Hacker: My revelations made Yingjiang’s scalp numb

Chapter 85

The chats of the two footbasin chickens, the old and new prime ministers, have been monitored by Ai Guoze.

When Inu-Yoi Yisheng said that the most powerful high-ranking officials in the footbasin chicken government knew that there was a secret safe in the prime minister's mansion, which contained important documents.

Ai Guo also chuckled in his heart, and suddenly understood, how could the footbasin chicken really spend so much effort to discharge nuclear sewage in order to please the master Yingchan.

After all, after the discharge of nuclear sewage into the sea, not to mention the entire sub-region, it is the people of the foot basin chicken who are most harmed.

Normal people don't want to do things that are only beneficial to others and not to themselves. This is especially true as a country, where the state always talks about interests.

From their conversation, Ai Guo suddenly understood that the entire government of Footpot Chicken has not forgotten all these years, and has always wanted to restore the glory of Footpot Chicken before the war and get out of the control of Eagle Sauce.

Through their conversation, Ai Guo understood that as long as the high-level leaders of these footpot chickens were sure that there was a slight opportunity to make the footpot chickens strong, even if they gambled on the future of the entire footpot chicken, they would definitely not give up any opportunity to become a strong country.

During the conversation between the dog and Yi Sheng, Ai Guo quickly learned the specific location of the safe and the code to open it.

After Ai Guo confirmed the information, he couldn't wait to operate the universal machine and returned to the prime minister's office.

The universal machine that transformed into a human form began to find the safe that the dog raised Yisheng said.

Finally, through the hint of the dog Yisheng, Ai Guo found the secret safe that was very hidden.

Ai Guo opened the safe and saw two documents in the safe.

He picked it up and looked at it, one document "The benefits of discharging nuclear sewage to Eagle Sauce", and the other document "Discharging nuclear sewage will realize the rise of the foot basin chicken".

Ai Guo first read the first document "The benefits of discharging nuclear sewage to Eagle Sauce", which was listed by the Foot Basin Chicken Think Tank, after the discharge of nuclear sewage into the sea, Eagle Sauce will be visible to the naked eye in a few years, and the benefits will be obtained.

After reading the whole document, Ai Guo was stunned, and sure enough, Eagle Sauce supported the discharge of nuclear sewage because Eagle Sauce's heart was black.

This document does not contain much, but it is cut at the people of the world, and if there is no response, Eagle Sauce can continue to dominate the world for decades until people's water resources are solved.

It's no wonder that Eagle Sauce would agree to the discharge of nuclear sewage into the sea by the footbasin chicken.

[Benefits of discharging nuclear sewage to Eagle Sauce

1, the world will be polluted by nuclear sewage because of the ocean, these contaminated water resources will greatly increase the probability of diseases among people all over the world, and the generation of more new viruses. As the most advanced country in the world in terms of medical technology, Eagle Sauce can easily produce the world's most advanced drugs through its own pharmaceutical companies, and then harvest the wealth of patients all over the world.

2. In the weather cycle, the world's polluted water resources will pollute the world's extremely abundant water resources, and water resources will become the most scarce resources in the world, because human beings are inseparable from water resources.

Through the intervention of financial giants in recent years, Eagle Sauce has monopolized a large number of fresh water resources in the world, coupled with Eagle Sauce's advanced technology, it can also convert low-polluted water resources into pure water resources, which further enhances Eagle Sauce to become the world's largest water resource owner.

Eagle sauce, which has a large amount of water resources, can use the advantages of Eagle sauce in the international market to increase the price of water resources step by step, and then it will be another harvest of wealth in the world.

3. The blow of the discharge of nuclear sewage to the rabbit is what Eagle Sauce values the most, because as soon as the rabbit falls, Eagle Sauce is full.

In recent years, the population advantage of the rabbit, the national economy of the rabbit has risen, and the eagle sauce feels incredible, and the wealth of the rabbit's country and the people has made the eagle sauce salivate, and the financial giants of the eagle sauce have always wanted to harvest the wealth of the rabbit, but in view of the rabbit's strong military strength and the unique system of the national market, it has not succeeded.

Because the rabbit sea area is too close to the foot basin chicken, the discharge of nuclear sewage into the sea will soon directly affect the long coastline of the rabbit, all the developed cities of the rabbit are in the coastal area, and the nuclear pollution of the seawater will affect the economic development and health of hundreds of millions of rabbit people.

As a rabbit with very scarce per capita freshwater resources, the huge advantage of population in the water resource problem will be lost, but it will become a drag, and the long coastline will become a constraint for rabbits.

The more than one billion people of rabbits will cause all kinds of problems because of the security of water resources, such as food safety, food security, the price of pure water, and the price of medicines, causing countless social problems and turbulent national security of rabbits.

This situation is sure to happen in the future, and it will give Eagle Sauce countless opportunities to harvest the rabbit's wealth.

4. As the initiator of the discharge of nuclear sewage into the sea, the footbasin chicken will become the enemy of the entire sub-region, and become a country that is the enemy of the whole world in the sub-region.

5. In the future, Eagle Sauce will harvest the world's wealth because of the discharge of nuclear sewage, and Eagle Sauce's shocking debt problem will slowly begin to be solved because of the way to harvest the world's wealth, Eagle Sauce's debt will be sharply reduced, and Eagle Sauce will not break out of debt crisis.

The above is deduced by the Foot Basin Chicken Think Tank, and the benefits obtained by Eagle Sauce after discharging nuclear sewage into the sea. What

is a profession, this is a profession! Discharge nuclear sewage into the sea, there is so much calculation!


foot basin chicken wants to discharge nuclear sewage into the sea so hard, if Ai Guo sees the second document, and thinks that it is really for the strength of the master of Eagle Sauce, and he does his best.

Ai Guo also understands why Eagle Sauce agreed to this request and is still actively advancing.

The wealth of the world is too fragrant, and as a country dominated by capital, harvesting the wealth of the world is the meaning of Eagle Sauce's existence.

As for all the consequences caused by nuclear contamination in the world after the discharge of nuclear sewage into the sea, the high-level government and chaebol financiers of Eagle Sauce do not care at all, even if the nuclear pollution will affect Eagle Sauce in the end.

After all, in the dirty hearts of the top officials of the Eagle Sauce government and the chaebol financiers, the lives of all ordinary people in the world, including Eagle Sauce, are not lives at all, but just leeks in the global financial market, which can be cut if you want.

In the Western countries led by Eagle Sauce, the ugliness and greed of the upper class are even more terrifying and unbelievable.

After reading this document, Ai Guo went on to read another, and he wanted to know what the discharge of nuclear sewage had to do with the rise of the footpot chicken.

He suspected that it was another gamble by the Foot Pot Chicken, just like the attack on Eagle Sauce more than seventy years ago, gambling on a chance.

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