Harbingers of Change

Volume 3 – chapter 33

Chapter 33

Elyun shifted around nervously in her seat and took another sip of her morning coffee, ignoring the plate of food in front of her.

She was still unsure on how events were going to proceed, especially with her father being in the picture. There was also something else that had been troubling her mind, but there was no one else to talk to that would be suitable to handle this certain issue of hers.

'Especially those two numbnuts,' Elyun mentally replied to herself. She absentmindedly stared at her two guards that were willing to put their lives on the line for her safety. Right now, they were happily stuffing their faces with their breakfast without much care.

After a few minutes, Kabal looked up and saw the concerned expression on the person he had sworn himself to protect. "Relax, Elyun. It's not just your father visiting, right?"

"I know," Elyun replied absentmindedly. "But dad has caused scenes in Empress Elmesia's presence before. Somehow I think he'll find a way to screw things up, even in important meetings like these."

"You just give an order and we'll drag him out of the room under some made-up law." Kabal chuckled.

"You don't have to get in trouble for me," Elyun said. She let out a nervous sigh and stood up pacing black and forth. "It shouldn't take this long. Where is she?" She mumbled under her breath.

As if on cue, a knock on the door interrupted Elyun's pacing, and she bolted towards the door, opening it with a swing. She let out a sigh of relief when she recognized the face of the visitor.

"Shuna! Thank the spirits you got here on time. Come in, come in."

"I'm sorry for being late, but I had to do some last minute adjustments to your dress." Shuna greeted her with an apologetic bow.

The kijin woman accepted the invitation, and she stepped into the room, holding a vibrantly colored cloth in her hands. Another kijin girl followed close by, who was holding a picnic basket filled with an array of pastry-looking food.

"So how much do I owe you?" Elyun asked.

"Three hundred gold for the dress. The cost would have been more expensive, but it's mostly materials from my own personal possession. Plus, you're a friend of mine, so it's not like I can charge you much anyway." Shuna said.

She unrolled the cloth, presenting the long red dress. Kabal made a noise of exclamation, but cowed when both the kijin and the elf shot glares at the adventurer.

"And the special request?" Elyun asked, turning back and giving the dress a passing glance. She had already seen it before when they tried it once for the final adjustments. Sure, the banquet's dress was important but the other item trumped it by far.

"Let's just say you owe me one." Shuna said with a subtle smile.

For anyone outside Nazarick, getting food directly from Nazarick's head chef was pretty much an impossible task. But since she was unofficially considered Momonga's adoptive daughter, Shuna could move in and out of the Great Tomb as she pleased.

Getting into the good graces of the head chef was not that hard either. As a quick learner, she easily earned an apprentice's position with the massive orc who made culinary delights from out of this world.

"That sounds ominous. What dark deeds will you ask of me?" Elyun asked with a fake worry.

Shuna just giggled in response and said, beaming with pride. "The pastries were not that hard to make. Sensei Shihoutu Tokitu was happy to teach me, and according to him, my attempt was almost as good as what he is making."

"You made them?" Elyun's face lit up in surprise.

"Yup. And I'm happy to treat my friends." Shuna replied, urging Elyun to try on the dress.

Elyun quickly disappeared into her dressing room with a maid in tow and returned a few minutes later. Shuna walked around her with a critical eye, inspecting every part of it.

Finally satisfied, she said with a smile. "Looks good. Don't eat too many sweets or we'll have to refit it."

"I am not eating too many sweets and these are for my cousin." Elyun glared at Shuna.

"We'll see. I hope your cousin finds the pastries delicious. See you later." Shuna said as she walked out the door.

Elyun ordered the maid to unpack the picnic basket and for her two guards to finish breakfast and assume their duties. Elmesia could arrive any minute.

It turned out not to be the case as her cousin arrived fashionably late, followed only by Elyun's father, Erald.

"My dear cousin, it is so good to see you once again. Hmm, what is this? Have you prepared a treat for me?" Elmesia's gaze fell on the cupcakes neatly sitting on a plate on the table.

"I had to pull a favor to get them. Only Tempest's inner circle can get them on a regular basis." Elyun said.

"Erald, note that our ambassador in Tempest needs a larger spending fund." Elmesia said bluntly to Erald. She picked up a cupcake and inspected it with a predatory gaze. "Cousin, would it be too much to ask to send such delightful snacks back home?"

"I'll try to get more, but it's not that easy for now. I can't abuse my friend's generosity." Elyun said, sitting down as well and picking a cupcake of her own.

"A shame," Elmesia said, taking a bite. "These… oh my, I would give a kingdom to get such treats regularly."

"You imperial majesty, you should be more careful with what you say. We might be observed." Erald said in a hushed tone.

"Don't be a stick in the mud and let me enjoy myself." Elmesia shot back before taking another bite out of her cupcake. "Mm…no wonder my dear free-willed cousin accepted the position of an ambassador."

"The thing is…I kinda had to. They got angry with me when I first met the leaders of Tempest. They detected my illusion spell and thought it was hiding something harmful and…"

Erald let out an exaggerated gasp. "If these monsters hurt or threatened you, I will make them all pay!" He shouted, instantly raising his voice.

"Dad, stop being stupid! You have no idea how strong everyone is here. You'll be doing way more damage than good!" Elyun screamed at him.

"I will not stand them pushing you around!"

"Dad! Stop this nonsense. Lady Buku will arrive any minute and I need you to… not be you for once!" Elyun growled at him and stood up, taking her staff out of Kabal's hands. Her bodyguard had wisely fetched the trusty weapon in case she needed to beat some sense into her father.

Elmesia, meanwhile, just watched the scene with an amused expression with full knowledge of how the interaction between her uncle and cousin would end up.

"These brutes have threatened you and you defend them? This will not stand-Agh!" Elyun's trusty staff found its mark straight on the disagreeable elf's head.

"What was that for?!" Erald said, clutching his head.

"Do I need to whack you again, or will you behave?" Elyun once again raised the staff threateningly.

"I am your father!" He hissed while rubbing the bump on his head.

"Right now you are a moron who is trying to cause a diplomatic incident!" Elyun didn't back down.

"Erald, listen to the ambassador. She has a better grasp on Tempest's politics than you do." Elmesia said.

"But… your imperial majesty." he tried to weakly protest.

"Erald, sit down." Elmesia repeated, this time adding a tiny bit of weight to her tone.

Defeated, he sat down, sulking while looking away from both his daughter and niece.

"By the way, should I tell you everything that has happened now, or should I write it all down?" Elyun asked as she and Elmesia continued eating the delicious muffins, which clearly were made with love and care.

"Wait a bit. I will give you an answer after meeting with Lady Buku. I assume she should arrive soon." Elmesia said between bites.

"Buku promised to meet us at ten o'clock. Now it's…" Elyun cast a quick spell to determine the time of the day. "Nine forty seven."

Elmesia's demeanor suddenly shifted. She lifted her hand and a translucent bubble appeared around them. "They shouldn't be able to hear us now. What does Tempest require? I need to know what we could offer. Additionally, what sort of resources are they willing to trade?"

"I'm not sure. I know that Tempest lacks farmable land, so they likely would want grain. I'm not sure about their technological development. Some things I have seen are… strange. I'm sorry but I haven't seen much. The leaders of Tempest are friendly but secretive." Elyun said.

"Interesting… I will have to get information out of Lady Buku then. What can you tell me about her?"

"Buku is friendly and we get along well. She knows how to read people so it's hard to lie to her. What else… oh, she is easiest to anger among the three lords, and I think even Veldora and Milim try to be on her good side."

"Cousin this is not a time for jokes…" Elmesia shook her head but when seeing that Elyun said it with a serious expression she could not help but ask. "Wait! You are serious?"

"Yes, I have seen her getting angry with both Milim and Veldora and they just accept her scolding them."

"You are telling me that Lady Buku holds authority over both Storm Dragon Veldora and Milim the Destroyer? How is that possible?" Elmesia's calm demeanor all but melted away. "What is going on here?"

"To be honest, I don't know. I guess Buku just exudes authority. She is very nice most of the time, but when something goes wrong she is as scary as Lady Albedo."

'So the Lords are the ones in charge. But how do they control Veldora? Oh, Buku is already coming.' Elmesia's awareness spell notified her about Buku being near.

She quickly canceled the concealment bubble and said. "She is almost here."

Buku came in with a knock and after a short exchange of pleasantries sat down with them.

Elmesia looked at Buku with a confident smile and then said. "Before we start, I have a request to make."

"Let's hear it." Buku replied with a smile of her own.

"I would prefer that neither I nor my ambassador is to be spied on by those shadow creatures. I understand the value of information, but some base of trust must exist between both parties, don't you agree?" Elmesia said as she glanced at the nearest specter in the corner of the room.

Buku returned her smile, replying. "I must admit you are more formidable than we assumed. You have my word that neither you nor Elyun will be spied on from now on."

"T-there were spies on me all this time!?" Elyun turned to Buku with a glare. "I thought we were friends!"

"Friend or not, you are representative of a foreign nation that might be a threat to us. Please don't take it personally, but nothing can be left to chance. I'm sure if Empress Elmesia had tools to spy on us she would be using them." Buku said to the angry girl.

"Lady Buku is right. After all, you were reporting back to me all you were seeing. That would make you a spy as well. Elyun, you can't take such actions personally. This is how politics work." Elmesia chipped in.

She then turned her attention back to Buku saying. "I'm going on a hunch here, but I presume you and the other two Lords are otherworlders?"

"We are. Is it that obvious?"

"Just the best guess I have of how a nation appeared in the Forest of Jura practically overnight and is run with such… how to say… advanced style. And the culinary marvels I have enjoyed so far are out of this world."

"I think a weekly shipment of some of our head chef's creations could be arranged. Of course, to not cause any incident, we would have to agree on a location where we can open a gate for delivery."

"Bribing me already?" Elmesia let out a melodic laugh. "Considering that Dwargon is already in active trade with Jura, I would like to extend the same offer."

"That can be agreed upon, but any details will have to be left to my brother, Peroroncino. He is one in charge of commerce." Buku said. 'I hope my bird-brain of a brother will not think with his dick for once. She is more dangerous than we first assumed.'

{ Momo, from now on, Elmesia and Elyun cannot be spied on. Elmesia can see the specters and I made a promise. }

There was a slight pause before Buku could hear a discordant reply within her head.

{ That is unfortunate. Then again, I would have been more surprised if there wasn't anyone that could spot them. Let me ask this, then; will we have any problems regarding future negotiations with Elmesia? }

{ No, she seems like the agreeable type, as in she seems rather easy to talk to. But it's the straightforward people that I'm worried about, Momo. }

{ I know. If they don't feel the need to pretty up their words, then that means they don't need to rely on soft power diplomacy as often compared to people with a weaker political position. }

{ When did you get so sagacious into reading politics? }

{ I have learned a few things from you and Demiurge. Well, sorry for holding you up for so long. Carry on with talks with Elmesia, but make sure not to be so dodgy with her. I know how dangerous people like her can be. }

{ Will do, boss. Thanks for the heads up. }

"I will have plenty of time to get better acquainted with Lord Peroroncino. There is another topic I wish to resolve right away. Sorcerer's Dynasty Sarion has always kept its neutrality in outside conflict. For the time being, I would prefer to keep it that way." Elmesia picked up another cupcake and took a small bite.

"Naturally, Tempest shares your non-aggression views as we also have no interest in conflicts or territorial claims outside the Great Forest of Jura." Buku replied, doing the same while Elyun silently looked at how her supply of muffins got smaller and smaller.

"With that in mind, would you consider agreeing to a mutual non-aggression treaty, along with ensuring Sarion's neutrality in any conflict between Tempest and a third party?"

"We can agree to that and the condition regarding the affirmation of your neutrality. In exchange, we would like to keep neutrality as well if someone were to attack Sarion."

"Is that so…alright. I'm satisfied with the agreements. Let's just get this over with, shall we?"

Buku took out two contracts that were already prepared for such an occasion and put them on the table. Next, she took out a small bottle of ink and a feather while Elmesia picked up the contract and carefully read it.

After both parties put down their signatures there was one less nation to worry about at the moment. 'I should talk with Momo about our future plans. I haven't even asked him how far we plan to expand.'

With two nations and three demon lords tackled, the situation looked brighter and brighter. The next week or so would show what agreements can be made with the two remaining Demon Lords and with that most of Tempet's borders would be relatively safe.

Of course, the chance of surprise attacks would still exist but that was to be expected.

Edited by Zirmeister.

Proofreading by Sad_Smiles, Dtrackt, I AM THE STRING CUTTER, RottenPizza, SwissChocolatess, and Alassandro.

AN: Thank you for reading the story, and if you have caught up to the latest chapter, you can check out my other work or join my discord server (Link is in my profile) where additional chapters are available or if you are interested in becoming a beta reader.

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