Hakoba: Opening Fusion and Reverse Izayoi

Chapter 545

Roar, roar, roar!

Even the incoming waves of lava flew away.

There is no chance of winning a head-to-head battle.

Sixteen Nights, though humiliated, walked diagonally in the direction of Amartya's escape with her back to the three-headed dragon.

He didn't plan to admit defeat, and since there was a glimmer of victory, there was no reason for him to give up.

"Don't be too complacent, you damn lizard..."

Reverse to the sixteenth night, stomp on the ground and rushed straight to the top of the giant peak.

Jump around on the footing that now seems to sink into the sea of lava, and distance yourself from the three-headed dragon.

This was the best strategy for victory, but the three-headed dragon smirked and scoffed.

- Tearing him apart, the three-headed dragon commanded with his right hand raised.

In an instant, a throbbing pain erupted from the back of Sixteen Nights. From the shoulder to the waist, he was struck with a sharp slash that looked like a blade.


What happened, it was a blow that did not have this kind of perception at all.

Looking back, the three-headed dragon was still on the wreckage of the palace. It is a long distance away from the sixteen nights that galloped on the giant peak. If it were like the aftermath of the claws before, there would be no trace of the earth.

And the wound behind it is not shallow. Sixteen Nights, exhausted from the battle, couldn't help but get down on one knee, staring at the three-headed dragon while shedding cold sweat.

"That's... What's it?invisible attack, or is it simply too fast!?"

Either way, it's going to be tricky.

And if it's some mysterious gift, it's even worse.

Because, now the sixteenth night of the reversal has no leisure to analyze the other party's gifted power, maybe the next blow will be in a different place.

At this moment, he went back to the sixteenth night and tried to use his knowledge to investigate.

The legacies related to the demon king Azdahaka are listed in the brain.

However, it was not possible to find out.

In the lineage, there is a demon king who exercises a thousand kinds of magic, but there is no detailed book. Even the erudite Sixteen Nights could not have known what was not written.

Despite this, in order to obtain the only information, Sixteen Nights pressed his hand on the wounded shoulder.

The wound is similar to a laceration caused by a slash. For the time being, I drove the [something] that flew out of the slash to the corner of memory, and stood up like kicking the ground in the sixteenth night.

The three-headed dragon pointed at the void and swung sideways.

Suddenly, the wings that towered behind the three-headed dragon changed shape. Or maybe it wasn't wings in the first place. A black blade that changes form freely. Sixteen Nights shuddered and realized the true face of the slash.

The same dragon shadow as Leticia... Is this what Slash really is?

However, compared to the Dragon's Shadow that Sixteen Nights knew, speed and precision were not uniform.

The Shadow Blade approached the eyeball at the same time that Sixteen Nights noticed. Although Sixteen Night's body reflexively leaned back to avoid the blade, it still couldn't avoid rubbing his cheeks.

The second and third pursuits continued to snipe for the sixteenth night.

A storm of blades with scattered rain. Every blow contains the power of a must-kill. If you can't dodge it, you'll be in a different place.

Whipping the seriously injured body, rolling on the ground and dodging constantly.

The surface of the earth heated by lava is like a red-hot iron plate. Sixteen Nights rolling on it, even though his body continued to suffer minor burns and lacerations, his eyes still spoke of unyielding.

"I see, all these attacks have been dodged?"

This dragon shadow was once a gift that Azdahaka used to deal with Shakti.

During the Emperor's strongest period, he was very careful to dodge.

Now, even a newborn human hero can't be killed.

Over the course of thousands of years, the basic properties of the Azdahaka have been greatly weakened due to the two seals.


Receiving an unyielding gaze, the three-headed dragon snorted. The three-headed dragon with a long twisted neck catches Sixteen Nights with six eyes, quickly closing the distance.

There was a burly body twice the size of Sixteen Nights, but it approached him at a speed far superior to his.


The burly body suddenly appeared outside of the senses. Although Sixteen Nights was seriously wounded, it was a speed that the enemy had not been able to match so far.

The speed of the three-headed dragon is not even inferior to that of the perpetual motion mechanism.

"The strength is completely incomparable, and even the speed has been suppressed!"

Knowing that he is strong.

But I didn't expect the difference in strength to be so big.

Looking down at the three-headed dragon of the sixteenth night with the eyes of ruby jade, he muttered as if to confirm the situation.

"I see. Before you fought me, you were already dying? If you hadn't been injured, you would have been able to escape. "

"What, what did you say... !!!"

It wasn't the content of the words that shocked the Sixteen Nights, but the tone.

There was even pity in the voice.

Those are words of compassion for the three-headed dragon. However, the sixteenth night that instantly understood its true meaning gritted his teeth in humiliation.

- If you don't get hurt, you can escape.

That is to say, it means that even if you are not in a perfect state, you will not be able to fight.

The three-headed dragon had no doubts about his victory from the very beginning and did not think at all that he would lose. That was the arrogance that Sixteen Nights had been holding before he came to Hakoin, and it was also compassion for the surroundings.

A strong man is born a strong man. So the weakness of the weak is helpless.

This kind of values, which are similar to Daguan, are now being trampled under the feet of this demon king.

Sixteen Nights trembled with humiliation. I couldn't bear the anger I hadn't felt in the past seventeen years, and I forgot about my serious injuries and stood up.

His life was not destined for sympathy or pity. I really didn't expect to experience it once when I was dying.

Sixteen Nights smiled at the negative emotion that she had never experienced so far, and held her broken right hand.

"Thank you so much for having mercy on me... Thanks to this, it seems that I can still struggle a little... !!!"

Stand up with all the strength of your body, and tell of your indomitability with the action of staring at the ruby pupil.

This is the last resistance, though.

Bleeding from the flanks and back has blurred consciousness.

What made Sixteen Nights stand up was just the unyielding fighting spirit.

The three-headed dragon stared at Sixteen Nights with three pairs of eyes and six eyes—and suddenly, a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"I see. That perseverance is commendable. It seems that violence alone will not convince you—— so what about such despair?"

Raising its pure white claws, the three-headed dragon dug deep into its shoulders.

Suddenly, a large amount of blood spurted out, causing the giant body of the three-headed dragon to stain red with blood.

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