Harbingers of Change

Volume 6 – Chapter 18

Chapter 18

With such a momentous event occurring, Velgrynd couldn't wait to meet up with her sister and discuss all about it. And somehow, she was the first to arrive at their meeting place, unusual for her sister who was usually the one on time.

Unable to calm down, she paced back and forth over the magically reinforced wooden floor, specs of fiery energy escaping her agitated form that threatened to set it alight. Enchanted or not, a true dragon was still a true dragon and no material could withstand her fiery aura for long.

'Finally, there she is!' The distinct chilly aura of her older sister filled the area, clashing with her fiery energies. When it came to their personalities and aspects of nature, they were polar opposites, practically by design. While Velzard was the calm and collected one, ruling over the stillness and the element of ice, she was the impulsive and quick-acting one, representing the element of fire and its destructive winds of change.

"You're late!" She impatiently greeted Velzard as the dragoness entered the house they had built as their common sanctuary, where they could meet as sisters, unconcerned about the political repercussions of being seen together. It was west to the frozen continent, where the climate was at its most moderate so neither of them was too uncomfortable.

"I am on time, it is you who arrived early, sister. I should have known I would find you jumping around like an excited puppy." Velzard let out, for her, a very uncharacteristic giggle as she restrained her aura.

"We have a new sibling! How can I not be excited? Hey, you are in a good mood as well." Velgrynd noticed that her sister's demeanor wasn't as cold as the last time they met a few months ago.

"Guy is behaving and keeping all of his attention on me, and yes, despite the track record of such an event, I am intrigued about our sibling as well." Velzard let Velgrynd embrace her in a hug, embracing her in return.

"That's good news. But enough about our private lives. Did you know anything besides the new dragon being born in Tempest?" Velgrynd asked.

"No, and that is what makes me worried. You know Milim is there as well. I suspect our little brother's friends have tampered with powers they do not understand," Velzard remarked, breaking free from the heated embrace of her sister and sitting down in an armchair, crossing her legs and resting her hands.

"Mmm, we should go visit our brothers, this one is just radiating such different energies to our former youngest. This occasion is too great to ignore. You know, like sisters. We haven't seen Veldora in centuries; he should know we are happy for him. He's been such a well-behaved boy as of late," Velgrynd gushed, resuming her frantic pacing around the room.

"Indeed, he has been, but you know what intrigues me? Our youngest sibling represents death, making the youngest dragon the opposite of our older brother," Velzard finally revealed something Velgrynd didn't know, leaning against the chair.

She suspected her older sister knew a lot more of what truly went on with the world on a cosmic scale, but she could never get much out of the cold-hearted Ice Empress even over thousands of years.

"So, is there some particular meaning behind it, sister?" Velgrynd inquired, stopping her pacing.

"Things are changing. Brother might finally come back. He did leave with the key, you know," Velzard stated matter-of-factly.

"This again? All you care about is that key, he supposedly took with him. Do you even know what it is? For all we know, Veldanava could've made it all up to entertain us when we were still kids," Velgrynd retorted.

"You were a kid. I was fourteen thousand years old when you were born. I had experienced life with him for thousands of years, learned what he learned, and knew what he knew. I know he was supposed to leave that key to me, whatever it was. He wasn't supposed to have that brat. We both know this game our husbands play is for nothing more than to delay what is inevitable and keep the world's strongest in balance against each other while its mechanisms functioning. The world is growing more unstable by the year without Veldanava present. That key is needed in the world, I just know it." Velzard's calm demeanor broke as the temperature in the room plummeted, absolutely overpowering Velgrynd's aura and making her shiver from the cold despite herself being a spiritual being as well. That was just how powerful Velzard was.

"Then enlighten me. What are we supposed to do? I don't recall you protesting against the game," Velgrynd scoffed, encasing herself in a heated barrier against the biting winds.

"Veldanava is supposed to return. If death has manifested itself, no matter if it was an accident or intentional tampering, then something of the old is bound to break down with its presence. That much he did tell me. But it's not death alone that can fix things. Creation must flow after death has reaped, to keep the cycle going akin to how those of our species come back after being 'slain.' I suspect the key served that purpose, and for that reason, I believe he is about to come back. Things naturally fall back to balance. As we complement each other, so should our oldest and youngest siblings. But heed my warning sister, no one else, not our husbands, not even our two siblings, must know of this, or else the implications would destroy the world," Velzard calmed down once again.

"Then let's go meet him. You still know how to make an avatar, right? I can create a hidden copy-"

"Patience," Velzard interrupted her. "Walpurgis is about to commence; I will find out more in a less blunt way through Guy. And this time, I will share what I know with you. Maybe it's time for us to take charge and move the universe in the right direction." She stood up, approaching her sister.

"But shouldn't we tutor our siblings then? You know Veldora has gotten calm despite his nature. We should move forward as a family. Maybe our older brother has waited for that to happen. We…you know we drifted away after he left… we even left his daughter on her own," Velgrynd's voice trembled as her gaze met her sister's icy stare.

"Let's not rush things. Just because he has not thrown a tantrum yet doesn't mean he has changed. He told Milim who she is."

"She is our family as well-"

"That brat is not our family! She is a mockery of what we are and what we stand for! Our dear brother created her to bend fate, do you think he cared what happened to Milim? You know he is likely to reclaim his power from her and make the girl nothing more than an empty shell the moment he returns. That is her purpose. She is not like us, the embodiments of the world. She is a storage vessel, made to house our brother's power, nothing more."

Velgrynd glanced away, unsure of how to respond. Deep down, she did love Milim as a niece, but for her to anger her sister and break the rules of the game, she never broke the agreement and sought out the girl. The guilt had worn away at her for so long.

"Fine. We'll meet again after Walpurgis. Say hello to Guy for me," Velgrynd uttered, not wanting to face the wrath of her sister. She was done with this conversation.

"I will. And you give my regards to Rudra. Tell him I look forward to when we can meet as a family once again," Velzard replied, nodding.

"Notify me when Walpurgis ends.'' Velgrynd stated just before teleporting away. She might be afraid of Velzard, but the fear didn't trump her main characteristic, spontaneity. If Velzard didn't want to see her siblings, she would go see them alone. If the world was to change, she would be changing alongside it, and that meant changing how she approached her brother's child if her instincts told her anything.


Gazel sat in his office, stroking his beard with his right hand as he slowly carved a dent in the table with the nail of his index finger. Although he was an incomplete saint, he could still feel when big changes happened in the world, and the changes had shaken him to his core.

First was the feeling that something fundamental had been added to the world, something beyond his comprehension. Soon after that, he felt the ascension of two entities, ascension into completely spiritual beings. There was a newly awakened demon lord, and as if in direct opposition, a divine human had risen to the occasion. Those two events likely were connected, though he had no way to confirm it. During his rule, no other awakened demon lords had appeared, only self-proclaimed ones. The last awakened Demon Lord was supposedly Leon but he was too young and untrained at the time to sense the fall of the former hero.

Elmesia had confirmed she felt it as well, but in the same way as him, couldn't tell much beyond. There was a chance the Elven Empress chose not to reveal anything of importance. They were on friendly terms, but information and national interests trumped such notions as friendship between rulers, and she was known for her schemes.

He was yet to talk with his ally Momonga Tempest who no doubt knew at least something, given that they had appeared in his nation's general direction.

'Maybe I should contact him and ask directly. He is seemingly better informed of the ongoings in the world than I am these days.' Tempest's spy network had surpassed Dwargon's to such a degree they couldn't even be compared, and the same went for Momonga's power. He couldn't hope to defeat a monster like Momonga or any of the other Tempest's lords. All of them were monsters beyond reason, akin to the monsters his father had once told stories about when he was but a child.

As he contemplated his options, one of the communication orbs standing in a row on the table lit up, one constantly under surveillance. 'Speak of the devil.'

He grasped the orb and greeted his fellow ruler, putting on a polite smile. "Momonga, how have you been, my friend."

"Never been better, Gazel. I hope you are in good health as well," came an equally casual response, the undead always seemingly grinning due to his skull.

"I can't complain."

"There is something I wish to discuss with you in person as soon as possible. Could we arrange a meeting at your earliest convenience?"

"Tell Shuna to prepare those amazing treats she makes, and I will be ready to travel in an hour," Gazel agreed.

"Excellent. My daughter will be overjoyed to treat such an appreciator of her arts," Momonga replied with a laugh, the orb shutting off soon after.

As agreed, an hour later, both were sitting in a meeting room at a lounge table in Tempest. A bottle of fine spirit, made out of the best fruit Tempest could get their hands on, stood next to a still-smoking plate of freshly baked muffins, made with only the finest grains and sweeteners.

Gazel accepted a glass that Momonga poured for him and picked one of the blueberry muffins that melted in his mouth, leaving a divine taste behind, perfectly complimenting the pleasant burning of the alcohol. Ever since he had first tried Tempest's foodstuffs, he had never stopped importing them, they were that good for a centuries-old dwarf such as him.

If there was one thing he could appreciate about Momonga, it was that the overlord knew how to treat his guests, and treat them he did.

"I have a big favor to ask of you," Momonga started, leaning forward.

"A favor? Of course, let's hear what you need my friend," Gazel replied. 'What could I possibly offer to him at this point?'

"I would like to borrow as much as you can spare of your standing forces for about two days to defend strategic locations all around Tempest alongside Free Guild mercenaries. Of course, I will pay for all the expenses and offer one of my champions as a stand-in, should Dwargon be attacked during this time," Momonga made his plea as he took a shot and bit into a muffin, which disappeared into thin air right after entering his skeletal mouth.

Definitely not a favor he had anticipated.

"That is a rather big favor to ask. Let me ask you this, Momonga. Are you reacting to the appearance of the divine human, or perhaps it is the emerging demon lord who targets you? I doubt the change in the world has directly manifested in your lands yet." Gazel decided not to withhold any information, trusting his strongest ally.

"So you felt it. How interesting. No, that is not the case. Those two are not the reason," Momonga replied, taking a sip from a cup of alcohol.

"I assume you felt their emergence as well," Gazel remarked.

"Gazel, we are close allies, right? I think we are past the point of mutual mistrust." Momonga leaned closer as if he was about to tell a big secret.

"I have put a lot into this alliance. I would like to think you have as well," Gazel mimicked his fellow ruler's actions.

"Then I will just tell you why I need your help. Those two, the demon lord and the divine-human, serve me. In fact, I was the one to trigger their evolution. I need your help to make sure my people are safe while Buku undergoes a demon lord awakening as well since her Harvest Festival would temporarily shut down my entire nation, and as powerful as my servants are, those who would not be affected are far too few to be everywhere at once for a domain as large as mine." Momonga lowered his voice as if afraid to be overheard, even though Gazel could tell that the room was surrounded by dozens of silencing barriers. The bomb he just dropped certainly justified it.

"Wait! Wait! What do you mean you let them evolve? And both, an awakened demon lord and a divine human serve you!?" Gazel nearly choked on his treat, swallowing it hastily.

"Yes, would you like to meet them? If I am to entrust the safety of my people to your forces, I think it would only be fair if I am truthful to you," Momonga leaned back and took another shot, motioning towards the doors.

"Yes… I think so," Gazel stopped himself from grabbing at his heart.

Momonga straightened out, and a few moments later, the doors opened with two women coming in. Both kneeled before Momonga without uttering a word, dressed in fine clothing and strong equipment.

'That is Hinata Sakaguchi!? How! What in the world is going on? Not only did he capture her, but he empowered her and made her serve him, and the other one… she looks oddly familiar.'

"Momonga, I will need you to explain." Gazel somehow managed to get the sentence out without stuttering, gripping his chair. There was no pretense left where he stood compared to the undead overlord. This wasn't even a powerplay. It was like a champion flexing in front of a child who had picked up a sword for the first time, given that he could vaguely sense their superiority over him.

"Hinata was made loyal to us through means I wish not to disclose, and her determination to be useful made her evolve into what she is now. As for Kagali, she has served me for a while, and with her help, I discovered how to awaken demon lord seeds as proper demon lords. You have been a trusty ally, so if there ever is a need, I can lend their powers to you." Momonga casually explained.

'So, this is how it is… This is how far below I am to you. My nation would not stand a chance no matter what divine miracles happened.'

"Momonga… if I were to request to join the Tempest Hegemony, what would it mean for my people?" he asked the obvious question the overlord wanted to hear from him. No one made such a ludicrous power play without expecting the opposing side to give an unconditional surrender. It wasn't a matter of pride or his birthright as a king. In all likelihood, it was a matter of his race's survival, to kneel and live on or to stand and die. The reaper's scythe cut through mortal lives like grain, a grim metaphor he remembered from the occasional Otherworlder who passed through his realm.

"You wish to join Tempest?" Momonga sounded genuinely surprised.

'Come on, can't you at least not play with me? Do you need to humiliate me so deeply?' Gazel swallowed his pride and spoke the lines his overpowering opponent no doubt expected, playing him like a fiddle to get him to admit his subservience.

"I can see where I stand compared to you, Supreme Overlord. This display was more than enough to convince me I should not even consider ever opposing you. Thus, I wish to know what fate awaits my people."

"I am not opposed to you joining Tempest eventually. If you wish to serve me, I see no reason to turn it down. But I can't officially accept it yet. If I were to do so, there is a chance you and your people might be affected by the Harvest Festival, given your connection to us. But once you officially join, your people will become citizens of Tempest Hegemony and enjoy the same rights as the rest of my people, and I hope you will rule over them in my stead as your approach to rule is something I look up to even for someone such as I." The overlord spoke more humbly than Gazel expected.

Maybe he misread the situation and Momonga's intent wasn't to show how weak he was, but instead what sort of powers would protect his people should he willingly bend the knee. The undead was known for his benevolence and his offered safety to those who served him after all. The Tempest Hegemony was one of the most militarized yet safest places in the world in terms of monster attacks alone.

"Then what do you propose we do, Supreme Overlord?"

"I will accept you as my servant in an unofficial capacity until all the people I plan to uplift undergo their awakenings, and then add you to my servant list. After that, we will slowly incorporate your nation into Tempest, starting with a public ceremony followed by rapid economic and military integration. Rest assured, Gazel, I see you as a very valuable asset that I didn't expect to gain so easily."

"I've seen enough, Supreme Overlord. Accept my pledge of servitude." Gazel stood up and dropped on one knee.

"Your pledge is accepted." Momonga nodded as a message with Buku laughing came rushing in. { That's one private resort near the sea paid for by you. I told you he would crap his pants if you show him Hinata and Kagali! }

Editing by aidan_lo

Proofreading by aidan_lo, Sluethen, clagan, Cay, FantasyTroll, NuggetLover, KieraKieraARTS, IAMTHEPLOKOKIOPO and CakeEight.

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