Harbingers of Change

Volume 3 – Chapter 27

AN: This is a triple update so make sure you read ch 25 and 26 first.

Chapter 27

As the Minister of External Affairs, dealing with the Free Guild was her responsibility, thus she would have to be the one to meet Yuuki either way.

Buku awaited him in one of Tempest's castle meeting rooms surrounded by both eight-edge assassins and Hanzos in case Yuuki tried anything. She even considered borrowing Rubedo for the occasion but decided against it. 'He isn't that level of a threat if he can't detect specters.' she thought.

Yuuki arrived precisely at the agreed time and entered the meeting room with a light bow. "Lady Bukubukuchagama, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"Likewise, Grandmaster Yuuki Kagurazaka. Just call me Buku. Please" Buku mentioned in the chair opposite him.

Yuuki sat down with casual ease, flashing her a smile. "The Guild is ready to begin its operations in Tempest. I assure you that the Guild will uphold the laws to the tee."

'Your distaste… it is delicious… we will make her pay…' The same presence, he had felt for the last few days, whispered.

'I told you, I'm not dealing with your nonsense.' Yuuki replied, doing his best to block out any attempts to tamper with his mind and soul.

'So ambitious… you cannot resist… step aside… let the window be opened… let me in this world.' The unrelenting whispers continued.

"We already discussed the topic extensively via written correspondence. Is this a purely friendly visit or do you have any particular topics in mind to discuss?" Buku replied with a smile of her own.

Yuuki's smile faded into a somber expression. "There are a few questions I would like to ask you personally."

"I see, so you didn't ask to meet me as the Guild's Grandmaster."

"My assistant can handle the guild's business on her own. How did sensei die?"

"In her sleep." Buku said. Technically, it wasn't fully a lie. As foggy as her last moments were, Buku knew Shizue was not conscious during the fight.

"Why did she agree to be consumed by you?"

"That's between her and me. Just for the record, the fact I'm even answering these questions is because you were her student and she cared for you." Buku lowered her tone.

"Is that how it is? Shall we drop the act?" Yuuki asked, resuming a more neutral tone and expression.

"If you wish. But just a reminder that this conversation is between you and me and the diplomatic relations between Tempest and the Free Guild should not be affected."

"Of course. My private feelings will not get in the way of further dealings between your nation and the organization I represent." Yuuki nodded his head and then broke into a smirk. "I must commend you for fooling me."

"You fooled Shizue for a lot longer." Buku replied, motioning the maids to serve her and her guest some wine.

"Mmm, she was a kind woman and didn't need to know. I respected her for her kindness." Yuuki said with a hint of regret in his voice. He picked up the glass of wine in front of him and, after a small sip, added. "She wanted to see the good in people."

"I know." Buku responded, taking a sip from her glass as well. 'Maybe even people like him have a human side. For once his reaction is genuine.'

Yuuki remained silent for a moment and then asked the other obvious question. "Did you find the cure for them?"

"I did."

"I assume you won't share your discovery?" Yuuki asked. 'This monster… it's not only Shizue's influence on her. As I thought, all three of the lords of Tempest are otherworlders. That makes them even more dangerous.'

"So the humans can get their child soldiers? No, I don't think so."

"Many children will die."

"There is a simple solution. Do not summon them!" Buku let her emotions slip a bit.

'She took it personally. So there is a weakness to exploit. Excellent. I must be careful with my response. She reads me far too well. I can't openly lie.' Yuuki mused. "Neither I nor the Guild are summoning otherworlders. You must know that it is illegal to perform deliberate otherworlder summoning in the Western Nations."

"So kids just pop up, how convenient."

"Pardon my forwardness, but I would not have ever believed a monster would care that much about human children."

"Protecting their young is a natural instinct of most species. I may have acted on Shizue's wishes, but I still find the idea of intentionally causing the deaths of children appalling." Buku said as she took another sip of wine.

"So do I. But the world doesn't change in one day. Maybe if the world sees that monsters can be trusted, the desperate acts of summoning otherworlds will die down." 'Is she trying to appear more human, or is this just an act? If so, this woman is gauging my responses and putting up a very convincing act... I may have to reevaluate our whole approach to Tempest.'

"Greed doesn't die even in a paradise. I have seen worlds ruined by greed." Buku intentionally tried to make an impression that she wasn't a human otherworlder. No doubt Yuuki as a Japanese knew what hers and the names of her friends meant.

"My homeworld was more civil and its culture and ethical norms have spread here through me and other otherworlders. A shame you are not willing to help us save those poor souls dragged here against their will." Yuuki said.

'Clever shit is trying to put pressure on my conscience. I… I truly do not care that much about humans anymore. I am a monster. Still…' Buku smiled. "You can always bring the children here and I will cure them, but with one condition."

"I'm listening."

"They remain in my care until they grow up and are not used as weapons, not by us nor humans."

"What guarantees can you give that you are not training those five you have already taken into weapons for Tempest." Yuuki asked. 'The bitch thinks she will win this easily. I may not be able to force an answer out of her but they do want to cooperate with humans, and it would be a shame if information spreads about them kidnapping human children.'

"Because we do not need to. Let's not play around, we both know if I was weak I would not meet you in private like this. You are an otherworlder and I know you are at least an A to special A in terms of power." Buku said.

The maid approached the table and filled hers and Yuuki's glasses. Yuuki glanced at the beautiful maid with a passing glance but his gaze fell on her figure for the briefest of moments. The maid's outfit may have not been revealing but it still accented her figure to a degree.

"Indeed. But as curious as I am about my chances against you in one-on-one I prefer diplomacy over violence. How about a compromise? The Free Guild has many childless couples among our numbers and could provide both a loving environment and the necessary training for such children to grow up as well-prepared adults. Each case would come with a signed contract that would affirm that the child is not given back to the organization who summoned them." Yuuki said and took a gulp.

"We can even agree on a more neutral ground, such as Dwargon or Sarion for their permanent residence afterward," Yuuki added. 'This wine, how the hell did they produce something so good?'

'I could just refuse but he looks for any ammunition to use against me.' Buku took a gulp of wine and contacted Momonga. { Hey, Momo, is it possible to put some mental block in a kid to prevent them from telling how they were cured? }

{ It shouldn't be too hard. Why are you asking? }

{ I think I can make a deal with Yuuki and make agents for us in the process. }

{ Carry on, then. I trust you know what you are doing. } Momonga messaged.

"Your terms are agreeable. I'm sure the guild would not want to break a written agreement, especially when it comes to children." Buku said.

'I need just one to figure out what they did.' Yuuki downed another glass. Negotiations had gone favorably to say the least. 'No doubt Kagali has gotten some useful information as well. Even someone like her knows how to use her feminine side to lull the opponent into a false sense of security.'

Overall, if Tempest cannot be destroyed at the moment, it surely can be exploited. The much bigger concern was how to deal with whoever was trying to get into his mind.

The moment he was back in his room in the Free Guild Yuuki sat down on the wooden floor and took a few deep breaths to put himself into a trance.

The dark presence was there, impatient, angry, and above all very powerful. 'It's time to talk. What do you want with me?' Yuuki asked, using his skill-making ability to have a temporary analysis skill. All he needed was to find a weak spot and strike.

'Arrogant…' He could feel the presence smirk as if looking at him like a defiant child. 'You will be my window to this world… I will have my vengeance…'

'Vengeance against who?'

'The thief… the usurper… I will not be denied…'

'Who are you?'


'Sure you are. Everyone thinks they are God these days.' Yuuki said with an indifference in his tone. But just as he had made this thought he felt the presence spill into his mind like a dark overwhelming fog. A headache of all headaches started practically splitting his head apart.

'Do not test my patience, boy!' The presence raged. 'You will serve! You will know your place!' With those words, the presence let him go and seemingly disappeared for a moment.

'I need to find a way to stop whoever this being is!' Yuuki exhaled sharply. The debilitating headache seemed to be here to stay for a while.


Clayman looked out the window of his carriage as it slowly drove over the smooth road toward Tempest's Royal Castle. His retinue had permission to use transportation magic in allocated spots within Tempest's borders and one such spot was directly outside the capital.

Arriving first out of the three was both a risk and an opportunity. But if it came to the worst, Milim was supposedly still residing in Tempest and could be used as a shield. However, the chance of hostilities were low as Tempest's lords seemingly preferred diplomacy over pure powerplay.

With the fox in his lap and Yamza with Mjurran sitting opposite to him, he had enough pawns to potentially dispose of.

Additionally, Pirone was riding another carriage with the maid team. As a proper ruler, he would not arrive in foreign lands without his own caretakers.

All five carriages were at the very peak of excess. Made out of the hardest and most expensive wood found in Clayman's domain, each was crafted with great care adding intricate accents to each surface. Additionally, the horses pulling the pieces of art were heavily decorated with gold.

"Fascinating isn't it? Just a year ago there was nothing but forest in this place." Clayman said, giving his pet fox a gentle stroke, with the fox sitting unmoving like a statue. The small beast was among his five fingers, the highest-ranking tools he had at his disposal.

The three-tailed fox spirit, as the most powerful out of the five, was the thumb finger. With a curse placed upon her, she could not rebel against her master and would have to follow all his orders without question. The blonde fur-covered creature looked completely harmless and could be passed off as a small, cat-sized decorative pet.

The index finger, the second most powerful servant, Adalman was the only one left behind as the main protector of his domain. The undead wraith commanded large armies of undead that could be risen again and again serving as an infinite defensive army. The former clergyman couldn't actually leave his domain.

The third most powerful, his middle finger, Yamza, was his main enforcer. The majin was fully willing to serve Clayman and thus didn't need to be enslaved, only paid well enough.

Considering that Clayman was the wealthiest among the Demon Lords, he didn't need to worry about anyone outbidding him.

With black and white hair and a black cloth mask covering his face, the full human-looking majin gave the impression of a spy or assassin but in reality wasn't the stealth type.

Next was Mjurran, or the ring finger.

She was the weakest of the five fingers when it came to raw power but she more than made it up with her knowledge and wisdom. For two centuries she not only served as a spy and diplomat, but also as a personal tutor of Clayman himself, teaching him all she knew about magic.

As a human, she was a young attractive woman with green hair and blue eyes, but in her true form she gained a third eye on her forehead, numerous dark purple tattoos, and monstrous claws for hands.

The final one, or the pinky finger, was Pirone. A mix between a human and a bird, she looked similar to a harpy but with a more feathered appearance.

Rarely seen in public, she served as a scout and intelligence gatherer.

"A true dragon's might is undeniable, my Lord." Mjurran replied with a polite tilt of her head.

"All the more reason to not start hostilities with Storm Dragon Veldora and his pawns," Clayman said.

{ Remember your main task and analyze the veil. } Clayman messaged Mjurran with regular thought communication.

After all, there was little doubt that they were being watched and having Tempest think that his main concern was how the veil worked would not betray his true intentions of finding out if any of Tempest's leaders could be enslaved with his Unique skill, Manipulator.

It was safe to assume that Veldora would be beyond his reach, but if Momonga or the other lords could be made his slaves, the mighty dragon could be steered in the direction he wanted.

After an hour's ride, the carriage finally reached the castle and stopped at the front entrance.

Clayman waited for one of his servants to open the carriage door and stepped out. An elderly butler approached him immediately.

After the predictable pleasantries, Clayman and his retinue were led toward the throne room. 'This majin is hiding his aura completely. Wait, what is this?' Clayman's gaze fell onto the ring the man was wearing. 'A mere butler would not wear such jewelry merely for appearance's sake.'

A subtle appraisal didn't reveal anything, and in fact, the ring just absorbed the magical energy used to appraise it. 'How curious, an artifact that hides aura. I will have to pay attention if anyone else wears similar artifacts.'

The castle itself was the very height of grace and luxury, easily rivaling his. This posed a question. Where did Veldora gain such wealth if the nation had barely started trading with its neighbors? He, of course, was sure that he would find the answers during his visit which likely would be at least a few weeks long.

Finally, the throne room came into view.

There were four thrones with Momonga sitting on the central one with a small chair beside it occupied by Albedo. The throne to Momonga's right was empty but to his left, the two thrones were occupied by Peroroncino and Bukubukuchagama. Yuuki's agents had gathered enough information to pass on to Clayman for him to easily recognize the leaders of Tempest.

'All three lords are present but Veldora isn't. It means that the fourth throne is meant for Veldora, but if it isn't the central one, it would imply… that can't be.' He dismissed the possibility of Veldora not being in charge.

Finally, right beside Momonga stood Demiurge.

Once Clayman was close enough, Demiurge snapped his fingers and an elegant throne appeared right beside Clayman.

Clayman sat down with a light smile on his face as his gaze met Momonga's. 'Showing proper respect to someone of my rank. Interesting.'

"Presenting Demon Lord Clayman." Demiurge spoke with a clear loud voice and then introduced the lords one by one. "Lord Peroroncino Tempest, Lady Bukubukuchagama Tempest, Supreme Overlord of the Tempest Hegemony, Momonga Tempest. Unfortunately, Lord Veldora Tempest is unable to grace us with his presence due to other duties." The demon clearly emphasized that all of them shared the same last name.

'Momonga was called the Supreme Overlord while the Storm Dragon himself only received the title of a lord. This must be intentional misdirection on their part. The chance of the destructive beast submitting to anyone is nonexistent.' Clayman once again dismissed his suspicions.

"Thank you for the warm welcome. I hope we can reach a mutually beneficial agreement on how to conduct future relations between our nations."

"Likewise, we wish to keep a friendly relationship with our neighbors. For now, please enjoy our hospitality." Momonga said.

Once the pleasantries were out of the way, he was led to a castle wing assigned to him and his retinue. The group was led by a maid that was assigned to oversee that he receives treatment according to his stature.

By the looks of it, the pale beauty clearly was undead. She also wore the same type of ring as the elderly butler and all the Tempest's leaders.

'I must be extra careful, for all I know this maid could have power equal to mine. Even her outfit, the weaving of metal is so intricate. I can't even imagine the price such armor would fetch. I wonder if I could make my craftsmen replicate it. Maids wearing armor that is no different than a regular dress but could break weapons against them surely would show my might even more.'

Leaving the details to his servants, Clayman retreated to his personal room and ordered the fox to guard the door.

Assured of his privacy, he messaged Yuuki.

{ I have arrived. My initial analysis makes me think that even without Veldora Tempest, they'd be too much to handle directly. }

{ I share the same sentiment. For now, lay low and keep the act up when we meet in person. Kagali wants to take a look at you as well. }

{ Understood. } He sent the last encrypted message and broke into an almost childlike smile as his mask of a Demon Lord fell. 'After all this time, I will meet my master once again.'

Proofreading by Dtrackt, Alassandro, Sad_Smiles, Visur Nyxan, RottenPizza, Ethal07, I AM THE STRING CUTTER, and SwissChocolatess

AN: Thank you for reading the story, and if you have caught up to the latest chapter, you can check out my other work or join my discord server (Link is in my profile) where additional chapters are available or if you are interested in becoming a beta reader.

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