Hacker: My revelations made Yingjiang’s scalp numb

Chapter 91

The Eagle Sauce Government and the Footbasin Chicken Government, one to discredit hackers "don't think too much", and the other to minimize the influence of the two real documents.

In order to make the people of the world agree that hackers "don't think too much" are terrorists, and that a certain country has sent evil elements in order to undermine world peace.

The Eagle Sauce government opened his ability to dominate the world's public opinion, and for a while, all the mainstream media controlled by Eagle Sauce began to slander Ai Guo Ze Hacker Vest, and all kinds of small articles smearing Ai Guo Ze Hacker Vest around the world spread all over the world.

And the footbasin chicken government is working harder, smashing down as much money as it wants, and can't wait to smash hackers to death "don't think too much", for fear that Ai Guoze's hacker vest will not be stinky.

After all, the footpot chicken is now in bad luck, and there are too many secrets of the footbasin chicken hidden in the safe of the Prime Minister's mansion.

As long as the hackers "don't think too much" and expose the bad things inside, if people all over the world agree with what Ai Guo said, the entire footbasin chicken government will be doomed.

That's why the footbasin chicken will spend so much effort to discredit Ai Goze's hacker vest, and even many spies hidden in other countries will directly wake up and let them work hard to publicize this matter.

For a while, all the people with brains felt that something was very wrong, how the hacker "don't think too much" broke out so many ugly things at once, and how a hacker became a terrorist is incredible.

In these stories full of loopholes, it really made Eagle Sauce and Footpot Chicken in Western countries give publicity to the public, and a considerable number of people began to believe in the government propaganda of Eagle Sauce and Footpot Chicken.

The power of three people to become a tiger, for those who don't know the real situation or don't use their brains, can really turn a person's mind around.

It's just that the Eagle Sauce Government and the Foot Basin Chicken Government, while publicizing that hackers "don't think too much" are terrorists, also deliberately pulled the rabbit into the water, vaguely saying that the hacker "don't think too much" is a rabbit countryman, hoping that the rabbit will find out the hacker "don't think too much", in order to prove that it is not sent by the rabbit government.

Obviously, Eagle Sauce and Footpot Chicken are trying to turn the real into a fake, and at the same time, they also want to put this pot on the rabbit's body.

Over the years, Rabbit's increasingly powerful military strength has given the Rabbit government more confidence.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Dajian released a small tweet through popular software on the Internet.

"There is an idiom for rabbits, which means that wolves and embarrassments hook up together to steal sheep from farmers in order to do bad things."

This little push secretly satirizes the embarrassment of the Eagle Sauce government and the Foot Basin Chicken government.

After ten minutes, Zhao Dajian sent out another small push.

"Eagle sauce and footbasin chicken government don't want to splash dirty water, just define hackers "don't think too much" as terrorists, terrorists can kill, hackers "don't think too much" is just a hacker, and has not harmed people's lives.

Whether the hacker "don't think too much" is a question mark for us rabbit countrymen, and no one knows which country the hacker "don't think too much" belongs to, except for himself. Even if the hacker "don't think too much" is a rabbit countryman, we can't do anything to catch him, like the Eagle Sauce and the Foot Basin Chicken Government, the last time in order to catch the hacker "Don't think too much", it was useless and returned and lost a lot of money.

We rabbits think that our network capabilities are not as strong as Eagle Sauce and Foot Basin Chicken, and we don't have the strength to help Eagle Sauce and Foot Basin Chicken catch hackers "Don't think too much", and hope that Eagle Sauce and Foot Basin Chicken will work their own.

Link # A hacker self-telling, Eagle Sauce and Footbasin Chicken organized a team of 10,000 hackers, and captured the whole story of hackers "don't think too much" online. #

"This small push,It's just a slap in the face of Eagle Sauce.,However,Eagle Sauce's government really doesn't have a temper at all.,The last arrest of hackers "Don't think too much",Let the entire Eagle Sauce's network security department be greatly damaged.,Many hackers bought by Eagle Sauce have suffered a major blow to their hearts because of this incident.,Since then, it's been sluggish.,The ability has declined sharply.。

So much so, after that incident, there was a saying in the entire hacker circle, hackers "don't think too much" said that no one dared to admit the first in the hacker world, and it has become a legend in the hacker world.

Because, in the popularity of the hacker community, there have been rumors on the Internet that it is believed that Ai Guoze's hacker vest is not a terrorist, and the documents must be true.

And because of this incident, Eagle Sauce once became the talk of those hackers in the hacker world who didn't like Eagle Sauce, and it became a huge joke in the hacker world.

These two small pushes have attracted a lot of attention from netizens, and the comments below the small push have also flyed.

"Sure enough, it's about Eagle Sauce and Foot Basin Chicken, a wolf with ambition and a bad heart, isn't this really good!"

"I think hackers "don't think too much" is too bullish13, after so many things have been done, they haven't been caught by Eagle Sauce, and they have made a false accusation that a discerning person can see, so that Eagle Sauce is a big country to frame hackers "Don't think too much" is a terrorist, which is simply unheard of. "

Eagle sauce is still shameless as always, everything is someone else's fault, but unfortunately, the hacker "don't think too much" is stronger, and Eagle sauce has no choice. "

Protest Eagle Sauce supports the discharge of nuclear sewage from the footbasin chicken! Protest Eagle Sauce supports the discharge of nuclear sewage by footbasin chickens!

"Didn't Eagle Sauce say that technology is the most advanced? Why can't a hacker catch it, and there are rabbits to help catch it? "


As for what is happening in the world, Ai Guo is immersed in the secret documents of the footbasin chicken, and he does not know that now the center of public opinion in the whole world has become himself.

However, even if Ai Guo knew about these things on the Internet, he really didn't have time to pay attention to it, and continued to bury his head in checking the secret documents of the footbasin chicken.

The thick stack of secret documents of the footbasin chicken, there is too much information in it, and I haven't finished reading it after reading it for a long time.

There are all kinds of contents in it, and there are many secrets of the footbasin chicken, and after Ai Guo reads the document, it will no longer be a secret in the future.

The footpot chicken has been pressed by the master of Eagle Sauce all these years, especially when the agreement is in crisis, the Foot Basin Chicken, who has been harvested a lot of wealth, actually hates Eagle Sauce very much in his heart, but people have to bow their heads under the eaves, and the Foot Basin Chicken has never dared to show it!

So some of these plans are not only against rabbits, but also quite a few against Eagle Sauce.

And the thick stack of secret documents, there is a considerable part of the content, which makes Ai Guo more and more angry in his heart, not for anything, but because the footbasin chicken has done something hurtful again.

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