Growing Pains

Growing Pains - Chapter 25

I was kinda surprised that Wonder Woman insisted on using a plane to fly to Themyscira rather than just flying ourselves, but once we started passing through the magical hurricane barrier that separated the island from the rest of the world I fully understood why.

Flying through rain sucked.

Flying through magical rain for over twenty minutes would have been terrible. Even if it didn’t do anything it would have been cold, wet, and annoying.

Putting the hull of the VTOL plane thing Batman loaned us while I demolished investigated the snack cabinet was a much better way to travel.

It also meant that we would be meeting the small welcome party without being soaking wet, which was nice.

The ramp dropped and Wonder Woman and I made our way off the ship while one of the Amazons walked forward with her arms spread open.

“Diana! Welcome home, daughter. I hope the journey was a pleasant one?”

“Thank you, Mother. And yes, but it’s good to be home.” Wonder Woman replied, stepping into the hug.

While those two were talking, I took the chance to look around at the surroundings. Which were pretty much what I expected for an isolated tropical island. Clean, white beaches, crystal clear ocean, and a thick forest that blocked the rest of the island from view. Pretty, but not what I was interested in.

No, my focus was on the six Amazons that had been waiting with Wonder Woman’s mom – Wonder Mom? Probably shouldn’t say that out loud though – that were either looking at the surroundings, watching me, or glancing at the hugging pair.

They didn’t exactly look like I was expecting. The armor they had on was more similar to Wonder Woman’s outfit than the classical Greek stuff I had seen. A lot less metal protection than I was expecting, though maybe they didn’t need it?

“...but enough of that for now, we are being rude to our guest.” Wonder Mom interrupted my thoughts and walked over to me. “Welcome to Themyscira, Califa of the Saiyans. I am Queen Hippolyta.” Despite looking like Wonder Woman’s older sister, Wonder Mom really nailed the mom tone. Calm, patient, and just the slightest hint of an iron will of control hiding under the surface…she was pretty cool.

“I’m sure you are itching to explore the island and meet your teachers,” She continued, “but first I would like to learn more about you and the circumstances regarding your stay on my island. To that end we’ve prepared a feast…”

Her welcoming speech was interrupted when my stomach decided to announce itself. Loudly.

“Hehe, sorry.” I awkwardly rubbed at my traitorous midsection. “I’m still a little hungry.”

“How? You ate enough emergency rations for three people on the flight over.” Wonder Woman muttered, drawing some interested looks from the guards.

The Queen just smiled. “Well then, let’s not waste time. We can continue our discussion after we eat.”


I had to give the Amazons one thing, their cooks certainly knew what they were doing.

The goat was soft and juicy and the sauce matched it perfectly. I needed some more of that. The bread was nice and fluffy with a crunchy exterior and a bunch of things baked into it that made it more interesting than just being flour. There was some kind of leaf thing that was stuffed with meat that was pretty tasty, too small though. I had to eat two or three at a time to really enjoy them. But that was fine, it went really well with a salad that was basically just rough cut veggies and cheese. Good cheese too. Though it didn’t mix super well with the fish thing they brought out. Oooh, they had a lamb dish too. And a whole cow! Man, I should have come to Themyscira earlier, they really knew how to welcome someone!

And the food just kept coming!

“Dear Gods, where does she even put it all?”

“I have no idea, her stomach is like a bottomless pit!”

“Does she have no manners at all?!”

“I hope the kitchens can keep up with her…”

“Stop standing around and get the next course!”

There was some muttering from where some of the servants were huddling but I wasn’t really paying attention to them. Unless they decided to talk to me directly I was just going to focus on my food.

“Ah, ahem, Califa…”

Though I should probably listen to what Wonder Mom wanted.

“...I take it you are enjoying the food?”

“Mhmm!” I energetically nodded before making sure to swallow everything. “It’s really good! It’s like when I eat with the Flash, but this stuff is way better.”

She smiled while Wonder Woman was mumbling something next to her, looking annoyed. “I’m glad, but perhaps we should have that discussion now. I’d planned to have it after you finished but,” her eyes shifted to the pile of empty plates next to me that was slowly being taken away by a servant, “I think we might be waiting longer than anticipated if we did that.”

“Sure?” I shrugged, it didn’t really matter to me one way or the other. I just went back to picking at the food in front of me.

The queen nodded. “Has my daughter explained what you will be doing here yet?”

“Not really? She mentioned learning how to fit in on Earth better but that was kinda it.”

“That will be one aspect of your time, but you will also be learning from us about several subjects. History, Mathematics, Languages just to name a few as well as continuing your martial training since Diana mentioned you were studying under a mentor before.”

I groaned.

School. Wonder Woman tricked me into going to a magical island just for school! First Superman, now her. Was the entire Justice League just filled with people that were secretly evil?

I better keep a real close eye on Batman. Things usually get really bad when he turns evil.


The next few days were torture as all my new teachers tried to find out where I stood in their respective subject.

Some of them, like math oddly enough and a few sciences, weren’t terrible because one or both sets of memories remembered enough to get by or the information was burned into my brain by either a Saiyan gestation pod or the public school system.

I might not know how to calculate the derivative of X, but mitochondria was the powerhouse of a cell!

None of that mattered though because it was finally time for the one class I was actually excited to attend.

Combat class.

I was actually excited enough that I was already in the open-aired ‘classroom’ already changed into the new outfit the Amazons gave me (basically the same thing everyone else was wearing, but smaller) without anyone needing to drag me there. And I was actually early for once because no one was there to meet me.

Oh well, might as well get some stretches done.

Alright this is getting boring, where the heck is she?!

Another few minutes pass by before the dark haired Amazon I assume is my teacher finally decided to show up, looking both surprised and annoyed that I was still here.

Well guess what, the feeling is mutual.

“You’re still here… well I suppose I should at least introduce myself.” The Amazon sighed. “I am Melanippe, and I have nothing to teach an outsider like you. Now leave.”

…what? No seriously, what?!

She couldn’t do that!

I put up with all the boring stuff just for this class, she couldn’t just tell me to leave and expect me to listen.

“Your queen said you had to.”

“My queen is so twisted around her daughter’s finger that she is blinded to the fact that interacting with the outside world will just lead us to ruin.” Melanippe snorted. “I spent years training Diana to be a protector for this island. Not for her to abandon her duties and run around playing…what were they called? Ah, yes, superhero with a bunch of savages.”

Oh great, Meli-, Melana-...Mel was the same person to train Wonder Woman. Yeah, I wasn’t going to let her dangle that bit of information in front of me and then just walk away.

“Okay, then how bout a bet?” I pointed at the circular ring not too far from us. “First one to knock the other out of that ring wins. I win, you have to teach me. You win, and I’ll leave the island.”

Mel raised an eyebrow. “You expect me to fall for such a cheap trick? Why would I bother when I told you I have no intention of teaching you anything?”

I shrugged. “I mean, if Wonder Woman had to leave just to find something better to do you can’t be all that good. But Wonder Mom has been pretty nice so I figured I’d give you a chance to not be a weakling before I go find someone worth my time. Maybe I could see if Atlantis has anyone decent?”

“...this will be worth it just to beat some manners into you.” Mel growled before walking over to the ring. I didn’t waste time flying over across from her.


There was no countdown, no tell that she was going to move. It was only by instinct and luck that I managed to dodge her first attack and then start blocking the next.

Not that I managed it that well. Mel was like a slightly stronger, faster Batman. Definitely superhuman, but not by a huge amount. But she made up for that with pure skill. She knew exactly how to move to control the pace of the fight, and she wanted it to end fast but also to make it hurt.

Unless I wanted to cheat and just start moving faster than her, I was going to keep getting pummeled without being able to do anything back.

She was going to be so much fun to fight later, but first I had a bet to win.

I dove out of the way of a grapple and turned to see Mel standing there with a smug look on her face.

That was fine, I thought, settling into a stance. I already won.

“What’s the matter? Running away won’t help - guh!” Mel’s taunt was cut off when my Ki flared up into a visible aura. The ground shook lightly and the sudden wind made her stumble half a step.

Then I pushed my Ki higher.

“A little wind won’t be enough!” Mel shouted, slowly stepping closer and raising an arm to shield her eyes and stop her hair from whipping her face.

I said nothing. I just focused on collapsing all my Ki into a little point centered on my chest and then with a mighty yell, forced it all out again in a bright flash that caught Mel by surprise, and more importantly, sent her flying out of the ring.


Now to get her to teach me how to move like that…


From a distant lookout, Queen Hippolyta and Diana watched as the Saiyan girl began to pester Melanippe until the Amazon gave up and started showing her and correcting a handful of strikes and stances she had used in the brief fight.

“It seems that matter is settled then.” Hippolyta murmured.

“I don’t understand why you assigned Melanippe as Califa’s teacher if she was so against it.” Diana commented. “There were plenty of others that were willing to take her as a student.”

The Queen hummed. “There were others, yes. But aside from Melanippe being as good or better than all of them, there was another reason.”

“Another reason?”

“There is a small but very vocal group of Amazons that feel that we should remain isolated from Man’s World. Melanippe is one of them.”

“Isn’t that all the more reason another should teach Califa?” Diana frowned. “I wouldn’t want a small part of our Sisters to drive her off.”

Hippolyta chuckled, “I’d be rather surprised if an unwelcoming attitude was enough to drive the girl off. In fact I believe Melanippe may have done the opposite and will have to spend a considerable amount of effort avoiding or distracting her new student.

Diana thought about the reports Bruce had made about Califa’s determination to have him train her and her own few interactions with the young Saiyan. And she had to admit her mother probably had a point. Still…

“That can’t have been your only reason.” She pressed, getting a nod in return.

“Indeed. I’m hoping that by interacting with the girl some of those vocal dissenters will realize something very important.” Hippolyta said seriously, causing Diana to look at her in alarm and confusion.


“You know what I speak of, Daughter. You and your friends dealt with it not long ago.”

There were several things Diana had written or spoken to her mother of, but only one that stood out recently.

“The invasion?”

Hippolyta nodded. “Yes, a horde of invaders from beyond the stars. One that infiltrated, suborned, sabotaged, and almost flat out conquered Man’s World in a week once they revealed themselves.” She paused and watched as Melanippe corrected some flaw in the Saiyan girl’s technique. “If it had not been for you and the others only the Gods know what might have happened. And we knew nothing about it until it was all over.”

“The Imperium was crafty, it’s no surprise they managed to hide so well.” Diana offered but her mother waved it off.

“That wasn’t my point.” She denied. “The world is changing again, Diana. Califa is by her own admission young and weak for her species, yet she wields strength similar to a lesser demigod in the old days. If an army of her manages to find its way to Themyscira? We would fall.”

“I won’t let that happen.”

“Of course not, if you knew about it.” Hippolyta agreed. “But that is the key of it, is it not? If we remain isolated, hidden from the rest of the world, who will we call for aid when the next invaders come for us? How will we know to prepare for war at the gates if the invaders land elsewhere?” She sighed. “No, we cannot remain isolated as we have been. I just hope the more stubborn of our Sisters realize that before it is too late.”

Diana had nothing to say to that, since she also wanted more interaction between her home and Man’s World. In the end the mother-daughter pair simply watched the training below in silence, contemplating what the future could hold for them.

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