Golden Crow’s Self-Cultivation

Chapter 38

Chapter 36 , End of Love Paradise

Chi Yao’s eyes lit up, and all the information was clearly thrown in her brain as if they were connected.

That’s right, because that day, as a five-star NPC, he was accidentally hit by the player and exposed his whereabouts. The people who came to eat melon abandoned their careers and their plots, and they all ran to the Golden Voice downstairs to watch her.

When everyone was passionate, Jiang Nian appeared.

She is the administrator! She is the person in charge of monitoring the entire love city, so she does not allow the crash to continue, so she comes!

This also explains why no one spoke when Jiang Nian came out. It also explained why the players were very angry when they saw Jiang Nian communicating with him, but no one spoke.

The memory of the players has been cleaned, and they purely feel that they are here to play the game.

But Jiang Nian and the high-tech country behind her have cast too much psychological shadow on these people, so big that no one dares to speak.

That’s it…

Unexpectedly, the Oolong that she had accidentally hit by mistake was actually the code to crack the whole world chess game. If it is as she guessed, then Chi Yao only needs to create a larger gathering again and let more players escape the story of life, then the rules of the game in the entire love city will be broken.

If the game loses its balance and cannot function normally, the player and the NPC can be separated smoothly.

Chi Yao’s thoughts were opened, and the smile on his lips also twitched.

Now that the story of her life is about to collapse, it seems that there is no problem with her collapsing her personal settings.

Su Mian sat next to Chi Yao, watching Qi Yanran adjust her sitting posture, two slender jade legs overlapped, revealing a graceful arc. There was a coquettish smile on the whole face, all the coldness of that delicate face disappeared, and what came out of it was a charming, charming and powerful aura.


Su Mian looked at the gorgeous and moving woman in front of her, dumbfounded.

Chi Yao raised the corners of her mouth and stretched out her hand to brush Su Mian’s palm. His eyes were full of gazes, and the water gleamed in his eyes.

The fairy hooked Su Mian’s fingers, leaned against her ears, and suggested as if acting like a baby: “I want to play a big one. Would you like to accompany me?”

Su Mian’s ears banged, the terrible beauty was so dazzling that she was throbbing in her heart.

Under her influence, Su Mian became less nervous, exhaled, and her eyes lifted slightly.

“How to play?”

What is Chi Yao planning to do?

She asked Su Mian to open the forum in the city of love in front of her

Under Su Mian’s introduction, Su Mian opened a post.

“Are you sure you can do this?”

Su Mian was a little surprised: “The forum also has an administrator, and the content of the post will be reviewed. If there are too strange words, it will be closed.”

“I see.”

Chi Yao didn’t plan to use the forum to tell the players the truth from the beginning. If she really told the truth in the post, she would be blocked directly in less than three minutes.

“I just want to have a fan meeting.”

Su Mian: …?

Su Mian: “???”


She was full of question marks, but Chi Yao didn’t tell her about the bug, Su Mian naturally couldn’t understand Chi Yao’s thoughts.

Under Chi Yao’s gaze, Su Mian still made a post.

[Subject: Has anyone slept at this point? If you don’t sleep, come and have a look——]

[LZ-Su Mian: Hello everyone, this is Su Mian. This is the first time I have logged into the Love City forum with a player account to post a post. As a good friend of the five-star NPC, I am here to help Qi Yanran convey a few words:

Regarding the recent discussions and concerns about Qi Yanran, Wuxing could not help being excited while surprised.

Thank you for your company, and thank you for your love. Next, the five-star NPC Qi Yanran will launch a friendly meeting to meet at 8:30 tomorrow morning in the residential area of ​​Qijia Villa. At that time, Qi Yanran will draw lucky players on the spot to take photos with her for intimate interaction. 】

[Forum-Nullification:? Is there such a thing? Green stickers? ? 】

[Forum-1.7 meters today: I always feel fraudulent, is there evidence? I didn’t count your green posts. 】

[Forum-Qingmian: Understood, this is probably because the host deliberately deceived people to come in and scold it. 】

[Forum-Wen Yujun: laugh to death, I don’t believe it! 】

[Forum-Lou Ye: Unofficials do not cooperate, unofficials do not believe, unofficial speeches are all rumors! Kill it! 】

A message popped out, making Chi Yao couldn’t help laughing. She looked at the player named Xiao Louye’s message and hooked Su Mian.

“Give me the phone and I will record a video.”

Su Mian handed the phone to Chi Yao.

Chiyao was a trainee in the last world, so she naturally knew how to pose, and she also knew how to choose an angle to be photographed. She held the phone in one hand, turned on the camera mode, her beautiful and delicate face was close to the camera, her cold expression changed, and a shallow smile appeared.

“Hello everyone on the forum, this is Qi Yanran——”

This video is just repeating Su Mian’s words in a different way, but the effect is not at all.


Everyone was scolding Su Mian for being stupid. As soon as this video was uploaded, everyone started to be shocked and screamed and licked their faces together.

Chi Yao is very smart. Half an hour after sending it out, she deleted the reply with the video voluntarily, leaving only a group of players who followed the forum screaming.

Players who have newly posted posts are confused and confused.

[Forum-Kua Kua: May I ask what happened? Why do you keep brushing OHHH? ? 】

[Forum-Lou Ye: Aow! Qi Yanran called my name! 】

[Forum-20: Oh, I feel like I can do it. 】

[Forum-Ningyin. : Let’s not say anything else. At 8:30 tomorrow morning, we will meet together in the Qi family villa, sisters! 】

The player who saw the video was full of excitement. It was a five-star NPC. As long as they could interact closely, they would have the opportunity to speak. As long as there is a chance to speak, there will be a strategy. Qi Yanran is worth twenty people alone. If you attack her, you will be perfect if you attack her by a few more stars.

The players who were deceived by the truth were excited and hurriedly fell asleep that night, waiting for the next day to get together with Qi Yanran. Xiao Mengxin, who didn’t know the truth, saw the forum posts quickly posted on the Internet. She couldn’t help but follow suit while she was confused. She was curious and decided to join in the fun the next day.

In this wonderful situation, most players have chosen to go together.

As for the life story?

Is it important to have five stars!

After thinking about things in this world, Chi Yao had a good night’s sleep.

When she went downstairs to eat in the living room, Su Mian had been sitting there for a long time.

Su Mian’s eyes brightened when he saw Chi Yao go downstairs. She glanced at the window next to her, and from this angle, she could see the crowds of players outside. It’s only eight o’clock now, but many people are already waiting outside.

Su Mian’s heart is complicated, and she is surprised that this kind of thing exists, and feels sour for Qi Yan.

“Unexpectedly, it really came…”

She muttered to herself.

Chi Yao didn’t speak, she sat on the chair opposite Su Mian, squinted her eyes and smiled, “Actually, I was planning to set it at 10:30. At that time, most people were working and suddenly stopped coming to me. The scene must be more spectacular.”

But then she thought about it, from 8 to 10:30 there are still two and a half hours. During these two and a half hours, why should they, who are bullied and brainwashed, continue to create wealth for the high-tech country?

Since it is all in this situation, it is better to strike early in the morning.

She licked her lips, her voice was soft, “Yes, I will give them a big gift later.”

Chi Yao said it was a big gift, and that was a big gift.

She was wearing a long red skirt that shuffled the floor. The skirt had slits from the thighs, and the white thighs were looming with every step. It’s charming and demon, it’s incredibly charming. Her narrow and long eyes were cold and cold by her, and her facial expressions gradually became coquettish.

Red lips and snowy skin are extremely beautiful.

The temperament of the whole person is like desire, the incarnation/incarnation of hope.

Chi Yao appeared at the door, and the noisy voice outside instantly quieted down. They looked at Chi Yao, from shock to surprise to incredible.

“Fuck! This is Qi Yanran??”

“Isn’t the message given by the system saying that Qi Yanran is a glamorous beauty?”

Is this Nima a glamorous beauty? It’s a monster who burns other people’s hearts like fire!

Chi Yao slightly hooked her red lips in the noisy voice, and hooked her fingers at the crowd, full of prestige:

“Line up, take photos one by one.”


Chi Yao’s words seemed to have magical powers, and the crowded players instantly calmed down and formed a long line honestly. The number is endless, from the courtyard of the Qi family villa to the alley outside.

It’s so crowded.

Chi Yao sat on the chair, looking at them with a smile on her face.

The first player is a girl, about 165 in height, with the words “Swallow Chicken” on her head. Looking at Chi Yao’s expression with a hint of excitement, the mobile phone in his hand was raised and lowered, as if he didn’t know what to do.

“Can you take a group photo?” the little girl whispered.

She is not very old, probably only fifteen or sixteen years old.

Chi Yao felt very distressed when she saw that such a young child was still a student in the last world. But they can only constantly attack others in this kind of game, and while hurting others’ hearts, where can they not be hurt?

Chi Yao smiled and nodded, “Of course.”


Chi Yao said it was a meeting, it was really a meeting. But this kind of scene is very rare for players. They try hard to present their best props to Chi Yao, hoping to get a little favor from her.

At this moment, the sound of the system’s judgment sounded in everyone’s ears.

【Qi Yanran Favorability Degree +70】

Everyone:? ?

Qi Yanran is crazy! ?

The players were stunned, 70’s favorability is already very high, this relationship is already similar to friends! Thirty points higher is the “close lover”. A Baidu’s goodwill means attacking

Slightly successful.

The original owner was successfully attacked in his last life. As for the situation of the three people, you can guess that they definitely did not escape the game without thinking.

Since adding one favorability rating is also an increase, adding two favorability ratings is also an increase, it is not as good as everyone’s favorability rating is full.


After receiving the news, Jiang Nian didn’t smile for the first time, and drove to Qi’s villa with a calm face.


The players who were queuing up thought of the new favorability reminder in their ears.

【Qi Yanran Favorability Degree +30】

This is superimposed in accordance with the minimum degree of favorability.

Some of the players who gave Qi Yanran information and commented on the rainbow fart, their favorability has exceeded 100. The most frightening thing is that there is a player named “Fenghuo”, Qi Yanran’s favorability for her has reached 132.

This kind of existence beyond common sense shocked everyone, and before they started discussing, the surrounding space suddenly turned black.

The sky was stained with dense clouds, the surrounding buildings began to fade, large tracts of scenes peeled off, and everything began to collapse at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“What’s the matter, what’s the matter?”

“Is there something wrong with the game? I want to go back to the holographic cabin!!”

Su Mian stood in front of Chi Yao, she looked up at the gradually changing space, and listened to the discussions of the players, feeling extremely sad.

The holographic cabin does not exist at all. Those spaces are the closed cells where they are sealed…Think about it carefully, why do they never go to the toilet when they return to the holographic cabin, and why they never want to go to the real world to relax?

Because it doesn’t exist at all.

all fake.


A harsh sound suddenly came from the air, and the players looked up in confusion, not knowing what to do in this doomsday-like scene.

“Hurry up and think about it!” Chi Yao stood up, and she pointed her finger at the black clouds in the sky and the buildings that collapsed and disappeared immediately. “Have you seen such a scene? Have you ever seen a building that disappeared? These are all. It’s fake, hurry up and wake up!”

“But-this is a game originally.” Someone retorted.

Chi Yao grabbed her topic and asked, “Who are you? What’s your name?”

“My name is—”It’s a little nine-nine.””

“This is just your player’s name. What is your real name? Where do you live? What is your surname? How many people are in your family? What are your jobs in the real world?” Chi Yao threw a series of questions to the players, one by one. The problem is like a hammer hitting their hearts.

Last name……

Where do you live?

The expressions of the players began to blank, and then gradually turned into expressions of horror.

“I don’t know! I don’t know what my last name is!”

“Who am I? Is it really called’Flute Six’?”

They began to look at each other’s faces, and when they saw the familiar and unfamiliar face, they gradually became stronger. Large chunks of memory poured into their heads, and the players screamed in pain. Although it was painful, the fullness of the memory fell firmly in my heart.

“Great-I am not 36192503, I have a name! I still have a girlfriend, I, I am not a player! I am a human!”

The world collapses, and the player’s memory is the first to return. They remembered everything and followed their memory to find friends who became NPCs, narrating their emotions, and expressing their thoughts. Under the overlapping of the two emotions, the NPC gradually recovered sober, everyone finally found their own pure land and patrolled it.

Great, I am not alone anymore.

That’s great, it turns out that I also have friends.

It turns out that not only do I have a girlfriend, she also loves me deeply.

It’s really, great…

They were happy to find their memories, and wept for the freedom to finally get rid of the shackles. They finally found their friends, family and lovers.

At the moment when the player and NPC were out of control, Love City-completely collapsed.

The virtual space was hit hard, and the world hit hard by a little BUG began to peel off, and a door with golden light dots lit up in the distance.

Chi Yao took the player and NPC, walked to the door mightily, and reached out to touch the light. A warm and hot temperature came from the fingertips, and the familiar force responded to Chi Yao, like the sun.

At that moment, Chi Yao clearly felt that the power of the Golden Crow had returned to most of the time, and the mission that she needed to complete was finally over.

Chi Yao turned her head and looked back at the player, revealing an extremely beautiful smile.

“Let’s go home!”

When Jiang Nian and the administrators arrived, they only saw the players’ backs. They tried their best to catch the inferior defeated personnel, but in the end they were blocked by an inexplicable sunlight.

“It’s a god!”

Jiang Nian heard someone say so.

Where did the gods come from, they are deceptive at all.

As soon as this thought came out, her eyes seemed to be flooded by countless golden light spots, densely packed, swarming into her eyes.


Jiang Nian screamed in pain, and as she screamed, two lines of blood and tears were left on her white cheeks.

Backstage game

The system kept flashing, prompting Qi Yanran’s name to turn red.

The game planner is losing his temper: “Have you not reviewed Su Mian’s post? Why did it pass!?”

The administrator was at a loss: “The post checking system generally scans keywords, and it will be skipped if there is no blood, violence, or eroticism. This time…” This time it is also based on system procedures, who knows It would make such a big deal! !

The game planner patted the table and was full of anger: “Chaos has occurred. Players are not going to work, and the game can’t go on! These are all because of Qi Yanran! And you still speak for Qi Yanran?”

The administrator was very aggrieved, “Didn’t you say that Qi Yanran is our cub, you can see that she teasing the players is very fun.”

The game planner slapped the information in his hand heavily on the table, his face full of anger, he held the clothes on the administrator’s neck with one hand, and pointed at the display in front of him.

“Are you awake? You don’t think they are really game data, do you? Have you forgotten what the lord of the country explained!”

“There is no cost for these garbage captives to enter the game? How do we make money! It is not on our people’s live broadcast. The opening of Qi Yanran is also the live broadcast. The audience has been watching NPCs being attacked by players. Save the audience, do you think I want to put the bomb Qi Yanran down?”

“Don’t you know her identity? She is a former emperor, if someone restores her memory, she will surely seduce Qi Yanran!”

“At that time, they looked at Qi Yanran as if they saw the backbone. Do you think we can survive?”

When talking about this important matter, the administrator trembled, fear surfaced in his heart, and a face that was not very attractive was instantly pale. Yeah, why did he forget? The game space is opened to humiliate these people, how can you forget?

Seeing the former general picking up trash in the street, seeing the former princess being abandoned, seeing the emperor crying by the Raiders, seeing those noble people feel frustrated…

This is the main setting of the love game!

This is why the meaning of “life story” is set for them!

Only in this way can the group be motivated.

And now, Qi Yanran and Su Mian have been staying in the middle of the night since the afternoon, what is this? Although part of the reason may be that the relationship between two people is really good, it is logical that a relationship that adults understand has occurred.

But if the truth of the matter is that Su Mian awakens the memory and says something that shouldn’t be said, what should I do?

“I see, I…”

Admin also

While trying to make a remedy, the disc next to the game planner rang. After seeing the name above, his face changed, and then he dropped the manager and went to answer the CD call.

“Hello—yes, yes, it’s me.”


The planner hung up the phone with horror, turned his head and paralyzed on the sofa, with a desperate look: “It’s over… there is no way to save it.”

“She, what did she do?”

Under normal circumstances, the planner will not say “There is no way to save it” unless it is really difficult to save…

As a small member of the game group, the administrator has to do everything on his orders. Now that there is a problem with his duties, he is naturally afraid.

His two calves trembled involuntarily, and his gaze swept across the glossy display screen. Seeing the dense arrangement of players displayed on it, the administrator raised his throat in his heart.

His eyes widened in horror: “You, the game is broken!”

The planner uttered an “um”, took out the cigarette from his pocket blankly, and said helplessly: “Love in the city, it’s over.”

After the light came out, Su Mian and the others saw the green grassland and the boundless forest.

The tip of the nose is the smell of soil after the rain, and the naked eye can see the raindrops rolling over the leaves and the wind blowing across the cheeks.

Su Mian closed her eyes, raised the corners of her mouth to enjoy the gentle and natural giving, and everyone’s excited voices were heard in her ears.

“We are out.”

She stretched out her hand to embrace the air. The wind blew over her sleeves, curling up her long hair, she looked at the bright blue sky madly, and finally smiled.

This time, I no longer have inferiority complex, nor gloomy in my eyes, but a confident smile similar to Chi Yao.

“Yanyan, we–”

She had just finished calling her name, only to realize that Qi Yanran was not by her side.

Su Mian glanced around and found that she was nowhere to be seen.

“Where is Qi Yanran…?” She heard her own voice asking in a very low voice.

“I do not know……”

The players only thought of Qi Yanran. They started looking for Qi Yanran, but in the end there was no one.

But the time now does not allow them to continue to waste, they must find the remaining revolutionary army to pray for refuge. If it continues to be consumed here, after being arrested by a high-tech country, the result will still be endless pain and torture.

Qi Yanran was gone.

Su Mian’s heart was empty.

Finally met a very warm person, but she did not expect that she was like a ray of sunshine, radiating warmth on her body, and it was so when she left.

Caught off guard.

She doesn’t even know how to find her…

“Su Mian! Let’s go!” someone called her.

“it is good.”

Su Mian lowered her head, grabbed a small pile of soil, gently wrapped it with a handkerchief, and placed it on her chest, with a gentle and affectionate expression.

Strange memories surged in my heart. Those pictures are about Shen Mengyao and Gu Minke.

There is also the Golden Crow.

…That’s how it is.

Su Mian hooked her lips and laughed.

Don’t worry, I will always remember you.

The next world will never let you run away.

Chi Yao took the player across the Golden Gate, and just stepped in with the front foot, but the back foot had already returned to Baize.

When she stood still, Bai Ze was holding a small cup of tea and tasting it carefully. The green tea leaves were floating on it, gently scraped off by her, and then picked up a small wooden spoon to gently stir in it. This is an extremely old way of drinking tea, which is troublesome and has many procedures. But Dahuang’s tea-drinking method can indeed quickly overflow the fragrance of tea.

Obviously he was still young, and he looked like he was seventy and eighty.

Chi Yao laughed and sat beside her: “I’m back.”

Bai Ze raised his eyes and glanced at her, curling his lips, revealing a gentle smile.

“Is it fun?”

Somehow, when she smiled like this, Chi Yao thought of the Jiang Nian. Thinking of the messy things she had done, there was a burst of reaction in her heart. He raised Feng’s eyes and glared at her, leaning sloppily on the chair, “That world is too troublesome, it’s not easy at all.”

As a result, she went around for most of the day and almost failed to solve the problem.

“Human beings are really complicated. They have so many bad thoughts in order to conquer others.”

Bai Ze was silent, she smiled and shook her head.

As a wise man of the Great Desolate Monster Beast, she thought the problem was naturally broader than Chi Yao. Hearing Chi Yao say this, she only said: “Political people, plan and plan.”

“My strength has recovered a bit, next time you can send me to a simpler world.”

“What kind of world do you like?” Bai Ze asked softly.

“The weak eat the strong, the strong dominate the weak, a simple and rude world.”

Chi Yao said casually.

In short, a world like the city of love is still rare. It’s not that I can’t think of the key points, but that I’m too useless. Chi Yao happens to be a person who can solve things with face and scheming, and never plays decryption games.

“That’s it, then I’ll take you there.”

Chi Yao: “Wait, you let me–”

Before he finished speaking, Bai Ze stretched out his hand and pasted the inexhaustible wood to the revolving array.

Here, the eyes began to activate, Chi Yao was drawn into the time and space of the stars.

——What’s the hurry!

Chi Yao couldn’t help but explode with a foul language.

Are you giving me a break? ? I haven’t had a drink yet, am I? It took less than five minutes to sit there!

The dizziness and the sense of loss came immediately, Chi Yao felt her body tightly bound, and the sense of restraint pouring in from her body.

When she opened her eyes again, there was an iron-clad bar in front of her. They were densely arranged in front of Chi Yao. Across the iron bar, Chi Yao saw a group of noble women sitting outside.

They were wearing Renaissance-style western dresses, holding large fluffy fans in their hands, and the eyes of Chi Yao were full of disdain.

“This is the summoned beast of the three princesses? Why is it the crow of the blue star?”

“Hahaha, forget about the crow, there are three legs.”

Chi Yao felt bad, she lowered her head and glanced at her body-under the dense thin feathers, the third foot was suspended, and a golden ring was tied to the front of the foot.

Chi Yao almost fainted with anger.

Not only did she become the main body, the feathers also became black due to power limitations! What are these people talking about? crow?

The crow comes from the fart, the old lady is the golden crow! It’s the golden crow you will never get!


The author has something to say: The third world:

Interstellar: Ahahahahaha crow! Deformed crow! !

The Golden Crow transforms the sun to universalize all beings with light. The Zerg was disarmed and surrendered by the scorching sun.

Zerg: What about good waste? ? This is an unreasonable dad! !

Interstellar: Damn it! The beast of the solar system! ! Kneel down and sing to conquer!

Ayu’s deposit box:

The second world is over, now the third world

The number of messages in the background plummeted from 100 to 30. There will be no cookies to leave, right? Don’t you want me? Cry!

(Updated at 9 am starting tomorrow)

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