Guoyun: My system comes with Marvel's black technology

Chapter 76

Above the castle, the light of the protective shield is gradually dimming.

"Are they going to disappear?"

Tang Xiaofan opened the world chat channel and looked at the standard time displayed on the right.

There were still three minutes to twelve o'clock.

At this time, countless players were speaking in the world chat channel.

"It's time!"

"The power of the castle's protective shield is gradually disappearing!"


"The protective shield is really gone!"

"I am not ready yet!"

"Apart from the lord of the castle who has advanced and top-level troops, who is ready? If you want to survive, fight hard.!"

"That's easy to say! There are at least hundreds of wild monsters outside my castle, and they are definitely going to come in! My castle troops are low-level kobolds, with weak combat power, and they can't be stopped at all.!"

"Don’t say you can’t resist it!"

"If we can't even stop these wild monsters, how can we resist the beast tide? How can we attack the local forces??"

"At least you still have soldiers! My soldiers encountered an accident the day before yesterday, and 90% of them were killed or injured! My only option now is to retreat to the castle gate, and try to rely on the narrow space to prevent wild monsters from breaking into the castle!"

"Brothers upstairs, hold on!"

"In fact, it would be better if it was daytime, but now it is night! The monsters in the wild are in a violent state, and their fighting power is even stronger."

"Those wild monsters are very strange. They seem to be able to sense that our protective shield is about to disappear, and they are gathering together."

"That's right! There are already wild monsters hitting the protective shield"


"Brothers and sisters, take care of yourselves! There are three minutes left, and I am ready to fight to the end!"

"Hope everyone can see you tomorrow.!"

"I hope everyone can see each other again tomorrow!"

Everyone sent out their blessings, and then the world chat channel quickly fell silent.

The battle was about to begin, and no one was in the mood to chat.

Tang Xiaofan also turned off the world chat channel and cast his eyes to the outside of the castle.

The area near the protective shield was already an empty space, bloody and mangled.

After the machine gun fire, no monsters could stay there.

The blood flowing from these corpses reflected the dense forest shrouded in the blood-colored moonlight, dim and miserable; in the dense forest, black shadows were scattered, and countless green eyes flashed like stars dotted in the night.

Compared with other castle lords, Tang Xiaofan's city seemed more deserted.

And outside the castles of other castle lords, there were many wild monsters hitting the protective shield, as if they really knew that the protective shield was about to disappear.

The dense forest was trembling.

The roar of the monsters was like dense drums.

It announced that a feast of killing was about to begin.;

"It's time!"

Seeing the castle's protective shield begin to tremble violently, the light became dimmer.

Tang Xiaofan did not hesitate: he put on a Mark II armor directly, and at the same time, he took out the fine iron giant sword contributed by the goblin chieftain, and took a look at it in his hand.

The sword was about 1.5 meters long, 60 centimeters wide, and the thickness of the sword reached 13 centimeters.

It was a real giant sword!

It was called [Sword of the Goblin Chieftain], a super equipment.

"Fight one, take the sword!"


Zhan Yi took the giant sword as if nothing had happened. For him, holding a piece of grass could kill the enemy now.

In addition to weapons and armor, Tang Xiaofan also wore a ring with a diameter of about five centimeters on his chest. It was the King-level magic equipment of the Cyclops Ring.

This giant ring can be said to be the top equipment at present.

Tang Xiaofan wore it close to his body.

Everything is ready!

Tang Xiaofan pointed to the wild monster hidden in the forest outside the castle and said expressionlessly,

"Kill them all!!"

""Yes, lord!"

The farmers shouted in unison, and at the same time raised the giant axes in their hands, with fanatical expressions,"Lord, unify the world!"

Then, the farmers stepped out of the castle's protective shield in unison with neat steps.

The farmer team can suppress even the eighteen-level lord-level monster in a violent state.

It can be said that the monsters gathered outside the castle are not invincible to Tang Xiaofan.

On the contrary, they are all Tang Xiaofan's hunting targets.

The farmer team has grown up.

Even if the protective shield does not disappear, Tang Xiaofan will send the farmer team to hunt at night.

The dense forest shrouded in darkness can no longer threaten his farmers.

"The lord said that the world needs to be shrouded in his glory!"

Accompanied by Zhan Yi's clear voice: a dazzling white light poured down, instantly illuminating the dense forest within a radius of hundreds of meters as bright as day.

This is the effect of tracer bullets!

Under the illumination of tracer bullets, all the wild monsters hidden in the dense forest were forced to expose themselves.

The camp of wild monsters suddenly began to become chaotic.

However, under the influence of the blood moon, they were deeply in a violent state. They did not retreat. Neither the death of other monsters in front nor the current machine gun shooting could make them retreat.

At this time.

A huge howl sounded in the monster group.

Tang Xiaofan looked up and found that it was actually several undead ghouls.

Three level 8.

Under the illumination of tracer bullets, black smoke came out of their bodies and they rolled on the ground in extreme pain.

This is not an ordinary light. It is a light with a buff from the metal laboratory!

It contains the power of metal, which has great effects on creatures belonging to the undead system. Damage.

Coupled with the damage from ammunition, these ghouls, whose highest level was only level 8, naturally could not resist.

They fell to the ground, rolling and struggling desperately.

They made miserable cries.

They wanted to get rid of the ammunition, but this was obviously meaningless, because with the tracer bullets, endless ammunition was poured on them.

Compared with other monsters, they were more restrained by ammunition. After they were hurt by the ammunition, the skin that was shot made a sizzling sound, and black smoke was emitted.

Soon, several ghouls stopped struggling.

They turned into corpses, and the corpses were completely shattered by ammunition, and even their soul fire was extinguished.

Undead creatures can be resurrected with the help of soul fire and some specific undead materials.

However, facing Tang Xiaofan's farmers.

There is no difference between undead creatures and wild monsters.

They even die faster.!

"Undead ghouls have appeared!"

"This is really the first time!"

It was the first time Tang Xiaofan encountered undead creatures since he came here.

Generally speaking, too many undead creatures appeared in places like cemeteries and graves.

These places have a strong aura of death and are most likely to give birth to undead creatures.

In addition, the underground world is also the base camp of undead creatures.

However, the forest is mainly dominated by wild monsters such as beasts and birds, and the local forces are mostly intelligent creatures of half-evil and half-neutral camps such as goblins, goblins, and two-headed demons.

Undead creatures are not common.

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