Gospel of Blood

Chapter 80: Now, no one know the secret.

The Dark Knight's Blasphemous Sword!

As a high-level undead, the Dark Knight, like other undead, possesses the ability to attack the souls of targets. Their most powerful weapon is the Blasphemous Sword, formed from the condensation of half their soul. It's a weapon used by Dark Knights to consume and shatter the souls of other beings, even those of divine believers.

This information was obtained from Sebastian's memories that Charlotte perceived when he summoned the weapon from the void. Not only that, but he also learned that this Blasphemous Sword was obtained by Sebastian during his travels in the Dark Domain when he was still a Third-tier Blazing Sun.

This experience from blood contract was indeed quite suitable for a gossip enthusiast.

When Charlotte possesses Sebastian's perspective, it seems like all of his secrets are laid bare for her, except for those buried deep within his heart that he didn't want to recall. Sebastian was almost like a transparent person.

"You actually recognized it. You're truly knowledgeable."

Sebastian expressed his surprise.

With a solemn expression, he ceased conversing with the Grand Knight and approached him instead, raising the Flame Sword in his hand.

"Fallen evil! The Holy Light will bring judgment upon you! The Holy Light will one day bring judgment upon you!"

The Grand Knight's face was contorted with anger.

However, with his soul severely damaged, he was now powerless to fight back. Sebastian wasted no time and struck him down with a swift blow.

Accompanied by a piercing scream, the Grand Knight's soul was shattered, and the fragmented soul power was absorbed by Sebastian's Blasphemous Sword.

The proud Third-tier Grand Knight, one of three bigwigs of the Borde City alongside the Duke and the High Priest, met his end in such a humiliating and ridiculous manner.

Only a lifeless body remained, still exuding a sacred aura.

After killing the Grand Knight, Sebastian used the Blasphemous Flame to incinerate his body, then turned his gaze to the other Judgment Knights and Priests.

The other Judgment Knights and Priests hesitated for a moment before turning to flee. But Sebastian was faster.

With the Blasphemous Sword in hand, he chased them down like a demon returned from hell, swiftly annihilating their souls one by one, just as he did with the Grand Knight.

After killing the last Judgment Knight, Sebastian did not stop. Instead, he silently recited an incantation and summoned black flames from the Blasphemous Sword, burning the entire battlefield.

As the black flames burned, a faint cold aura emanated from the surrounding ground, a pollution characteristic of undead blasphemy.

This pollution from the power of the undead wasn't severe and would dissipate within a week, but it was enough to conceal Sebastian's presence and traces from others.

All extraordinary powers have a certain pollution ability, also known as "traces." Some extraordinary individuals with special powers can even trace the identity of the extraordinary through these traces.

What Sebastian did was destroy the evidence, preventing others from linking the battle here to him.

After burning the entire scene, Sebastian finally stopped and looked at the Blasphemous Sword in his hand, muttering to himself.

"Now... nobody knows the secret of the Lady of the Night."

Charlotte, who was secretly observing, didn't expect Sebastian to be so cautious. It seemed that he had some tricks up his sleeve to survive the Adam Cult's pursuit for so long.

Just after Sebastian cleaned up the scene, two powerful auras swiftly approached from a distance.

Sebastian's gaze sharpened, and Charlotte also sensed it. Those two auras were no weaker than the Grand Knight's, clearly belonging to two Third-tier extraordinary from Borde City.

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But Charlotte was ready to withdraw. Killing a Judgment Knight who discovered the "Evil God" was enough. In fact, even killing the Grand Knight was because he was too audacious, rushing forward with his Spiritual Force Field and directly injuring himself from the collision with Charlotte's consciousness.

If they had fought normally, who knew what the outcome would have been?

Third-tier individuals were monsters, and it was hard to say if they had any more trump cards.

Charlotte had read in the Church's scriptures that some Third-tier clergies could summon legendary divine angels at the cost of sacrificing their lives.

Charlotte hadn't mastered the power of True Ancestor's Liberation yet, and she didn't know how to recover after using it, so she didn't want to confront the Duke and the High Priest.

Especially the Duke. Despite him coveting Castell, from his standpoint, he had indeed fulfilled his duty to Charlotte, even if their perspectives differed.

Charlotte didn't want to further weaken her hand, nor did she want to increase the risk of exposure.

She decided to withdraw.

Without hesitation, Charlotte promptly communicated with Sebastian's consciousness.

Sebastian, upon hearing the familiar voice in his mind, was immediately filled with excitement.

But soon, he noticed a layer of red light surrounding him, and a mysterious and intricate rune appeared under his feet.

"Teleportation? Is it the Lady of the Night?"

Sebastian's heart fluttered slightly.

The next moment, his figure disappeared into the radiance.

Just as Sebastian vanished, two streaks of light hurriedly approached from the distance.

One was silver, the other golden.

It was Duke of Borde Andre and High Priest Leonard.

The old Duke was still dressed in his casual attire, his white hair somewhat disheveled, indicating he had rushed over in haste.

The High Priest was also similar, wearing the ceremonial robe used for worship. It was evident that they had both sensed disturbance from the battle and rushed to the scene.

However, their expressions were too serious.

Their solemn demeanor didn't seem to be merely provoked by the disturbance caused by the Third-tier's battle...

The High Priest's gaze fell upon the chaotic scene, quickly shifting to a damaged Holy symbol lying amidst the soil.

He raised his hand slightly, and with powerful spiritual force, brought the symbol to him. After scrutinizing it for a moment, his expression grew even more solemn.

"It's Erde..."

"He has been slain."

The Duke's expression shifted slightly.

Erde... was the name of the Grand Knight of the Inquisition.

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