Harbingers of Change

Volume 6 – Chapter 27

Chapter 27

"Now that everyone is present, the Walpurgis can begin," Guy announced, raising his hand as the last of the Demon Lords took her seat.

"Since there are a lot of newcomers, let's start with proper introductions." He continued. "I am Guy Crimson, ruler of the Frozen Continent."

"I am Milim Nava. My domain is to the south of the Jura forest, so don't go there and cause trouble." Milim, unlike Guy, didn't mention her famous or rather infamous title.

"My name is Ramiris. I am known as the Labyrinth Fairy," She stated in a pleasant, calming voice, wings fluttering.

"Clayman. I rule over the Puppet Nation Jistav," He spoke casually with a subtle hint of smugness, leaning back in his chair.

"Frey, Queen of Fulbrosia."

"Carrion, Ruler of the Beast Nation Eurazania."


"Leon," were the next to only say their names.

"Dagruel. I rule over the Giants," The intimidating man declared in a laconic manner.

"Luminous," she hissed through her teeth. There wasn't any point in all these introductions for her anyway, as it was plain as day that she would fall in the next hour or so.

"Bukubukuchagama Tempest, I am the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Tempest Hegemony." She was the first of the newcomers to introduce herself and was then followed by her fellow Tempestians.

"Albedo, I serve as the Prime Minister of the Tempest Hegemony," The demoness spoke in a pleasant tone.

"Shalltear Bloodfallen, associate vice president of the United Trade Company." In contrast to her peers, her pitch was higher and more youthful which was subtly subservient to Bukubukuchagama.

"Shion," The third Momonga's consort only revealed her name and nothing more.

"Demiurge, Minister of Defense of the Tempest Hegemony." The demon introduced himself with a slight smirk.

"Diablo, faithful servant of Lord Momonga." Guy's old rival declared with seemingly religious-like devotion.

"Kagali." The former demon Lord didn't use any titles as well. So, she wasn't all that important in Tempest.

"Toltecatl, ruler of the newly created Ayeava Kingdom." She was last to introduce herself, earning the attention of every Tempestian in the room regardless of their status, and Guy could practically hear the Thought Communications flying between them due to how intense the spiritrons were flying.

"Now let's continue with the most pressing topic at hand." Guy intentionally paused as most eyes settled on Luminous, staring for one reason or another.

"And that topic is Tempest's blatant attempt at taking over the Demon Lord council!" He stood up as Velzard entered the room in her adult form, unleashing enough of her aura to force all the weaker attendees to kneel and the stronger ones to struggle to remain upright.

"We are not here to take over this council. All we want is to deal with Luminous and Leon. They are the ones who attacked us; we have no grudge against the rest," Buku retorted, showing no signs of fear whatsoever.

"Is that so? Then all who serve Momonga, reveal yourselves! This dance will not continue!" Guy glanced around, his gaze stopping at Buku who, to her credit, stood her ground among many of the Tempestians.

"Very well. Everyone, you can reveal your true allegiances. I'm sure you do not need extra assurances from us seven," Buku mocked.

"I serve Lord Momonga," Frey was first to announce, nodding at Buku, who clearly was the highest authority among the present Tempestians.

"I serve Lord Momonga as well." Clayman was next to reveal his allegiance, following suit.

"I serve Momonga." Ramiris all but confirmed Guy's suspicions about her alliances shifting.

"I am part of Ainz Ooal Gown, the guild that rules over the Tempest Hegemony," Milim announced.

Guy turned his gaze to Carrion. "Nothing to say?"

"I don't serve them, but I might as well since they surround me from all sides," Carrion retorted, his face portraying the defeat he no doubt felt in the presence of a changing world.

"Then make your choice now. I want to see where everyone stands," Guy resolutely ordered, aura washing out as well.

"You can join us if you want. I doubt the rest of the demon lords will give enough shits to help you," Buku offered.

"Like I have a choice. Guy, I stand with Tempest as well." Carrion reluctantly announced, joining Frey in her stance.

"Twelve out of eighteen. Call in Momonga and let's resolve this, or is your master too much of a coward to show his face here?" Guy taunted.

"Also, call my other brother here while you are at it." Velzard joined in, as her aura increased.

"Oh, Auntie wants to be a bitch again!" Milim jumped to her feet, flaring her aura in response. If not for Buku putting shields around Clayman, Frey, Carrion, and most of the demon lord attendants, they would've likely passed out. "Let's see how you'd like to be on the receiving end for once."

The older dragoness and the young dragonoid engaged in an intense staring match as the remainder of the Demon Lord council began muttering among themselves about the change of events. Everyone knowing of their reputations was well aware of the cataclysmic damage a clash between them would result in.

"Is this what you want? An all-out war. Do you think we didn't account for you trying to be hostile?" Buku stood up as well, crossing her arms. "If you want Momonga present, he will come, but we are not here to dance to your tune. You know Milim is itching to show what she feels towards her aunt, and that conveniently leaves you against all of us."

Guy tilted his head, his smirk growing. "I like your attitude. Call him in and let's figure out where we all stand."

"He'll be here in a moment," Buku announced.

Guy felt his defense grid being breached and did nothing to prevent a portal from opening right in the middle of the room, opening directly in front of him.

The undead overlord stepped through first, clad in a midnight-black robe while wielding a golden staff decorated with seven snakes holding gems in their mouths. After him came a being parading as a six-winged angel, and the other true dragon Veldora was the last to arrive.

'Is that… just great, as if things couldn't get any more complicated. Momonga just had to drag a void beast into the mix.' Guy felt a migraine incoming, something his species shouldn't be able to have in the first place due to being fully spiritual.

As he predicted, Velzard suspended the entire world in response to seeing a void beast so near her, leaving only minority attendees grayed out and paused.

"I wouldn't call this a warm welcome!" Momonga declared, the flames in his eyes flaring up.

The rest of Tempest's demon lords stood up one by one, producing dangerous-looking weapons in their hands. He felt that Milim wasn't suspended but had already entered her dragonoid form, raring to go. Usually, she would freeze until she got damaged, but it seems that it wasn't the case anymore. What the hell had this Momonga done to change even her?

The only ones from Tempest's side to freeze up were Carrion and his attendants, one of Frey's daughters, and both Clayman's attendants. The rest took an aggressive stance, quickly equipping themselves as well. Dagruel, as the only demon lord not freezing up, observed the scene with his arms crossed, without any signs that he planned to get in the middle of this confrontation.

"Bringing a void beast with you when you are invited as a guest is not a polite gesture either, brother. I'm sure you're aware of how disgusting those things are." Velzard retorted.

Things were getting heated up. His carefully curated plan had already fallen apart in an instant. There was no way to scare Momonga into submission now.

"So Momonga, do you want to fight this out or would you prefer a more civil approach?" Guy asked without showing his frustration.

"You crossed out the civil approach when you decided that you could make us your pawns," Momonga stated as swirling darkness appeared in his left palm.

"Black hole? Is that supposed to intimidate me?" Guy questioned as he cracked his neck.

"I can't start with my trump cards after all, given you haven't either. Milim, will you be able to deal with Velzard?" The overlord inquired, his presence in the room only growing.

"No problem. I'll remain in control." Milim shouted back, her eagerness to fight plain on display.

"Guy, I told him about the game. You aren't speaking from a position of power here. We know you don't want to have heavy casualties since Rudra would use that against you," Ramiris spoke up, flying over to the undead.

"I can say the same about him. Your Kingdom won't be spared by Rudra either." Guy didn't give in.

It was a powder keg for sure, and there were a lot of lit matches held up in the air, each one flaring harder than the previous. One wrong action and everything would go up in smoke. 'Is he ready to unleash everything and let Milim go all out? He must know what happens when she loses… Ramiris. Oh, so that's his game. He planned for the fact that Milim could go into the stampede. That's why Ramiris is an adult now. Well, well, well he's prepared to face me and Velzard then.' The revelation wasn't a pleasant one by any means. For once he was the underdog, and he had forgotten about this sensation ever since he used to spar with Veldanava.

"Ramiris, have you forgotten your duty? Are you prepared for what's about to come if everyone here goes all out?" Guy changed his approach, hoping that the fairy was the weakest link. She usually was in whatever she did over the millennia, regardless of who else got involved.

"Things change. The old ways aren't working anymore. You and Rudra can play your game for a while longer, but Lord Momonga won't be your underling. You can stand down and try to talk things out or lose." Ramiris stated, her aura flaring up. She had regained a good majority of her former power too, which was worrying.

'She would fight me too. To be outplayed by a newcomer. How far have I fallen? Fine, I have no choice but to play along, there is no way for me to come out on top of this.' He reasoned to himself.

Despite the fierce reputation and being considered the most prideful of the Demon Lords, he knew when to back down, and this situation required just that.

"So, you have gotten all of them on your side. I must applaud you. You are a formidable opponent Momonga and one I prefer not to fight." Guy offered a few mock claps of hands. "So, how about let's not be hasty and come to some agreement?"

"And what do you propose?" Momonga asked, dismissing the dark hole. It had partly failed as an intimidation tool despite Diablo's assurances that Guy would know that, if the spell were to be left to continue, it could wipe out the entire frozen continent.

"Ceasefire, and we draw the lines on the map. If we fight, we both lose. As confident as you are, you must know at least some of your people would die in the confrontation." Guy stated, motioning for Velzard to resume the flow of time.

"That's agreeable," Momonga motioned for everyone to stand down.

Velzard did as suggested and as Guy sat down in his seat, she sat down on one of the armrests. He also expanded the table and materialized another chair for Momonga to take.

"Hey, where's my seat?" Veldora asked as he looked around.

"Lord Veldora, you can take mine," Frey offered, standing up.

"Oh, thanks. You can sit down just like my older sis," He offered in return while plopping down, without a care in the world, in the offered seat.

Unsure if she was permitted to reject the offer, Frey awkwardly sat down on the chair's armrest next to the dragon who hadn't given a single thought to his offer, meanwhile Carrion stared at Veldora as if he had just taken his decades-long wife away.

"I'll let you state your intentions first. Mind telling us your ambitions?" Guy questioned once everyone was back in their seats and the air of hostility somewhat died down to quasi-normalcy.

Velzard and Milim were still eying each other, but it seemed both were content to leave their feud at that. If all went well, his domain wouldn't be destroyed today.

"I have no interest in your games and tricks. All expansion of Tempest had been in lands that Veldora already owned or as retaliation for hostilities against us. Frey, and as I heard Carrion as well, decided to join Tempest willingly for their benefit," Momonga replied, leaning forward.

Currently, the main goal was partly achieved and open war with Guy and Velzard was avoided. Two for two so far in terms of goals.

"A man of peace. How amusing. I am not convinced." Guy leaned back in the chair, squeezing Velzard's waist as she grinned in return.

Momonga confirmed that he was an otherworlder as he continued, "There's a saying from the world I came from. It is better to be a warrior in a garden, than a gardener in a war. I intend to do whatever is necessary to ensure there are no threats to my domain in the present and future. Are you planning to declare what is yours so there are no misunderstandings?" Momonga relayed a question in return.

"The Frozen Continent. And I own the red, blue, and green demon colors. The rest is up to you. But I do propose a loose alliance of sorts," Guy paused. It was vexing that Momonga's skeletal face couldn't be read in any capacity, and his aura was perfectly sealed too. "We do not plot against one another but instead team up when Rudra and his Eastern Empire decide to strike."

"And you think he would make such a move. As I see it, we are in a three-way standoff with no side gaining anything in an open war."

"Lord Momonga is right. The rules of the game have changed, and I think a three-way standoff makes everything more stable. With everyone looking out for their interests, the risk is too great to even think of teaming up or striking any side." Ramiris offered her opinion, quipping in.

The rest of the attendees listened in silence, understanding that the old status quo had been changed and a new world order was about to be established. The revelation about a game the oldest awakened Demon Lord was playing was also surprising to many, a game they had been unwittingly a part of.

"I will relay this to my sister. Hopefully, we can enter a prolonged ceasefire and avoid any conflict. No matter the victor, the world itself might not survive it." Velzard commented.

"Are you up for such a deal? We do not fight each other, and the rest of the unaccounted territories are on their own and can be dealt with by any party however they deem necessary." Guy offered, probing the undead.

"Wait Guy, are you planning to drop the old agreements altogether?" Dagruel interjected with a question, finally entering the conversation.

"We have enough time to come to new agreements. One thing at a time. I'm sure you and Momonga can strike a deal while he is here," Guy replied, glancing at the true giant.

{ So, you finally understand how dangerous my youngest brother is? } Velzard messaged him, smug and slightly concerned.

{ Smugness doesn't suit you. I am well aware. He is more dangerous than I could have predicted. These people legitimately believe in what he's saying. He is not controlling them through fear, they follow him for the sake of following him and for his benefit. } Guy replied with an observation he had made.

It was this type of opponent Rudra once was till his decline had begun long ago. But unlike Rudra who once believed in idealism, Momonga seemed to harbor no such delusions, ready to use world-ending threats without hesitation if he believed them necessary. Somehow, he had convinced Ramiris to believe in his worldview and abandon her Veldanava-given duty as arbiter. In short, he had outplayed everyone in the political arena and likely the militaristic arena as well.

{ Don't worry, I won't fall for his sweet words. You're all I need. } Velzard purred.

{ Still, he's managed to wrap both Veldora and Milim around his finger. I think the best approach for now will be to play friends and let him do whatever he wants on the main continent. }

{ Very well, I'll restrain myself from antagonizing Milim and disciplining Veldora. But you better behave. }

{ I will. Just slap a collar around my neck while you're at it. } Guy grumbled. Velzard had not hesitated to use the situation for her self-interest, as expected.

{ I like you better tamed with sweet words than shackles. Unless you want to play that way of course, to be the one on bottom for good. } She gave him a smug side glance.

"I agree. And for the rest, I prefer to make agreements with you as well." Momonga responded.

"Then it's settled." Guy tapped on the table, splitting it in half and moving it aside, the room also growing to accommodate his command.

He walked towards Momonga, extending a hand. The overlord stood up in response, accepting his handshake. Though the whole deal was sewn with white threads thinner than a weakened spider's, it was better to have an illusion of peace than to have open hostility between powers, where both would end up losing from any confrontations to make it worth risking a war.

"Oh, and you owe us an invite and tour around the capital of Tempest. Velzard and I would love to visit." He didn't let go of the skeletal hand, clenching harder instead.

"That can be arranged. I'm sure there are a lot more details we need to talk about anyway." Momonga stared into the ancient demon lord's eyes, only increasing his grip in return.

It was one of the rare occurrences where Guy could not look down on his opponents, both in terms of stature and influence. The overlord was, to his credit, quite tall.

There was now an official third player and in the short period, he had made perfectly calculated power moves. The new games had begun.

Editing by aidan_lo.

Proofreading by aidan_lo, KieraKieraARTS, clagan, Sluethen, Cay, CakeEight, Malguis, IAMTHEPLOKOKIOPO NuggetLover, Nervy, Working_Stiff and Stac.

Link my discord server(https://discord.gg/WmGKVU3XG2)

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