Greg Veder vs The World

Lag 6.1b

Lag 6.1b

– o – o – o – o – o – o – o –

"So, you feel like talking now?"

The question left the mouth of a rather-annoyed Sparky as both he and Greg left their second class of the day, the two almost having to force their way through amid a crowd of others clamoring to escape the over-eager substitute. As usual, Sparky wore a tired frown and Greg sported a perky grin that seemed almost unchanging.

Even after everything else, that much was the same.

Still, Sparky was no idiot. In fact, the long-haired boy was rather perceptive in general, magnitudes more so when compared to the blond boy usually at his side. Both wore roughly the same outfit – a zip-up hoodie over a t-shirt, along with a pair of jeans and sneakers – as they strode through the halls of Winslow toward their next class.

Yet despite their similar outfits, radically different color schemes aside, Sparky knew things couldn't be more different. He knew things had changed; with Greg's attitude, with his powers, with… them.

But now, with them in school together again and both of them moving at the languid pace of most teenagers on their way to somewhere they'd rather not be, they had plenty of time to open up and have a conversation about everything.

And he did mean everything.

His own mistakes, included.

"Talk about what?"

Well. Sparky had the time, or at the very least, the inclination to talk.

Greg didn't seem to share that with him.

To be honest, the super-powered teenager seemed to have a vested interest in keeping his head on a swivel, the blond glancing from side-to-side as the two made their way through the crowded hallway. From the way his blue eyes seemed to sparkle, it was almost as if he was drinking in the atmosphere and sights of Winslow the way a tourist would a new landmark.

That was enough to confuse Sparky as he stayed silent, stewing over the way Greg had so casually deflected his question without a second thought. Don't punch him, was the prevailing thought in his head. Don't punch him. You'll probably break your fucking hand or something.

Despite himself, his right hand still curled into a fist.

Steeling himself, Sparky opened his mouth to ask another question only Greg to all of a sudden step forward in front of him and spin, the blond transitioning to a backwards walk, blue eyes level with his own amber and in perfect sync with Sparky's own pace.

Sparky blinked, eyes widening in clear surprise as Greg maneuvered through the hallway way with perfect ease, narrowly avoiding students in his path that he couldn't even see, all the while smiling like a giant idiot.

It was even more impressive in Sparky's eyes given that the hallway was more crowded than the school usually was, much in fact like their last class had been. It was to no one's surprise that Winslow High was suddenly home to a great many more students than usual. The bombings of two weeks ago had left at least two other high schools within the city pretty much useless for the rest of the school year and all those students…

Well, they had to go somewhere.

"What are you..." Sparky hissed the words as he leaned in slightly. Well aware that a few eyes were now on them if only from curiosity with Greg's odd display, he didn't allow himself to stop walking. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Walking." There was that grin again, the playful spark in his friend's eyes that was more than familiar. "Why?"

"Stop. It." He hissed the words again.

Patience already wearing thin, Sparky forced himself to suppress the impulse to grab Greg by his hoodie and drag him off to an empty stairwell or unused classroom. If not to talk, then to at least keep him from acting so blatant with… well, with whatever his powers were.

The blond seemed to appear confused. "Walking?"

And just like that, he did.


Sparky jerked forward at his friend's sudden halt, nearly tipping over until a surprisingly gentle yet unyielding hand caught his shoulder and pushed him back up. The action was quick and deceptively smooth, the other boy barely noticing he had been righted until he blinked a moment later.

Amid the bustling, noisy hallway, Sparky simply stared at his friend for a few long moments, ignoring the other students shooting them dirty looks as they remained standing in the middle of the hallway. That was smooth as fuck.

"Okay, first... Fuck you, brah," he began.


Fair, he says. Sparky gave a non-committal grunt in return, before continuing on. "Second, thank you for that."

"Aw, shucks, man, no problem. It's what I'm here for." Once again, Sparky felt that firm grip on his body, only far more encompassing this time, Greg suddenly wrapping an arm around his friend's shoulder and they began moving along the hallway again.

"So, what was it that you wanted to talk about anyway?"

Sparky rolled his eyes, frown deepening slightly as he sped up his strides to remain at Greg's side without being pulled along. Glancing up ever so slightly to look Greg in the eye, he replied sarcastically, "Oh, so now you wanna talk?"

"Well, I figured you had a lot on your mind, man," Greg replied blithely, glancing to his side as he spoke. "With the whole craziness outside, you know."

"Me?" Sparky found himself pulling a face, jaw clenching tightly as he stared incredulously at his friend.

He's fuckin' lost it, I swear. He's insane. I know it. "I'm the one with a lot on my mind?" Sparky continued questioning his friend as more heat leaked into his tone. "You're seriously talking about me right now, brah?"

The boy in yellow found himself at a loss for words as Greg nodded his head and stared back at him with an expression that looked almost confused and at least a little bit sad. "Of course I am, dude," the blond began, more than a hint of sincerity creeping into his tone as he continued walking through Winslow's bustling halls, basically carting along a dumbfounded Sparky. "I couldn't have done most of what I did a couple weeks ago without you in my ear for a bunch of it. You saved the city as much as I did… almost."

"Uh… uh, well…" Sparky began, as he tried to parse the odd feeling inside his chest fighting what seemed like a surprisingly even battle with his sour mood. Wrestling back some control, Sparky shot what he hoped was a fierce look at Greg and tried again. "Look, I get that b-"

"Nah, not sure you do," Greg interrupted in a surprisingly serious tone, his smile muted as he kept on speaking. "You're pretty much my only friend. Like, unless you count my cousin, and I don't cause you know, family. Or you know, online people, but they don't really matter anyway. Either way, I don't know what I'd do without you. Anytime you wanna talk, I'll listen."

"Wow… I mean…" the olive-skinned teenager shook his head, thoughts racing past him too fast for him to grab hold of any particular thread. "I mean, really?"

"Yeah, Sparks," Greg's smile grew slightly as the blond gripped Sparky's shoulder and squeezed just hard enough for him to feel it. "Would I lie to you?"

Sparky found himself silent as he stared at his friend, suddenly caught up in a whole host of emotions he hadn't been expecting. Emotions he somewhat disliked yet didn't want to let go of in equal turn; entirely frustrating at the moment but undoubtedly appreciated.

Yet, all that faded away as he continued to stare in silence.

For a moment, Sparky could see the phantom of his friend standing right in front of him; a few inches shorter, the nervous but excited smile plastered on his face as the blond tried his best to keep him entertained with whatever random thing could come out of his mouth.

The messy bowl-cut, the light dusting of acne across a face that hadn't yet lost it's baby fat, the slight pouch in his middle that came from too much junk food and sugar, awkward thin limbs almost in constant motion as he rambled with the energy and tone of someone five years younger than he actually was.

It was familiar.

It was Greg.

But piece-by piece, that image fell away in front of him.

Blond locks a wild mane down to his ears compared to how they used to be, perfectly clear skin and a face that looked sharper. Greg had at least an inch on him, Sparky could tell without a doubt, something he noted with a slight frown. The blond had also filled out a good bit, his dumb t-shirt tighter on his chest than Sparky had ever seen it. The visible muscles under his hoodie sleeves were a dead giveaway, after all.

All of it taken in at once, Sparky couldn't shake the uncomfortable feeling that he was staring at a stranger.

I haven't been paying attention this whole time, have I?. A sudden weight seemed to rest on his chest as those words passed through his mind. Where'd my friend go?

The casual confidence had been something Sparky had seen growing for a while, but this… Greg actually thinking past himself and saying something that heartfelt was unexpected.

No. That wasn't the right word.

Heartfelt. Greg could be heartfelt, usually without meaning it or realizing what he was saying. The guy had his moments of insight, surprisingly deep ones too, but this didn't feel random and oblivious. The blond seemed to mean every single word out of his mouth, spouting them with a confidence that, while not super convincing, seemed natural.

That was just… odd.

Sparky blinked as Greg's arm moved, the blond dropping his hand from his shoulder as the expression on his face changed from a muted smile to an eager one.

One that Sparky actually felt familiar with, if only recently.

"One sec, bud. Gotta take care of something."

The shorter boy blinked again, the words still lost as he watched Greg speed-walk off towards a group of students forming a small circle by some lockers, voice audible as he loudly yelled, "Hey, dickhead, you better drop that kid before I drop your ass!"

His gaze stayed fixed on Greg's back, finding the words as they left him in a whisper.

"Who are you, brah?"

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