God’s Guide for Teasing Heroes

Chapter 26: Monster Stampede and Results

Kazue POV 




"Who are these people?" <Kazue> 



The lady seemed to have heard me and took her time to introduce herself. 

"Ah, sorry for the late Introduction. My name is Stella and that one is my little sister, Luna. We are both E-ranked adventurers" <Stella> 



"Ah..." <Kazue> 

The girl who introduced herself then looks at me as if asking for something. 

"..." <Stella> 

She stared at me as if she was waiting for something. 

"?" <Kazue> 

It took me a while to realize what she was after but I soon understood what she was waiting for. 

"Oh, yes... I am Mizusawa Kazue. I am an adventurer just like you and I am E-ranked as well." <Kazue> 

The girl nods at my answer. 

[Looks like introducing myself was the right thing to say] 



"I would like to know what is happening but for now... It seems that we have to do something about that thing." <Stella> 

"Yeah, I don't think we have time to chat..." <Kazue> 



The seemingly carefree one-san's expression became serious all of a sudden. 

She was looking at the ghoul that I have been fighting. 

I took my stance and readied my sword despite feeling exhausted. 

"Be careful that ghoul is not normal" <Kazue> 

I warned Stella. 

Stella nodded once before replying to me. 

"I had that kind of feeling. A typical ghoul should not be able to withstand my attack the way this one did." <Stella> 



Stella also took her stance. 

She took a small bounce on her place and in an instant. 

She disappeared, in the next moment I saw her next to the ghoul. 



"She-She teleported?!" <Kazue> 

I said. 

[This lady is not your average E-rank adventurer!] 

Her abilities seemed to pale the other E-rank adventurers I've seen so far. 

Basing on the power of her kick and how fast her movement is. 

She's not your average E-ranked Adventurer. 



She kicked the ghoul once again after she appeared beside it. 

But unlike the last time, the ghoul properly defended itself from her attack. 

It was able to parry the attack with its forearm while still holding its sword. 

The ghoul quickly countered with a swing of its sword. 

Stella dodged the attack by leaning backward. 

She used that momentum to tumble backward. 

As she does so, she also threw something at the ghoul. 



-clang- -clang- 

She threw pieces of metal at the undead who was about to rush at her. 

The piece of metal was flung into the air as the ghoul tried to block them. 

It was a star-shaped metal, the one that you would usually see in a show that features ninjas. 

She threw a pair of throwing stars. 

Each of the throwing stars carried an enormous amount of power behind it. 



I was on the back and carefully observing Stella and the ghoul's movement. 

I was trying to find an opportunity to attack. 

As I did Luna came to me and asked if I was alright. 

It seemed that she was done assisting Naofumi. 



"How is he?" <Kazue> 

"Oh, that guy? he lost consciousness but I am sure that he's going to be alright." <Luna> 



"Ice Sword" <Luna> 

Luna cast magic and a sword-like object appeared in her hands. 

It was a clear crystal-like object; it looks like a blade made of glass. 

The Sword created smoke that flowed downward, it was similar to the smoke coming from dry ice. 



"One-chan, I'll attack it as well." <Luna> 

"Me too, I really want to finish what I started." <Kazue> 

"Miss Adventurer... even though you're all tattered, you still want to fight?" <Luna> 

"Well, I think... I am a sore loser; I don’t want to admit my defeat" <Kazue> 

"Hee~~" <Luna> 

Luna sounds impressed 

[Actually, I could not tell since she had the same expression on her face all this time. The tone of her voice was also the same] 



"Alright..." <Stella> 

Stella took a few steps back to create some space between herself and the ghoul. 

She pulled out two kunai and held them in both her hands. 

She dashed forward and used the kunai as a weapon to attack the ghoul. 



After watching her fight, I feel that Stella's fighting ability was about the same as mine. 

[I assume Luna is on the same level?] 

But as the battle continued it became apparent that the ghoul was being pushed back. 

Stella is a great fighter but her overall stats must not be too far from me. 

If that were the case Stella should still be the one losing. 

The reason why Stella was having an advantage over the undead was caused by something else. 

The reason was the ghoul's arms. 

The ghoul lost its left arm from my struggles from earlier. 

Right now, Stella is focusing her attacks on the left side of the ghoul which the ghoul is having a hard time defending. 



Luna seemed to notice this weakness as well and started to talk in her monotone voice. 

"I'll attack it on the right side and you should go and attack the left side." <Luna> 

"Okay, got it" <Kazue> 

"I'll go first and limit its movements. I'll leave the rest to you." <Luna> 

"I got it, Leave it to me" <Kazue> 



"CA-CARLA" <Ghoul> 

Once again, I heard a voice coming from the undead. 

"Did that undead just speak?" <Kazue> 

"Oh my..." <Stella> 

Stella let out a very surprised voice. 

"It surely did, Amusing." <Luna> 

Luna casually said with a calm tone. 



"Carla, I - I- I'm coming home." <Ghoul> 

As if the ghoul has resolved itself to its end. 

The aura in its body became more pronounced. 

[It must have gathered all of its power to fight us despite knowing it's going to lose... also it seems that it also has some level of self-awareness.] 

It then moved into a stance. 



I realized that the undead is self-aware to some extent so a bit of hesitation came me. 

I looked at the two girls fighting with me. 

"Kazue... was it? Your name?" <Stella> 

"Ah, yes" <Kazue> 

Stella spoke to me, she seemed to have noticed that I was in a dilemma. 

"You can leave this all to us if you want, you don't have to push yourself." <Stella> 

"No... It's just that... that ghoul seems to be self-aware... I just wonder what would happen to it after we defeat it." <Kazue> 



"Hmnn... so you're worried about that..." <Stella> 

Stella closes her eyes before replying to me. 

She opened her eyes and fixed them directly at the undead. 

"That thing must be suffering... I don't know what happened to him but after turning into that it must be painful... He must have hated it." <Stella> 

"Eh?" <Kazue> 

"Don't you think so? if He was once a person, becoming an undead must be really painful...It is just right for us to end its suffering, Am I correct?" <Stella> 

"... I suppose you're correct." <Kazue> 

[These things keep on saying the word, Carla.] 



"Carla... She must be this person's wife or daughter..." <Stella> 

"Probably..." <Kazue> 

[yeah, I must put an end to this thing's suffering. If by chance I was able to meet this "Carla" someday I will ask for forgiveness] 

I feel sorry but I could not let this undead do as it wanted. 



"Are you ready?" <Stella> 

I nodded. 

The three of us started moving. 

Stella pulled out more throwing stars and threw them rapidly at the undead. 

I feel that each of those throwing stars is as heavy as my sword slashes. 

The Ghoul is having a hard time deflecting or dodging them. 

Stella was doing this to prevent the ghoul from rushing forward and kept it on the defensive. 

Luna and I used this time to move forward. 



Luna moved toward the right side of the ghoul while I was moving on the other side. 

I paced myself to reach the ghoul after Luna does her thing with her Ice sword. 

When we were about to reach the ghoul, Stella stopped attacking so the two of us could step in. 

Luna swung her crystal sword while aiming for the ghoul's neck 

The ghoul tried to parry the sword with its own. 

As soon as their swords clashed, Luna's sword collapsed onto the ghoul. 



At first glance, the attack may look like it failed but in actuality it was deliberate. 

When the crystal sword collapsed it enveloped half of the ghoul's body in ice, limiting its movements. 

Using that moment, I aimed for its neck. 



(Aura Blade) 

At the very last moment, I used the aura blade to boost the attack power of my sword swing. 



A moment of silence. 

Then a dull sound of something falling. 

It was the ghoul's head. 

Almost at the same time the body of the ghoul lifelessly fell on the floor. 



I took a deep breath 


[It's done] 



"Aa~ that was quick... I wanted to fight more..." <Luna> 

"My my, Luna you should not think like that. These monsters are dangerous." <Stella> 

We managed to defeat the undead. 

With the help of two other adventurers, I manage to finish off the undead. 

[Ha~ I could finally rest! AT LAST] 

"Stella, Luna... thanks for the assist" <Kazue> 

"No problem, also you don’t have to be so formal... Kazue" <Stella> 



After I confirmed that the undead had fallen. 

I heard a tingling tone inside my head. 

It was like the beeping notification of a phone. 

I instinctively close my eyes as I also felt a mild headache and nausea. 



"Are you okay?" <Stella> 

"Ah... it's just that my head hurts... also I hear something in my head." <Kazue> 

"In your head?" <Stella> 

Stella is looking at me with a concerned look on her face. 



"Sorry, Stella-san... I think I'm going to pass out." <Kazue> 

"Oh my..." <Stella> 

I closed my eyes. 

In my head, I saw a "Text Box" that reminded me of a dialogue box from the visual novels I often played at home. 

Inside the text box, it says "CONGRATULATIONS" 



"Eh?" <Kazue> 

I lost consciousness 





"Kazue" <Voice> 

I hear a voice calling out for me. 



"Kazue" <Voice> 

[Again...? who is it?] 



"Kazue" <Voice> 

[Wait... it's so dark...] 

[Ah... no wonder it's dark...] 

[My eyes are still closed... hahaha~ Am I stupid?] 



And so, I tried to open my eyes. 

I blinked several times as I was blinded by the lights. 



When I opened my eyes I immediately saw the face of someone familiar. 

It was the face of someone I did not see for over a month. 

But still, I missed her. 



"Chiho." <Kazue> 

"KAZUE! You're awake!" <Voice/Chiho> 

"Well... after calling out a person's name like that... anyone would wake up." <Kazue> 



"Sorry..." <Chiho> 

"You're bothersome like always... and? why are you here? Ah... wait, where am I?" <Kazue> 

"Ah, you are inside the guild's recovery room." <Chiho> 

"... I see... What about the undead?" <Kazue> 

"About that... You see..." <Chiho> 



Chiho explained. 

After I passed out. 

The reinforcement arrived just in time. 

They soon defeated the monsters that were summoned by the unique ghoul from within the city. 



The Frontline who was with Hano managed to defeat the Undead king. 

It took a while but they still managed to do it. 

They soon joined the elite soldiers who were holding off the strong undead and defeated them. 



Soon after 

The vanguard pushed forward and joined with the rear group to defeat the remaining undead in the forest easily. 

After all, defeating the stronger undead, defeating zombies, skeletons, undead hounds and some ghouls is nothing compared to the ones they fought earlier. 



The only variable that did not go according to plan was the existence of the unique undead that we fought. 

The origin and nature of this undead were still unknown. 

The fact that this ghoul even managed to kill or seriously injure adventurers was outside anyone's expectations. 

Honestly, I feel that the ghoul was a lot more dangerous than the "Undead Knight" which is a C-ranked monster. 



After defeating the ghoul, Luna and Stella handed over its remain to the guild. 

Its body was collected and was being studied by the guild, after all, it was odd that such a monster even exists. 

I pointed out that the ghoul was after an orb that one of the citizens found within the city. 

Luckily it was picked up by Luna and Stella when they brought me in here to get treatment. 

I surrendered the orb to Chiho, who will be delivering it to the guild later. 

It was still a mystery why the unique ghoul was after this orb. 

I even have a hunch that the reason why the undead marched in this city was exactly because of this thing. 

[If that was the case, It was outside my power to keep it in my care.] 

Although the reason why such a thing appeared in Altus also remains unknown. 



Meanwhile, Rio was also resting on a bed nearby. 

Just like me she also pushed herself and got herself injured. 

Thankfully it was not a fatal injury, she only needed some rest after getting healed by the healers. 

It was thanks to her efforts that the damage in the city was reduced. 

She successfully took the attention of one Undead Knight which significantly reduced the number of casualties. 

After all, one of the "Undead Knights" killed more than 30 soldiers by itself before the reinforcement managed to deal with it. 

Soon after, Rio was saved after Stella and Luna arrived to defeat the "Undead Knight". 



Speaking of Stella and Luna, they seemed to have contributed a lot during this battle. 

They efficiently defeated monsters in the city and even returned to the forest to help exterminate the remaining undead. 

Because of this, the two gained popularity. 

The sisters defeated the strong undead despite being E-ranked Adventurers. 



The little sister defeats the undead with her Ice magic. 

Because of this, the adventures gave her a nickname calling her "Ice Princess". 

The older sister, on the other hand, was a skilled fighter who uses throwing stars to eliminate the enemy while moving in the shadows, they named her the "Shadow Demon". 

[... why is the little sister called a "Princess" and the older sister a "Demon"? I mean, I remember that the older sister was one of the nicest people out there.] 



I did not realize it back then but apparently, the two of them were not human. 

I thought that the horns on Stella's head were just decorations or some kind of equipment. 

Apparently, it was a real horn and she was not a human. 



That sounded a liiiiitle suspicious at first... 

Well, just because they are not human doesn't mean that they are bad people. I could tell that they are not bad people... 

My instinct says so... 

Also, other adventurers did not have any bad prejudice against them so I suppose they are okay with them not being human?  

Since Vis, who was an elf managed to blend well into society and was doing just fine after all.  

Maybe being "demi-human" was a thing in this world?  

Oh well, maybe I should not think hard about this matter. 



I already knew that these two were not your ordinary E-rank adventurer. 

I also fought alongside them for a short while but I could tell that they were skilled and very powerful. 

I even heard that they were only level 13, yes, they were just 1 level above me. 

Chiho also said that those two became adventurers lately. 

Which explains why their ranks are still low despite being that skilled. 



Speaking of my level. 

I have leveled up from level 10 to level 12 

I would be disappointed if I did not level up. 

After defeating that unique ghoul I at least deserve that much. 

I also defeated tons of undead in the forest before that.  

I was optimistic enough to expect to level up at least 5 levels but it appeared that leveling up is not that easy after all.  








I level up 2 levels! 

After more than 40 days I managed to reach level 12...  

I still don’t know if it was fast or not. 



I also gained a new skill and a title. 

I was already happy to know that my (Concentration) skill leveled up after all it was very useful during my fight with the ghoul. 

I also learned a new skill called (Decapitation Slash) it is a Class-specific attack skill for swordsmen who uses a Katana. It is something similar to a fireball and all. 

It was a skill that enhances the cutting ability of my attacks with my katana. 

To put it simply, it helps me cut things~ 



As for my title... 

"God of Judgement's Favor" was replaced by "God of Judgement's Apprentice Oracle" 

[What does this mean?] 

[I don't know I want to ask that myself] 



I was out cold for 2 days. 

Apparently, it was a side effect of totally depleting my mana 

This does not happen with mages and other jobs that are completely dependent on mana. 

The "Swordsman" job class is not built to have their mana to be completely drained. 

This rarely happens since swordsman barely has skills that use mana. 

[I might have pushed myself too hard.] 

Also, by the time I woke up all things were already settled. 



"Enough of that... Kazue... I missed you" <Chiho> 

Chiho, the Saint of the hero’s party started hugging me. 

"Hahaha~ Come on Chiho~ it's just been a month" <Kazue> 

"Hmph!! IT'S BEEN MORE THAN A MONTH!! and that's already a long time!" <Chiho> 

"Haha? Is that so? Anyway, I like your new hair color." <Kazue> 

I knew that Chiho was about to make an outburst so I tried to divert her attention and pointed out something about her hair. 

"Oh... acha… So, it was noticeable huh… I was conscious of it... Does it look good?" <Chiho> 

"Yeah, it looks good on you." <Kazue> 



I was also a little bit interested in her hair, to be honest. 

The color of her hair changes from Brown to light brown which almost looks golden. 

I already heard it from Yanase before but it still amazes me. 



"This? The color was not this light a few days ago, but during the battle with the undead my hair color turned to this before I even noticed it." <Chiho> 

"Heee~ I wonder why is that?" <Kazue> 

"I asked Sir Victor and it was because I used up a lot of mana during that time." <Chiho> 

"Sir Victor?..." <Kazue> 

"Oh... yeah, you never met him huh? Well... in simple words, he is our Instructor... Oh! yeah, speaking of hair changing colors..." <Chiho>  

"Oh, if it's hair, mine is a little bit more interesting than Chiho's." <Voice 2> 



Another voice joined the conversation I was having with Chiho. 

It was a familiar voice. 

"Speaking of the devil." <Chiho> 

"...Mizuko?" <Kazue> 

I said, I was only half guessing but from the reaction she gave me, it looks like I was right. 

At first, I thought it was a random beauty with long blue hair who just entered the room. 

If it was not for her voice, I would have not recognized her. 

But I knew this girl, it was "Haga Mizuko" the Sword Princess. 



"Hahaha~ you're as cold as always Kazue~ I don't mind receiving a bit happier expression you know." <Voice2/Mizuko> 

"Aaaa~ don't expect Kazu-chi to make that expression..." <Voice 3> 

Another girl joined in the conversation. 

She appeared from where Mizuko came from and entered the room. 

She wears a red and black colored robe while carrying a cool-looking magic staff. 

She had a cute face and the twin tails she wears only adds to her cuteness. 

I also knew this girl, it was "Muto Eiko" the Sage. 

"Sup~" <Voice 3/Eiko> 



"Ah... your hair is still black... boring..." <Kazue> 

"What!? It's been a while since I saw your face and all I get is a disappointment. Are you picking a fight?!" <Eiko> 

"No, not really..." <Kazue> 

I said in a mocking tone. 

I love how she reacts when I try to tease her for no reason. 

[In a way... I kinda missed these familiar faces] 















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