Harry potter: the ring maker

Deific appearance

Nick found it odd how mundane the difference between tier four and five was after reaching the later. He had expected some massive change in ability or something like that but it simply didn't happen. He no longer felt imbalanced from having too much mana but otherwise felt the same as before he started the transition. Hephaestus laughed at him when he asked her about it and explained that it was called a transition period for a reason. The changes didn't just immediately pop up like a video game character leveling up but rather slowing began to manifest the further the process went.-

Nick understood but was still left feeling a little ripped off as he had been expecting instant gains like when he reached tier four. 'Ah well at least I can get back to memorizing the knowledge held in the lexicon finally.' he thought as he retrieved the staff from his other body in the realm. His main body would see more use out of it anyways now that he didn't need to focus on grasping his domains anymore. In a manner of speaking the staff was an extension of his very being and as such could be considered a separate body of his even if that wasn't actually true.-

While his body in the realm focused on the lexicon Nicks main body went back to collecting the orbiting materials around the earth again and feeding them into his realm which in turn grew his power further. After another month of this status quo a major change came to the world as Hestia showed herself in America as she forcefully put a stop to the war there and took over the whole area. Apparently she had sealed herself there alongside her eternal flame in what became known as Yellowstone national park.-

There had been a battle between the muggles and wizards there right as she awoke due to some resource they both wanted or something like that and so she captured both sides and used them to learn english before getting a rough history lesson from both sides. She was PISSED after learning about how the war got started and directly exerted her unstoppable power to bring both sides to heel under her. 'Oh yeah , she's DEFINITELY Zeus's sister all right.' Nick thought after hearing how she took over all of north America by force.-

While from a mythology standpoint Hestia's role was to tend the hearth of Olympus on Zeus's orders Hephaestus told a different tale. Hestia was the oldest of the gods and one of the strongest in fact as her domains were , sacrifice , fire and home or hearth. Hestia was the only god who willingly gave up on nearly all worldly pleasures as a sacrifice to her domains. This sacrifice was so grand that even before the fall of the world because of the other gods actions she was one foot into tier eight but had refused to take that step for some reason.-

Due to this she was respected and to some degree feared by all the gods including Zeus and thus never dragged into any mess they made. According to Hephaestus the goddess of the home was amongst the only one who treated her kindly and didn't obey Zeus's command to treat her as though she were a man. As a result it came as little surprise that Hephaestus left the island immediately after learning of the other goddesses return. She was so eager to see her favorite aunt that she even ruined a piece she was working on in her hurry to leave.-

Nick did not go with her however as he was hesitant to deal with Hestia after finding no mention of the goddess rendering aid against Zeus. In fact Nick had a sneaking suspicion that the goddess COULDN'T lend aid in this regard due to her sacrificing that ability to her domains. She could act in the war between both sides before likely because the war was devastating many homes in the process but the conflict between Zeus and Nick was bound to be a more private sort of conflict.-

Still with her return nick turned up his vigilance level to eleven as this meant that it likely wouldn't be long before Zeus also showed up. Strangely though the one who set all of this in motion was nowhere to be found as he had not taken charge of any people nor made so much as a peep. It was as though Grindelwald had entirely left the world after completing his plan. It had more than just Nick confused as many of those in charge wondered what the dark lord had planned.

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