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Topic: WHITE KNIGHT Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

In: Boards ► Places► America ► Brockton Bay Discussion

NinjaNinja (Original Poster) (Wiki Warrior)

Posted On Apr 22nd 2011:

So... the dust has cleared (figuratively), the city is quiet (relatively) and I feel a lot safer (as safe as one can feel).

The biggest fight in Brockton Bay history just went down yesterday and I am ready to talk about it.

Lung vs the White Knight himself

The Second Round, people.

Like a week later.

And they fucking wrecked the place.

It was a brawl.

Normally, a fight like this never gets actually seen unless you're a cape yourself, but I got some great news for you losers.

Uber & L33t came through in the clutch for the second time in a row with a banger of a video.

Thanks to our surprisingly competent Audio/Visual overlords Uber & L33T for providing access to footage of the throwdown for the low-low price of $50 (a little over twice the price as their ultra-premium sub FYI), we can analyse the shit out of this thing frame-by-frame. (UP Subs get the video for $5, Ultras get it for $10, Premiums are $15, normal subs are 30. Everybody else is $50).

Here's the L33TNation splash page for potential subs. [Link]

Here's the video access page for non-subs. [Link]

Now, let's get to it.

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Replied On Apr 22nd 2011:

... $50?

What the fuck?

That's illegal. It's highway robbery.

How are you gonna sell a video for fifty bucks?

I'm not doing that, no way.

EDIT: ...And of course, I paid for it cuz I have no willpower.


Replied On Apr 22nd 2011:

I'll eat my dad's own asshole before I sub to that beta boi Leet, even on the lowest level.

Sure, it's 10x the price but fuck it, here's two twenties and a ten down the drain.


Replied On Apr 22nd 2011:

@BDClownFucker459: First of all... what is with that name, dude?

Second... jesus, I just bought the video and it's fucking cherry.

Ho my god, it's beautiful.

It's like the first fight OD'd on steroids and Michael Bay juice.


Replied On Apr 22nd 2011:

Hoooooly shit.

Holy shit, it's so fucking awesome. It's so F U C K I N G awesome.

Has there ever been a cape fight this massive captured in HD?

I'm literally pausing every 5 seconds 'cause it's so gooooooood. The frame rate is super high, and the quality is amazing, and my bandwidth is somehow able to handle it? And the fight itself!!!



Replied On Apr 22nd 2011:

Okay, I just became an Uber & L33T premium subscriber, something I never thought I'd say because fucking hell, this is some quality shit! They got close ups, wide angles, zooms, cinematic cuts, and mothafuckin SLO-MO?!!

How the fuck? What kind of super-godlike editing skills was L33t blessed with?



Replied On Apr 22nd 2011:

Is the fight really that awesome or is it just hype?

Cuz' people sound like they're creaming their goddamn jeans and I don't want to end up wasting money on some mediocre shit.

EDIT: Oh my god, I just creamed my goddamn jeans.


Replied On Apr 22nd 2011:

What the actual fuck is this newfag on about?

'Biggest cape fight'

The fuck have you been?

Do you not remember Marquis going up against the goddamn Laughterhouse?


Replied On Apr 22nd 2011:

Wow, that vid is just fucking... wow.

I mean, fuck.



Replied On Apr 22nd 2011:

@dukeybootie: I don't remember fighting Marquis, no

►FrenchLaugh (Veteran Member)

Replied On Apr 22nd 2011:

I for one always knew that King Arthur would save the day.

I did not expect it to be today, though.

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Replied On Apr 22nd 2011:

This guy's a fuckin chunni weeb.

Bro, what kind of world is this where some lame weeb gets powers and actual normal people don't?

Fuckin ridiculous, Jesus Christ.

Hate the fact that I wasted 50 whole bucks to see this shithead again.


Replied On Apr 22nd 2011:

@KingFatBob: I know, right? He's so fuckin chuuni.

Also, he stole Glory Girl's spotlight for no reason.

He could have just hit Lung out of nowhere and ended the fight before it started but he had to show up, wearing BLING, do a stupid chuuni pose and then start fighting.

Fuckin weebs, man.


Replied On Apr 22nd 2011:

Weebs "lmao fuckin weebs" Weebs

( -_・) ︻デ═一▸ ▸▸▸ ᕕ( ཀ ʖ̯ ཀ)ᕗ


Replied On Apr 22nd 2011:

Wait... why was he wearing bling?


Replied On Apr 22nd 2011:

@KingKarna: LMAO, dude. I dunno... does it even matter?


Replied On Apr 22nd 2011:

Wait, did I just see a live-action Henshin?

Did we just get Kamen-Ridered?

What the hell? Kamen Rider Zero One!


Also, is no one going to question how Prodigy can Henshin? Not even the Sentai Elite could do that!


Replied On Apr 22nd 2011:

So... Prodigy can't be Empire, right? I remember someone arguing about this a while back, back when people were calling him “White Knight”, but...

He was speaking Japanese to mess with Lung.

Why would he know Japanese if he was Empire.

►Out of Touch

Replied On Apr 22nd 2011:

I can't wait till the real nerds get in here and start jerking off over Lung's massive fireblasts.

Dragon-Man just jumped at least 50 spots in the battle-boards yesterday.


Replied On Apr 22nd 2011:

@Markpocalypse: He could definitely still be racist.

He was just repeating basic anime lines. That was probably just to fuck with Lung.


Replied On Apr 22nd 2011:


I got excited from the Kamen Rider pose and he let me down.

I expected a weeb. This guy can't even Naruto run.

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► MagnusBeowulf1610

Replied On Apr 22nd 2011:

This man's such a goddamn C H A D.

Stabbing a goddamn dragon in the head screaming like a goddamn viking.

The balls on this guy...

I mean, everybody talks about how they could be a hero if they had powers but could you do that same shit tho? Like, I could stop a guy with a gun if I was like Gallant or something but Im not going up against a monster like Lung, man!

He's just swinging a sword like... fuck, ITSSOBADASSS!!!!


Replied On Apr 22nd 2011:

@MagnusBeowulf1610: I know, right? Dude's so badass!

Could you imagine how much ass he probably gets?

He's probably fighting them off.

I wish I was in Brockton Bay right now just to see him live


Replied On Apr 22nd 2011:

@MagnumDong: See him live?

He's not Justin Bieber. Take it down a notch, weirdo.


Replied On Apr 22nd 2011:

@AssGuardian: Thanks for your opinion, Mr...


*puts on eye-glasses*

*reads carefully*



Replied On Apr 22nd 2011:

@MagnusBeowulf1610: Real Chads don't even need to use weapons to pretend they are "skilled"

real chads kill with kindness


Replied On Apr 22nd 2011:

@MagnumDong: You're welcome, Mr...

*leans in*

*wipes screen*

*tilts head*

... MagnumDong


Replied On Apr 22nd 2011:

Lung took 1 hard loss and didn't learn his lesson.

He needed another for the point to sink in.

Mmmhmmm, that's some delicious irony.


Replied On Apr 22nd 2011:

Lung x Prodigy fanfic when?


Replied On Apr 22nd 2011:

So... on another thread, somebody mentioned Prodigy's unrealistically high speed acceleration later on in the fight.

Like, it honestly doesn't make sense even when trying to compare it to either his speed or acceleration earlier on. At some point, even Leet's Tinker cameras couldn't keep up with him.

Anybody do a calc on that?


Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:

FIna-fucking-ly, we're back on point after page over page of random fucking commentary.

Jesus, half of you need to die or stop going off topic.

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►Clout God

Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:

@Punkrider: Overreaction, much?

Anyway, we should be getting some serious calcs and stop jerking off over the explosions.


Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:




Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:

22:12 has one drone give a side angle of Prodigy zoomed out so, with that one, it's possible to put a definite limit on his speed due to how the scene is framed.

He moves halfway across the screen to meet Lung, and then just straight up fuckin vanishes off the screen entirely in the next frame. Given his acceleration, he's probably breaking the sound barrier but there's no way to be sure, really, given how he uses his powers.

►FTL=HellaFast (Veteran Member)

Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:

@Micah_Demiurgos: What do you mean, there's no way to know?

Did you not see that shockwave he left behind him?

That's definite proof that he went supersonic. He without a doubt went supersonic there. Are you goddamn blind or something?


Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:

I heard Lung disintegrated a PRT officer caught up in one of his blasts.

Like, the guy just went straight to clumps of ash.

Can we calc that?

How much energy we talking here with that type of heat?

Also... @XplosionFetish: ...ew

►XWingTech (Wiki Warrior) (Veteran Member)

Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:

@WilliamWanks: Based off of memory and a lot of Tinker-tech debates on plasma/laser weapons (those can take months) it would only take about 3 Gigajoules to vaporize a human body.

This is off memory, but I'm pretty sure that's still accurate.

I'd do some more research but I'm pretty sure I'm already on some type of watchlist for all the times I've looked up "human cremation machines" or similar things.


Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:

@LickyLicky: No, you're right. I admit it. Lung is clearly durable enough that smashing into those buildings didn't noticeably injure him in any way, and is also massive enough that he didn't lose any noticeable speed on his way out. I'm not sure what you want me to say past that.

Just take the win, my guy.


Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:

@WithAnEye: What I want you to do is explain what you meant by 'durability has nothing to do with it.'


Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:

@LickyLicky: Fine, imagine an M1 Abrams being thrown through a thin brick wall.

It goes through the wall because of its inertia, and takes no damage because of its armor (durability).

Now imagine a fighter jet being thrown at the SAME wall at the same speed.

Because it weighs about the same as the tank, it will go through the wall about as well--BUT, it will be turned into a crumpled pile of scrap metal from doing so.

That's what I mean when I say "durability has nothing to do with it". A very fragile object will go through an obstacle the same as a very durable object, provided they have the same mass.


Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:

A speed calc for the first two minutes of the actual fight

This one's iffy due to the camera not being ready for the sudden acceleration and a very visible blur but anyway...

Using the torn down lamppost behind Prodigy as a ruler, we see that he moves 1.26 meters in 1/30th of a second which puts his speed at 40 m/s (89.4775 mph) or roughly 1/10th the speed of sound.

This same scene was discussed by "certain" people above (to amusing levels of wankery I haven't seen in a long while). He's definitely not even remotely close to supersonic here. Later on, maybe but not this scene.

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Replied On Apr 24th 2011:

@WilliamWanks: From the big Wiki -

Crematories are most often heated by burners fueled by natural gas. LPG (propane/butane) or fuel oil may be used where natural gas is not available. These burners can range in power from 150 kW (0.5 MMBTU/h) to over 400 kW (1.5 MMBTU/h).

The time to carry out a cremation can vary from 70 minutes to approximately 200 minutes. Crematories used to run on timers (some still do) and one would have to determine the weight of the body therefore calculating how long the body has to be cremated for and set the timers accordingly. Other types of crematories merely have a start and a stop function for the cremation, displayed on the user interface. The end of the cremation must be judged by the operator who in turn stops the cremation process.

400 kW over 70 minutes equates to ~1.7 gigajoules. 150 kW over 200 minutes equates to ~1.8 gigajoules. This includes inefficiencies in modern crematoriums, of course. And obviously the energy required to reduce his body armor to ash can't be calced. His armor disintegrating kind of calls into question whether we can treat this as similar to a cremation process though.


Replied On Apr 24th 2011:

@Sperghetti: You mentioned how fast he accelerated, right?

If you mean the part at 22:40-22:42, I got your back there.

So, I slapped the calculation for Prodigy's speed that @FlickaBrick did earlier on into a formula for acceleration. [Link]

The math can be seen here [Link] on this calculator program one of the mods put together.

Ended up with an average speed figure of 197.5 m/s and a final velocity of 395 m/s and an acceleration of 9637 m/s^2.

I dunno... I'm prolly way off but that's what I got.


Replied On Apr 24th 2011:

@FTL=HellaFast: You're the one who's fucking blind.

Have you not seen that White Knight's a goddamn aerokinetic? We can't use shockwaves as definite proof that he's gone supersonic. It'd be ridiculous to.


Replied On Apr 24th 2011:

@Feral Man: What mach range does this put White Knight at?

►FTL=HellaFast (Veteran Member)

Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:

@GhettoJoe: No, you're the one who's fucking ridiculous. He clearly only uses aerokinesis through his hands.

Frame [Link]

Frame [Link]

Frame [Link]

Fuckin' frame, bitch. [Link]

He's clearly supersonic.


Replied On Apr 23rd 2011:

@LegendIsMyDaddy: About Mach 1.1

You could have looked that up yourself tho, buddy.


Replied On Apr 24th 2011:

@FTL=HellaFast: Okay, so you're not only just blind but also pants-on-head retarded too... Good to know.

Look at this right here. 8:22 - 8:25

Do you see that shockwave when White Knight hits that car roof? Cuz there's clearly a shockwave and that was far from supersonic speed. You want to claim that he slammed into the rooftop of that wrecked car at that velocity and the roof only buckled slightly, instead of crumpling?

Are you lacking that many brain cells?

Stop huffing paint and watch the video like you have a working brain, guy.


Replied On Apr 24th 2011:

@Ghetto Joe:



Okay, okay, okay, before we dive into name-calling and other insults, let's look at another couple of frames for context on speed.

Look at this still right here. [Link]

This is White Knight dashing out of the way from Lung's tail swipe.

From what Bagrat mentioned before, White Knight stands about 5'9 with the helmet and armored boots adding another 2 solid inches to his height.

Judging from that, we can estimate his head height (helmet included) at roughly 25 cm

In this image, it is 25 pixels tall.

25/25 = 1 cm per pixel

He travels: 100 pixels (measured from right hip - right hip)

100 x 1 = 100 cm traveled = 1 meter

He crosses this distance in 1 frame.

Only 1 frame. (L33tNation promises all footage is 60 fps)

1/60 = 0.01666666666

Speed = Distance/Time

1/0.01666666666 = 60 m/s

That's a 135 mph/217 kph leap.

►Loquacious_Lizard (Veteran Member)

Replied On Apr 24th 2011:

From what I can tell, Whitey tends to run anywhere between 30-100 m/s during combat with his jumps falling a little under the median point of that with a noted 60 m/s leaping feat. He also has a confirmed 200 m/s speed feat, which suggests that he's capable of going supersonic.

I'm gonna claim it right the fuck now before anyone else.

We could be looking at the first fuckin' bullet timer cape in the Bay.


Replied On Apr 24th 2011:


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Replied On Apr 24th 2011:

We’ve been talking about speed feats and wanky calcs for pages. Bullet-timing is an underestimation, even. Stop talking about it.

Dude reacted to attacks before Lung even did them at a couple points. I'm thinking combat precog.

Definitely has a Thinker Rating.

Do we have a PRT note on his rating yet? Tentative or otherwise.

►David_Derrickson (Verified PRT Agent)

Replied On Apr 24th 2011:

@AssGuardian: It is the stance and policy of the PRT to never release the statistical threat analysis of any cape.

Just a reminder.


Replied On Apr 24th 2011:

@Loquacious_Lizard: First bullet-timer? You gotta be joking...

Are we just forgetting about Velocity?


Replied On Apr 24th 2011:

@FunkyBoy: Yes. Yes we are.

Velocity doesn't count.

Velocity never counts…

@David_Derrickson: Fuck the PRT. We'll make our own statistical threat analysis... with blackjack... and hookers!

Codename: Sir Prodigy, White Knight

Location: Brockton Bay

Classification: Brute, Mover, Thinker, Striker, Shaker/Blaster, Changer(?)

... That's all I got.


Replied On Apr 24th 2011:

Yeah, Velocity's a bullet-timer, probably, but it doesn't really matter when he can't do shit in a real fight anyway.

That doesn't even compare to super-speed Combat Thinker New Hotness Bruteus Maximus Prodigy.

If some of these calcs are right, dude can react to things with like a fifth of a seconds worth of warning time.


Replied On Apr 24th 2011:





Replied On Apr 24th 2011:

I could go for another Lung calc myself

@KickButtowski: Also, why is Changer there?


Replied On Apr 24th 2011:



Replied On Apr 24th 2011:


@BubbleButt: We've had TOO many Lung calcs!

FUCK LUNG! Why are we even talking about him?

He's about to be Birdcaged!

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Topic: White Knight Activity

In: Boards ► Places► America ► Brockton Bay Discussion

Bagrat (Original Poster) (The Guy in the Know) (Veteran Member)

Posted On Apr 26th 2011:

So. it's been a bit since everything went down in Brockton Bay and things seem to have settled.

Not quite business as usual just yet, but there hasn't been anything major going down since. The Protectorate have been making themselves more visible in recent days, likely to make up for their lack of sightings during the bombings.

However, there have been a ton more sightings of one specific cape in particular. Sir Prodigy (White Knight, to most of you) has been all over the city since the week started. First public appearance since last Thursday was Monday around 3 AM, quelling a small riot in former ABB territory. While there was violence and several gunshots reported by witnesses, no one got seriously injured and there was no collateral damage.

No footage was taken of the encounter but there were a few pictures of Prodigy taken at the scene. A bit blurry, but still good. [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link] [Link]

About two hours later, Prodigy was spotted pulling a solo search and rescue a few blocks down from his earlier location. From what I can piece together from PRT reports and emergency service chatter, one of Bakuda's bombs (one of the glass ones) was left undetonated and only finally activated that morning.

PRT is still unsure as to why that bomb was planted in an ABB-controlled area, or in a residential neighborhood. Regardless, Prodigy was first on the scene and was already pulling survivors from the collapsed townhouses by the time emergency services arrived. There were several casualties, but Prodigy managed to recover those as well.

Pictures and video footage of that are linked below.


[Picture Gallery]

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Replied On Apr 27th 2011:

Extra sighting from this morning!

Bunch of tatted Asian fuckers wrecked and robbed this old couple's pawn shop just a couple blocks off of downtown, beat them up and stole some money and appliances and shit. Then they tried to get away in a fucking Jeep or something, just tearing down the street like maniacs

Out of knowhere, White Knight just smashes into the front of the goddamn car, legs fuckin wrecking the whole front and crumpling shit in like it was a beer can. The guy just steps out of the wreck, dropping out the engine and just hauls each one of the fucks out of the car and drops them on the street till the police got there.

Fuckin' A, dude!


Replied On Apr 27th 2011:

@MagnusBellum: Ooh, I heard about that one. Talk about a badass.


Replied On Apr 27th 2011:

"The Protectorate have been making themselves more visible in recent days, likely to make up for their lack of sightings during the bombings."

It's obvious what they're doing, I guess. We can't really fault them for it, though.

Am I wrong?


Replied On Apr 27th 2011:

@MagnusBellum: Uh, I heard about that. Should we really be cheering that on?

Prodigy almost caused a huge car accident doing that. I mean, he even messed up the street too and caused a huge mess. Those four guys also needed serious medical attention after that. I think one of them almost had his spine broken... or at least something like that.

I respect what he’s doing with all the search and rescue around town and whatever but I have to ask: If he can’t be a hero without hurting people, should he be a hero at all? Like, breaking jaws and shattering ribs is going WAY too far in my opinion.

That's messed up.

Hero or cop, excessive force isn't cool, man.


Replied On Apr 27th 2011:

I know the girl whose house got bombed. I don't even know why they got attacked. Makes no sense, honestly. Her dad's just a fish truck driver and the guy's even Chinese too.


►BitchBreaker (Banned)

Replied On Apr 27th 2011:

[This post has been redacted for violation of forum guidelines]


Replied On Apr 27th 2011:

@MelaninMachine: Nah, you're right.

They probably had reasons for being covert last week anyway. We gotta trust that the Protectorate knows what they're doing.


Replied On Apr 27th 2011:

Ughh, only the tenth page and thread's already crawling with PRT shills.


Replied On Apr 27th 2011:

@BloodyBrains&Balls: No u


Replied On Apr 27th 2011:

@VandaLass: How much does being a PRT shill pay? Asking for a friend

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► MacGoogles The Frog

Replied On Apr 28th 2011:

@YogaFire: Talk about first-world problems.

"Oh my god, they're being too rough with the violent criminals. He didn't even give them a massage or ask how their day was. Such a savage." STFU

@LupineBoy: I hear it's better than minimum wage. Comes with dental too.


Replied On Apr 28th 2011:

@MacGoogles The Frog: Is it wrong for me to feel like a superhero should know and understand what "appropriate force" means before going after law-breakers?

Sorry for having common sense, I guess.

►magnum oPUSS

Replied On Apr 28th 2011:

@Bitchbreaker: Wow... that's fucking gross. What the hell is wrong with you, man?

Are you literally a psycho?


Replied On Apr 28th 2011:

@YogaFire: You done being a little pussy?

Huh, you think whining about "fair treatment" for scum makes you a better person or something?


Replied On Apr 28th 2011:

@Retard_Whale: Alright then, common sense is "being a pussy". Good to know.


Replied On Apr 28th 2011:

@BitchBreaker: The fuck is this? The fuck is that? What the fuck is wrong with you?

►NukeOfHonesty (Temp Banned)

Replied On Apr 28th 2011:

[This post has been redacted for violation of forum guidelines]

►MeterMaid (Moderator)

Replied On Apr 28th 2011:

@NukeOfHonesty: I would like to ask why you felt graphic description of pedophilic acts towards an underage cape was within the bounds of PHO forum rules, but I don't think I'd like the answer.


Replied On Apr 28th 2011:

@NukeOfHonesty: How would that work, even? You're a guy. You don't even have those parts.


Replied On Apr 28th 2011:

@LickyLicky: Man, people will do anything for famous people. Capes, especially.

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Topic: Prodigy Speculation Thread

In: Boards ► Places► America ► Brockton Bay Discussion

Jesus-Kun (Original Poster)

Posted On Apr 28th 2011:

You know what it do.

Post your thoughts and theories about Prodigy.

Have some explanation to why you think whatever you think.

Don't go too crazy either. Let's not get this thread locked, okay.

(Showing page 4 of 36)


Replied On Apr 28th 2011:

@XxVoidCowboyxX: Woahhhhh You Got 2000+ Hours In Parahumans Online?

1000+ in World of Heroes??? That’s So Crazy, Dude.

How Many Hours Of Talking To Some Hoes Do You Got?


Replied On Apr 28th 2011:



Replied On Apr 28th 2011:


Replied On Apr 28th 2011:

Damn, it's so easy to dunk on Void.

Everytime he sticks his stupid head into the boards, he just gotta say something stupid.

@XxVoidCowboyxX: Well, I prefer the phrase "Inhale My Richard" but okay…


Replied On Apr 28th 2011:

@BlankSpace: What did he even say this time?


Replied On Apr 28th 2011:

Not sure.

I think he deleted the first post.

Whatever it was, it had to be stupid as hell.

►[mystery mark]

Replied On Apr 28th 2011:

Yeah, it was some dumb-ass speculation about White Knight.

Someone asked him for a source (like it wasn't from the depths of Void's basement-dwelling ass) and the shithead replied with:

*heavy breathing*

"Uhhh, I- I- uhhh, I play a lot of Parahumans Online and World of Heroes and I can tell things like that because of blah blah blah nerdshit"

Fuckin idiot.


Replied On Apr 28th 2011:

To be fair, World of Heroes is an awesome MMO tho.

The remake just blew Parahumans Online out of the water, not that something like that is hard to do.


Replied On Apr 28th 2011:

Why are we even humoring this guy? Like, wasting any amount of time on Void is too much.

He's honestly just trolling. Ignore him!


Replied On Apr 28th 2011:

White Knight is 100% Armsmaster's secret love child with Brandish.

Only thing that makes sense, honestly.

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►Loquacious_Lizard (Veteran Member)

Replied On Apr 28th 2011:

@XxVoidCowboyxX: I really don't want to believe you so I'm not gonna but even if I did, it'd be hard to trust what you're saying because I don't think that you could ever stop yourself from bragging online that you had powers for a day, let alone several weeks.

In conclusion, ya bullshit.


Replied On Apr 28th 2011:

@XxVoidCowboyxX: Yeah, and Eidolon's my real daddy. Pull the other one.


Replied On Apr 28th 2011:

Can we get a permaban for Void, please?


Replied On Apr 28th 2011:

I heard that Prodigy might have been working with Uber & L33t this whole time.

That's how the guys knew to have their camera drones ready to catch the action.

Plus, that sword of his is definitely not normal either.


Replied On Apr 28th 2011:

The sword works like that cause of his Striker power, genius.

It's not a Tinker sword. Did you see any tech on it? Any moving parts?

No! Just cause something glows doesn't make it Tinker shit.


Replied On Apr 28th 2011:

The Uber & L33t connection does make sense.

The two losers are raking in so much money right now that it's believable that they could be working with WK.


Replied On Apr 28th 2011:

I don't think that Prodigy would work with those guys.

They're villains, after all. They go after heroes and hurt people.

Why would they work with one?


Replied On Apr 28th 2011:

We can't trust Prodigy just cause he says he's a hero. I got a source who told me he's 100% Bonafide Empire.

First, he can create swords out of nowhere like Iron Rain and AllFather (possible son of Iron Rain, hidden after her death to keep him safe from Marquis?) and is also aerokinetic like Stormtiger too... Stormtiger x Iron Rain lovechild?

Second, Uber & Leet have been putting up recruitment posts all over the PHO Personal board, looking for normies and capes to join up. (Possible popularity-assisted takeover of the Bay?)

Third, all the money Uber & Leet made. Sure, the footage got leaked but that didn't happen till like Monday morning and their video had at least 5 million views by then. Even if we're counting their subs and ignoring rewatch numbers, they had to have made at least 20 million from the video buys and that is a very low projection. Likely numbers could be double that… or more.

This is a major conspiracy


Replied On Apr 28th 2011:

@SecretSquirrel: “White Knight is empire”

Good news to me.

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