gourmet restaurant

Chapter 49 The First Teacher

Chapter 49 The First Teacher
Jiang Yang waited for a few days, but there was no news.He wondered if something was wrong.Fortunately, there is finally news today.

Chairman Lin told him that his first teacher was Master Xu Zheng.Then gave him an address, and the others didn't say anything.

Jiang Yang was full of slander, so at least he would talk about this Master Xu's personality and what hobbies he has!

Tomorrow is the day of formal study. Jiang Yang thought about it and decided to post a notice.I may not be able to operate normally recently, it's a pity for those old customers.

But the reality is like this, you can only gain if you give up, and the word "willing" almost runs through life.Jiang Yang knew that what he lacked right now was learning. It was like chopping firewood. The knife hadn't been sharpened yet. How much could he cut?
The restaurant will definitely open, but not now. When I open a store again, I must make this restaurant the most famous restaurant in the country!
Jiang Yang set a goal and his eyes became firm.

The next day, Jiang Yang posted a notice, and he went to the address given by Lin Yong.

There are many restaurants in Rongcheng. Although the hot pot skewers in Rongcheng have become more famous in recent years and have become an Internet celebrity city, those restaurants that actually serve Chinese food have never failed.

Fang Xing Lou is one of them. Unlike Chrysanthemum Garden, Fang Xing Lou is a restaurant with a long history.It is said that in the Qing Dynasty, Fangxing Tower already existed.Later, after going through changes, the address of Fangxing Building changed several times, and it was only located at the current address in the 80s.

Fang Xing Lou is a state-run restaurant, and Xu Zheng is the head chef of Fang Xing Lou.When he first sat here in Fangxing Building, he studied in it.Xu Zheng's master was also the head chef of Fang Xing Lou back then.

As one of the representative restaurants in Sichuan Province, Fangxing Restaurant mainly deals in Sichuan cuisine.Different restaurants have different representative dishes.The representative dishes of Fang Xing Lou are Strange Chicken Shredded and Kung Pao Chicken.There are many special dishes, most of which are the innovative works of chefs.

As a native of Rongcheng, Jiang Yang had never been to the Fangxing Tower, but it was always there on the map.After going to the subway twice and walking for more than ten minutes, Jiang Yang finally arrived at Fangxing Building.

As a restaurant built in the 80s, Fang Xing Lou has a strong 80s flavor in its style.The interior decoration, the placement of tables and chairs all have a sense of the times.Of course, Jiang Yang didn't live in the 80s, so he just finds this style novel.

It is naturally impossible for strangers to enter the back kitchen. Fortunately, Lin Yong thought of something later and sent Jiang Yang another phone number.

After Jiang Yang got through, a thick and loud voice came from the phone: "Which one?"

Jiang Yang hurriedly said: "Excuse me, is this Master Xu? I am Jiang Yang, and I came to study with you."

"Oh, Jiang Yang! Where have you been?" Xu Zheng said.

"I'm in Fangxing Building." Jiang Yang said respectfully.

"Stand there, I'll come out to pick you up right away." Xu Zheng said, and hung up the phone.

Jiang Yang was a little puzzled, why did this voice sound familiar?Could it be that he has seen this Master Xu Zheng?impossible!
Naturally, Xu Zheng had met Jiang Yang, and even went to test him.He naturally recognized Jiang Yang.Soon, Xu Zheng came out from the back kitchen wearing a chef uniform.

When Jiang Yang saw that a sturdy old man with big arms and round waist was walking towards him, he thought this must be Xu Zheng.

It's just that Jiang Yang felt very familiar with Xu Zheng in front of him.The food festival has a large flow of people, and Jiang Yang really can't remember the faces of the diners. Even if he remembers one, the impression will be diluted when so many people come later.

"What? Don't you remember me?" Xu Zheng walked up to him and said.

Jiang Yang couldn't remember it for a while. Hearing these words, he should have seen him. He said quickly: "May I ask where I saw the master?"

Xu Zheng chuckled and said, "I bought your tofu before, but I haven't paid for it, don't you remember?"

Xu Zheng's words flashed across Jiang Yang's mind like a bolt of lightning, and he remembered them all at once.We often have this kind of thing in our life. We obviously have an impression but can't remember it clearly. As long as someone reminds us, we can remember it.This situation is especially obvious during the exam!
Seeing Jiang Yang's appearance, Xu Zheng smiled and said, "Remember?" Jiang Yang nodded, and Xu Zheng said, "Then follow me in."

Xu Zheng brought Jiang Yang to the kitchen, and sent a helper to find a set of chef uniforms for Jiang Yang.Jiang Yang switched on and stood behind Xu Zheng.

Xu Zheng said, "Your foundation is poor." Jiang Yang nodded, although it was true, he was still a little bit worried.

"Do you know why you were the first to learn from me?" Xu Zheng asked.Jiang Yang shook his head. He really didn't know. He thought it was arbitrarily arranged, but now it seems that there are deeper reasons.

"Because I have the best knife skills. When I was learning to cook, I practiced knife skills for five years to lay the foundation." Xu Zheng said.

Jiang Yang was speechless: "Five years!"

Xu Zheng nodded and said, "Yes, five years. In this way, until now, I still spend an hour practicing knife skills every day." Jiang Yang was extremely surprised. Calculated in this way, how long has Master Xu practiced knife skills?Sure enough, anyone who can become a master should not be underestimated.Jiang Yang's attitude was more correct.

Xu Zheng nodded in his heart, it's good to calm down this kid.Xu Zheng didn't continue talking, but picked up a cucumber, and the knife in his hand was fast.A kitchen knife seemed to have no weight in Xu Zheng's hand, and a word suddenly came to Jiang Yang's mind, it looks good!Yes, Xu Zheng's knife skills are beautiful, just like art.

In just over a minute, a cucumber was cut by Xu Zheng with a coir raincoat knife.Xu Zheng pinched one end of the cucumber and pulled it lightly, and the whole cucumber was extended.

Jiang Yang took a closer look, and saw that each cut on the cucumber was uniform in thickness, and the cucumbers were connected completely without any breaks.

Xu Zheng said: "One month later, if you can cut out such a cucumber, I will teach you a unique trick."

Jiang Yang thought to himself, can't I cut it out in a month?So he said: "Okay!"

Xu Zheng smiled. He pointed to the potatoes in front of him and said, "Just have confidence. Now, shred all the potatoes in this box."

Jiang Yang nodded. It was not difficult for him, it was just cutting potatoes. You must know that he practiced with potatoes at the beginning.

Jiang Yang got started, tried the kitchen knife in his hand, and then began to shred it.Xu Zheng watched from the side. It is not difficult to cut potatoes into shreds, but it is rare to find how to cut them as thin as a hair.Of course, it was too early to ask Jiang Yang like this.

Xu Zheng glanced at it for a few times, then stopped looking, and went to the side to do his own business.In fact, there are very few places where knife skills need to be taught, what is needed is practice, a huge practice.Only when holding the knife feels like your own arm, that is the skill of the knife.

What Xu Zhengneng taught was actually only some little-known knife skills and some experience in knife skills.

At the same time, Xu Zheng was able to point out what was wrong with Jiang Yang and make suggestions accordingly, making Jiang Yang less detours.

Jiang Yang was very obedient when he was a student, and he is also a cook now.Now that Xu Zheng said it, he will finish it on time.

The time passed quickly, and Jiang Yang had been chopping vegetables, except for taking a short break during meals, and never took his hands off the kitchen knife afterward.Xu Zheng didn't take another look, and didn't even care about how Jiang Yang was practicing.Naturally, he didn't say when Jiang Yang could rest and when he couldn't.

In addition to shredded potatoes, Jiang Yang also cut some other things.It wasn't until everyone in the kitchen got off work that Xu Zheng asked Jiang Yang to pack up and leave.

When he got home, Jiang Yang fell asleep and fell asleep. He was really tired, much more tired than he was in the store.Today, he doesn't even have the energy to go to the system space to practice.

(End of this chapter)

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