Harbingers of Change

Volume 6 – Chapter 31

Chapter 31

Dealing with Luminous was planned to be a public spectacle, parading the so-called Goddess of humanity like a collared animal. That wasn't the case for Leon. Retaliation against him would be slower and with conquest in mind, to pick him clean for his transgressions upon Nazarick's grounds.

Ruberios as a land didn't hold that much value, especially considering its location as a northern nation next to a barren desert, but the southern continent was littered with untapped metal veins on top of being a direct entry into the hell realm which would ease up the whole demon summoning process. It was a veritable present just begging to be taken into their dominion despite the far distance, the spatial magics used would be more than paid for in just a few days according to Pero's calculations.

Just to be on the safe side, Buku approached Guy with a simple question, "Do you plan to protect Leon?"

"Not particularly. He surely isn't worth going to war over, but you could deal with it similarly to what was done to Luminous. I might even trade a thing or two in return." Guy winked with a sly grin.

"I'll keep that in mind. But not right now. We can't start offing too many prominent figures on the same day. I doubt you would like that." Buku commented.

"Wouldn't be the first time. The early meetings when Walpurgis first started were pure chaos. I miss those days, Demon Lords killing each other on the yearly. But sure, you do whatever you want. I don't care that much either way." Guy suddenly turned his head at a loud scream reaching his ears.

"Stay away from her you creep!"

Buku flipped her head to find Hinata pointing her sword at Leon while Chloe stood behind her.

"Looks like it's your cue." Guy raised a brow, waving her off.

Buku marched over to find out what exactly happened while she wasn't looking.


"He tried to get close to Chloe," She turned to explain before returning to glare at the former hero.

"It's between me and her. Get out of my way and let me talk with my friend." Leon retorted in an impassive voice, not even reacting to Hinata holding him at the tip of the sword.

"Chloe, do you want to talk with the creep?" Buku asked the girl who seemed very unsure about the whole situation.

"No. I barely remember him, and he tried to kidnap me." She glanced at Buku, pressing her lips together and wrinkling her nose.

"I was trying to rescue you. I have searched for you for centuries. I promised you-" Leon tried to explain, only to get interrupted.

"How about you back the fuck away or you might find out how it feels to be castrated with two bricks!" Buku got in his face with such frightening speed that for once Leon's calm demeanor broke and he took a step backward, equipping himself.

"I just want to make sure she is protected! If you are abusing her-" Leon raised his voice.

"Chloe, say what you want to say, and we will remove him. Likely in more than one piece." Buku didn't break eye contact with Leon, drawing her sword in response.

"Leave me alone! I don't know what has gotten into your head, but I'm not yours to just take! Your obsession with me is not normal!"

It seemed that it was enough to get through the man as he backed off and stormed away to the other end of the room, aura flaring.

Kagali observed the whole interaction without making any moves. It was not her place to do so, but at the same time, it gave immense satisfaction to see Leon squirm. The arrogant man was solely unprepared for such an assault and what's more the last defense, Chloe, seemingly didn't want to be near him.

"Hinata, keep an eye on him," Buku ordered, but got no response.

She turned around to find Hinata having a thousand-yard stare while Chloe's eyes widened.

"What's with you two?" Buku grew concerned.

{ I got cut off from Chronoa! } Chloe messaged, not wanting to say such information out loud.

{ That's not good. Well, shit. Hinata just got hit with her other self then. Hinata, are you still in there? } Buku opened the channel to include the former saint in conversation.

{ Yes, I apologize, Mistress. It's hard to process. I need a minute. } Hinata finally responded.

{ Any guesses about what happened? Luminous is here with us. She couldn't just remotely trigger it, could she? } Buku asked.

{ I set it up in a way that Luminous wouldn't be able to break me out. It couldn't be her or anyone who serves her, plus they're all dead or in Tempest. } Chloe explained.

{ Shalltear, drag that bitch over here. We have a situation! } Buku expanded inner communication even more to include both her niece and the fallen Demon Lord.

The vampire immediately did as told, dragging Luminous by the neck towards Buku as she updated the two on what had happened.

{ I had left the casket behind multiple seals. I didn't feel them triggered… those left in the complex, my last people, they are defenseless. But no one knew where it was located. } Luminous spoke hastily.

{ Well someone did! Think who the fuck has Chronoa? I swear if it's that prick! } Buku was slowly losing her temper, aura threatening to spill over.

{ Mistress, before I became one… a presence came, same as the sword. Man pressing his palm against the casket… Yuuki. } Hinata still sounded sluggish, wobbling in place.

{ Just great! Who the fuck leaves someone like Chronoa protected by snot and fucking toilet paper! } Buku screamed in everyone's mind while rubbing her forehead. { Give me the coordinates, NOW! } She resisted the urge to punch Luminous into a bloody paste.

{ I made it more secure than the sanctuary you invaded. } Luminous retorted but did give the location, the spatial coordinates and everything she knew about the place's defenses.

Buku ignored her attitude and immediately sent all the relevant information to Pandora who she assumed was in charge of defense. Luminous was Shalltear's responsibility and, knowing her niece, she would ensure that the enthralled vampire didn't act up.

{ Vater will oversee the operations personally. } Pandora responded instantly.

{ Momonga is here! He- }

{ I left part of me back home. Don't worry, I will deal with this. } It was Momonga who contacted her next.

{ Sure, Momo… you could have warned me. Like I need another bomb like that dropped on me. } Buku sighed.

{ In hindsight, I should have. I'll give updates when we know more. Pandora and Cocytus are already leading a strike team. } Momonga replied apologetically.

{ Compared to everything else, it's just a mild surprise. I'm a bit envious of you for having that sort of ability. }

{ There has been a break-in, and the above-ground floor is covered with blood and gore. They found a black feather similar to those of Shalltear's kerai's wings. I think it's all the information we need. Yuuki and Ker have Chronoa. } Momonga reported.

{ I should have strangled that little shit when I first met him! } Buku raged.

{ We will find him. For now, carry on with Walpurgis and we can make our plans afterward. }

{ Got it boss. }


"I think most of the current issues are resolved. If no one has anything else to add, we can wrap this up and decide on what form the council will take from now on," Guy announced.

When no one spoke up, he continued, "Until now, Demon Lords were considered the pinnacle of power, someone who would not bend their knees to others. Momonga managed to shatter that image. I will state it right away, no one serving others will be part of this council. Milim, Ramiris, I hate to see you go, but you can't be on the council anymore. That goes for everyone else who serves Momonga."

"We can still visit for tea," Ramiris remarked. Despite all that had happened, keeping good relations with Guy was beneficial. Milim nodded in as well.

"Of course, you two can drop by anytime you want," Guy replied. "That leaves me, Momonga, Dagruel, Dino, Leon, and Toltecatl. We can't call ourselves the Ten Great Demon Lords anymore, can't we now?"

"Why does this have to happen every other Walpurgis? We spent two months thinking about the name the last time," Draguel grumbled.

"I think the common denominator is that each of us is a ruler who rules over nonhuman races," Momonga commented.

"Since it is your fault entirely, how about you make a new name." Guy pointed at Momonga, the others nodding in agreement.

"Does it even matter? To whom you are going to show off? Humans? For all I care you can call this council the six monster rulers," Momonga replied half-heartedly.

"Six Monster Rulers. Not a bad option. We can go with that!" Guy announced, clearly wanting to finish the whole thing. The fact that a newcomer had pretty much usurped his position and taken control of Walpurgis didn't sit well with him. Even Velzard was eager to befriend the new dragon, and they would need to have a talk later.

The status quo had changed. There were now two new members on the council, multiple others had been removed, and the speed with which Momonga had risen to power was frightening. Only a few years ago the Forest of Jura was a neglected territory belonging to the least influential dragon, but now it was rapidly becoming the center of the world.

The Death Dragon Momonga had built his ever-expanding empire overnight and banked on the complacency and hubris of the established powers sitting under their noses just long enough to come out, not only as equal but possibly the strongest player of the three, having not only another True Dragon on his side but Milim Nava as well, not to mention armies of followers that were at least on base Demon Lord level.

The world was facing a harbinger of change, that was for sure. Now all that mattered was how he would handle the incoming chaos caused by the newest Dragon and come out on top, as he always did.

Her pitiful new life had begun, she was reduced to a pet and given to a monster whose sadism knew no limits. On the first day, Shalltear had acquired a small whip, laced with who knew what, that gave enough damage to sting when she struck Luminous' back, mostly out of boredom. Her underwear was replaced with some sort of unbreakable metal piece resembling string panties she was unable to remove which caused constant irritation and mild arousal. She was forced to eat leftovers of Shalltear's meals, often from the ground.

Her new living space resembled a built-in wardrobe located near the servant's quarters that she wasn't allowed to leave without explicit orders and would have to spend prolonged periods of time in such solitude.

Shalltear usually picked her up in the morning and paraded her around, dragging her with a too-short leash attached to a too-tight collar. Her elegant gothic lolita dress was replaced with a maid's outfit that was too short for any decency, so short and thin she was practically wearing nothing. And worst of all Shalltear, had threatened to put a muzzle on her should she dare to speak out or complain, and the options another Lord of Tempest, Demiurge, offered were so horrific they paled even in comparison to what Twilight had managed during his experiments.

This was one such morning. Shalltear was on her way to the meeting with her father when they encountered Chloe.

"Good morning. Would it be too much to ask to borrow Luminous for a while?" She greeted them with a request, bowing slightly.

"Not at all. But be sure not to overfeed her with sweets. I don't want to deal with her barf," Shalltear warned, handing over the leash and slapping Luminous's butt so hard the former demon lord jumped a step forward.

Chloe just offered a polite smile in return and walked off, holding the leash until Shalltear was out of view.

"How are you holding up?" She asked with a pained look.

"I'll live," Luminous responded with a flat tone.

"If she is too cruel towards you, I will ask Lord Momonga-"

"Don't. Live your own life. You shouldn't have asked for me to be spared."


"There is nothing she can say or do that will break me. Do you think forcing me to eat from the dog bowl beside the table will somehow make this unbearable? Nothing they could say or do to me will hurt more than my own guilt over all those who suffered for my mistakes. I saw the pain and hatred towards me in Hinata's eyes; no matter how they torture me, that pain will never go away. It is not your fault. I made a decision you have never seen me make," Luminous stopped and sighed. "Don't blame yourself. Try to have a happy life. For once you deserve it. If Momonga is the one to finally break the cycle and let you live a normal life, I will thank him personally even if it keeps me in chains for the rest of my existence. I deserve this."

She could never have been able to keep up with Chloe, even more so in this seemingly depowered state she was in, so it took her by surprise as her best friend swiftly hugged her as the collar went slack.

"Don't give up. Please don't give up. I will find a way to help you." Chloe mumbled.

"And I am sorry I ever suspected you of betraying me. You are too kind of a soul to ever do that." Luminous hugged her back, tightly. For the first time in a long while, she felt a warm embrace. The cold solitude of a ruler was all she had known for most of her life until Chloe came and changed her for the better. And for that, she would carry on.

No matter what her owners decided to do with her, she would carry on, remembering the warmth her best friend had given her.

Editing by aidan_lo.

Proofreading by aidan_lo, Sluethen, Cay, Malguis, clagan, LightFlan, CakeEight, Working_Stiff and NuggetLover.

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