Gospel of Blood

Chapter 54: Hierarchy and Blood Demon Cult

"Great master, I have interrogated them thoroughly. Those two Bloodbornes were indeed targeting you."

"Their goal was to assassinate you and then blame everything on the Duke."

Sebastian said solemnly.

"Assassinate me? Blame the Duke?"

Charlotte's hand holding the goblet paused slightly.


Sebastian nodded respectfully.

"Who gave them the order?"

Charlotte's expression grew more serious as she continued to inquire.

Sebastian looked somewhat embarrassed.

Charlotte understood instantly.


Sebastian sighed.

"Yes, they are already dead."

"Just as I intended to continue questioning them about the mastermind behind them, they died, consumed by the ignition of their blood, leaving no trace of their souls..."

"They were not just Bloodbornes, but blood servants, slaves of higher-ranking Bloodbornes, bound by contracts that lead to instant death upon betrayal! They are the forbidden blood servants of the Dark Clan!"

Forbidden blood servants...

Charlotte pondered.

After obtaining the Gospel of Blood, she gained some understanding of the titles and ranks of Bloodbornes. The hierarchy of Bloodbornes was complex, divided into seven tiers: Blood Attendant, Blood Baron, Blood Viscount, Blood Count, Blood Marquis or Duke, Blood Archduke or Prince, and True Ancestor.

Corresponding to that hierarchy were the ranks of Non-awakened, First-Tier Starry Sky, Second-Tier Silver Moon, Third-Tier Blazing Sun, Fourth-Tier Legendary, Demi-God, and lastly True God.

Among them, the titles of Marquis and Duke, as well as Archduke or Prince, depended entirely on the Bloodborne's identity and status within the race group, with no distinction in strength.

Outside the seven tiers, there was another special tier called blood servants.

Blood servants typically referred to those who had been initially embraced by Bloodbornes but had not been fully endowed with Bloodborne powers. They were generally unawakened individuals with only partial Bloodborne powers and were not recognized by Bloodbornes as their kin.

The most significant difference between them and the lowest-ranking Blood Attendants was that they could not embrace others.

Each blood servant had the most stringent blood contract with their "masters," comparable in severity to the Final Oath of the God of Contract. The master could terminate the blood servant's life at any moment within a certain distance.

They were the most basic servants of Bloodbornes.

But there was also an exception. Some Bloodbornes would apply the contracts originally intended for blood servants to other Bloodbornes, turning other lower-ranking Bloodbornes into their slaves. Or, they would simply elevate the power of blood servants to the level of Bloodbornes.

Thus, blood servants with Bloodborne powers emerged. They were called forbidden blood servants.

Charlotte learned from the Church's records that such practices were also prohibited among Bloodbornes.

Because to most Bloodbornes, this behavior, which led to hierarchical confusion, was a great insult to their noble identity and posed a significant risk to the stability of Bloodborne society.

Most Bloodborne clans vehemently opposed it and strictly prohibited it.

Except for one clan.

The Dark Clan — Shedite.

And the one who ruled the Dark Clan was Charlotte's "old acquaintance," the Bloodborne Archduke Abaddon.

Obviously, the Blood Demon Cult had set its sights on Charlotte, intending her demise.

Charlotte was not particularly surprised by this, considering that the old witch had already wanted her dead once, and the old hag was a member of the Blood Demon Cult.

However, since the old witch's actions were for blood sacrifices, and she had possessed cursed pages for a long time, her mind might not have been clear, or her actions might have been completely contrary to the goal of Blood Demon Cult.

But now that the Blood Demon Cult had taken action again, it meant that they also did not want Charlotte to live.

So the question was, what benefit would they gain if she died?

And why would they frame the Duke?

After some thought, Charlotte asked.

"I heard that Rose Society has had dealings with the Blood Demon Cult. How much do you know about the Blood Demon Cult?"

Sebastian thought for a moment before respectfully replying.

"The Blood Demon Cult is an underground secret society that worships the Bloodborne Archduke, active mainly in the region adjacent to Western Yunette, especially in the Crescent Kingdom."

"Their core members are almost all Bloodbornes, but they also recruit some humans as peripheral members. They are also the Bloodborne cult that has historically overturned the Crescent Kingdom."

"Bloodbornes are called Bloodkin in the Crescent Kingdom because of them."

"Oh, by the way, great master, these lunatics also like to collect cursed pages. I think you might be interested in them."

Fragments of the Gospel...

Charlotte's interest was piqued. She had indeed become interested.

Seeing the girl becoming more serious, Sebastian continued.

"The Blood Demon Cult's active purpose, legend said, is to find a way to bring the Bloodborne Archduke descended into the world."

"The Flame Demon Disaster ten years ago was a disaster planned by the Blood Demon Cult."

"It is said that they seduced Count Brois at the time, aiming to summon the Flame Demon Valaroka, as incarnation vessel of the Bloodborne Archduke, and thus allow the HIM to descend as a divine being!"

"Of course, they failed in the end. Even the half-descended Flame Demon Valaroka was sealed."

"But in the past six months, the disappearance of people and the sharp increase in murder cases in Borde, especially in the outer city area, are always signified by Bloodbornes, and traces of shadow magic and necromancy are commonly found..."

"So, we have always suspected that the Blood Demon Cult is stirring up trouble again."

"That's why we have been making deals with people who may be members of the Blood Demon Cult."

"Of course, more accurately, we are making deals with Bloodbornes of the Dark Clan because we are not sure which Bloodborne is a member of the Blood Demon Cult."

"As you know, even if they are from the same clan, it doesn't mean they will definitely be loyal to their Prince or Archduke, let alone join the corresponding cult."

"In fact, what we have done with the Bloodbornes of the Dark Clan is only some ordinary intelligence business or legitimate goods trading. Our real purpose is to penetrate into the Blood Demon Cult and figure out their motives."

"After all... in a sense, they are also enemies of the Rose Society."

Charlotte was somewhat surprised.

"Enemies of the Rose Society?"


Sebastian nodded.

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"The Rose Society is the underground ruler of Borde, and maintaining the underground order of Borde is one of the Rose Society's responsibilities."

"We don't intervene in vendettas or duels among the extraordinary, and we don't intervene in conflicts among the extraordinary. But if someone stretches their hands from the darkness to the surface, using extraordinary powers to harm innocent civilians, then we will intervene."

"Obviously, the Blood Demon Cult has crossed the line. Ten years ago, when the Rose Society had not yet been established, their activities were unrelated to me. But now it's different."

Hearing this, Charlotte was somewhat astonished.

"I didn't expect your Rose Society to have such a side. Aren't you a gang?"

Sebastian chuckled.

"Of course, we are a gang, but gangs have their rules. We take money, so naturally, we provide protection."

"Even if it's only beggars who come to us every month with three copper tana, as long as they pay, we will provide protection within our Rose Society's territory."

"Of course, our protection is aimed against extraordinary powers. We won't interfere if other beggars bully them, but if someone with extraordinary powers acts, then we will step in."

"The Flame Demon Valaroka has been sealed, and the Blood Demon Cult shouldn't be planning a summoning like ten years ago. They must have another purpose."

"To investigate the Blood Demon Cult's purpose and maintain order in the outer city area, we have also conducted relevant investigations. But in the end, all the clues were cut midway... just like this time."

"The Blood Demon Cult is obviously much more cautious than before, making it difficult to find their tracks."

"And besides, we are often interfered with by nobles or the church during the investigation, each time seemingly coincidental, but too many coincidences are no longer coincidences."

"So... I have always suspected that the Blood Demon Cult also has a lot of connections with nobles or the church."

Hearing Sebastian's words, Charlotte's heart skipped a beat.

"Are you suggesting that there are members of the Blood Demon Cult in the nobility and the church?"

"Not necessarily, it may also be a cooperative relationship, and it is a very thorough cooperation."

Sebastian thought for a moment and said.

Hearing Sebastian's words, Charlotte's expression became serious.

"Do you have any evidence?"

Sebastian thought for a moment and shook his head.

"No, just intuition."

"In other words, you suspect that the Blood Demon Cult's attack on me is related to the nobility or the church?"

"You are openly leaning towards the church, and they have sent out protectors, so it is more likely to be the nobility."

"The nobility..."

Charlotte pondered.

She thought for a moment and suddenly asked.

"If I die now, who do you think would benefit the most?"

"A lot."

Sebastian said.

"First of all, the church will definitely suffer because the promise between you and the church can only be fulfilled when you inherit the territory."

"Before you formally inherit the territory, if something happens, the Duke and the noble of the Duchy can completely deny your proposal to the church by claiming that you have not formally inherited the territory."

"Of course, this also means a deteriorating relationship with the church. So... the mastermind obviously does not fear a deteriorating relationship with the church, or more accurately, does not fear a deteriorating relationship with the High Priest."

"The Duke will also suffer, especially since this framing is very clever, because the Duke really had the motive to assassinate you... after all, even if you lean towards the church, you have not formally inherited the territory."

"Of course, this is definitely not done by the Duke. Not to mention that the target of the framing is the Duke, the High Priest also has the right to revoke Leno's sacred blessing at any time, because it is not truly legal, but it is on the blind spot of the 'Sacred Code'..."

"All in all, the biggest beneficiaries are the nobles of the duchy, and just like the duke, they also have a motive to assassinate you."

"Once you are in trouble because of this, although the duke's mansion is the first inheritor of the Castell, it will definitely be interfered with by the church, and in the end, the ones who benefit are still the nobles of the duchy, especially the big nobles."

"In addition to your current identity, there are six vassal viscounts of the Borde Duchy, and each of these six big nobles has suspicions."

Listening to Sebastian's words, Charlotte's heart skipped a beat.

"I lean towards the church, but they dare to take action openly?"

Sebastian shook his head.

"Perhaps not necessarily in the past, but the timing now is very delicate."

"Master, do you know that your resurrection was observed by the church's Divine's Bell, but the news was suppressed?"

Charlotte nodded.

"I have heard something about it."

She had heard this from Nice.

"Then do you know why the church suppressed the news?"

Sebastian asked again.

Charlotte subconsciously replied.

"Of course, because the High Priest is preparing for promotion, and he doesn't want any extra trouble at this critical moment..."

As she said this, she suddenly paused.

A light flashed in her mind, vaguely understanding why the Blood Demon Cult left the Thorn Rose symbol at the crime scene...

"So... they are forging the scene to threaten the High Priest with the news of Evil God's resurrection?"

Charlotte narrowed her eyes slightly.

"Yes, once the High Priest's suppression of the Evil God's resurrection news is broken out, even if he has made great contributions, his dream of promotion will not come true, because this is a matter of principle."

Sebastian said.

Charlotte immediately understood. She had given the high priest a big gift.

But some nobles, who had a connection with the Blood Demon Cult, or were simply members of the Blood Demon Cult, also held the High Priest's secret of suppressing the news of Evil God's resurrection.

After discovering that Charlotte had leaned toward the church, the other party acted decisively, setting up a case with a Thorn Rose symbol at the scene, intending to warn the High Priest.

"Who knows about the Thorn Rose symbol?"

Charlotte narrowed her eyes.

"You have to ask your pet cat about this. Not many people know about the resurrection of the evil god. Even fewer people know about the symbol. Even the source of information for Rose Society is from the cat that sold it to the black market half a month ago."

Sebastian smirked triumphantly.

Charlotte: ...

Meanwhile, next to Cassimodo, the black cat, Nice, who was catching his breath, suddenly shivered coldly.

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