God’s Guide for Teasing Heroes

Chapter 2: The Next Day and Personal Resolve

(POV Kazue)  



I opened my eyes and saw myself in an unfamiliar place.  

It took me about 2 seconds to think about why I am seeing an unfamiliar ceiling.  

"Ah, so it was not a dream after all." <Kazue>  



I looked around and saw my classmates sleeping on other beds.  

I saw some of them who are already up as well.  



I stretched my arm to get ready to get out of bed.  

At first, I could not muster the strength to get up so I sat at the side of the bed without getting off.  



I heard a voice call for me just before I could even stand up.  

"Ah, Mizusawa you're up." <Hano>  

It was Hano Ryuusei who called out my name from the window not so far from where my bed was.  



"Hano, you're early to get up." <Kazue>  

I saw him look away from me with a chuckle.  

I looked closer at his eyes, they had dark bags under them.  

With that, I realize that Hano did not sleep last night.  

I was not surprised by that at all.  

If you just think about it from the perspective of some, being a hero would sound awesome.  

But in reality, the responsibility that comes with it does not.  



"You… you have to have a rest too you know." <Kazue>  

I said to him without thinking much.  



"No, it's ok." <Hano>   

"... if you say so." <Kazue>  

"You look surprisingly fine with this Mizusawa" <Hano>  

I noticed that his voice does not have the usual energy he had on it.  



I have known Hano since I was in my first year.  

Since my friends had a crush on him, I had been pushed around and was able to closely observe him all those times.  

I knew that this version of Hano is less “lively” than usual.  

Even though I noticed this I just let it pass and just answered his question with all honesty.  



"Ah... when you just look at this as a school trip, it will be a lot better for you"  <Kazue>

"School trip... hah, that is a nice way to look at this. Thanks" <Hano>  

"I am not particularly trying to cheer you up, but you are welcome." <Kazue>



I walked toward Hano and looked outside through the window and look down.  

Hano did the same.  

Without saying a word to Hano I just stared outside and looked at the horizon.  

The sun was about to rise and little by little the sky has begun to brighten up.  

I watched the rising sun so I can kill some time.  

As time passed our classmates woke up one by one and eventually all of them were up.  



As I was thinking, at times like this the characters of the stories I saw was amazed by the rising sun.  

I thought I would have those same feelings but I was disappointed as I just saw a typical rising sun.  


I was a bit disappointed.  



A knock sounded from the door of the sleeping quarters.  

"Good morning Heroes, I have come here to invite you to have your breakfast."  

Hano Ryuusei quickly responded to the voice outside the door and run towards the door to open it.  

There stands a maid.  

She had a dignified look to her that makes you think that she was just cosplaying.  

Several of the boys saw the beautiful maid and reacted in various ways.  



"Good Morning Heroes, I am Marielle the head maid of the castle. I came here to invite you to have breakfast and lead you into the dining hall." <Maid/Marielle>  

She said, although it was just simple words, we could not help but be amazed at how professional she sounded.  

The Head Maid Marielle led us to the dining hall together with several other maids and butler-looking males tailing us.  

As we walked through the halls of the castle, I could not help but accept that we have transverse into another world.  

After some time of walking, we arrived in a room that I assume to be the dining hall.  

It was like we are inside a high-class restaurant.  



There was a long table about 10-meter-long and 3-meter-wide in the middle of the room.  

Red cloth with a golden-colored hem towards its side was used as a tabletop.  



On the table.  

Food like roasted chicken, fresh vegetables, fruits, soup, and several other meat dishes.  

The drink was some kind of fruit juice.  

The tableware was carefully placed over the table.  

I guess that there are 28 sets of it placed there, I just knew that it was because they were thinking about us.  

The chair was also aligned to each set of tableware on which we are expected to sit.  

It was arranged so that there are 14 chairs on each side of the large table.  



The head maid Marielle spoke in a soft yet clear voice and asked us to get our chairs and eat the food they prepared for us.  

We went and sat down on the chair.  

"Thank you for the food"   



We started eating.  

The sound of the plates and spoons together with the chatting of my 27 classmates can be heard in the dining room.  

The maids and the butlers are silently standing close by to readily serve us.  



"I know that it is the third time we've done this but I still have doubt if we can eat this food." <F Classmate 1>  

Said one of my female classmates while she thrust the fork into the food that was on her plate.  



"haha" <F Classmate 2>  

"Why?" <F Classmate 3>  

"I just remembered yesterday when those "Otaku" savagely eats the food on the table." <F Classmate 2>  

"Ah! that! Then Reno-san suddenly said that it might be poisonous since we still don’t know if the food here is edible right." <F Classmate 3>  

"Yeah. That was funny. I could not forget their faces after they hear that." <F Classmate 2>  

The 3 girls on my left were joking and laughing at the things that they remembered from yesterday.  



"Yeah! I am saying that we should make our party! I mean I have the “Knight” job, right? Mita is a swordsman, Michio is a mage, while Amisaki is an archer! were practically a complete party! We only need a healer." <M Classmate 1>  

"Hmm you have a point, but the only healer in our class is Chiho and she's most probably be going with Hano's group." <M Classmate 2>  

"Fufu! I envy Hano! why is he the only one to get such stupid stats and job... Kuuuuuuuuu!!!" <M Classmate 1>  

"Haha I know right!" <M Classmate 2>  

"But maaann~ HERO as a job huh? I don’t even want to be an archer. I wanted to be a swordsman or a knight too." <M Classmate 1>  

"Well you just have to live with that, you don’t have to fight monster heads on~ it's a perfect job for you since you're a chicken" <M Classmate 2>  

"What did you say, Soga?! I'm not a chicken! Wanna fight" <M Classmate 1>  

"Bring it on!" <M Classmate 2>  

This conversation was between a group of wild-looking guys teasing each other at the opposite side of the table.  



And then my eyes were glued toward the four nerdy boys who were talking secretly and silently with each other as if they don’t want their classmates to know what they are talking about.  

I was one of those who mind their own business while eating happily.  



 All of a sudden.

"Hey, Kazue." <Gal>  

"Hmm??" <Kazue>  



The girl beside me started a conversation with me.  

It was a cute-looking gal.  

As I remembered she was the one girl who pacifies the crying group of girls from last night.  

As I remember it right, her name was...   

"Wha? What is it Kirari-san?" <Kazue>  

"I notice that you seemed to have no problem with all things happening right now, I was just wondering just how were you able to stay this composed." <Kirari>  

"Ahh~ Hano also asked me something like that. Hmnn, just like what I said to him I just imagine this as some kind of school trip." <Kazue>  

"School trip... hee~" <Kirari>  

Kirari replied to me with a blank expression. I don't know if she was disappointed or shocked or something, it just feels uncomfortable about how she looked at me.  



"What??" <Kazue>  

"No, I just thought that you're surprisingly carefree, I thought you were the type who seriously thinks about things." <Kirari>  

"Really? I think that I am always like this though?" <Kazue>  

"Hmmm. you're weird, aren’t you?" <Kirari>  

"Hahaha" <Kazue>  

I awkwardly replied to Kirari  

Despite her words may sound offensive I did not feel that she was mocking me.

Maybe it was because I have heard those comments towards me so many times before. 



"So? what are you planning to do now?" <Kirari>  

"Oh, Me? I have already thought of this last night. I've decided to become an adventurer" <Kazue>  

"WOW, so you'll be fighting with monsters! Aren’t you afraid?" <Kirari>  

Kirari gave me a surprised reaction.  

It seemed that she was not expecting that reply from me at all.  

Kirari became silent for a second as if she was deep into her thoughts.  



".... Kazue, you're amazing." <Kirari>  

"EH why?? don't you think that what I am about to do is crazy?" <Kazue>  

"Yeah, it's crazy that is why it is amazing. As for me, I'm just too afraid to fight monsters." <Kirari>  

"No, no I think you're amazing too. You are the one who calmed Hino and the other girls last night! If it were me, I would probably fail since I am not good with those kinds of things." <Kazue>  

I said with all honesty.

"It's not amazing at all, I'm just acting tough. I mean look at my stats" <Kirari> 

Kirari showed me a page on her small pocket-sized notebook that she took from her pocket.  






I could not think of anything to say to Kirari.  

After all, aside from the Hero party.  

I have one of the highest stats in comparison to my classmates.  

I feel that saying that "everything is OK" would turn out to be hypocritical of me.  

"... I" <Kazue>  

Kirari shook her head left to right.  

"Sorry, forget what I said. I'm ok with this hahaha~" <Kirari>  

"Kirari-san..." <Kazue>  

I felt sorry for Kirari.  

It seems that this event has taken a toll on her after all.  



"Hahaha, Come on! I’m ok so Let's continue to eat~" <Kirari>  

"If you say so..." <Kazue>  

I start eating again, I just feel that prying on this matter would just worsen things.  

I glanced at Kirari who cheerfully started talking with other girls in the class as if nothing happened.  








I hear the sound of clanging metals from clashing swords in my surrounding.  

I looked around and saw that my classmates are training with the soldiers of the empire with weapons and magic.  



I just took a breather to relax and have a rest for a bit. Through this, I was able to realize some amazing things.  

After coming into this world, it seemed that our physical abilities have been boosted according to our stats.  

I immediately noticed these changes right away by using myself as a guinea pig.  

I was able to move faster, muster more strength, jump higher, react faster, and have lots of stamina.  

As I can see, this boost was directly affected by our stats.  

The only thing I was disappointed with was that I could not use magic.  

The reason must be my job which is a "Swordsman".  



I was jealous of just looking at my classmates who are using magic to practice with the soldiers.  

Unfortunately, they do not have any tool to measure mana into a numerical value.  

But according to my game knowledge, it is most probably related to our INT stat.  



We have used up this day to train with the soldiers to familiarize themselves with how to fight in this world but as for my classmates, it was to familiarize ourselves with wielding weapons.  

I was thankful that I had a background in using swords from my past club activities in our school.  



This training immediately showed the ones who are adept in battle in our class.  

Unfortunately, not all of us had a talent for this.  

7 out of the 14 of the girls in our class have non-fighting jobs just like Kirari.  

If I remember correctly only I and 6 other girls have the qualities to be able to fight.  

Meanwhile, most of the boys can fight but not all of them have fighting-related jobs.  

Since all of them got decently high stats so, in turn, they were able to train with the soldiers.  

All of them looked capable enough.  



Hanno who has the hero job was able to train with the elite knights because of his ridiculously high stats.  



As for me? I think I was able to hold myself just well while training with the soldiers.  

But as expected I was not able to defeat my training partner.  

As expected of a well-experienced soldier, if I must say.  



Also, earlier this day, the imperial magician gave us our status cards.  

Aside from what the stone projected a day ago.  

The Status card gave us some information that was different from what the stone showed us yesterday.  

I took out my status card from my pocket.  



"status" <Kazue>  

As a result of saying "status" black colored letters started appearing in it.  






"Heee~ so HP and MP are measured by percentage huh? Oh, the skill and title are not listed here." <Kazue>  

Kazue said as she looked at her status card.  








The time passed.  

I notice that the sun had started to come down and before I realize it, it was already dark.  

Most of my classmates are already resting and were watching those who are still training.  

As expected, I feel exhausted from all the training.  

If this was in the other world, I should have been more tired than this after all of the intense training we had this day.  



"I want to take a shower!"   

"Me too!"  

"I feel sticky from the sweat from all the training today"  



The imperial magician walked toward us.  

"Ho ho ho if that is the case then, here "Area CLEAN" <Orga>  

With just those words all of us were enveloped by bright lights from all around.  

I felt as if a breeze of wind enveloped my body taking sweat and dirt away.  

"It still amazing even how many times I see the magic... I like to learn some for myself." <Kazue>  

I said enviously. 



"-sigh- To impress the hero by casting "clean" magic..." <Orga>  

The imperial magician said with a very tired voice.  



"Heroes, I know you are tired and hungry from all of that training... come, eat with us” <Orga>  

With that, the Imperial Magician led us toward the hall where we first appeared in this world.  

Just like last time, there was a throne in the furthest part of the hall.  

The king was there, it seemed that he was waiting for our arrival.  



The room was large enough to fit 2 basketball courts in it.  

The ceiling was about 10 meters high.  

There are circular pillars that extend from the ceiling to the ground.  

There were a total of 8 pillars 4 on each side.  

A large chandelier was dangling down coming from the center of the ceiling.  

Those chandeliers were large enough and bright enough to light up the room.  

On each of the pillars was a small floating orb that serves as a source of light that helps illuminate the room.  

In front of the door, there was a red carpet that leads straight toward the throne.  

Lots of important-looking people were all around the room dressed in what I assume as party clothes.  

It was a crowd of all ages from small kids to old adults.  

It was a type of room where nobles would have their parties and dances.  



On the right side of the large room was a long table full of food and drinks.  

Servants are right there waiting to serve the ones who would be eating that food.  

It was quite similar to the long table we used in the dining room, just grander.  

"Heroes! forgive me~ I was not able to properly welcome you yesterday because of some trouble but I Emperor Arcane Pau Artesia VI welcomes you to Artesia Empire."  <Emperor>



With those words, the nobles around the room started clapping their hands while looking at us.  

Just like anyone would feel in this kind of situation, I felt a bit embarrassed.  



I looked around and no one of us does not know what to do.  

After all none of us have ever experienced talking with an Emperor before.  



"Haha, you don’t have to be so stiff; How about you dig in the food so you could feel at ease." <Emperor>  

Then the servants near the table started approaching us and led us toward the table full of food.  



The Emperor gave some sort of signal.  

Music started playing.  

I have just noticed it but there was a band with a musical instrument who was at the right edge of the room just beyond where the foods were.  

They played music that would go well at a ball party.  

I feel that we do not belong to it since we are still wearing our school uniform.  



I looked over the Emperor's place and saw the beautiful girl and the good-looking young boy.  

[I assume that those are the royal prince and princess? Hmnn?... where is the queen...]  

I cleared my mind of these useless questions and just started eating.   

I muttered.  

"I feel that all I’ve done in this world is to eat and eat and eat" <Kazue>  



When things settled down.  

The nobles started approaching my classmates who are done eating.  

They started to talk to them.  



The king stood up from the throne and walked toward Hano.  

There they started talking on their own.  

I assume it was because the emperor thinks that he was our leader or maybe because he was the one who has the "Hero" job.  

It took some time for the two to talk to each other.  



I don't feel like talking with the nobles.  

[If I am correct it was bad manners when you try to talk to someone who was still eating at this kind of party.]  

I silently think that as I was about to finish my food.  

[I know!]  

I took my plate and stood up and went toward the table where the food was placed.  

I went toward where the sweets were located and placed a lot of cookies on my plate.  

[With this, no one would try to talk with me.]  

This is not because I have trouble talking with people in general.  

It's because I don't feel like talking with these kinds of individuals, they are nobles.  



I stood just beside the sweets section as I snack on the cookies on my plate. 

I stood there looking at all the people at the party.  

Some young nobles are looking at me but they are holding back to approach me since I am still eating.  

[Just as planned]  



I saw that Hano and the emperor has ended their talk.  

The emperor snapped his finger.  

The band gradually stopped playing the lively music thus it became silent.  



"Heroes from another world! please gather over here." <Emperor>  

The Imperial Magician said.  

It appeared that he amplified his voice with Mr. Orga’s help using his magic.  

The Emperor’s voice was amplified enough to be heard through the hall despite being spoken in a soft voice.  



I wondered what was up.  

I placed my plate on the table of sweets and walked toward the old Imperial Magician.  

I and my classmates gathered there while being surrounded by the nobles.  



"Sir Hano, please." <Emperor>  

The emperor called for Hano who he just finished talking with.  

Hano went toward the Emperor's side with a determined face.  

"Everyone, Listen." <Hano>  

Hano said in a loud voice.  



"I have decided to defeat the demon lord. With that, I have to go on an adventure alone and defeat the demon lord." <Hano>  

Hano said with a straight face full of resolve.  

"Alone...huh." <Kazue>

My classmates made different reactions to this declaration from the class president.  



"hoooo~" <Kazue>  

I was amazed since it was just this morning that he was looking down and depressed.  

"I wonder what he and the emperor talked about that he was able to say such a thing." <Kazue>  

I whispered to myself.  



"The emperor has promised me that he would protect you guys until the time I defeat the demon lord" <Hano>  

After his declaration, I heard something  




As I hear this, I looked at the source of the voice.  

There was a girl there biting on her lips.  

She nodded; it was like she had decided on something.  

"I will come with you!"  

Screamed the same girl.  

This girl was Sakata Chiho, the girl who has the job "Saint"  



"If Chiho's coming then I too will be coming as well! it's that I am concerned for you!"  

A cute girl in a twin tail said following Chiho's declaration.  

This girl was the one who got the Sage job, Muto Aeko.  



"If that is the case then I should be going with you too"  

Said a girl in a confident and cool voice.  

This was Haga Mizuko, the one who got the Sword Princess Job.  



These girls are also my closest friend in the class.  

I knew that they had a crush on Hano but this made me feel ashamed for them.  

"you girls... you don’t have to come-" <Hano>  

Before Hano was able to refuse .



"You're always been like this. You always sacri..." <Chiho>  

The sound suddenly became muffled.  

Before I hear the following words, I placed my two hands over my ears and cover them.  

[I don’t want to hear that cheezy conversation.]  

I felt my arms are getting itchy, I could not listen to such a dramatic conversation.  

"7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 41, 49..." <Kazue>  

I decided to recite the multiplication table of seven in my head to distract myself from hearing the cheesy conversation that was happening right now.  



“1946, 1953 . . . “ <Kazue>  

"ah, they started hugging' one another" <Kazue>  

"uwah, now they are crying..." <Kazue>  

"Oh, they look happy now..." <Kazue>  

I started a monologue in my mind as I watch the 4 people having their heartfelt conversation in front of a lot of people.  

I felt so ashamed being their friend. 

[Just how can they say those cringe lines in front of this crowd?] 



The noble started clapping their hands, and some of them even started crying themselves.  

"... I Assume they are done?" <Kazue>  

I slowly removed my hands from covering my ear.  

I feel so ashamed of what my friends just did just now that I could not look at them with a straight face.  



Out of nowhere.

"UMMMMM" <Nerd 1>  

One of the four nerdy boys raised his hands.  

"Yeah, what is it... Mr..??" <Orga>  

The imperial magician said toward the nerdy boy who was trying to say something.  



"Ah, yes... I am Suguta Yoshiaga... I have a request to make" <Nerd 1/Suguta>  


The king and the imperial magician nodded at each other.  

"Please, say" <Orga>  

"I Suguta Yoshiaga, Inaba Motoichi, Tsuchiya Daisetsu, Nobira Naonobu... want to become adventurers and explore the world." <Suguta>  

Suguta Yoshiaga said loudly as 3 of his nerdy friends stepped forward.  



"Also, we would like to start our adventure starting tomorrow, I know that this is sudden but we are itching to start exploring this world ourselves" <Suguta>  

"TOMORROW?!" <Orga>  

The imperial magician said with a cough and looked troubled.  

"Yes, and we would like to have some money so we can easily explore the world..." <Suguta>  



The old man went toward the emperor and started talking to him.  

I saw them nodding to each other.  

They talked for a while and not long after they came to an agreement and nod at each other.



"Your request will be granted. We understand that you are looking for adventure yourself and we know that you will contribute well to us by becoming adventurers. Honestly, we still want to train you for the time being but as we saw from your training this morning, I feel that you can manage to survive on your own without having much difficulty." <Orga> 

The four boys looked at each other showing their bright and happy faces at each other after hearing it while doing fist pumps and some other kind of celebration. 

"We will prepare 100 gold coins for each of you by tomorrow." <Orga>  

Suguta Yoshiaga bowed toward the emperor and imperial magician to show his thanks.  



"Um" <Kazue>  

I raised my hand so that the imperial magician could see me.  

"Yes, miss what is it?" <Orga>  

"I would also want to be an adventurer just like them. Also, I demand the same thing too." <Kazue>  



The imperial magician became reluctant.  

Unlike how they treated the four boys, Orga did not agree right away.

I tried to talk it out.

It’s not that I am bragging or anything.

My reasoning was centered around the fact that my stat and my fighting skills are better than any of those 3 Otakus so I felt confident that I can manage better than they could.  

But after I pointed out the difference in how he treats the 3 boys compared to me they ended up yielding to my request and agreed.  



And so that is how I ended up in the guild the next day.  

















Author Note:  

Man~ this Random Japanese Name Generator is just so helpful.  

I have not thought of the names of any of my characters here. I just pick the ones that sound OK and there you go I have characters now…~  

It’s much easier to write from a first-person perspective but in the future, I would need to narrate this in the third person especially when the Gods that would be interacting with the heroes appear.  


But for now, I’ll take it easy as I introduce the world, and characters first.  


Well after working I felt like writing the third chapter and finished it. Maybe because my writer's soul is at its fullest right now. But still, I am planning to release 1 chapter per week it’s just that I’m in a groove right now~  

oh, also I finished making the cover too bad that it only showed 250 x 350 resolution >.<  

So I’ll put the whole size here…  




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