Harry Potter: Ero World

Chapter 28 – Picking a fight! Part-2

{Great Hall, Hogwarts}

{1st Sep 1991}

"Quidditch trials will be held in the second week of the term. Anyone interested in playing for their house teams should contact Madam Hooch..." Dumbledore spoke and the entire hall burst into applause, the motivation for quidditch that students had was a little astounding to Rigel.

"...And finally, I must tell you that this year, the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a very painful death." Dumbledore's words were greeted with sporadic laughter from across the hall and a whole lot of confusion from all around the Great Hall. 

Rigel could see Prof. McGonagall shaking her head as a wave of mutters sprung out across the hall.

"...Absolutely barmy-"

"-Every year it is something-"

"-I thought Quirrell would be the end of it-" 

 It was quite interesting for Rigel to see the contrast in approaches taken by Gryffindor vs Slytherin. He had read the original story from Harry's perspective and the whole narrative revolved around him. So while most of the Gryffindors took his warning as a joke, the Slytherin cursed at him for making their education a circus for him to enjoy.

"And now, before we go to bed, let us sing the school song!" cried Dumbledore. The simple sentence caused the whole upper-year Slytherin to hiss in annoyance as Dumbledore flicked his wand. A golden ribbon flew from his wand and twisted upon itself to form letters in the form of calligraphy that were visible to all.

"Everyone pick their favorite tune," said Dumbledore, "and off we go!" 

Dumbledore began waving his wand around and most of the Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs immediately chimed in, almost shouting as they attempted to drown out each other.

"Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty Hogwarts,
Teach us something please..."

Rigel didn't join in and neither did most of the Slytherins. It was Arlie who once again spoke, his voice carried over to all the first years, "First years gotta sing along, it's tradition." 

Rigel gave Arlie a look but the older boy simply shrugged with an easy smile, maintaining his deadpanned face Rigel turned to the letters floating above and spoke in a monotonous voice, "Or young with scabby knees, Our heads could do with filling, With some interesting stuff..."


The song lasted a humiliatingly long time and after the Weasley twins stretched out the ending into an increasingly unnecessary and long encore, the 'song' ended. As Dumbledore shed fake tears, an older Slytherin stood up and walked over to the first year's end of the table.

"First years, follow me!" His voice was stern as he hid his emotions behind a stoic mask.

[Gideon Rosier Lv 18]


'5th or 6th Year prefect,' Rigel guessed by his level. The first years were the first ones to leave the hall as they walked out of the Great Hall following Rosier, a female witch quickly joined him at the front as they walked away from the moving staircase. While Rigel was expecting a long walk they arrived rather promptly at the first stairway that was leading them down to the dungeons.

"There are many ways to get to the Great Hall and in time you would find more ways on your own. Our common room is the closest to the great hall so I expect none of you to get lost in the morning." Evelyn spoke as she maintained a level tone. Her eyes roamed across their group though they seemed to linger a little at Rigel for a moment.

The temperature dropped rather sharply even though they were just 1 floor down. The descent continued as they went through a couple more flights of stairs before they arrived in the hallway.

"These would be your potions classroom, Professor Snape our head of the house is the youngest potion master in history," Gideon spoke with a hint of pride in his voice.

"He takes potions very seriously so before attending every class, he would expect you to have read at least one chapter ahead." Evelyn continued, as she turned around to talk, Rigel's eyes roamed across her rather impressive chest compared to most witches in his age group. 

He hadn't focused on this before but most of the witches in his year had A-B cup breasts with the size of the boobs increasing every year.

'Is the cup size tied to the levels or more appropriately the magical prowess?' Rigel thought, he looked up to see that Evelyn had caught him looking but she didn't say anything and continued to explain.

"Professor Snape is the only professor who will be impartial to you, so if you are in any serious trouble, although I suggest you don't get caught, demand to have Professor Snape with you anyway. Though don't disturb him for any silly detentions or anything like that." Evelyn added as an afterthought.

[Evelyn Rowle Lv 21]


Rigel wasn't sure if Gideon was mute because Evelyn was stronger or because that was his persona. Although looking at the difference in levels Rigel doubted it was entirely by choice.

"Once you enter the common room, be mindful of where you sit. You are also free to go up and look for your room. The Boy's dorm is through the right doorway and the girls are through the left. Your rooms would be on the ground floor itself..." Evelyn finished as they arrived in front of the blank wall. 

"Katharos..." Evelyn spoke softly toward the wall and the blank wall burned away leaving behind a dark green door. "The password to the common room changes every Friday, make sure you remember the password as it will be posted early in the morning on the same day."

She touched the door and it soundlessly slid open revealing the first view of the Slytherin Common room to everyone present. The room was already crowded as several students were already sitting in various groups around the bonfire. 

Rigel quickly counted the mana signatures and there were around 117 wizards and witches in the common room. 

"Good luck," Evelyn whispered as she stepped through the door and walked toward a group of witches. Before Rigel could move into the door, Malfoy slammed into his shoulders, although that did nothing to him as the blond stumbled slightly. Still, he quickly regained his sneer as he walked through the door. 

"He is quite amusing isn't he, I wonder where he gets all that confidence from..." Rigel muttered as he looked at Daphne. The blond was giving him a look that clearly said don't say anything. 

"What I'm not gonna do anything!" Rigel shrugged innocently as he stepped through the door, though his good mood was spoiled as Malfoy once again spoke, this time his voice quite loud as he intended to gain the attention of everyone in the common room.

"Well well well, looks like we have a half-blood trying to sneak into the hallowed halls of Slytherin..." Draco spoke causing Rigel's smile to freeze for half a second.

'Well... he asked for it.'


AN - 29 Chapters ahead at Patreon!

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