Greg Veder vs The World

Covid and Viral Pneumonia

Hey guys, I've had COVID since my birthday on the 9th.

It's been pretty serious. I'm in the hospital right now on an oxygen machine and an IV. It's really not fun, especially when I get my blood taken like three or four times a day.

Really doesn't help that I can't get a good night's sleep without someone checking my vitals every two to three hours either.

The less to be said about hospital food, the better, am I right?

Anyway, jokes aside, I've been on an oxygen machine and expensive rationed antivirals being pumped into me for the last few days.

I haven't been able to write or even do so much as look at a computer screen for a long period of time. I even tried to make a video explaining it while in the hospital for those of you who support me on Patreon but doing it on mobile just gave me a serious, serious migraine.

I will try again, though. The story is not abandoned. Covid is just kicking my ass. I've been unable to work, walk, eat or even sleep properly and the less can be said about working out the better.

Breathing is its own exercise right now and it's not exactly a fun one.

I dont plan on abandoning you guys or the story at all and I hope you don't give up on me just cause I caught covid at the worst time.

I once again want to thank everyone who does so for supporting me on Patreon and it really does my heart good that you like my writing. I know it can be slow going but I try really hard to hit certain notes with it so you're at least left satisfied with almost every new chapter.

It's the least I can do given your guys patience.

Thanks for being there for me.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.