank Adventurer, in a C-rank dungeon?" <Argent> 

Voicing out my realization I started pondering. 

So, we were really transported to a dungeon. 

In the first place what was that portal? 

I said to myself. 



"??, It looks to me that you don't even realize that you are inside a dungeon..." <Argent> 

Argent saw me thinking about it. 

He crossed his arms as he waits for my answer. 

"Ah, yes Argent-Senpai... actually..." <Kazue> 



I took the chance to explain why I ended up in the dungeon 

I explained what happened to the masked adventurer, He quietly listened to my story without saying a word. 

Although he was not saying anything, I knew that he was thinking and analyzing the story that I just narrated to him. 

It appeared to me that he knew the situation more than I do. 



After a few moments, he nodded under his mask. 

"Hmnn... So basically, you are saying that you were transported into this dungeon by that black portal?" <Argent> 

"yes... basically that is how it is..." <Kazue> 

I said in a casual tone. 



"I see, I think I have a gist of what is happening..." <Argent> 

"Hmmm?! do you have an idea what those portals are?" <Kazue> 

"The portal specifically, no. But based on what you said earlier. It gives the impression that this portal is connected toward the forest near the city of Altus." <Argent> 



Argent went into deep thoughts 

"... The problem here is not the monsters... but the portals..." <Argent> 

"?? why is that?" <Kazue> 

"missy, do you know where this dungeon is located?" <Argent> 

"Nope. I have no idea." <Kazue> 

He responded to me with a nod and explained further. 

"As expected, You see... you are actually in a dungeon called "Undead king's lair". The reason why I am here right now is that the guild has reported that most of the monster here is missing. They asked me to investigate the dungeon to find out what was happening inside." <Argent> 

"What did you find?" <Kazue> 

"Nothing..." <Argent> 

Argent responded in an annoyed tone. 

He was annoyed with the fact that he found nothing. 



"Nothing? so there's no problem?" <Kazue> 

I repeated his response while voicing what I understood. 

"No, the problem was I found nothing... The strong monsters, the boss, the mini-bosses, I found none of them inside." <Argent> 

"Eh? Is it possible that the dungeon was cleared?" <Kazue> 

"I thought of that too at first... But when a dungeon is cleared it must be reported to a guild and no report about this dungeon being cleared was reported." <Argent> 



"I am speculating that the portal that transported you to this place was the reason why these monsters have disappeared." <Argent> 

"What do you mean?" <Kazue> 

I only asked these kinds of vague questions to help Argent gather his thought. 

I had no idea what else to ask. 

In fact, I was able to get information from his explanations alone. 



"I mean that if the portal had the power to transport you into this place, that means that that portal had the power to transport you back to the forest. This probably means that the boss, the mini-bosses, and the monsters from this dungeon are transported into that place." <Argent> 

"I see... so that must be the reason why undead began to appear in the forest... I see... that makes sense." <Kazue> 

"Hearing your story, that makes my hypothesis even more credible." <Argent> 



Argent concluded that the monster in this dungeon had been transported into the forest near Altus city. 

"I must report this to the guild" <Argent> 

"Me too, I have to report to the guild..." <Kazue> 

"Guild... you mean in Altus city?" <Argent> 

Argent asked with a noticeable amused tone, it even sounded like he was mocking. 



"Yeah, is there a problem with that Argent-senpai?" <Kazue> 

"Yeah... actually..." <Argent> 



He started to explain why he had that kind of reaction after I said that I have to report it to the guild in Altus City. 

"WHAT?! 3 MONTHS?" <Kazue> 

"Hahaha, Amazing right!!" <Argent> 

"No, no no no! I must return right away!" <Kazue> 



Argent explained to me. 

This dungeon was located in the kingdom of Marchial. 

Marchial is located in the southern part of the continent.  

Argent explained that this place is a country apart from the Artesia Empire. 

He said that even if I traveled from here to the City of Altus, It would more or less take me 3 months to arrive. 

If that were the case, it would be too late.  

"What must I do, I must return right away..." <Kazue> 

I bit into my thumb's nail trying to think of a way to return to Altus. 



"Hmmm? what are you so troubled about, the answer to your problem is simple." <Argent> 

Still with his lively tone, Argent seems to have an idea for me to return to Altus in time. 

"Eh? what? do you have an idea?" <Kazue> 

"Idea... you just have to find another portal and use it to return home." <Argent> 

"Ah!" <Kazue> 

Realizing that the fastest way for me to return was to find a portal and use it to return. 



I stood up and started walking. 

"Where are you going miss Kazue?" <Argent> 

"Where you ask? I am going to look for a portal!" <Kazue> 

"Hmmm, I am not going to stop you but... are you sure? With that weapon?" <Argent> 



I glanced at my Weapon. 

I was reminded that my sword was actually broken, both of them. 

I took out Shaina's Heirloom Katana. 

It was indeed broken. 

I made a troubled look as I held the weapon. 

"Aa~ I was planning to return this Katana to Shai in the future..." <Kazue> 



The masked man pushed himself up while letting out a huge breath. 

"Is that katana important to you?" <Argent> 

"... this katana is from my friend... An heirloom at that... I was intending to return this to her in the future." <Kazue> 

I explained briefly while staring at the broken katana in my hand. 



Argent scratched the back of his head. 

He seemed to be troubled that I was looking down. 

"I am still in the process of investigating the dungeon. If you don't mind you can go with me as I look around." <Argent> 



He took the broken sword in my hands. 

A silver-colored fluid flowed through his arms and enveloped the broken sword. 

The silver fluid looks very much like liquid metal. 

The silver liquid formed a blade and hardened. 

After this, he threw the katana at me. 

The broken blade is now repaired, good as new. 

"I've made an effort to save you, I might as well make sure that you will be able to return to Altus alive." <Argent> 

"But..." <Kazue> 

"Hey, come on how can I leave you alone, you can barely fight a simple undead knight." <Argent> 

"... But you still have to report this to the guild, right? Is it ok for me to waste your time?" <Kazue> 

"No problem. I would also like to see that portal with my own eyes myself." <Argent> 



The truth is, the only thing that was hindering me to agree right now was my pride. 

As much as possible I do not want to rely on others. 

But as much as I wanted to deny it. 

At my level, I could not defeat monsters on the level of the undead knight. 

It seems that the undead knight is not that uncommon in this place. 

A monster stronger than the undead knight might be lurking here too. 

I was able to encounter 2 of them already. 

I won’t be surprised if I am to find more of them here. 

Argent is an adventurer who can easily deal with a monster of that level. 

If I work together with him, I will be able to explore the place easily. 

"It can't be helped... I am on your care Argent-senpai..." <Kazue> 

Argent nods in satisfaction. 



We wrapped up the makeshift camp that Argent prepared for me to rest. 

After doing so, the two of us explored the dungeon. 

As expected, we encountered a lot of undead inside. 



As we were exploring. 

Argent let me defeat the low-leveled undead by myself. 

He said that it would be good for me to defeat them so I could increase my level. 

It did make our exploration slower but since we did not know where to look, we were just randomly walking around. 

He even mentored me with some tricks and techniques to fight monsters. 

With that, I learned how to use skills called (Mana shroud) and (Aura blade) with his instructions. 



It was a skill that allowed me to shroud my mana through my body like an invisible armor. 

Apparently, it was one of the few skills that a swordsman could use their mana in battle. 

This skill shrouds my body and my weapon with mana as additional protection and offensive capabilities. 



"yes, yes that's it! You're getting better at using (Aura blade)." <Argent> 

I used my blade covered in mana with the (Aura Blade) skill. 

I felt a notable difference in my offensive capabilities. 

With this skill, I was able to cut down Ghouls easily. 

Unlike before It would take me several attacks to just give ghouls a fatal blow. 

With the skill (Aura Blade) I felt that it was easy to cut down ghouls. 

"Hoo~ this skill is amazing! thanks for teaching me this Argent-senpai." <Kazue> 

"hahaha! I still have a lot of tricks up my sleeves!" <Argent> 

"Really? I would love to learn that as well! Argent-senpai~" <Kazue> 



I see that he was loving the fact that I was acting like a cute junior. 

With that, he continued to tutor me and act like a reliable senpai. 

Well if acting like a cute junior will allow me to learn more from him, I am willing to do so. 

In just a short time with him, I was able to learn 2 amazing skills. 

Acting like this won’t hurt if I can get stronger in exchange. 

I knew that he knows that I am acting but I feel like he was just following my lead. 

"Hahaha~ Now now~ I could not deny the fact that this "senpai" thing is getting into me. It makes me want to look after my juniors... but..." <Argent> 

I heard him snort. 



"?? is there a problem?" <Kazue> 

"Unfortunately... the time when I have to teach you more would have to wait." <Argent> 

"Hmnn?" <Kazue> 

He signals with his head by bobbing it forward. 

Argent was trying to make me look in the direction where he bobbed his head. 

When I look in that direction there was a portal. 



"It's a portal..." <Kazue> 

"Well then Kazue, I had a good time partying with you." <Argent> 

"... Thank you Argent-senpai." <Kazue> 

"No problem, it’s my pleasure to guide a fellow adventurer." <Argent> 

"I really wanted to learn more from you but I have to go." <Kazue> 

"Yeah, maybe next time if we ever meet again." <Argent> 

"Again, thank you very much! see you!" <Kazue> 



I stared at the portal nearby and I walked toward it. 

"wait a bit..." <Argent> 

Argent called out to me. 

"Eh? is there something wrong?" <Kazue> 

"Lend me that Katana for a bit." <Argent> 

"This?" <Kazue> 

I touched the katana hanging on my waist to confirm that he was pertaining to the same object. 

He replied with a nod. 

It was the katana that Argent repaired for me. 

I pulled it out of the scabbard and handed it to Argent. 

He took a scroll out of his magical bag. 



He then made the scroll touch the katana and the two objects glowed brightly. 

after a few moments, the scroll was gone and the light faded totally. 



"Here... a parting gift from your senpai." <Argent> 

"What did you just..." <Kazue> 

I received the sword with my two hands after he handed it over to me. 

I tried to ask what Argent had just done with the Katana. 

He did something to it. 

But instead of answering me, he held me on the shoulder and forcibly turned me around in the direction of the portal. 

He then pushed me forward. 

"Now go~" 

I nodded toward the amazing masked adventurer. 

In the short time I was with him I definitely grew a lot of respect for him. 

I bowed down to him for the last time before I ran toward the black portal. 



When I touched the portal, it transformed into a sphere and enveloped me inside it. 

I disappeared from the dungeon. 



When Kazue disappeared 

The masked man removed his mask. 

"Good luck, Little miss from another world." <Argent> 

He said toward the direction from where Kazue had disappeared into. 






I appeared in a forestry area. 

I looked around. 

Even though I have never been to this part of the forest. 

I immediately knew that this was the forest that was near the city of Altus. 



Maybe it was because the aura of the area looks familiar. 

I knew right away that I was in that same forest. 

My instinct was telling me that this was the same forest. 



"I AM BACK!!!!!!" <Kazue> 

I said in a loud voice while raising my hands. 



I really thought that I was going to die in that place. 

Next time I would return the favor to Argent-senpai. 

Without me realizing it, it seemed that with just the short time that I have been with Argent. 

I grew high respect for him. 



I wondered how much time do I need before I become that strong. 


I imagined how large the difference in power between the two of us had. 

For comparison, I tried to look at my status. 



"Status" <Kazue> 

Using the wooden ring on my finger 

The ring projected information about my status. 






"Oh! level 10" 



From the looks of it. 

I have leveled up from level 6 to level 10 in one go. 

I even learned several Skills and gained new titles as well. 



"No wonder I felt faster and stronger now...I wonder how this compares to Argent-senpai." <Kazue> 

I wondered how strong Argent was. 

But most probably I am nowhere near his level. 



I walked through the forest while believing in my instinct. 

With that, I saw a pathway. 

I decided to follow this pathway and I managed to arrive at the city of Altus. 

After I saw the city walls from far away, excitement flowed through me. 

There was also a feeling of unease because I don’t know what happened to my party members. 



I jogged toward the gate by following the road.  

"Let us go! We must save our party member!" <Familiar Voice> 

I heard a familiar voice coming from the gates. 

Because of this, I began to run faster. 



There are several people at the gate. 

"let go!" <Familiar Voice I> 

The voice was shaky and was about to tear up. 

"We can't! do that and you will get yourself killed out there!" <Guard 1> 

"Yeah, leave the search for your party member with the high-ranking adventurers!" <Guard 2> 

"No! we have to go... because of us... we left her to die... at least let us..." <Familiar Voice> 



It was Charlotte. 

She was being hysterical with other adventurers. 

It seems that they are trying to prevent her from going out of the city. 



"... What's wrong." <Kazue> 

I said toward Rio who was standing there looking down. 

"Ah... We want to save one of our party members in the forest." <Rio> 

"Party member?... who? Lucas?... no, he's over there... Amy? No?" <Kazue> 

Rio lifted her face toward my direction. 

"No... Ka...zu…e?? Eh?" <Rio> 



Even though I could not see her in the eyes because of her long bangs. 

I knew from the way her face moved that she was shocked after seeing me. 

Then her lips crumpled. 

I saw a streak of transparent fluid fall from her face. 

"Stupid..." <Rio> 

She said toward me, her voice shaky. 

"Kazue... How dare you..." <Rio> 

"What?" <Kazue> 

I replied to Rio who was angry. Or Sad? Honestly, I am not sure since she also was about to laugh as well. 




The normally silent Rio began screaming my name. 

She embraced me into her body while sobbing and laughing at the same time. 

"Hey..." <Kazue> 



I realized that she had been thinking about me. 

She must have been so stressed by the fact that I was separated from them when they escaped the dungeon. 

I pat her head from behind while trying to pacify her. 

[Uh... I'm not good with this but...] 

"Don't cry." <Kazue> 

I tried to imitate an adult trying to stop a child from crying. 

“I’m not crying I am laughing…” <Rio> 

Rio replied. 



"Kazue... KAZUE! is that really you?!" <Amy> 

It was from Amy. 

Her eyes were wide open. 

She blinked several times as she looks like she does not believe what she was seeing. 

It was like she was seeing a ghost. 

She ran toward me and jumped on my body and held me tight. 

"Amy sorry I made you worry." <Kazue> 

Without a word, Amy hugged me tightly. 

"Kazue!! How?... You're safe?!" <Amy> 

Lucas and Grace looked at me with the same expression Amy had on her face. 

Then Lucas and Grace went toward me. 



I could see it in their expression. 

They could not believe what they are seeing. 

Just by looking at their faces, I could tell, they wanted to ask "How?". 

"Hehehe, a lot happened. But I am back. I'll explain it to you later" <Kazue>  

"Ka-zu... e?" <Charlotte> 

Charlotte looked at me as she heard the commotion behind her. 

"Kazue is that really you?" <Charlotte> 



While Amy and Rio were hugging me tightly, I replied and gestured a wave toward Charlotte. 

“Hi, leader…” <Kazue> 

Her eyes were very red and there are bags under her eyes. 

She then walked toward me. 

She was even staggering as if strength was leaving her body at every step. 



When she was almost in front of me. 

She used all her strength to hang on to my body. 

The weight of the three girls pulled me down kneeling on the floor. 

It was not as if they were too heavy. 

I just felt that it was the best way that I could support the 3 of them. 



"THANK GOODNESS!" <Charlotte> 

Charlotte howled. 

"I was so worried. I thought you might have died there." <Charlotte> 

"..." <Kazue> 

"Sorry, we left you behind... I am sorry." <Charlotte> 

"No, it’s not as if you intended to leave me behind... I was also surprised that the portal activated on its own." <Kazue> 

"STILL! If you did not cover us back then you should have reached us in time." <Charlotte> 

"That was my own decision. I am not blaming you." <Kazue> 

"NO, it was my fault if only I did not run out of mana ..." <Charlotte> 

She must have blamed herself hard for what happened back in the dungeon. 



I butt my head with Charlotte who was hugging me. 

She then lifted her face and looked at mine. 

We locked eyes. 

"In the end~ Everything turned out OK so it's OK~" <Kazue> 

I winked at her. 

She made a crumpled smile. 

"WAAA" <Charlotte> 

She wailed and cried on my shoulder. 

Then Rio and Amy did the same as if trying to compete with a louder cry. 

"Guys... Stop… everyone… they are looking here…" <Kazue> 



I was embarrassed by the fact that the people at the gate were looking at our little drama. 

I was weak from this kind of attention. 

I looked at Lucas and Grace who were nearby and lipped a sign to make the three girls stop. 



The two made a sorry face toward me as if telling me. 

"Please bear with it..."  

I looked at the three girls clinging to me. 

I let out a sigh and gave up. 

"Oh well... This is not that bad..." <Kazue> 



An uncontrollable smile appeared on my face. 









Author Note: 

First of all, I would like to apologize for the fact that my update got delayed once again~ 


I was planning on making illustrations for this chapter but laziness struck me and ended up not doing it. 


Honestly, I’m having an art slump right now and I have a hard time lifting my pen to draw. 

When I was about to draw, I have a sudden urge to watch anime and procrastinate 

You understand me right?! 

This is normal right?! 





Thanks for reading! 

I appreciate those favorites from all of you~ 

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