Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 52 A few things about team naming

At noon, in the auditorium on the first floor of Hogwarts Castle.

Thousands of candles on the ceiling have been floating in the air for thousands of years, providing endless light to this huge auditorium. It was lunch time, and the air in the auditorium was filled with fragrant aroma, and the four long tables were filled with vessels holding food. Most of the people in the school were sitting around the long table at this time. The students took the food from the table to their plates and talked happily about the interesting things that happened recently.

Among them, the first and second grade students were the loudest. After all, they had just finished their Defense Against the Dark Arts class in the morning. Everything that happened in Professor Derwent's class just now was undoubtedly very novel and interesting to them.

The ghosts in the castle also took advantage of this time to shuttle among the crowd, and would stop to chat with the students from time to time. However, if anyone had carefully observed their movement path, they would have discovered that the ghosts did not encounter any students.

At the Ravenclaw table.

Wright angrily stuck the table knife in his hand on a sausage on the plate. A large empty space was left next to him. This was given to their new captain by the other first and second year Ravenclaw students. Respect.

Chang Chu, who was sitting next to him, had a tense face. She was reaching out with her trembling right hand to a piece of buttered bread on the table, but accidentally knocked over the cup filled with drinks. The cup was poured on the table, and the drink flowed out of the cup. The rose-red juice immediately soaked a large area of ​​Chang Chu's school uniform.

Wright reluctantly put down the knife and fork in his hand, then took out his wand and cast a dehumidifying spell and a cleaning spell on Chang Chu's clothes. Chang Chu's school uniform immediately returned to a dry and clean appearance.

"Chang Chu, are you okay?" Wright put the wand back into the mok bag, "Okay, now you don't have to hold it in, you can laugh! If you can't hold it in again, I think you might be able to laugh next time The chicken legs will be stuck directly on the face. "

Chang Chu couldn't help but laugh out loud, and he kept tapping the chicken legs on the table with his hands. The thick chicken legs hit the table and made a thumping sound.

"Team Blue and Green?"


"Lite, I knew your naming skills were not high, but I really didn't expect it to be so low!"

"Team Blue and Green?"


"Sure enough, Fatty is your true level! And which book did you read about Felicia?"

Wright cut the sausage in half on the plate harshly, which was why he stopped Chang Chu from laughing just now. She had been laughing at him for almost ten minutes just because of a bad name! Is the name Team Blue and Green so funny?

"No, I have to share this happy event with my team members!" Chang Chu wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and left his seat with a smile, "Blue and Green Team! Haha..."

Chang Chu walked towards Hufflepuff's long table with laughter. Cedric, the captain of their team, was sitting there, talking to the Badger House students surrounding him.

Wright stuffed the poorly cut sausage into his mouth and chewed it as if to vent his anger.

Even if the name of the blue and green team is really not very good, and even most people will think it is very vulgar, but how can we say that we have been good friends for so many years, Chang Chu, how can you laugh for so long about the same name? Do you want to share it with others?

Besides, is it my fault for having a bad name? In my previous life, I was called Lu Ming, but I ended up being called Xiao Ming all my life. I originally thought that after traveling through time, there would be a high-end and classy name, but "light path"? A bright path? Isn’t this still Lu Ming? No one has passed down any excellent naming genes to me, okay?

Hot chicken author!

Wright angrily stuck the knife on the table, not even allowing the meal to be clean.

After a while, Chang Chu walked back to the Ravenclaw table with an ugly expression. Wright saw her eyes that could freeze people, and he knew enough not to ask what happened just now.

Chang Chu sat at the table for a while, and after gulping down a glass of ice water, he finally couldn't help but asked Wright: "Wright, did you really not have any conflict with our vice-captain in the classroom just now? "

"Um, no." Wright said with some uncertainty. The level of prank just now shouldn't be a big deal.

"Then why is our vice-captain so concerned about your affairs?" Chang Chu said a little frantically, "Or are you boys like this?"

"What's wrong?" Wright glanced at Chang Chu's face and asked cautiously.

Chang Chu took a deep breath and then said slowly: "I originally wanted to go to Captain Cedric to decide the name of our team, but he said that it would be better for everyone to decide the name of the team together. The captains decide together.”

"Then," at this point, a vein appeared on Chang Chu's forehead, and Wright couldn't help but move to the side, "Then Cedric took me to find our vice-captain."

"Then, the Weasley twins went crazy after hearing that you decided to name your team Blue and Green." At this point, Chang Chu's chest heaved violently. For a moment, as if her anger had not dissipated, she said, "They insisted on calling our team the Red and Yellow Team! Cedric couldn't resist and they had to agree, so our team's name was decided."

"Red and yellow team?" Wright picked his ears.

"Yes, red and yellow team!"

"Red and yellow team? Haha..." Before Wright's laughter could escape from his throat, he was stared back into his stomach by Chang Chu's cold eyes.

"Ahem!" Wright coughed hypocritically, "Look, Chang Chu, I'd say the name Blue-Green Team is pretty good! As the saying goes, heroes think alike, men don't stick to trivial matters, and friends stay together for life..."

Chang Chu didn't speak, just looked at Wright with a smile.

"Uh, what, I'm almost full!" Wright quickly stuffed the remaining food on the plate into his mouth. His mouth was stuffed until it was full, and then he said vaguely, "Wuqi oh Hua Shi Zao It’s a show (I’m going to the History of Magic classroom)!”

Wright finally couldn't help laughing as he trotted out of the auditorium.

"Red and yellow team! Hahahaha..." Wright's laughter reached Chang Chu's ears from outside, and she couldn't help but angrily insert the knife into the bread on the plate.

In the afternoon History of Magic class, Professor Binns still showed his teaching skills steadily, and most of the students in the classroom were asleep. Chang Chu still sat upright, but her nodding movements from time to time revealed that she couldn't stand Professor Binns' hypnosis. Wright sat a little far away from Chang Chu. On the one hand, he was worried about Chang Chu's revenge afterwards, and on the other hand, he needed to think about his next step alone.

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