Harry Potter: Dark Alchemy

Chapter 56 The Magical Quidditch Ball

Because it is close to the end of September, the temperature has dropped a lot compared to when school first started. However, the gradually cooling temperature did not extinguish the enthusiasm of the students, and Saturday finally arrived.

Early the next morning, while there was still some distance before the start of the game, some students rushed to the Quidditch Factory impatiently. The weather outside was sunny and cold. Looking from the castle to the stadium, the flags of the four houses were fluttering in the gentle wind. Today was a very suitable day for a Quidditch game.

In the auditorium on the first floor of Hogwarts Castle, the air was filled with the enticing aroma of grilled sausages. Everyone sitting at the long table was looking forward to the exciting Quidditch match that was about to take place. They were in high spirits. The sound of conversation kept ringing in the auditorium.

Ravenclaw's long table.

Wright held a table knife and spread a layer of fresh strawberry jam on the bread in his hand. Chang Chu sat on his left side and rolled up a ball of noodles with a fork. Roger sat on Wright's right side. The plate in front of him was clean and there was no food on it.

"Wright, it's a pity that you didn't go to watch our Ravenclaw team recruit new players last weekend. Otherwise, with your talent on the broomstick, you will definitely become the main force of our team." Roger's voice sounded like He was a little trembling, but you could tell what his mood was with the grin on his lips that reached to his cheekbones.

"If you had joined the house team last week, then you would have once again broken a school record and become the first first-year student in hundreds of years to become a player on the Quidditch team." Roger added .

Wright didn't say anything, he just continued to spread jam on the bread. Wright knew that Roger would soon be on the Quidditch field as a Chaser, and it was understandable that he was so excited at this time.

But although Wright didn't speak, Chang Chu spoke: "The reason Wright didn't go to recruit new students last weekend was because he was still in the school doctor's office at that time. But Roger, you really don't need to eat anything now." Something? It’s game time later!”

"No, I don't want to eat anything now," Roger shook his head and continued to speak in the same excited tone as before, "And I'm not hungry at all now! I just think about riding a broomstick later. I was so excited when I stepped onto the Quidditch pitch that I couldn’t even eat anything!”

"If I were you, I would put a few slices of bread into my stomach. If not, a sausage will do. As far as I know, the chaser's task is not very simple." Wright finished the last piece of bread, Said to Roger slowly.

Everyone could see that Wright was in a bad mood at this time. After all, if Chang Chu hadn't pulled him out of the warm single dormitory early this morning, Wright would still be dreaming in bed!

Roger shut his mouth instantly and began to take food from the table to the plate, and the surroundings of Wright also became quiet.

To be honest, although Wright is very enthusiastic about making broomsticks, this does not mean that Wright likes Quidditch.

The Quidditch game is popular throughout Hogwarts and is one of the unique activities in the wizarding world. It is also so popular that it holds a World League. "The Amazing Quidditch" is one of the most popular books in the Hogwarts library. Most people in the school know that there are three kinds of balls used in Quidditch, namely the Quaffle and the Game Ball. Walking ball and golden snitch, and each game requires seven players from each side of the game to compete.

Sounds reasonable, right? But that's not the case.

If, Wright meant, if, if the rules of Quidditch were a little more reasonable, he might still be a little interested in it, but this thing is completely unreasonable!

There is no time limit for Quidditch matches. The only way to end the game is to wait until the Seeker finds the Golden Snitch. The longest Quidditch match in the world even lasted for three months! And that's nothing. The most problematic thing is the way Quidditch scores.

The division of tasks among the players on the Quidditch team is: the batter is responsible for protecting teammates from Bludgers, the chaser is responsible for putting the Quaffle into the circle, and the goalkeeper needs to defend his own three circles from being attacked by the opponent. The Quaffle enters. The most important among the players are the Seekers mentioned earlier. Their task is to catch the extremely fast but extremely small Golden Snitch.

And here lies the problem.

Each Chaser gets ten points for throwing a Quaffle, and the Seeker gets one hundred and fifty points once he catches the Snitch and ends the game.

This is completely unreasonable! And it violates most of the game design rules!

Someone once carefully compiled the statistics of Quidditch matches in Hogwarts over the past few decades, and the result is that the ownership of the Golden Snitch can almost always overwhelmingly determine the outcome of the match. The problem is that if the Seeker needs to find the Snitch, it's basically all luck.

The seeker, who is regarded as the soul of the team, has almost no interaction with his teammates. Without cooperation and confrontation with other people, the Quidditch game is like comparing the eyes of the seekers of the two teams. Better, whose eyes are sharper. Whichever Seeker happened to see the Snitch, he would pounce on it, catch it, and end the game.

To put it a little further, Wright felt that this activity was like a game specially customized by the Creator for Harry Potter, the protagonist of the world who will enter school next year. Seekers need to be born with excellent flying talent and occupy the most important position in a Quidditch team. Once they catch the golden snitch, they will quickly end the game. In some cases, they will also help those who are at a huge disadvantage. His own team made a direct comeback.

What could be more suitable for a short-sighted protagonist than a sporting event that only requires luck to win, and that has attracted great attention among classmates and the entire British wizarding community?

And although Harry is short-sighted and his eyesight is not very good, he is the protagonist! What? You said someone wants to compete with the protagonist for luck? Wright just wanted to send him two words: Come on.

Therefore, Wright was not originally prepared to watch today's game. In addition, even if he had not been taken to the school infirmary by Madam Pomfrey last week, he would not have participated in any recruitment for the Ravenclaw House team.

But what Wright never expected was that Chang Chu, who went to elementary school with him for six years and was exposed to the complete rules of modern sports competitions, would actually be an avid Quidditch enthusiast!

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