Harry potter: the ring maker


The trick that the team would be using to sneak into the area that held the hostages was by broom under invisibility. It was disturbing how rarely people actually check above them for things so flying silently over the camps and straight to the hostages was a genuinely good idea. The team of course brought extra brooms so that that hostages could fly away as well and waited high up when Nick took the lead to fly towards the war bands camps openly. An alarm went off when he was spotted and it didn't take long for most of the people to gather up with three people clearly leading them.-

"So you came to give yourself up then? Why don't you come down here and let us take those wonderful things you have on you nice and easy? Unless you don't care about the hostages that is?" One of the leaders said. It was a grizzled looking old wizard that Nick looked at in disgust with how filthy his soul was. Obviously it was a dark wizard that decided to live out his ambitions for conquest. "You are mistaken about something. I am not here to surrender but to stomp out a pest that doesn't appreciate the mercy I gave them last time." Nick said coldly.-

He then raised his staff and the space around the area was locked down preventing any form of escape. "Attack! Kill him quickly!" the leaders commanded and hundreds of spells and arrows shot into the sky at Nick including many killing curses. He sneered at these attacks and pushed his staff forward "GIVE ME YOUR SOULS!" he spoke coldly as he used one of the abilities of his staff. Immediately the very air shook as a wave of magical force erupted from the front of his staff towards the spot that many people were including the leaders.-

The wave passed through all of them despite their shields and transfigurations to try and stop it yet did not seem to do any damage. The people looked confused at first but began to laugh and mock him for failing to do any damage at all. Their own attacks were easily dodged by Nick as he coldly landed on the ground and held out a hand palm facing up. Silence came however as bright lights started to seep out of everyone who had been hit by his decree.-

As the lights fully left the peoples bodies they dropped to the ground instantly , dead. Panic over came the masses as they tried everything they could to stop their souls from being ripped out of their bodies whether that was counter curses or even trying to attack Nick. None of it would do them any good though as once the price had been paid by Nick in mana his decree was made law and there was nothing save a power on the same level that could stop it. The price to forcefully claim the souls of over a thousand people was massive Nick was pretty much a spent force after doing so.-

He played it off well though as he sucked in copious amounts of mana with each breath to try and restore that which was lost but it was slow going. As more and more people lost their souls it grew progressively quieter until there was only the sound of the wind blowing and the horror of all those spared that fate having witnessed it. Some fell to their knees to beg forgiveness and others tried to flee but the same result was achieved , death.-

Nick coldly used the least amount of magic he could to end the lives of each and every person present regardless of if they surrendered or not. The team rescued the hostages during this chaos and they all watched as Nick single handedly passed judgement on the lives of those in the war bands. It was a shocking scene to watch as though death personified had come to claim it's due as Nick strolled forward in a calm even pace with each step meaning the end of one or more lives. Even worse was they could see the bright lights exiting the bodies as Nick extracted the souls casually as he went.-

"This isn't a battle , it's a massacre." Sirius muttered and none of those flying next to him could bring themselves to disagree. "Not even death saves them from him , what a monster." Someone said and they all remained quiet not able to deny it. By the end of the next hour all that was left of the war bands that came here was a collection of dead bodies , empty tents and ownerless equipment. 

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