God’s Guide for Teasing Heroes

Chapter 23: Monster Stampede and City Gate

Kazue POV 





In the dark of the night, a loud sound enveloped the city of Altus. 

The sound started at the west gate of the city spreading everywhere to notify others. 

This sound is a warning that the undead had reached the city gate. 

Soldiers and adventurers who are the acting guards of the city have started to take action about the situation. 



Amid this chaos 

The citizen took haste and headed toward the plaza. 

They were told to gather in case of this kind of situation. 

Luckily, they have been informed in advance that there is a chance that the undead might get inside the city. 

With this, most of the citizens of this city were prepared to a certain extent. 



While the people are rushing toward the plaza. 



A pair of mother and child left their home to evacuate as well. 

Out of this confusion, the child was separated from his mother. 

The mother reached the plaza in no time but found out that her boy was missing. 

She went out of the shelter to find her child. 




The boy who was separated from her mother was crying alone in an empty alley. 

He was alone and terrified of the darkness that made him run away. 

No one was around since most of the citizens have already evacuated to the plaza. 

The place was being protected by strong adventurers and soldiers. 

They are prepared to lay down their lives to protect the citizen of the city. 



"Mama!!! Mama!!! where are you!!! Uwaahhhhhh....!!" <Boy> 

The boy was looking around for someone to help him but found out that no one was around. 

The fear and the darkness seemed to devour him. 

The boy knew that the city is being attacked by the undead. 

This only added more terror to his heart. 



He tried to run away from the darkness resulting in him running in the opposite direction from the shelters. 

The light of the moon guided him. 

He found himself on a dark pathway. 

He ran there because he saw a light. 

The boy tried to follow the light in this darkness and found a glowing crystal sphere. 

He picked up the sphere and used it to light his way. 

After walking for a while, he found himself in an open space where his worried mother found him. 




Kazue POV 




"Kazue, did that ghoul really go this way?" <Naofumi> 

“I don't know... but my instinct is telling me that we are right behind that thing.” <Kazue> 

"Instinct? Are we chasing that thing with just that?" <Naofumi> 

I chuckled a bit. 

Now that I think about it, I found it strange after all. 



"Well, I do not blame you for doubting me for it but... You see... ever since I came to this world, I have been trusting my instinct more than my reason and somehow, I was able to come by smoother than I expected. Uh... am I even making sense?" <Kazue> 

"Huh... so you're saying that you trust your instinct more than your reasons... Wow... that sounds cool." <Naofumi> 

"Right!? Kazue-chan is amazing after all!!!" <Rio> 



Naofumi made a troubled look on his face. 

He was not accustomed to seeing his silent and shy classmate act lively this way. 

"Hahaha~ Rio-san is more assertive than I expected. How do I put this, it's somehow surprising”? <Naofumi> 

Rio realizes her sudden outburst and made her blush on the spot. 

"That’s! Aaaa-aa-uu" <Rio> 



[The way she turns back to her usual self is also cute... well it's not something that I have to say.] 

I only saw Rio becomes this assertive when she was talking about Games and Books. 

This time around she was talking about me so I think I must add this reason as well.  

[This girl really likes me huh... I wonder why...] 

I smirked at Rio as I thought of this thing in my mind. 



Although it was dark in the forest, we still managed to traverse it fairly quickly thanks to the illumination of the moon. 

The light from the half-moon illuminated the forest enough that we could move in it. 

We had been chasing the undead for about a total of 15 minutes. 

Then we found ourselves out of the forest. 

There was an open area before one could reach the city. 

The light of the moon was bright enough to illuminate the wide-open area around Altus' walls. 



The ghoul was sneaking into the darkness. 

The monster was moving slowly and carefully to not get noticed by hiding in the tall grass and behind a few bushes or trees. 

If it was moving at its full speed it should have reached the city by now. 

But the undead seemed to be intelligent enough to avoid and sneakily moved slowly in the dark and avoid detection from the patrol around the area. 



I think it was because we were specifically looking for the ghoul, we manage to notice the unique ghoul sneaking around. 

When looking at its movement you would doubt that the creature was an undead for how it moved skillfully while avoiding detection from the patrol and lookouts. 

When we saw the undead moving in the dark, we immediately made a scene to force the patrol, lookouts, and guards to notice us and the undead. 

And when the ghoul realized that it would be impossible to move undetected from now on. 

It dashed straight to the city. 



By making a commotion to attract the attention of the people guarding the area. 

We managed to make them notice the ghoul running toward the city. 

As I was looking at the monster, dark emotion swelled up in my chest, and remembered the face of a person coughing out blood from my memories. 

"...Hah" <Kazue> 

I almost laughed at myself. 

[Since when had I felt this way with those annoying boys...] 



I came deep in thought and closed my eyes to look for a reason why such emotion would grow on me. 

Maybe, even though I kept on refuting them all the time I came to fancy their stupid actions... 

Maybe, at some point in time, I have already considered them as friends... 

Maybe, it’s time for me to accept them as my underling after all? 

"Uwah." <Kazue> 

I did not expect myself to be this soft.  

All this time I thought that I am a cold person... 


Look at me... I'm getting angry with those guys. 

[Am I that kind of person?] 

[Am I being soft-hearted?] 



I shook my head and remove those thoughts out of my head. 

I shifted my body to a position where I could start dashing forward. 

I crouched my body lower to the ground as I prepare for my next action. 


I used one of my skills, (Burst). 

A skill that would give me a boost of speed while moving in a straight line. 

I used this skill to chase after the undead that was moving toward the city gates. 



I could feel the air passing by my body as I moved to chase after the undead. 

It even resulted in me leaving behind Rio and Naofumi in the dust. 

Well, I think it would be alright since I think they would soon catch up in time. 

"IT'S A GHOUL!" <Kazue> 

I screamed as loud as I could to attract more attention from the guards and patrol outside the walls. 

They immediately picked up on my intention and acted according to the situation. 

They started to notify the other guards and patrols. 



-clang- -clang- -clang- 

I heard a sound coming from the city. 

Judging from the sound, It should be the sounds of the bells coming from the watch post that was specifically placed to alert others. 



Soon enough we manage to surround the ghoul. 

There were several adventurers and soldiers left in this city. 

There must be somebody here who is strong enough to fight against this undead...  

[I hope.] 



"Aaaaaaaaaa" <Ghoul> 

The Ghoul raised its sword aiming it at the sky. 

"What is this thing doing?" <Guard A> 

"Wait... I never heard about a ghoul that carries a weapon before." <Guard B> 

"Quickly! alert the command center!" <Guard C> 

"WAIT! That's?!" <Guard D> 

When the ghoul raised its sword, a spherical hole appeared above the undead. 

From that hole, lots of undead came out. 

There were several Undead Knight and Ghouls that came falling from that hole before disappearing from thin air. 



"Eh? Wait... that thing is..." <Kazue> 

The hole that the Ghoul summoned was the same black portal that transported me and my party inside a dungeon not too long ago. 

Wait?! did that ghoul just use a portal to summon the undead? 

Does this mean that this ghoul is the one summoning the undead from that dungeon? 



Just a moment ago, we were surrounding the ghoul but in no time the situation was flipped. 

"UNDEAD! DEFEND THE GATE! Don't allow a single one to get into the city!" <Leader> 



A battle broke out near the city gate. between the guards and the undead. 

Most of the adventurer stations in this area were F, E, and D-ranked adventurers the strongest being C-ranked. 

"Call for backup from the command center." <Leader> 

"What the hell is that undead, it just summoned a lot of undead?!" <Guard> 



A ghoul is a D-rank monster while the undead Knight was a C-rank monster. 

Meaning only D-rank and C-rank adventurers could put up a fight with the monsters that just appeared in here. 

Most of the adventurers who are E-rank and above were fighting deep inside the forest at the moment. 

Not to mention most of the elite soldiers and adventurers are further in the front line. 

The people left in this city were not meant to fight against such a monster. 

Most of the adventurers and soldiers here are mostly in the level of an F-rank. 

Needless to say, they would not stand a chance against a ghoul 1 vs 1, even more against an Undead Knight who is a rank above it. 



It's not as if no one in the city can fight against those monsters. 

It was just those people are not present at the gate. 

The people who are strong enough to fight against these monsters are busy protecting the citizens gathered in the city plaza. 



A soldier who seemed to be in charge of this place issued an order by yelling at the top of his voice. 

"Be careful! These monsters are not ordinary undead! If you’re fighting ability is not on the level of at least an E-rank Adventurer don't fight! fall back and call for help instead! You know your abilities well so don't act like a hero." <Leader> 



Most of the lookouts and some of the guards had turned tail and run away. 

Only a few stayed behind. 

In terms of numbers, it was about balanced. 

But I knew at a glance that only a few of the remaining adventurers and soldiers here is capable of defeating a ghoul by themselves. 

Those who are confident in their strength stepped forward and took on some of the undead. 



"hiii?!!" <Naofumi> 

I heard a screech coming from behind. 

I took a glance and saw Naofumi and Rio 

"Where did all of that undead come from?" <Naofumi> 

"That Ghoul somehow created a portal and summoned the undead." <Kazue> 

"Hey, Kazue?! Aren’t those..." <Rio> 

I nodded at Rio and confirmed her query. 

"Yeah... Undead Knights..." <Kazue> 

"Iiii, what are those huge things in black armor? They look strong! Can we defeat those things?" <Naofumi> 

"..." <Kazue> 




I fell silent as I knew how strong one undead knight was. 

If there were just one, I could probably in some way manage to defeat one on my own but 2, 3 not to mention that there are 6 of them. 

I did not answer as I did not know the fighting force of the adventurers and soldiers who remained in the city. 

Hopefully, there are at least 4 who could fight an undead knight by themselves. 



We encircle the gate and joined the formation of the adventurers and soldiers protecting the gates. 

"At this rate, we'll all die." <Soldier> 

It was apparent that our fighting force was not enough to defeat the undead that was in front of us. 

In an instant, several of us fell into the hands of the ghouls and the undead knights. 



The leader also realized this quickly and ordered another command. 

"We can't hold them off any longer! Fall back behind the gates and lock them." <Leader> 

As we were falling back into the city walls the archers and Mages station in the station above the wall was shooting arrows and magic toward the undead to back us up. 



With the help of a few soldiers, we managed to fall back behind the city walls and closed the gates. 

In the process, some of the soldiers stayed back to slow down the advance of the undead who are trying to get behind the gates. 

They were helplessly devoured by several ghouls. 

The scene reminded me of some western Zombie movie where one would be eaten alive by several zombies. 

Their insides are being torn apart by the ghoul and after losing their life they would stand up as undead. 

We closed the gates right away in the hope to prevent the undead from getting inside. 

The screams and cries of the soldiers who were left behind can be heard beyond the closed gates. 



When we got inside the station above the wall was blown apart. 

I saw the tower post of the wall being bombarded by a black aura. 

[I think that attack was from the Undead knight...] 



Banging noise was heard from the door. 

It seemed that the undead is trying to break the wooden gates down. 

Thankfully it seemed that those gates were reinforced with some kind of magic. 



"We're safe!" <Soldier> 

"Don't relax! the gate would not last for long." <Leader> 

The leader continued to issue more commands to the adventurers and soldiers gathered by the gate. 






The leader raised his voice so that everyone could hear his voice. 

"I know that you feel like running away but we cannot allow these monsters to advance further. The reinforcement will soon come. If we can hold them here for as long as they arrive, It's our victory!" <Leader> 

The expression of the soldiers and adventurers who heard this looked gloomy. 

They knew that if they let the undead get further it would be problematic. 



"We must at least hold out a little bit until the civilians can move to shelter!" <Leader> 

"How long should we hold them out?" <Adventurer> 

"At least for 10 minutes, 15 minutes at worst" <Leader> 

The leader closed his eyes and mustered all of his courage 

"Everyone, please! hold on!" <Leader> 



The banging on the gate became louder and louder. 

It was obvious that it would not take long for it to break down. 

"Everyone! Get ready the gate is about to fall!" <Soldier> 



Soon enough the gate broke open and a big explosion of dust and debris flew into the air. 

The dust was blown away by a dark aura slashing through the air. 

6 undead Knight was standing in front of a few dozens of ghouls. 

As if mocking. 

The Undead Knight was just standing still and was looking at the adventurers and soldiers who were waiting behind the gate. 



The 6 undead knights rushed forward in 6 different directions. 

The leader of the city guards took on 1 undead knight by himself without hesitation. 

"Leave the other one to us!" <Adventurer Leader 1> 

"Same here! Our party will take on this one!" <Adventurer Leader 2> 

"We'll take on this one then! we won’t lose to some adventurer! the protection of the city is our job after all!" <Soldier> 



Several adventurers took on two of the 6 undead knights without hesitation. 

Several strong soldiers took on the other one. 



I took my stance and prepared to take on at least one of the remaining two undead knights. 

But my gaze was also glued on another monster coming from the gate. 



The unique ghoul was trying to sneak into the chaos. 

It seemed that no one else noticed but it moved through the chaos and ignored the adventurers who are trying to stop the advance of the incoming undead. 

They are all too focused on the Undead Knights. 



"Tsk." <Kazue> 

I clicked my tongue in frustration. 

[Should I chase after it? or should I leave it to someone else... No... I should chase for it... that ghoul might cause more casualties if I let it be.] <Kazue> 

In an instant, I decided to chase after the unique ghoul. 



"Rio! Naofumi, I'll leave this place to you..." <Kazue> 

"Wa-wait Kazu....e" <Rio> 

Before Rio could even stop me, I used "Burst" to chase after the ghoul once again. 



[This ghoul... it is trying to sneak out of battle... what a cowardly move!] 

I was able to catch up with the undead soon enough and gave it a slash from behind. 

As expected, it was able to dodge my attack, and continued running. 

"Hey! don't ignore me!" <Kazue> 

I continued the chase. 



"This direction, it's not trying to go to the shelters... I don't think it would lead to something important." <Kazue> 

I continued chasing the undead while thinking of a reason why would it go to an unpopulated area of the city. 

This part of the city has nothing in particular. 


I continued asking questions as to why would that Ghoul go to this place. 



Soon enough I saw a pair of mother and child running. 

The ghoul's movement changed, from a passive to a more aggressive stance. 

It raised the sword. 

It was obvious that the ghoul was trying to attack the mother and child for some unknown reason. 



The mother immediately covered her son with her own body as she spotted the ghoul running toward them. 

"What?! Why all of a sudden?!" <Kazue> 



I used "burst" to go ahead of the undead and I successfully got in between the undead and the two civilians. 

I blocked the sword of the undead with my own. 


The sound of our sword clashing rang. 

"Guh!" <Kazue> 

The slash I caught was heavy and full of killing intent. 



"Why are you trying to attack this random civilian out of nowhere?!" <Kazue> 

I tried to push back the ghoul while locking swords with it. 

But as expected, it did not reply. 

"Ughhh!!" <Kazue> 

I felt a dull pain on my side. 

The ghoul kicks me on the side. 



I felt that my body flew in the air for a short while before slamming into one of the walls of a house. 

At that moment the ghoul did not waste its time following up with an attack. 

It was too focused on the mother and child and tried to attack them instead. 

Thankfully I was not blown away too far and I was able to reach them in time but as a result, I did not have enough time to raise my sword properly. 

In the end, I tackled the undead to push it away from the two. 



The ghoul crashed toward a cart full of scraps. 

Using this time to assess the situation. 

I got in between the ghoul and the mother and child. 

"T-Th-thank you Miss adventurer" <Mother> 



"Uhh, no problem...Sorry aunty but his ghoul seemed to be after the two of you! Don't you have any idea why?!" <Kazue> 

I talked to the mother without shifting my gaze away from the broken cart. 

"Uh, no we're just trying to get to the shelter..." <Mother> 

I groaned since the mother seemed to have no idea why the undead would attack them. 

I took a glance at them. 

I noticed that the child was holding onto a spherical crystal in his hands. 




The child did not answer since it seemed that he was shocked by all the things happening. 

"Aunty! do you know what that crystal is?" <Kazue> 

I asked the mother instead. 

"Uhh, no I never saw that crystal before. It seemed to be something this child picked up on the way..." <Mother> 



A certain tingle scratched into my very soul. 

[Something is telling me that the reason why that ghoul attacked them is because of that thing...] 



The ghoul emerged from the rubble of the broken cart. 

It took its time to get up on its feet. 

It walked toward the sword it dropped to the ground after crashing with the cart. 



It looks toward our direction and started to talk in a garbled voice. 

"I- I----shp- Nee--d-kuh - to.- to.-arkkrg- Go. Home--" <Ghoul> 

"What? Go home?" <Kazue> 



It seemed to have said something but I was only able to understand the last part 

[Go home? Did that ghoul just say "Go home" just now?] 



"Sorry Kid! can I borrow this?" <Kazue> 

I took the spherical crystal from the boys' hands and stepped away from the mother and child. 

I put out the sphere in the direction of the undead to confirm something. 

[if my instinct is telling me the right thing… then...] 


"KWEHUAGT!!!" <Ghoul> 

The ghoul became excited as soon as it saw me offering the crystal. 

"BINGO!" <Kazue> 



It came after me and attacked me with all its might. 

The ghoul strikes its sword toward me but I managed to block it. 

But its forward rush pushed me back and pinned me into a wall 




"Y-YE-YES! Thank you, adventurer, I will call for someone to help you right away!" <Mother> 



The mother took her son and run right away. 

She did not even bother to look back while pulling the hands of her son. 



"Yes, yes~ I'll be expecting help soon... or else I might die." <Kazue> 














Author Note: 

I just realized that when writing in Kazue’s PoV, I don’t have to type [] all the time when she is just narrating the situation. 

Instead, I only do the [] thingy when she is thinking about a side comment about the situation or something similar XD 

[Te’ Am I even making sense?] 



Also, I know that I have decided to make clearer art for this but I just don’t have the time. 

Well, sure I can quickly finish something similar to a sketch but that’s all I can do with the time I have. 

I truly wish I don’t have to work for my daily needs and just write and make illustrations but… -sigh- 

But hey, I still find it fun to just write a story~ as it is~ 


What else...  

Ah! Originally the title for this chapter should be "Monster Stampede [IV]" But I don't like using numbers without actually giving a thought to the title for the same arc... so I kinda changed the roman numeral with something more ... complex? no... Applicable? 

Something like that... 


Again Thanks for reading! 

[Te~ who reads this author note anyway hahah~?] 

[Wait? does anyone even read my work?] 



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