Harbingers of Change

Volume 3 – Chapter 30

Chapter 30

One of the biggest problems with being a king was the lack of freedom. All his advisors were against using a pegasus as the only mode of transportation to visit Tempest. The flying horse-like creatures were not only used by his most elite unit but also as the fastest way to travel.

Instead, Gazel had to travel by carriage and let twenty of his royal guards, led by Dorf, the Captain of the Pegasus Knights, fly on their noble steeds.

At least the offer to accept Tempest using travel magic to shorten the ride through their lands was accepted, and about an hour after crossing the border, his carriage was already moving through the streets of Tempest's capital.

Aside from Dorf, two other advisors had joined him on his visit to Tempest. Spymaster Henrietta, Elma's mentor, and Jaine, the Archwizard of Dwargon's court.

Considering how fast Elma was caught and that every attempt at infiltration had failed, Henrietta was just part of his retinue and would try to use her expertise in plain sight.

Jaine, as a wizard, wanted to inspect the magic veil shrouding Tempest personally. After all, figuring out how to recreate the effect would serve as a great anti-spying measure.

Considering that Elma sent regular reports, nothing he had seen was surprising. Even the massive castle that was built in mere months didn't make Gazel lose composure.

Once at the entrance, he let Dorf take care of the logistics and followed the old butler who was already waiting for him. With Henrietta and Jaine by his side and seven of his best guards making a perimeter around them, he could dedicate at least some of his attention to the artwork around him.

'This Creation ability is simply too powerful for mass use. There is no doubt that one of the leaders can give the lesser version of the skill to his subordinates.' Gazel's gaze fell on Momonga's statue, which looked almost lifelike.

'My mind reading is also blocked. This can only mean that there is a skill that creates some sort of master-servant relationship between the owner of the skill and all those under him. I guess if the owner of the skill isn't Veldora himself, then the second most likely candidate is Momonga. That would mean he is at least on my power level.'

Gazel's suspicions only grew when he reached the throne room, and instead of the Storm Dragon, Momonga was sitting on the central throne and Veldora wasn't even present.

A throne was created for him to sit down, but Gazel promptly ignored it and stepped forward, approaching the throne. The demon who he recognized as Demiurge was already on the way to intercept him but Momonga waved him away and stood up.

"It is a pleasure to meet you in person, Supreme Overlord Momonga." Gazel said, extending his hand.

"Likewise, King Gazel." Momonga replied, accepting his handshake.

Overly formal meetings always were so inorganic and gave no information to work with. The fact that Momonga stood up and met him as an equal meant that he would not be looked down on, even if Tempest had a true dragon as a guardian, and by all means could bully Dwargon into submission, was a relief.

The second thing he noted was that Momonga's handshake was easily as strong as his, so despite being a caster, he had immense physical strength. "That is one strong handshake. Would you be up for a friendly spar? I always had the opinion that a swordfight is the best way to break the ice."

"I'm afraid I would be a poor opponent in that regard. Sword fighting is not one of my specialties." Momonga replied. Gazel noticed that Bukubukuchagama gave Momonga some subtle signal as the undead ruler added. "But my close friend, Lady Bukubukuchagama, would gladly be your sparring partner."

Gazel flashed her a confident smile. "In that case, shall we?" Gazel extended his hand with a light bow.

As he predicted, Henrietta and Jaine were glaring at his back for his reckless move. But if the leaders of Tempest wanted him dead, they likely could just kill him.

Showing his resolve would be the best way to leave a good impression.

Within the blink of an eye, they were standing in the center of a large arena. Buku took out a large shield and sword from a void in front of her and waited for Gazel to unsheathe his sword.

"What rules of engagement do you propose, your majesty?" Buku asked as she assumed a defensive position.

"How about the victor is announced after a first clear strike?" He asked.

"Sounds good." Buku nodded in response.

Gazel lifted his sword with both hands and activated his heroic aura with full force. It was instantly clear that his opponent was completely unfazed by his display of power. 'She is more powerful than I assumed. There is no reaction from her, as if my aura is not even active.'

Resolved to show his skill instead of pure might, Gazel used the Haze of Rumbling Heavens sword technique that instantly hid his presence even from magic sense.

He appeared behind her back, swinging the sword down at her plate-covered shoulder.

Before the sword had landed, she leaned out of the way and flipped around with such speed that Gazel could barely follow her movements. Buku swung her own sword sideways, making Gazel stop the second swing and desperately block her attack.

After a few exchanges of swings and blocks, it was obvious that although Buku lacked a refined sword fighting technique she more than enough compensated for it with her sheer speed and strength.

'Her speed is unreal.' Gazel had to defend more and more, as Buku's attacks started to get more aggressive.

Yet there was something off about her movements. She was using openings but using them in a somewhat clumsy manner, overly signaling her attacks.

'Is she toying with me? Oh… she wants to make me go all out to see what I am capable of. That means she is confident I would not be able to seriously harm her. A majin of her power level likely has a regeneration ability so even a direct hit would not kill her. I can't let them know my full limits, just in case.'

To end the match, he went for a reckless attack which got blocked. Using the blatant opportunity, Buku slammed the flat side of her sword in his side, making him stagger.

"You are a formidable opponent, Lady Bukubukuchagama," Gazel said with a wide grin.

"Thank you, your majesty. You can call me Buku. I must admit that my skills with a sword are lacking compared to yours. I think it will take me many years to use the sword with such casual ease." Buku replied with a polite smile.

"I would not say that your skills with the sword aren't lacking by any means. But there was something familiar about your sword style. We used a few similar elements."

"Hmm, maybe my teachers would provide more answers," Buku said as a massive insectoid and an older kijin appeared beside her.

Gazel's eyes went wide. 'That aura! I would not mistake it for anyone else! The sword ogre!' The ogre that had taught him all he knew about sword fighting when he was but a boy almost three centuries ago.

In his rebellious youth, he had run from home to explore the world and gotten lost in the forest of Jura where a kind ogre had found him, saw the clear talent in the dwarven boy, and took him as a student.

"King Gazel, it warms my old heart to see you once again. I see your skills with the blade have since surpassed even mine." The kijin said with a deep bow.


Gazel let out a hearty laugh and said. "I see, we had the same teacher, Lady Buku."

"I can't take all the credit for teaching Lady Buku. My sensei, Lord Cocytus, refined my own techniques and taught them," Hakorou said.

'They have a swordsman who surpasses the sword ogre. I shudder to think how many skilled and powerful warriors they are hiding.' Gazel did his best to keep his composure and tried to gauge the insectoid's power, but, same as many others, his power was completely hidden.

One frightening observation could be made: His old teacher was a lot more powerful than he remembered him to be. The old ogre likely could beat everyone in the dwarven kingdom and he was a far cry from Buku, who, despite hiding her power, showed enough of it during their sparring match.

'It is paramount I forge some sort of long-term deal with Tempest. Maybe an open alliance? The future of Dwargon depends on having a good relationship with Tempest.'


Compared to other guests, Elmesia sure knew how to arrive with style. Momonga needed to see it himself when the border guards reported that the Elven Empress had arrived in a flying ship. Not just a simple ship, but a sixty meters long frigate with three masts and sails.

The massive vessel was an intricate work of art decorated with golden accents and ancient magical carvings. What's more, the owner of the ship, even hidden from view, radiated power.

Once given permission, the ship teleported right to the outskirts of the capital and the captain asked where the ship could be landed.

It felt rude to tell them to land outside the capital, so while the ship cruised over the capital, a large space was cleared in the castle's backyard.

Unlike the other guests, Elmesia entered the throne room with confidence and approached the throne like she owned the palace. Looking no older than in her late teens, the slim and bluish-silver-haired woman sat down on the throne made for her without any hesitation.

Momonga could practically feel Pero ogling the Empress. With her slanted jade eyes and snow-white skin, she checked all the boxes for what Pero looked for in a woman.

After everyone's names were announced, she spoke in a casual tone. "Thank you for the warm welcome, Supreme Overlord Momonga, and you have my gratitude for treating my cousin Elyun like a family friend."

Out of habit, Momonga appraised not only her gear and power level, but that of her subordinates as well. Elmesia was hiding her power decently well but Momonga still got a decent reading and his suspicions were true; Elmesia was clearly on the level of a floor guardian.

The chakram strapped to her belt turned out to be a divine tier item while her dress and accessories all were legendary tier. All her guards were clad in legendary tier armor and carried the same tier weapons, although their power levels were much lower than hers.

It almost looked like they were just a decoration so the Empress wouldn't need to exercise her own power.

"I am honored to welcome you into our home, Empress Elmesia. I hope you will enjoy your stay."

"I have no doubt that my stay will be very enjoyable." She said with a smile. "And please, let's address each other more casually. I'm not one for formalities between equals."

"Of course, It's only natural to be friendly and casual with our neighbor." Momonga replied.

Solution, as the elf's assigned maid, took over soon after and led Elmesia and her retinue to the castle wing assigned to her.

"Man, that girl was intense." Pero said once they were alone in the throne room.

"She has a few millennia of rulership under her belt. If you approach her while thinking with your dick, she will make you sign who knows what." Buku remarked.

"Oh right, you better clean up the drool that was left over when the beast boy arrived." Pero shot back.

Buku chose to ignore her brother's taunt and turned her attention to Momonga. "So, glorious leader, ready to be a host?"

"I have to be. But I think Elmesia is the one to be most wary around. The rest of them were a lot more uncertain and even scared." Momonga said as he stood up and stretched.

"Talk about disappointment. The rest of the demon lords reach only Pleaide's level. Even Gazel was way above them." Buku said.

"Better be careful. Save for Milim, we are hosting the four weakest demon lords and the rest are on a different level." Pero said as he stood up as well.

"Ramiris is at her weakest. If what Milim said is true, when Ramiris is in her adult phase she is one of the strongest demon lords." Buku just slumped down and stretched on her throne with a long yawn. "In either case, we don't have to worry that much about any of the guests being a serious threat to us."

"Just remember to not agree to anything before thinking about the long-term consequences," Momonga said. "I'll be off then."

"Sure thing, Momo. I won't sign anything before consulting with you, Demi, and Albedo." Buku said. "Have fun."

"Same. And for the record, sis, when it comes to professional dealings, I can avoid being strung along just fine." Pero said.

"Sure, you do know that Frey is planning to peddle her daughters on you if she can't get her way otherwise."

"I read the reports. Another girl I can do mid-flight physical activities with sounds great. It's not like Frey could control me through her daughter." Pero chuckled. "Either way, it has been a long day and I want to have some rest. Take care sis, and you too, Momo."

Proofreading by Dtrackt, Visur Nyxan, Alassandro, Sad_Smiles, RottenPizza, Ethal07, and I AM THE STRING CUTTER.

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