Harbingers of Change

Volume 4 – Chapter 16

Chapter 16

Baron Velyard tapped his fingers against his forehead in annoyance. The man he was about to meet was at the very top of the list of people he disliked, and he had a long list of people he disliked for one reason or another.

He at least had the luxury to meet him in his office and not be dragged to the church, meaning he held the home-court advantage and could afford to pull a few metaphorical punches. He sat at the guest table on a chair with the softest padding he could purchase, due to how important the incoming figure was.

His sanctuary within the royal castle was decorated with dark wood furniture, enhanced by green silk covers. The silk had been passed down for generations, and was practically a family heirloom at this point despite being worn out from the ages of family members sitting on them - himself included.

The two massive windows let in plenty of sunlight to give a bright and welcoming feeling, in contrast to how tumultuous he was feeling inside as if the heavens were mocking him today.

Archbishop Kalhuha of the faith of Luminism had requested, no, demanded, an audience with him, and he wasn't one to be denied without facing the cultural, economic, and militaristic consequences of his religious backing.

'I knew this day would come. They couldn't just leave it be and mind their own business.'

The Church of Luminism was known for its intensely anti-monster stance, vowing to exterminate all monsters in the world. Historically, this had worked as its greatest tool to spread influence amongst human nations, with them lending their crusaders and paladins to nations suffering under dangerous monster attacks, especially the smaller nations with fewer resources to dedicate to soldiers and knights. Most of the Western Nations either endorsed Luminism or had some level of influence from it by this point, and Blumund was no exception.

Yet, there was one big recent change the church had not accounted for; the Tempest Hegemony of the Jura Forest. The monster nation, by all means, was built on the same principles as human kingdoms, not demihuman principles. Instead of acting like mindless beasts, they preferred to engage in trade and diplomacy, and what's more their culture seemingly came from another world that brought immense change to those who interacted with them. This had sparked massive amounts of controversy within the upper echelons of Western Nations, particularly the powerful ones as they fiercely debated over religious, economic, and other changes brought about and presented by Tempest.

And now, he would have to represent his nation before a devout clergyman of said faith. How he detested the type of people who were clergymen. An average priest was just as manipulative and unscrupulous as a politician with that self-righteous air of superiority on top of it, and oftentimes with a stronger backing thanks to their cultural infiltration into towns and villages.

As Velyard contemplated his options, the detested archbishop was led into the meeting room by his secretary. She fled shortly after, almost slamming the door behind her.

"Ah, Archbishop Kalhuha, a pleasure to meet you again," Velyard said, standing up and greeting the older man with a professional smile that doesn't quite reach the eyes.

Kalhuha was a frail-looking man about sixty years old with only a thin line of hair remaining around the back of his head. He was dressed in a traditional priest's garb, albeit slightly decorated with small gems.

"Blessings of God Luminous upon you, Baron Velyard. Thank you for accepting my request," Kalhuha returned the greeting.

"Think nothing of it. Shall we?" Velyard finished, motioning at the seats.

Since Blumund hadn't taken Luminism as the official state religion, the archbishop's political power was lacking compared to what it could have been. Still, he could speak from a position of cultural power, wielding influence over the hearts of the masses.

"I think it's time for us to make clear where the Kingdom of Blumund stands."

The old man started to speak even before sitting down.

"Blumund has always been a neutral power and his majesty has no intentions of changing our political course," Velyard replied while settling in his seat.

"I'm afraid this is not an option anymore. I have orders from Pope Louis himself. Blumund either accepts Luminism as its state religion and purges all of the monsters dwelling in the kingdom's territory, or the Church will remove all presence and leave Blumund to its inevitable fate." The archbishop stated, making it clear that there was no room for negotiation.

"Is this how it is? Tell me Kalhuha how many nations accepted this unreasonable demand?" Velyard asked, a polite smile still decorating his face. It was do-or-die time, and he intended to fight.

The church could not afford such a blatant power move on a continental scale, so they likely had targeted Blumund due to its trade relations with Tempest and wanted to make his home nation an example of what happens if someone doesn't fall in line with Holy Papal Empire of Ruberios. You either bent to the will of the religious empire or perished under their blades and magics.

"The church's demand is very reasonable! Consorting with the monsters is blasphemy and brings danger to all those involved!" Kalhuha exclaimed, agitated that the man was refusing to kneel to his will.

In response, Velyard took out a small note from the pocket of his suit and read out loud. "One order of medium-sized priests' robe fitted for a woman, paid four hundred and fifty Dwargon-minted golden coins. One priest's staff, rare quality with flame enchantment, paid seven hundred and twenty gold coins."

"What is all this nonsense you are spewing!?" The archbishop grew even angrier, shaking in his seat.

"Does the Pope know that you're spending the church's funds on your mistress' adventuring career? And buying goods created by the monsters you hate so much on top of it. How old was she, twenty-six?" Velyard asked with a grin.

"You! How!?" The old man became beet red, slamming his fist into the table.

"Now then." Velyard broke into a smirk, "How about you tell me what the church is planning so his majesty can make a more educated decision?"

Kalhuha glared at the minister who had masterfully dug up his dirty secret and clenched his fists till they started to turn white. He was cornered.

"Fine! But if this gets out, I'll make sure you pay for it," he spat.

"Go on."

"The Pope has declared an all-out crusade against the monster kingdom and that draconic beast. All legions are being mobilized and are led by Lady Hinata herself."

"I see. But how does it involve Blumund? Our military is negligible compared to the main western nations, or Ruberios itself."

"Lady Hinata insists on a two-pronged attack and wants to send one-sixth of her legions into Tempest through Blumund, led by one of the Ten Saints."

"Now this is interesting. I will inform his majesty, and although I cannot promise a speedy answer, I will inform you personally of his decision," Velyard stated while handing Kalhuha the paper with the incriminating data.

"Even knowing you still hesitate? The church will not forgive such duplicity." The old priest hastily crumpled up the note, stuffing it into one of his many deep pockets.

"I am well aware of that, but it is not for me to decide. Besides, Blumund is not the only country bordering Jura. We can offer support without becoming a front for the crusade."

"Do not take too long. The legions are ready to move."

"Of course, I will urge his majesty to reach a conclusion in a few weeks."

"That is… acceptable. Thank you for your time," Kalhuha grunted and departed, practically fuming at how the conversation had gone. He had intended to obtain a complete victory over the mere baron, but came out humiliated and defeated.

Velyard leaned back in his chair and let out a sigh.

'So the religious fools want to go against the Storm Dragon and use our nation as a meat shield. There is only one option left.'

He grabbed a small bell and rang it. His secretary came in moments later.

"You called, my Lord?" the young woman, about twenty-five years old and dressed in a dress suit, inquired.

"Send a top priority letter to Tempest's minister of foreign affairs and request for a representative to visit Blumund to discuss information of critical nature as soon as possible," Velyard ordered her.

"Standard text, or should I include anything as specific?"

"Standard text, but add that we will cover all expenses to and from Blumund."

"Understood, my Lord." She replied with a light bow and closed the door. Her sudden boost of speed was audible down the hallway as she went searching for the ever-changing location of their communications office.

'Now we can only hope Tempest agrees to a full alliance of sorts in exchange for this information. If they reject us, we will be forced to agree to the church's demands. And given the legends, I would hope not to belong to the church in the case of their loss.'

Velyard closed his eyes and leaned back in his chair, contemplating his increasingly few options, not even noticing part of his shadow split off and disappeared moments after he sent off his secretary.


They were the best of the best. At least, none of the three otherworlders had ever met their equal, yet they were no more than expensive slaves in a golden cage.

Their owner did give them the lives of nobles, but the living standards of the world they were forcefully brought to were so substandard to what they were used to that it felt more like an insult to injury. No internet, no manga, nothing. Just more servants beyond what their previous lives could afford in ten lifetimes and their own servitude to sing and dance when their owner demanded it.

The unofficial leader of the trio, Shogo Taguchi, paced back and forth in a room filled with the finest furniture Falmuth could offer. The silver-plated chairs many would have killed for made him want to kill instead.

"We should put that arrogant bitch Hinata Sakaguchi in her place. Imagine that she actually thinks she is the best in the Western Nations because she beat up some pathetic monsters practically handed to her," he spoke, worked up from the recent news.

Hinata Sakaguchi, so-called God's right hand, was coming to Falmuth to lead the army that would rid the forest of Jura of monsters once and for all. They would destroy the upstart monsters, plunder the forests of their resources, and annihilate the mythical True Dragon Veldora in the name of humanity and the God Luminous.

Considering himself the best there was, Shogo took great offense in those claims. As a typical youth of Japanese origin, he had black hair and dark brown eyes, a slim body, and a gray robe.

His unique skill Berserker gave him not only immense strength and ferocity, but also a near-invulnerable body and ability to break weapons.

Known for his aggressive and sadistic nature, Shogo more often than not, maimed or killed the knights who trained him. His ego knew almost no bounds, barely restrained by Japan's morals as his bloodlust had to be restrained by force.

"She won't fight any of us. She knows that otherwolders like us will break her disguise and show what a fraud she is," Kyoya Tachibana replied.

He was sitting in a soft chair half in a slouching position, stretched legs crossed over a table.

He had dark grayish brown hair and dark brown eyes, hailing from Japan, the same as his peers. With a dark gray shirt, light gray pants, and a white sash around his waist, he appeared far more amicable than Shogo.

However, he was just as arrogant as Shogo and believed his unique skill, Severer, was the best in the world.

His skill gave him the ability to produce swords that could cut through anything, and Thought Acceleration gave him unparalleled speed, turning him into a veritable machine gun on the battlefield. The last time he had sparred with knights, more than a few went to the healers appearing akin to a king crawler.

"If she refuses, I will call her out and attack anyway. Man, I can't wait to see her on her knees begging for mercy. Who knows, maybe prostrating and offering her body so I stop beating her." Shogo let out a cruel laugh, mimicking punches.

"Why do you have to be so disgusting," Kirara Mizutani, the last member of the trio stated, glaring up at the duo. She was sitting on the sofa, cross-legged, and not paying attention to her peers in the slightest.

She had shoulder-length dark brown hair with a little bit of blonde coloring at the tips as a reminder of the hair color she preferred to have. Her eyes were identical to her hair, complimenting her light violet dress.

Her skill was called Bewilder, which allowed her to control people's minds at will. Her ability to do so was so great, she caused the suicides of all thirty mages who summoned her by simply commanding "Die."

She continued to work on her nails with a file as she glared at Shogo, who continued to prance around as he cackled.

"Don't worry, you're still better than her." He gave her a grin.

"Whatever. Just drag her off somewhere so I don't see it," she curtly responded, continuing to ignore the others. If she was to be trapped, she would make the best use of her resources, and that meant using magical nail filers to ensure her nails were always in prime appearance.

"You can't just start beating up someone like Hinata. You know if Razen gets wind of it, he'll take away what little he is giving," Kyoya claimed as he stretched his legs, groaning.

"Fuck him. If a bitch like her can be free we can find a way too," spat Shogo.

The trio were enslaved on a soul level by the royal mage Razen, who had made sure none of them could disobey his orders.

"She is free? How did she get free?" Kirara asked and finally started to pay attention to the conversation.

"Hell should I know? But she isn't enslaved." Kyoya shrugged.

"I'll make her fight you both repeatedly if you help me find out how she got free from her summoners. I'm not staying in this dump forever," Kirara sighed.

"Deal!" Shogo concluded.

Soon enough, he would prove to the entire world he was the strongest and obtain his long-awaited freedom, wrenching his enslaver's status from him as he trampled over the wretched magician.


Hinata assumed a neutral expression as she appeared within the center of the teleportation room at Falmuth's central and largest cathedral.

Instead of just doing military planning, she had to jump through the loops of political dealings and appear before the King of Falmuth in person, wasting her time and effort.

All he and the nobles surrounding him cared about was money, and it had to be lots of it. The appearance of Tempest had undercut the nation's monopoly of being the only safe pathway for goods from Dwargon and the Eastern Empire to be exported to the Western Nations by more than substantial amounts, both by offering lowered tariffs and by allying with Dwargon.

With that, Falmuth was ready to stand behind the church's crusade with all its military might, which was rather substantial. They were a superpower on par with the Kingdom of Engrassia, after all.

Their standing forces counted around thirty thousand, and should the need for full mobilization arise, the Falmuth army could easily reach one hundred thousand trained soldiers. Mercenaries offered another six thousand and could be conscripted in as well, although they were primarily kept at home for peacekeeping measures.

Additionally, the nation could offer five thousand royal knights who were vastly superior to regular soldiers, and an equal number of noble knights of similar strength. Combined, they were one of the most powerful fighting forces in the Western Nations in number and quality, averaging B rank on average.

On top of that, they had three otherworlders under the control of the royal magician Razen, a powerhouse within his own right. It was rumored he could go toe to toe with a demon lord, but those claims could have been an exaggeration. The otherworlders were renowned across the nation and its neighbors for tearing through normal armies like paper, giving credence to the magician's rumors.

Also under his command were about one thousand sorcerers - trained in the academy run by him - that could be brought out to fight, albeit mostly from a distance.

And all this force came as an addition to the church's already impressive might of dozens of templars. And their numbers were growing by the day as more members mobilized across neighboring nations and flooded into theirs.

Hinata stepped out of the teleportation circle, where a bald, overweight man in loose-fitting priest's garb waited for her.

He made a light bow and greeted her, "Lady Hinata, it is a pleasure to receive you."

"Archbishop Reyhiem, as a fellow devotee of Luminous, I do not require to be addressed so formally by you," Hinata replied.

She had met the man a few times before and always one word came into mind when she had the misfortune to interact with the archbishop of Falmuth; slimy.

His priorities lay in politics and filling his own pockets, not any real devotion to the Goddess she served. But since Pope Louis, and his second in command Cardinal Nicklaus, found Reyhiem a useful tool, there wasn't much Hinata could do about it.

Luminous herself didn't care about day-to-day politics as long as they didn't impede the spread of her worship or threaten the integrity of the Church of Luminism.

"Of course, but I prefer to show respect where it's earned. I must inform you that his majesty left on urgent business." Reyhiem stated with another bow, observing her reaction carefully.

Hinata resisted the urge to groan. "I have better things to do than sit around and wait."

"The royal knights have assembled ahead of schedule and the first fifteen thousand of the footsoldiers have been mobilized. The other eighty-five thousand are mobilizing as we speak. With your direct input on how to distribute paladins, we could start the crusade weeks, if not even a whole month early."

"I see. Is there a workspace prepared for me?"

"I took care of everything. As long as you are staying in Falmuth I'll make sure you have anything you need."


Hinata got rid of the man's presence as fast as she could, almost shooing him away. The provided living space and office screamed decadence, worth thousands of gold coins.

For all the unreasonable greed the King of Falmuth possessed, he wasn't below spending large sums on valuable allies, and the church was one of the biggest ones he had in maintaining complete control over discontent citizens and the rest of the Western Nations.

After spending an hour settling in with her equipment and organizing things to her liking, Hinata was prepared to start the first rounds of inspection.

When she arrived in the courtyard of the palace, three figures were waiting for her. It was easy to guess that they were the otherworlders she was informed about, given their messy auras compared to the rest of the figures she had seen so far.

There was a large group of knights some distance away watching her and the trio intently. Suspecting where this was going, she approached the otherworlders with caution.

"I have heard a lot about you. You call yourself the best of humanity," the leader addressed her, full of bravado and self-importance.

Hinata crossed her arms and inspected the trio critically. With her unique skill, Mathematician, she could easily get a read on their power levels, which were sorely lacking compared to the highest-tier paladins, not to mention the Ten Saints or even herself.

"What will it be? You alone or all three of you?" she asked in a challenging tone.

"I could easily deal with you myself, but then my friends won't have any fun. But we're fair, get on your knees and beg, and maybe I will let you know what a good bitch you are tonight."

There were a few gasps from the knights for the sheer audacity of the statement from the group, many soldiers muttering and placing bets.

Hinata placed her right hand on the handle of her sword and claimed, "Let's get it over with, I have better things to do." Power meant nothing if they couldn't tell the power of others, and she would not have discordance and chaos within her ranks.

"I am Shogo, and those are Kyoya and Kirara, you'll remember our names!" The leader started to grow agitated as his verbal attacks were not working.

"You're weak, just lay down and surrender," Kirara sent an easy-to-resist mental command, which Hinata brushed off.

Hinata remained unmoving as Shogo charged her, and Kyoya materialized with a sword in his hand, doing the same.

Just as Shogo's fist was about to connect with her face, Hinata breezed aside dodging his attack with virtually no effort. Enraged, he tried to punch her again in the liver, but she was already on the counterattack.

With mathematical precision she drove her plate boot straight into his kneecap, shattering it, while simultaneously blocking Kyoya's slash with her own sword.

Kirara shouted another slew of commands, "You're slow! Surrender! Stop!"

Ignoring the girl's vain attempts, she pierced Kyoya's right shoulder, forcing the arm limp as she tore tendon and bone. She then moved to kick Shogo in the crotch, with a crushing force.

He let out a howl and curled up into the fetal position, having not felt pain on this level for months.

Kyoya blinked in surprise and tried to clumsily attack her with a sword in his left hand, which yielded the same results as she shattered the blade with a single swing.

Hinata kicked him in the stomach, sending the young man flying on the collision course with the castle wall. The man met stone as he collapsed onto the ground, kissing the dirt.

The last remaining opponent, Kirara, started to panic and raised her hands with a hysterical screech, "Stop! Stay away!" sending out so much mental magic even the untargeted knights were edging away.

Hinata ignored her pleas and closed the distance between her and the girl in an instant. She tossed her sword in the air and before Kirara could even attempt to use the skill again, Hinata grabbed her by the hair. The girl's eyes widened in surprise as the taller woman slammed her fist into the girl's chest and face, knocking out most of Kirara's teeth and breaking her ribs.

Kirara fell to the ground the moment Hinata let her go, desperately wheezing for air as her fractured ribs dug into her lungs. Blood spurted from her mouth as she coughed, her upper body limp as she struggled for stability.

Hinata caught her sword, smoothly placing it back into its sheath, not once changing her stony expression as she walked away.

The observers exchanged hushed whispers at the unbelievable scene. It was a well-known fact that Hinata was powerful, but how easily she dispatched the three otherworlders was still surprising, particularly those who had witnessed or fought in their fights of the past.

At that moment an older man with blonde hair, dressed in a rich mage's garb, ran in her direction faster than someone his age should be able to, perhaps boosted with wind magic.

"Lady Hinata, I am terribly so-" he started to apologize but was sharply cut off by Hinata.

"Razen, I have no time dealing with these children, or listening for whatever excuse you can come up with."

"I will keep them out of your way. You have my word," he meekly replied, bowing his head.

"You better train them. In their current state, even a weak majin would easily kill them. At least be preperly responsible for the travesties you are performing." Hinata stated coldly, and walked off while the field was still in shock.

'You should be executed for this. Three more dragged into this world against their will.'

Despite the practice of summoning being illegal across the Western Nations, it was still widely practiced, usually without any real consequences as nobody acted to punish the transgressions.

But the world was what it was. The bigger problems needed to be addressed first before smaller ones could be tackled, even if she was an otherworlder.

Not particularly concerned with the fates of the three arrogant youngsters, she set her mind on military matters once again, heading to her office.

Editing by aidan_lo

Proofreading by aidan_lo, Alassandro, Miracle of Gods, FantasyTroll, Cakeeight, Aurodium, Dtrackt, and Sluethen.

AN: Thank you for reading the story, and if you have caught up to the latest chapter, you can check out my other work or join my discord server (https://discord.gg/WmGKVU3XG2WmGKVU3XG2) where additional chapters are available or if you are interested in becoming a beta reader (gives access to chapters months ahead of regular readers).

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