Gospel of Blood

Chapter 5: Gospel of Blood

After feeding Charlotte lunch, Lottie left. As a priestess at the church hospital, she was always busy. The ward was now empty except for Charlotte. But her keen perception told her that there was a demon hunter standing outside the door. That strong presence was even greater than the pressure her grandmother had given her last night.

Obviously, although the demon hunters rescued Charlotte, the only survivor, from the cross last night, they still didn't trust her. The demon hunter outside the door was both a protector and an observer.

Even though she had successfully escaped the blood sacrifice from her "grandmother" last night, the girl's survival was still not completely assured.

However, after listening to the explanation from Priest Lottie just now, Charlotte fell into contemplation.


Divine ritual. This was the second time Charlotte encountered this term. The first time was during the blood sacrifice. She clearly remembered that the ancient characters that appeared in her vision referred to the blood sacrifice as a divine ritual. Not only that, she successfully intercepted and modified the sacrificial ritual. In the end, Charlotte was able to survive thanks to that sudden and magical ability.

This also led her to wonder... The blood sacrifice was a divine ritual, and the body inspection at the Demon Hunting Hall was also a divine ritual. Then...was it possible for her to "intercept" the upcoming body inspection just like she did in the basement last night?

This thought made Charlotte's heart pound. She seemed to see a glimmer of hope!

That mysterious ability might be her "cheat" after transmigrating. However, she was still not clear about what this "cheat" was and how to activate it. But she remembered the name mentioned in those strange characters. The item that detected the blood sacrifice and successfully intercepted it... Or more accurately, the blood-red book that appeared beside her when she entered that strange state last night.

A sense of excitement originating from her heart... Charlotte almost blurted out.

"Gospel of Blood."

With ups and downs in her pronunciation, it sounded strange. It wasn't a language from the other world that Charlotte inherited after transmigrating. It was even more alien and ancient, but it seemed to come out instinctively from her mouth.

As Charlotte silently recited, her vision turned crimson once again. In the depths of her mind, a simple book slowly emerged... With its black-red cover edged in gold, adorned with intricate and mysterious thorn rose patterns, the ancient and mysterious script depicted the name that Charlotte could understand the meaning of—

"Gospel of Blood"

The Gospel of Blood!

Charlotte's spirits lifted. The book that appeared in her mind was the same one that had appeared beside her in that strange state last night!

As the Gospel of Blood shone brightly, its heavy cover opened by itself. Unlike its heavy appearance, the Gospel of Blood seemed to have been torn and divided, with most of its content lost. Behind the cover, there were only two sporadic blood-red pages left, which seemed very familiar to Charlotte...

Wait, weren't these pages the same blood-colored pages that the old hag held during the sacrifice?

Charlotte's heart skipped a beat. Countess Castell was dead, and the blood-colored pages in her hands were probably taken away by the demon hunters a long time ago. Even though Charlotte was curious and surprised, there was currently no way for her to investigate.

She quickly focused her attention on the remaining two pages of the Gospel of Blood. One page should be the title page, and the other should be the content page.

The title page was still intact, with an illustration of a towering castle that seemed to have come to life, making Charlotte feel a bit familiar. Below it, two lines of beautiful golden letters were particularly eye-catching.

"I stand amid the darkness, looking up at the light that belongs to you.

- Lilith"

Charlotte couldn't help but silently recite it in her heart.

The crimson light suddenly burst forth, and Charlotte felt as if she had established some mysterious connection with the book. Under the light, the title page turned over on its own. The golden light kept flickering, and new words slowly appeared on the back of the title page—

[Gospel of Blood · Genesis Chapter]

[I dream of ancient epochs and distant memories,]

[I narrate lost myths and primordial ancestors,]

[I chant the songs of bloodbornes and the dawn before darkness...]

[Genesis Ability Unlocked—]

[Master of the Gospel (Activated), Blood Summoning (Cooldown 0%), True Ancestor Liberation (Sealed)]

[Master of the Gospel: Charlotte de Castell]

[Symbol: Thorn Rose]

[Race: Bloodborne]

[Clan and Bloodline: Shedit (Clan of Darkness), Half-Elf]

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[Transcendent Rank: Blood Acolyte (Apprentice Rank)]

[Blood Resonance: Darkness (Entry), Wild (Unmastered), Flesh (Unmastered), Spirit (Unmastered), Insight (Unmastered)]

[Darkness: Novice Blood Embrace (Blood Spirit Arts)]

[Wild: None]

[Flesh: None]

[Spirit: None]

[Insight: None]

[Blood Descendants: Zero]


Bloodborne... she really was a Bloodborne!

Looking at the information in front of her, Charlotte felt both delighted and worried.

She was delighted that in this extraordinary world with extraordinary powers, she had indeed stepped into the realm of the extraordinary. But she was worried because this identity was definitely something that couldn't see the light of day.

Charlotte couldn't understand many of the things that appeared, but she could roughly determine that it was somewhat similar to a personal panel in a system.

"Blood Summoning? TrueAncestor Liberation? Are these abilities of the Gospel of Blood? One is in cooldown, and the other is still sealed?"

"Shedit, Clan of Darkness, is this the division of Bloodborne clans? But what in the world is a half-elf bloodline?"

"Apprentice Rank... Last night, I seized the power of Countess Castell, and what I gained should be the extraordinary power at her level, but it feels a bit weaker than hers."

"Five Blood Resonances should be different directions of development for Bloodborne."

Charlotte quickly browsed through the information, analyzing her current status. She soon focused her attention on the one power she possessed.

"Novice Blood Embrace."

As her focus intensified, information about Blood Embrace appeared in Charlotte's consciousness.

Blood Embrace. An inherent ability of Bloodborne, a basic technique of Blood Spirit Arts. Practitioners could create blood descendants through the Embrace, transforming targets into Blood Thralls or lower-ranking Bloodborne.

"Unfortunately, while this information and ability might be useful in the future, they're not helpful in solving my current crisis."

"What I need right now isn't this, but the magical ability to intercept divine rituals like I did last night!"

Charlotte shook her head slowly, withdrawing her gaze from the title page, and looked at the only remaining content page. The content page was blank, with nothing written on it. However, when Charlotte focused her attention, golden letters quickly appeared on it—

[Gospel of Blood · Divine Chapter (Damaged)]

[I shall be unstoppable,]

[I shall be dominant,]

[I shall look down on all living beings!]

[Divine Chapter Ability Unlocked—]

[Divine Ritual Counter (Activated)]

[Divine Ritual Counter: As the supreme artifact of Bloodborne, the Gospel of Blood has the ability to detect divine rituals within a certain range passively. It can actively intercept and modify divine rituals of lower levels, but the modification must adhere to the inherent mechanism of the ritual and cannot change its nature or function.]

"This is it!"

Seeing this description, Charlotte's eyes lit up. Just at that moment, a gentle knock on the door suddenly interrupted the girl's exploration. Accompanying the knocking was the gentle voice of Priest Lottie.

"Miss Charlotte, Captain Kara has returned. May we come in?"

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