Hacker: My revelations made Yingjiang’s scalp numb

Chapter 72

Eagle Sauce and the Cyber Security Department of Footpot Chicken watched this scene in shock.

Especially Blake, the director of Eagle Sauce's Cyber Security Bureau, was so angry that he slapped the table after seeing the countdown in front of the computer.

"F**K, F**K, WHAT'S GOING ON? How can this be?"

the technicians on site were also confused, but they were clear about the situation.

"Sir, according to our experience, it seems that our equipment has been hacked, and the current situation is a virus in the computer. "

What, how is this possible?"

everyone at the scene was full of doubts, unable to understand what was happening now.

They once thought it was the end of the cybersecurity department of the rabbit or the big hair, and in order to help Ai Guo was hacked.

Eagle sauce also expected this kind of thing, and specially left a lot of surveillance rabbits and big hair, but the background data of the Internet will not deceive people, and it is clear that there is no third party.

The members of the cybersecurity department of Eagle Sauce and Footbasin Chicken have a hard time believing that hackers "don't think too much" can be easily attacked by tens of thousands of high-level hackers, and in turn, they have invaded all of them and poisoned all of their computers.

When all the computers with viruses are in the virus, the countdown comes to "1".

The power supply on the computer console was overloaded under the control of the virus, and all the hardware of the host computer quickly overheated.

"What smell?" Many

hackers in front of the computer smelled a burning smell, and they were still looking around in confusion.

Many people have also discovered the abnormality of the computer host, but it is too late, and the computer host spontaneously combusts after the hardware is short-circuited.

So, at the same time, all the poisoned computers around the world were burned.

This directly shocked all the hackers, eagle sauce and footpot chicken members involved in the operation, and no one thought that this would be the result.

Especially those hackers whose computers have important information cried bitterly on the spot, and regretted that they had taken their important information for a little money.

One of the world's top computer hosts was destroyed in this way.

In the face of all this, the government officials of Eagle Sauce and Footpot Chicken have understood that the hackers' ability to "not think too much" is too strong for them to handle.

This time, Eagle Sauce and Foot Basin Chicken are a big heel, and stealing chicken is not a big loss.

If you want to catch a hacker, "don't think too much" and didn't catch it, but instead of hitting the hacker you raised, you lost confidence, and you no longer dare to face the hacker "don't think too much".

At the same time, if this incident is spread out in its original form, there is no need to ask for the face of the Eagle Sauce and the Foot Basin Chicken Cyber Security Department, it will be a shame to throw it to Grandma's house.

Moreover, even the government with eagle sauce and footpot chicken will be squeezed by people.

This made the originally huge hacking operation come to an end suddenly, a little anticlimactic.

Everyone was gag and not allowed to talk about it as if it hadn't happened.

Everything was quiet, and no one from the outside world knew the exact situation of the battle except for the people involved, and no one knew that it was over.

It's just that there are too many people involved this time, and after all, there are fish that slip through the net, especially big countries like Rabbit and Da Mao, who will closely understand the dynamics of this operation.

Soon, Lin Xiangchen, a staff member of the Rabbit Cyber Security Bureau, got this reliable news.

He happily ran into the office of Director Wu Jianguo, and without even knocking on the door, he broke in directly.

"Wu Bureau, a great piece of good news, do you know? The hackers "don't think too much" made the network department of Eagle Sauce and Footpot Chicken, as well as the hackers they gathered, collectively deflated.

Wu Jianguo originally wanted to teach Lin Xiangchen a lesson for being reckless, he didn't know how to knock when he entered his office, he was a leader anyway, no matter how you said it, you have to respect me!

After hearing the news, his shocked eyes widened and his pupils dilated, and he couldn't believe that this was true.

"What! Is the news accurate?" Wu

Jianguo has been in charge of the Cyber Security Bureau for many years, and Eagle Sauce's attacks on rabbits have never stopped over the years.

However, it is such a country that, after gathering more hackers, did not find the hacker "don't think too much" and was counter-killed.

This is how a swordsman who has been famous for many years, and being defeated by a child, is beyond everyone's expectations.

"Really, I asked a few hackers who were good with me, and they all participated in the operation, and they didn't know how, the computer was hacked by the hacker "Don't think too much", and the computer with the virus spontaneously combusted and burned up.

"The entire Eagle Sauce and Foot Basin Chicken Cyber Security Department suffered very heavy losses in this operation!"

Wu Jianguo frowned, unable to believe this fact, Eagle Sauce's national hacker power has always been a dimensionality reduction blow to individual hackers, how do you look at this flip and feel unreal.

It wasn't until the news was really confirmed that Wu Jianguo couldn't help but smile.

The cyber security department of Eagle Sauce and Footpot Chicken has been hit hard, and it can basically guarantee that the entire rabbit nationwide network will not be attacked in a short period of time during this time.

And for the public, the situation started out as a small piece of news.

People who knew about the situation began to ask each other and gossip began.

"Do you know? Now it's rumored on the Internet that hackers "don't think too much" were hacked by the hackers of the Eagle Sauce Organization during the live broadcast. Later, Eagle Sauce was counter-invaded, and I heard that hundreds of thousands of computers were blown up. "

Really? Hackers don't think too much, "It's so powerful, it blew up hundreds of thousands of Eagle Sauce computers?" "

Really, there are pictures and truths on the Internet now, and many hackers who have been bombed are posting pictures." "

I don't believe it, I'll go ask my hacker friends first, find out the situation, wait for me." "

After a while.

"Well, is it true?"

"Wait a minute, let me calm my excitement.

"What's the matter, why do you have to calm down, you have nothing wrong! "

Roll !!

" "Really, Eagle Sauce and Footbasin Chicken suffered a big loss this time, blowing up nearly a million computers, and the economic loss was billions of dollars."

"Damn, this is one enemy and one country... No... The existence of two countries. Slowly

, many people knew about it, and it became a hot search.

In the end, a stunned hot search title was summarized.

#黑客 "don't think too much" to one enemy and two countries, severely damage millions of hackers, and burn computers worth billions of dollars. #

Let the Eagle Sauce and Foot Basin Chicken Cyber Security Department, who already feel ashamed, be so angry that their teeth are itching, but they are helpless.

The entire Eagle Sauce and Footpot Chicken government was unanimously silent on this matter.

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