Half-immortal civilization

Chapter 1075 Pseudo-level 6 civilization?

Red Star led his own fleet to quickly retreat to the rear, and it was accelerating.This is not what Red Star noticed, but a correct attitude towards exploration!When encountering an unknown situation, it is necessary to evacuate as soon as possible, and then leave unmanned exploration equipment for surveillance.

Moreover, during the evacuation process, the fleet could not keep moving forward, and had to keep turning and circling.

Strictly follow the rules and regulations of the Adventure Association and years of adventure experience to avoid any possible risks.

However... however...

Until the day when Hongxing and Mu Tianhe's fleet met, that is, more than ten days later, Mu Tianhe's fleet suddenly discovered that there was a problem with the space behind Hongxing's fleet!
This is because the military's technology is always somewhat confidential, and it is impossible to fully disclose it!

"Fight!" Mu Tianhe was acting like a real soldier, he didn't talk nonsense at all, and immediately fired a few shots at that space.This location is only [-] kilometers away from Red Star's fleet!This distance is simply close at hand!Light can go back and forth four times in one second.

What laser cannon, virtual physical cannon, directional magnetic field attack, space shock attack, etc., overwhelming!
In an instant, hundreds of energy blocks were consumed.

"Could it be, being followed!" Hong Xing would not think that a general who was almost the same age as the Huaxia Empire would make trouble for no reason. one!

Boom... I saw the place being attacked, it exploded suddenly, countless lights covered the sky, as if there was a small star erupting there, the energy of hundreds of energy blocks, and the energy of the attacked target erupted.Intense light and heat burst out in an instant!

For the first time, Red Star's fleet seemed to be irradiated by the scorching sun, and the surface of the spaceship shone with a unique light of metal.And the energy protection layer, etc., is the first time to support it!Sure enough, the shock wave came at one percent of the speed of light.Strong electromagnetic waves, space shocks, etc., instantly caused the spacecraft's protective layer to issue low-level alarms—low-level alarms, generally speaking, can be ignored, but if they suffer such damage for a long time, the energy consumption will be considerable.

And as the light disappeared, two huge creatures with steel light appeared!Under the light of the Red Star Fleet, two huge "lives" at a height of 300 meters.Appear in the eyes of everyone!
"Hiss..." Hong Xing gasped at that moment!Unexpectedly, there would be a day when he would be followed by someone!This is already careful and careful, and I often go back to check, but I didn't find it!In fact, with the technology on the Red Star Fleet, if you are careful, you can still find clues; but it may still be because the previous hundreds of years have been too smooth, which makes people feel paralyzed.

But now is not the time to regret.Red Star immediately turned the barrel and began to lock on the opponent!It is even more dangerous to retreat at this time!

but.One hundred thousand kilometers, this is really a very dangerous distance in a space battle.To say that it is close at hand is nothing more than that!
But Mu Tianhe is a real soldier, he never knows what hesitation is called!Seeing the opponent's figure appear, a new attack came rushing in!

Boom boom boom...

Violent explosions bloom in space.Strong light, radiation... The energy after the explosion spread in all directions.

In this space, if you follow others, obviously nothing good will happen!Therefore, Mu Tianhe's idea is to fight first and then talk!

Two consecutive attacks.The opponent finally couldn't bear it anymore!
brush!A snow-white neutron knife suddenly cut out, and stood on a tiger-like halfling in an instant, with one arm suddenly leaving the body!Accompanied by a large amount of silver-gray blood, messy bits and pieces, etc.It seems that this does not look like a complete living body, but rather a semi-mechanized life-this semi-mechanized is a perfect semi-mechanized, that is, a perfect combination of a flesh and blood body and a mechanical body.

Boom... A virtual physical cannon hit another life accurately, it was a snake-tailed human body, and the tail was directly blown off!

Perhaps, their individuals will be stronger, but under the continuous attack of warships, they are still seriously injured!A warship is born to be a fighting machine, everything is set up for attack, powerful energy reserves, strong attack strength, it is born for killing!
This is still because of wanting to capture alive!Otherwise, after a few shots, it would have been wiped out!Because, this is not just one warship, it is hundreds of huge warships!

Shua... The virtual physics technology was launched, and this new technology combined with magical thinking was able to be reborn.The virtual physics technology turned into a huge "ice cube" in an instant, freezing the two monsters in an instant!This time, I couldn't run away at all!In this virtual physical ice, even the gaps between atoms will be filled and "frozen"!There is simply no way to escape!

"Go up, grab it!" Mu Tianhe looked at the monster in front of him coldly, there was no emotion in his eyes, no curiosity, no fear, no contempt, no disgust... There was only the cruelty of a soldier!

A 30-kilometer-sized spaceship approached, hoo...a huge hand made of virtual physics suddenly protruded from the spaceship, expanded rapidly, and stretched directly for hundreds of kilometers, grabbing the two frozen monsters into the spaceship .

"Bang..." Two huge monsters were directly thrown into a warehouse.This warehouse is a square connecting small spaces. It is very tall, and all supplies, etc., enter the small spaces on the spacecraft through here.

Of course, as such a key core, it must also be very strong.Even if a nuclear bomb with a yield of tens of millions is dropped here, it will be safe and sound!
Phew... The rope composed of virtual physics and energy technology, as well as electromagnetic restraint, etc., completely wrapped and restrained the other party in the first place.

However, many scientists were amazed that in just a short while, the wounds on the other party's seriously injured body had already healed, and it could be seen that it was still growing slowly!If there is enough material, etc., it may be able to recover quickly.

However, everyone was full of curiosity about the monster at hand.

A tiger-like body with patterns on it, but if you look closely, you will find that these patterns are not decorations, but circuits like circuit boards.The height of the monster is 300 meters, and the body of the tiger below is also 200 meters long!Its appearance is very similar to the centaur in the original legend of the earth.

And the other is a snake-tailed monster with a height of more than 240 meters, but its tail is 100 meters long-but it was obviously broken by a large part!However, when fighting, the tail is coiled up, and the darkness of the universe makes it hard to see clearly.

But this monster with a snake tail and a human body does not look holy or enchanting as it is said in Chinese mythology, but has a terrifying feeling.

It looks more like the legendary Medusa!
There are six arms on the body, some arms have three fingers, some have six fingers; there are hundreds of small snakes on the head, and the snake head is still alive!Although the body looks feminine, but... this shape is definitely not comparable to the real Medusa, it is probably "ugly" Dusa...

"It doesn't look like a natural monster! It should look like a man-made object!" A scientist boldly went to study it.

"Squeak..." The door opened again, this time it was a broken limb captured in space—the product of the short battle (siege?) just now, a broken arm and a broken tail; especially That part of the tail is 150 meters long.

"Hey guy, what is this!" Some people have already started to watch the power.

Mu Tianhe looked at it, "Are you ready? Well, then isolate the two monsters and don't wake them up at the same time. See if you can ask something."

Humans really have no special experience with such half-mechanical, half-life monsters, but first wake up and ask.

To be precise, the two parties have been awake all the time, but their bodies, and all activities, etc., have been suppressed to the lowest active state.

Mu Tianhe sat outside, waiting for information.Such interrogation, etc., of course, Mu Tianhe does not need to do it himself, and professional personnel will naturally come.

Squeak... For nearly half an hour, professionals and scientists from the two places came out, and many of them looked very strange!
"Say." Mu Tianhe remained calm.

"This... General, the situation of the other party... They didn't want to embarrass us, and even wanted to cooperate with us. So, they didn't take the initiative to attack us.

As for the few mechas that were captured, they knew they belonged to the drones and wanted to demonstrate.

In fact, the tiger-body halfling I was in charge of said they were a top-level fifth-level civilization, or half a sixth-level civilization.However, when they were promoted to the sixth level of civilization, they failed.

The price of failure is that civilization is almost destroyed.Now, they are also in a very dangerous situation.

The tiger halfling said that as long as they can save their civilization, they are willing to trade with us with all their technologies. "

"Huh?" This unexpected news made Mu Tianhe look at the other group.

"Me too." The person in charge on the other side also nodded in agreement.

"Then, what kind of situation do they belong to? What's the reason? And there's still danger in level [-] civilization being promoted to level [-] civilization?" Mu Tianhe didn't immediately draw a conclusion.

"They were promoted to the sixth-level civilization because there was a problem with the research on the essence of life. Moreover, when they carried out technology to return life itself, they were too hasty, which eventually led to the backlash of technology.

Now, they have become like this, half-human, half-mechanical monsters who are neither human nor ghost.The biggest problem with such a monster is that it has a limited lifespan and cannot reproduce.

And most importantly, after they became like this, they lost the ability to explore and research intelligent life!Their current appearance is more like they have sealed themselves! "

Mu Tianhe: "..." (to be continued...)
ps: With the development of civilization, you can also pick up treasures.But this baby might be different.

The setting that racked my brains, how to...

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