Harbingers of Change

Volume 5 – Chapter 22

Chapter 22

The execution of the King of Falmuth and the captured nobles was to be made a public spectacle in the capital of the nearly conquered nation. It was to be a grim display for anyone, from the poorest peasants to the richest nobles, to see and witness. With the Western Council's eyes upon them, this act would herald the end of an area and the dawn of the reign of Tempest over human lands.

Momonga planned to attend the event in person to announce the annexation of Falmuth and the official end of the conflict. What still persisted was the ongoing cold war with the Ruberios Holy Empire, as there was no clear line of confrontation. Despite this, the Overlord knew his presence was needed.

He had captured or slain the church's strongest warriors and tentatively allied with Granbell; there was far less to fear today than ever before. His going to solidify Tempest's domination would do him more good than harm, as it would become indisputable that Tempest claimed authority.

Moreover, the once-prevalent religion of Luminism was now forsaken in an official capacity by most Western Nations, seeing as how its zealotry would doom anyone who stood with it. This action in turn was making way for the nearly forgotten spirit worship to bloom once more, even as Luminism held onto what it could. Its roots ran deep and the complete eradication of its hold over the common folk and the hearts of the people would not be swift.

Additionally, there remained many logistical problems to solve regarding the newly acquired lands, of which the most pressing one was selecting the person who'd be left in charge of the region. They had declared total control of the land, and with Falmuth's central leadership condemned to decimation, no suitable human puppet remained to take the reins.

Momonga's office was silent save for the occasional rustle of paper. He sat in solitude, the glow from a single enchanted lamp casting long shadows across the room. Before him lay the open files of those within his ranks, each a potential key to the stability of the newly acquired lands.

His first pick was Cocytus, the invasion's spearhead, but the insectoid floor guardian was more of a field commander than a bureaucrat, and his main prowess was in battle. The Vermin Lord likely wouldn't be able to manage both duties at the same time, anyway. Plus, Momonga didn't want all of the human lands to become a huge, glorified military encampment - Pero stated it would be a huge waste of human resources.

The avian and Buku were also out of the question since both were deeply entrenched in their vital roles and responsibilities. Pero was already busy enough handling the integration with the Rossos' business, and Buku was already involved in internal management.

Doppelgangers couldn't be applied either as they would be lacking the essential knowledge of those they may be replacing. This meant substituting key figures like Folgen and Razen were off the table. They had only gotten away with replicating Yuuki because of how little he had displayed of his abilities to the world and due to the relative ease of mimicking his public persona; they had numerous sources of information to work with.

He paused, his skeletal hand hovering over the pages. This pretty much only left the people who weren't Nazarick's natives. The numerous insectars were a decent option for new nobility, yes, but their monstrous appearances would only make the human population fear their new leaders. Fear wasn't suitable for the long-term management of humans, whose generations changed every few decades. He required someone who could command respect above all.

As Momonga weighed his options, his crimson eyes flickered with the faintest glow as he considered the Tengu. Their leaders were rather well received according to reports. They were not only formidable fighters in their own right but also honorable and merciful to those who sided with them. In fact, they had already begun to win the hearts of the humans. Not to mention, Hakurou, Kaede, and Momiji were already a noble family within Tempest, meaning he also had the legal basis for relocating them. Could they be the answer he was seeking?

A soft sigh echoed in the quiet room. They had the strength to protect, the wisdom to lead, and the integrity to unite. This solution seemed almost too good to be true.

With them taking the crown and the rest of the established Tengu families taking the role of greater noble houses, he could make the region's administration their duty. Furthermore, the mountains could be freed of some space, allowing for more mining.

With a decisive nod, Momonga closed the files, setting them aside. Luckily, he still had some time to contemplate the decision.


A few days later he once again found himself working in the Tempest castle's office, going through various reports and paperwork. The cold winter's embrace had tightened around the castle, its icy fingers creeping through stone and mortar. The season's chill was growing evident by the day even within the imposing walls of the bastion, as seen in the adaptations of its sophisticated structure and pathways.

Fireplaces now graced most chambers, and magitech systems that allowed for silent smoke siphoning and air renewal were installed, meaning heat could be distributed while warding off the invisible threat of carbon monoxide poisoning. Though he was untouched by the cold, he had to give it to the research team for discovering and developing such technology, for it was no doubt a great boon for many. The castle's denizens, mostly beings of flesh and blood, chose to don layers of warmth even inside, preferring thicker, longer uniforms over thinner, freer ones. To his amusement or perhaps disappointment, even Shion buttoned up her suit to the top, although for Albedo and Shalltear that was a huge benefit.

But there was something to enjoy as well. The crackling of the fire and the dancing flames provided a calming effect and made the living space feel cozy, something he had always wanted in his first life. Besides, the maids could make themselves feel and be more useful by periodically adding more wood to the fires, simultaneously enjoying the fruits of their labor and basking in the shared heat that their effort brought forth.

When he was done addressing the day's military reports, Momonga finally decided that it would be a good time to settle the matter with Falmuth's administration. The issue had gnawed at him, a persistent itch demanding to be scratched.

Recalling the trio from their current duties was a routine task, yet the weight of the decision it carried was anything but ordinary. Soon enough, they were kneeling before him in his office.

Momonga's gaze swept over the trio, noting the subtle changes time had etched upon them. Momiji, though still petite, now carried a hint of her mother's stature. Hakurou, on the other hand, seemed rejuvenated and looked much younger than before. A fair guess could be that dealing with his energetic wife and daughter had uplifted his spirits and returned the lost sparks of youthfulness in him, as it had with many others under his rule. And Kaede still appeared as she was before, albeit dressed differently from their first meeting.

"You may rise. I won't hold you for long, as I'm sure your duties call." Momonga declared, his voice carrying the regality that his station demanded.

At Momonga's command, the trio rose in a fluid motion, their movements reflecting the discipline of their martial heritage. He watched with a keen eye, noting the grace and resolve that each of them carried. It was a small action, but it spoke volumes of their readiness to embrace the roles he was about to bestow upon them.

Satisfied with their response, he allowed himself the briefest moment of approval before continuing. "I have a proposition for you, to ascend as the Royal Family of Falmuth, and for the rest of the Tengu to be appointed as local governors," he offered, gauging their reactions as he spoke.

The faces of the trio lit up in unmistakable surprise, but none dared to shut down his offer. Although Kaede had been a ruler for centuries, she faced the prospect of her dominion expanding far beyond the familiar bounds of her small mountain village, something that would likely put her skills to the limits. Not to mention that Hakurou had never been a ruler, and Momiji was only just stepping onto the way to becoming an experienced administrator.

They would have their work cut out for them, that was for sure. It would be rough the first few months, even as Tempest continually funneled more military forces into Falmuth. That being said…

"It's an honor, Lord Momonga. I…We accept," Kaede was first to respond, her eyes briefly meeting her daughter's in a silent exchange that held a clear message: now was not the time for interjections.

"Good. The official ceremony will be held in a week. I will arrange with Cocytus to give you time off to prepare for the transfer," Momonga replied, thanking his lucky stars that his skeletal form betrayed no hint of the amusement that stirred within. Knowing Benimaru, he also wouldn't be thrilled when the official announcement of him being Momonga's adopted son came, but that was for another time and place to think about and handle.

In that sense, he was the polar opposite of Shuna, who had fully embraced her status and befriended all three of his consorts. Though she and Shion were friends for a long time, the other two had taken some time to soften up to the kijin girl, but they had eventually established friendly relations.


To calm her nerves after the meeting with Lord Momonga, she slipped away from her greatly overbearing parents and made a beeline for the castle's leisure wing bar - a familiar haunt she'd frequented many times.

Luckily for Momiji, the laws on alcohol consumption among the monster races were rather lax. Their robust constitutions shrugged off any long-term effects, which meant she could freely consume lighter spirits without the usual age-related grilling. The bartenders knew that Tengus had high abnormal status resistance and never batted an eye anyway.

Since it was still relatively early in the day, the bar was practically empty, which granted her the peace she craved. The dimly lit establishment provided plenty of dark spaces to hide from prying eyes and a chance to unwind. Momiji glanced around just in case someone she knew was present, and her hopes of solitude were instantly decimated to smithereens when she noticed Benimaru sipping a beer from a mug with the enthusiasm of a man watching paint dry.

Lately, her parents and Benimaru's sister had made it their mission to pair them up, making them spend time together to get their respective annoying relatives off their backs. Both she and Benimaru quickly found out that neither of them was interested in marriage at this point in their lives, and as warriors, they had no problem getting along and forming a blossoming friendship. Sure, she could appreciate the young kijin General's looks, but her thirst for freedom was far stronger. Also, the desire to spite her mother for the audacity to regulate her life in such an egregious manner played a major role in her decisions, leading her to rebel almost any chance she could.

Still, keeping things amicable wouldn't hurt, and who knows? Maybe she'd found a new drinking buddy. After all, drinks always tasted better with company, or so the maids' chatter suggested.

With a large mug of spiced cider in hand, Momiji plopped down uninvited at Benimaru's table and playfully taunted him, "Slacking off early, aren't we?"

"Souei is running late. But you're the one to talk. Shouldn't you be commanding legions right about now?" he shot back, deadpanning.

"Not at the moment. I got a week off to prepare," she muttered.

"Prepare for what? Don't tell me Hakurou managed to talk Lord Momonga's ear full about us?" The kijin's expression grew worried. His adoptive father had expressed numerous times that he wouldn't press him on any romantic matters, and he was free to choose who and when to marry. But with his sister conspiring with the three consorts, and now rumors of Lord Peroroncino and Lady Buku joining the matchmaking fray, his status as a high-ranking official almost felt like a curse.

"What, no! I would kill him if he did that. Mother and father were promoted to Queen and King of Falmuth. They agreed," Momiji twitched her ears in shock at the suggestion.

"I think congratulations are in order, princess," Benimaru visibly relaxed, taking a swig from his mug.

"Princess? Try calling me that again and you'll be knocked out with more than just a hangover!" Momiji shouted, raising her mug threateningly as the bartender deftly refilled it before quietly slipping away.

"You know you'll have to get used to that title. You can't escape it," Benimaru continued to rile her up, ignoring her feisty retort, knowing full well she packed a punch, and both were about on equal terms when it came to raw power.

"So do you. In fact, you still outrank me, your Royal Highness," she responded, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

"But I don't have to parade around like royalty. And it's not given that I would receive any other title besides my current one, considering that Tempest hasn't formally stated it yet," As a general, he took great pride in his position, being in charge of guarding most of the western and southern borders of Tempest. His duties kept him busy, a far cry from the days of simple heroics and tree-bound kittens. He did miss those days though, they were far simpler compared to what he did at the present.

"That's not what Shuna said. Keep up the 'princess' talk, and I'll make sure you're crowned next!" Momiji openly displayed the threat, grinning smugly as she knew Benimaru feared his sibling.

"Point taken. There's no need to get worked up like this. But you know, royalty can't sulk in public," Benimaru backed down. His friend wasn't one to throw around empty threats, and considering how well she got along with Shuna, it was safer to avoid testing her limits.

"I know… but things were so easy when there was just a village to look after," she whined, her ears drooping down in nostalgia.

Benimaru nodded, his mood sobering. "Tell me about it," The death of his father still haunted him. Witnessing the mighty ogre fall in the duel was something he would never forget, having left a mark on him that would remain for decades. And he didn't even get the proper chance to mourn, being pushed into a leader's position almost immediately after.

"I hope I am not interrupting a date," Souei appeared with a puff in an empty seat.

"Don't you start," Benimaru said in a low voice. "You're late, by the way."

"Sorry, I had some urgent business to attend to," he offered a rare apology.

"Business…right." Benimaru eyed him skeptically.

"It's not what you're thinking. We had an emergency meeting regarding Ruberios." Souei clarified, throwing his hands up in surrender.

"Anything you can share?" Benimaru asked though he knew better than to pry too deep into his friend's affairs. After all, sticking his nose in the private business of Souei and Buku couldn't lead to anything good. With Momiji present the security clearance also needed to be kept in mind, so there was a chance Souei couldn't reveal any sensitive specifics.

"We've been dissecting the intel Hinata provided on Ruberios and the Western Nations - their hierarchies, vulnerabilities. Maybe the intelligence department could do some sabotage within the vampire sanctuary. I have no idea why she wasn't questioned right after the capture."

Benimaru leaned back, his gaze distant. "As far as I know, there was some initial interrogation, but Lord Momonga and Lord Demiurge didn't want to divert efforts from the Falmuth invasion. They probably figured that greater detail about the day-to-day activities and the points of interest of Ruberios weren't deemed necessary at the time, especially if that information was unreliable. You know they aren't telling us everything."

"By the way, why is that bitch walking free after everything she did? I thought she would be tortured to death." As someone who had the privilege to enter Nazarick, Momiji became aware of the fact that the detested woman still breathed after she'd nearly collided with her in its hallowed walls.

"Not sure. Buku didn't give me details, but something happened, and Lord Momonga has put the same leash on her as he did with the Harlequin Alliance," Souei explained, his words measured, hinting at a deeper game at play.

Very few people knew what had transpired and why Hinata was converted to Nazarick's thrall and released from her chains. However, some pieces of information did inevitably spread. Moreover, the Lords' decisions were rarely challenged, only probed for deeper understanding.

"Should've just offed those freaks," Benimaru spat, wanting to shift the conversation.

"They're good at their job and can follow orders without complaining," Souei felt the need to defend his relatively recent, albeit unusual, coworkers. Despite their weird appearances and mannerisms from Lord Demiurge's … machinations, all three were excellent intelligence agents and could work with others, including the monsters they once despised. Laplace had even taught them a few trade secrets, rapidly turning them into veritable powerhouses for what resources had been invested in them.

A thought struck Momiji, her mug thudding against the table, cider sloshing over the rim. She could've easily died when Cocytus invaded her village. But instead of meeting a gruesome end, she ended up with a position of relative power, and her mother got her strength back in the process, while simultaneously connecting with high-ranking military officials like Benimaru.

"I think it's rather obvious!" Momiji exclaimed, unable to hide her excitement at schooling the two kijins, who usually were the more informed ones.

"What do you mean?" Benimaru turned his attention back to the tengu girl who now sipped her drink with an exceedingly smug expression.

"Lord Momonga doesn't squander chances for strong allies. If they won't join willingly, like you or me, he forces them into servitude by other means. Hinata was a huge threat, and now can be used against Tempest's enemies," the tengu girl laid out her insight.

Benimaru pondered at that. "Hmm… come to think of it, Lord Momonga hasn't executed anyone of notable power. But there was no attempt at controlling Charybdis."

"Lord Peroroncino was the one to deal with Charybdis," Souei reminded him.

"Right. Then it all makes sense. Lord Peroroncino might have had other goals in mind," Benimaru mused, careful not to speculate that the avian killed the mindless beast only to impress the harpies and add at least one of them to his harem.

Momiji's eyes narrowed as she took another swig. "Still, I kinda hope that Hinata got what she deserved."

"From what I know, she got exposed to Rubedo's true form, and that alone is worse than anything the torturers can come up with," Souei remarked with an unexpected unease behind his usually flat tone.

"Lord Momonga's bodyguard? What's so bad about her? Surely, she can't be worse than demons," she scoffed, unable to reconcile the image of an angelic being with something to fear.

"Nobody speaks of it, but…" Benimaru stopped to cautiously glance around before whispering his response. "Even the likes of Lord Veldora and Lady Milim avoid Rubedo."

"You can't be serious. You are telling me that a dragon, a force of nature like Lord Veldora, is afraid of her?" Momiji refused to believe such an outlandish claim.

Veldora, the Storm Dragon, was the pinnacle of power, capable of laying waste to entire nations with absolute ease. The idea that he would fear a mere angel was ludicrous.

"You can go ask him yourself if you'd like."

"I'll pass," Sticking her nose in such business would bring nothing but trouble and she had enough to worry about as is. In a week her parents would become the King and Queen of Falmuth, and she would accept her new duties without complaint. After all, defying the will of the Supreme Overlord was a fool's errand.

And if Lord Veldora truly harbored fear for Rubedo, she wanted no part in uncovering why. Some stones were better left unturned, and some mysteries were best left unsolved.

Editing by aidan_lo and Zprotu.

Proofreading by Sluethen, atharv, Antilene, Lightflan, aidan_lo, Cakeeight, Cay, NuggetLover, and Zprotu.

AN: Thank you for reading the story, and if you have caught up to the latest chapter, you can check out my other work or join my discord server (https://discord.gg/WmGKVU3XG2) where additional chapters are available or if you are interested in becoming a beta reader (gives access to chapters months ahead of regular readers).

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