Harbingers of Change

Volume 5 – Chapter 19

Chapter 19

The sudden steep increase in Nazarick's ability to generate power was a very welcome change, letting Cocytus and Demiurge create many more combat units that were subsequently deployed in Falmuth, accelerating its annexation. It also enabled Momonga to summon a tremendous amount of additional daily skeletons, which Albedo was eager to distribute.

However, Momonga knew that such occurrences never happened without cause - regardless of the world he found himself in. It was only natural to fear unforeseen consequences and side effects. If anything, the abrupt change justified taking his incessant paranoia to great heights.

It also didn't help that he was currently dealing with a veritable mountain of paperwork in his office. While Omniscience allowed him to quickly skim through all the important reports and missives that had to do with the annexation and other nuanced matters of the Hegemony, it didn't quell his apprehension regarding the cause of the newfound energy.

Being the supreme ruler of an entire nation was no simple task, and Momonga had lost count of how many times his emotions had been forcefully suppressed, as he placed the last signature on the day's documents. That is, for the ones he could currently endorse without reservation. The Overlord's gaze shifted to the side of his desk, taking in the small pile of plans and records that still demanded his scrutiny.

'Now then…' Some of the plans that required his approval only existed as a result of the surge in available power, so the situation mandated that he finally turn his attention to the enigma at hand. Momonga decided not to look the gift horse in the mouth and prepared his mind for the needed investigation.

With a practiced ease, he reclined in his office chair with regal composure, and once more invoked Omniscience. As he delved into the metaphysical framework of Nazarick, the intricate web of power unfolded before him. The energy flowed like a river of stars, converging and diverging in a dance of cosmic proportions. He traced the currents, moving backward from effect to cause, until he arrived at the newly added source - a beacon of force emanating from their prisoner, Hinata.

The revelation was as intriguing as it was unexpected. Hinata, who for whatever reason, was generating abnormal amounts of energy, with her power output surpassing even Veldora's natural regeneration rate. She had become an unwitting dynamo, as Nazarick's chains constantly drained her.

When he peered deeper into the phenomenon, Momonga quickly encountered an anomaly. Hinata was trapped in an endless cycle of evolution, constantly restarting as the chains sapped away at any excess power.

Crimson blazes returned to his empty eyesockets as he leaned forward, pondering over his observations. What he had just witnessed was not a mere fluke of odd magic, and it warranted a thorough study before drawing any conclusions.

He allowed the process to continue for a whole day, harnessing the additional energy to the fullest. However, another deeper checkup on Hinata revealed the toll it was taking on her already wounded mind and soul. With each iteration of the cycle, she was torn apart further, edging closer to an irreparable state where her very essence might shatter into fragments.

'If I wish to preserve her life, I need to do something now. But is it worth the effort? She tried to kill me and my friends. If I let it run its course and she breaks completely, Buku may object, as might Chloe. I suppose I could feign ignorance on the matter, but Buku surely would suspect me, given my oversight of all of Tempest… I could probably make her Buku's problem.'

Momonga decided that the best course of action was to shake off the responsibility of the prisoner and with that in mind, he sent Buku a detailed report on what was going on.

{ God dammit, she couldn't just sit tight until Chronoa awakens. } Buku was clearly not happy about the situation. { Momo. I know it's a lot to ask, but can you place her under the same restraints as Kagali? Or teach me how to do it? }

{ It's your decision. I can bind chains around her soul and free her from the prison if you wish. Just remember that Pero might not be thrilled about it. Not to mention, you're acting on Shizue's behalf again. You know how many deaths Hinata has caused as Ker's tool. }

{ I know. But… if we get her fully on our side, she could be a useful tool. We both know she was a stupid twat of a pawn, not the mastermind. I will make it up to my brother and Yoseijoo. }

{ Very well, then let us go deal with her. } Momonga responded with finality.

With the decision's weight settled firmly upon his shoulders, Momonga stood up from his office chair. He extended a bony finger adorned with the ring of his guild, and with a mere thought, the fabric of space yielded to his will.

The familiar confines of his office gave way to the stark and chilling ambiance of the prison chamber where his teleportation target was located. Buku similarly materialized beside him, the glow of her own ring fading away.

The sight they found themselves looking at wasn't pleasant by any stretch of the imagination. Hinata lay on the floor amidst her own filth, her body convulsing in a grotesque cycle of destruction and rebirth. She was screaming and crying for someone, anyone, to help her. Buku changed her appearance to resemble Shizue and stepped closer to the tormented figure while Momonga watched in silence.

"Hinata, look at me! Focus on my voice! We can help you, but you will have to surrender your will completely!" Her commanding voice cut through the woman's desperate cries.

At the sound of her sensei, Hinata's wails ceased. She raised her head, her eyes glassy with pain, scaring even Buku somewhat, "S-Sensei? Sensei, help me! Help me! Make it stop. Make it stop… Please, make it stop!"

Buku approached and kneeled in front of her, wrinkling her nose in disgust at the smell, "We will help you, but first you will accept whatever Momonga needs to do. If you so much as try to resist, we will leave you to your fate."

Hinata's plea was desperate, "Just make it stop! I'll do anything! Anything! Don't let me die… Don't let me go back there!"

Seeing confirmation of her desire to cooperate, Momonga advanced with deliberate steps. He leaned forward and pictured chains being wound around her soul, in a manner reminiscent of his dealings with Kagali and the clowns. There was no resistance from Hinata and if anything, her soul eagerly accepted the enslavement. Hinata was added to Nazarick's servant list as another thrall, albeit a decently powerful one for a human.

The next action was to force Omniscience to collaborate with him and stop whatever evolution Hinata was going through. It was either doing that or removing the chains that leached her vitality, allowing her to go through with it fully. But for whatever reason, after some nudges, the process stopped on its own. Probing around with his skill revealed that she was trying to become a Divine Human, but such an evolution wasn't possible if the human was serving a monster.

"Thank you," Hinata whispered, her voice barely rising above a breath as she collapsed, strength all but gone. Her very being had sustained heavy damage, which needed to be repaired. Considering how much energy was needed for the healing, Momonga acted with precision, fortifying her soul and mind just enough to ensure survival. That said, there was no way of removing the scars that now resided deep within her, destined to be permanent reminders of her actions.

Since there was no need to keep the former enemy restrained, he commanded the chains to release her. Hinata slowly rose, staggering, as if testing the freedom she had not expected to regain. Her eyes, filled with a complex mix of emotions, locked onto Buku, who had retreated a few paces to let Momonga work unimpeded.

"Sensei…thank you. I…missed you so much. I… accept that you are different now," She uttered sluggishly, taking a tentative step forward.

Buku tensed up and the moment she realized that Hinata was trying to embrace her, she jumped back with a screech. "Stay away from me, you stink to the high heavens!"

The visceral reaction seemingly brought her out of the dazed state as Hinata stared down at her sorry state, taking a moment to assess her disheveled appearance, "I'm sorry mistress, but you left me in this. If it's not too much to ask, I would like some water to make myself presentable," she quietly pleaded.

"Buku, I'll leave you to sort this out. Give me a heads-up when my presence is needed. And don't forget to notify Pero," Momonga cautioned her.

"I know, I think a guild meeting is needed to address this properly. Just make sure no one attacks her on sight in the meantime," Buku replied, her gaze never leaving Hinata.

"I'll notify everyone. Make sure she shows no hostility either. Even if her new status prevents her from going against Nazarick, she could still provoke anger in others," Momonga added, his warning clear as he teleported away.

Buku turned to Hinata, her expression unreadable, "Let's go get you fixed up," she said, motioning towards the gate she conjured. Hinata, still processing the rapid change in her circumstances, trailed unsteadily behind Buku's lead, as the latter reverted to her default form.


The lingering pain was an aching reminder of her recent torment. Momonga's intervention had only soothed her agony just enough to render her functional again, caring little about her condition beyond that critical threshold. She followed her mistress through the portal, emerging in a luxurious hall.

Buku's voice, low and laden with a threatening tone, broke the silence, "Don't think you're off the hook just because you're not in chains anymore. If I have to deal with your insubordination, the treatment you received before will feel like a tropical vacation by comparison."

"I won't, mistress. I shall carry out your will and that of Momonga no matter what. I am grateful for being rescued and healed from the void, even if I don't understand why I was shown any mercy after everything I did…"

By all accounts, a captured enemy who wasn't held for ransom usually would be either killed for entertainment or tortured for information, yet Hinata remained alive - a fact that puzzled her. This was especially perplexing given the church's decree ordering the extermination of all monsters, and her former status as its leader.

"I guess I can tell you. Your life has been spared because there is a duplicate soul of yours from the previous timeline of this world locked in the body of the chosen hero, who, to our knowledge, is kept by that bitch Luminous in a dormant state. To be on the safe side, we chose not to execute you until that part is fused with you. Don't ask me for details, I don't know how time travel works either. We also know you were nothing more than a tool used by Ker and Luminous. So, until the red line is crossed, you are a tool that has some use," Buku spoke as she continued onwards, refusing to face Hinata, walking about one and a half meters in front of her.

The explanation echoed in her mind, 'Until it's crossed… No, I need to live, I have to ensure that.'

"Mistress, I will do anything to prove my worth, I will do anything to not return to that place. Please give me a chance to be your faithful servant," Hinata beseeched desperately.

"How bad was it that you're now begging me? I remember you to be strong-willed, prideful even."

"My pride? What was left of my pride died in that place. I would prefer any torture over going back there. I'd rather not exist if it meant I could escape it," Hinata replied quietly.

Buku paused, her tone softening as she adopted Shizue's voice, "I once promised that a safe home would await you no matter what happened and whenever you needed it. But it is not my forgiveness you require to secure your survival," she said, her voice then taking on a chilling, almost demonic timbre, "You hurt my brother, you came to slay my children, you do not deserve mercy. Yet, as an entitled little shit, you think you can play on my emotions to get your ass saved from the void. You will live as long as we deem you to live. Nothing you can say will ever change what you did. You can play the submissive little bitch all you want, hell, you can even try to be a slut and climb onto my brother's bed to get on his good side, but don't for a moment think we owe you eternal life."

"I understand, mistress. All I beg of you is to let me show my worth. I may be selfish, but I will do whatever is required to be kept alive… Only my new master can keep me away from the void. I have no choice but to discard all I was. I do not ask for forgiveness or any kindness. My sensei does not owe me anything, I made my own choices and I will own up to them."

"Good. Then you understand your position."

The remainder of their journey passed in silence. Hinata directed her attention to her surroundings, only now truly taking in the sights. As she walked, her gaze swept over the denizens of this strange area, her expression carefully neutral despite the animosity that met her at every turn. She was acutely aware of her status here, merely a pardoned criminal among those who saw her as nothing less than an enemy. From what she could gather, many creatures bore a human-like appearance and gait, and only their subtle auras betrayed their true inhuman nature.

The hallways stretched as far as the eye could see, filled with extravagance that only the wealthiest enjoyed. Under different circumstances, the wonders that lined the corridors of Nazarick would have elicited a reaction of sheer astonishment from Hinata. The grand tapestries that adorned the walls were woven with threads that shimmed with their own inner light. Statues carved from unknown precious stones stood sentinel, their eyes seeming to follow her every move. The ceilings arched high above had grand chandeliers come out of them every now and then, each by themselves most likely costing enough to bankrupt a small nation. The floor she was striding upon was nothing like the filth from her prison cell, being a mosaic of tiles, each piece a miniature masterpiece contributing to an elaborate underfoot. Lush, exotic plants in ornate pots were also present, their leaves rustling softly even though she could not feel any hint of a breeze inside.

Every few steps revealed marvel after marvel and had Hinata's mind not been clouded by her recent ordeal, she would have paused to do several double-takes. Her own living space that Lady Buku so gracefully provided for her was cozy and somewhat spacious at first glance, even decorated lightly. There was a bed, a small table, and even a separate bathroom for her to use - a small dignity in a place where she expected none.

"There is spare clothing in the closet. Get yourself clean, rest a bit, and get ready to be summoned to a meeting with Nazarick's leaders."

"I will, thank you, mistress."

The removal of the stained clothing and armor was a huge relief in itself, and the warmth of the bathroom only enchanted the sensation. The bath filled with warm water through a faucet, reminding her of Earth and the luxuries everyone took for granted, assisting in the softening of caked blood and hardened gore. If not for her body repairing itself, her crusted clothing likely would've dragged her skin together with it.

The embrace of the warm water proved too much for her. She closed her eyes and with a sigh of contentment dozed off, awakening only when the bathroom door opened.

It took a lot of restraint to not jump into action and instead just open her eyes and turn her head. There was a young woman in a maid's outfit with a professional smile on her face, though her eyes betrayed her deep hatred.

"Lady Buku wishes to inform you that a meeting will be held in an hour. I will be back for you in forty minutes and expect you to be prepared," The maid stated with barely concealed hostility.

"Noted. Anything else?" Hinata did her best to not snap back.

"A meal is waiting for you on the table." The maid informed her before promptly leaving.

'I need to be prepared to keep my head low for as long as it is necessary to show my devotion. A meal… I wonder…'

Hinata quickly washed up and returned to the living room wrapped in a towel, only to discover proper food, not just some leftover scraps tossed in a blender. Not wanting to risk being late, she ate quicker than such a treat would dictate. If her instincts were correct, it wasn't the last one she would partake in and Lady Buku probably planned to give her normal food regularly.

'Sensei cares more than she admits to. I should be grateful for that.'

After dressing in the provided casual attire, she sat down to meditate while waiting for the maid's return. Any sense of normalcy wouldn't return anytime soon, but the current situation was still preferable over most other options.

The former saint pondered her situation. She was to be a tool once more, a familiar role by this point. Maybe it was her fate to be a weapon in the hands of others. There was also the matter of eternal life and the way to achieve it; the way to rid herself of the void that loomed at large. She had no concrete answers thus far, which terrified her.

No longer wracked by pain, the desire to sleep was once again getting stronger. 'I wonder if coffee is a possibility here. Who am I kidding, I should be happy for normal food and a soft bed. It's stupid to dream of further luxury and pleasure,' she mused. The upcoming meeting would likely shape how her treatment would be moving forward, at least for the near future.

As the minutes stretched into what felt like hours, Hinata's tension couldn't help but increase. The stillness of the room was finally broken by the soft footsteps of the maid, signaling it was time. With a nod, Hinata followed her through the labyrinthine halls.

They arrived at a set of grand doors, carved with scenes of both triumph and horror, which swung open to reveal the throne room of Tempest - a vast chamber where opulence and authority were on full display. Four majestic thrones stood upon a dais, each one a masterpiece of craftsmanship and intimidation. The central throne in particular, a monolith of dark crystal and gleaming metal, cradled the figure of Momonga, the presence of the undead as commanding as the seat he occupied.

Flanking the rulers were beings of various shapes and sizes, their forms both wondrous and terrible. Among them, Hinata's gaze fell upon creatures that stirred her memories. These were the ones she had seen in her vision, the ones who had seemingly fallen by her hand. Yet here they stood, in complete defiance of the cursed sword's promise.

The maid gestured for her to approach the thrones and walked off to the side, joining her counterparts. Hinata took a deep breath and did as instructed, cautiously advancing forward. The stares aimed at her were filled with enough hate and disgust to overwhelm a lesser entity.

Once she was close enough to make out the fine details of those in front of her, a demon she assumed was Demiurge, shouted, "Prostrate yourself!"

Internally, Hinata acknowledged the power behind the command, a mental force compelling obedience. 'I better play along,' she reasoned and dropped to one knee while lowering her head.

"Even without a sword, you are enough of a threat to overcome Demiurge's command mantra," observed Momonga, apparently having noted her slight resistance. "I trust there are no more complications regarding the state of your mind and soul?"

"I think you did enough, Supreme Overlord. Thank you for saving me once again," Hinata responded, unsure of how she should address the imposing figure before her.

"We have decided to let you be free and serve us for now. It will be up to you to prove we are not making a mistake. You will note down all the ways you can be useful and report to Demiurge," Buku spoke next.

The avian she recognized as Pero suddenly leaned forward, "But if you as much as look at someone the wrong way, I will put you back in those chains personally and ask Rubedo to do whatever she wants with you," he practically taunted her to break the rules, his eyes glittering with ruthlessness.

She didn't know who Rubedo was, but the implications made her shudder. In all likelihood, it was the void monster that had damaged her soul with mere exposure to its true form. Moreover, the avian had every reason to seek ways to crush her hopes of not only living but also enjoying relative freedom. After all, he was the one who lost many of his followers and was seriously wounded by her hand during the battle.

"I will prove my worth, though I understand that I am nothing but a criminal in your eyes. Thank you for giving me this chance, I will not squander it," Hinata affirmed, her head still down. If she couldn't comprehend the gravity of her current situation, then harboring any hope would be meaningless.

Her survival, and by extension her continued existence away from the void, depended on appeasing these monstrous creatures. Even if her path was now tethered to the whims of those she once opposed, Hinata was determined to tread it, whatever the cost.

Editing by aidan_lo and Zprotu.

AN: Thank you for reading the story, and if you have caught up to the latest chapter, you can check out my other work or join my discord server (https://discord.gg/WmGKVU3XG2) where additional chapters are available or if you are interested in becoming a beta reader (gives access to chapters months ahead of regular readers).

Proofreading by Sluethen, Antilene, Malguis, Lightflan, aidan_lo, Cakeeight, Cay, NuggetLover, and Zprotu.

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