Harry potter: the ring maker

Displeasure and time skip

(Zeus POV)

As much as I hate to admit it I was wrong. In my hubris I had thought that the man that my daughter had attached herself to was merely just a talented mortal. I have watched my daughter for millennium so I know better than any that she lacked the ability to create these strange crafting methods that her territory is filled with items from. These Zanpakuto in particular are of great concern as with them every mortal in her territory is now more dangerous than most trained mortals in my army. -

I had believed that the man my daughter attached herself to was merely a grand talent in crafting and had greatly improved her power with his own knowledge. I believed that if I were to kill this mortal she would stop growing , I was wrong. Oh was I wrong , the man had fooled the entire world into believing the body he appeared as to be his true form and even I was fooled into thinking I had succeeded in killing him with a sneak attack. As it turned out however the bastard had been barely inconvenienced by my actions , it was shameful for me and I hated him for it.-

I had thought to indulge myself in my harem to ease my frustration but I could never have expected what happened next. My precious companion the master bolt had been stolen from me and destroyed taking a large chunk of my power with it. For the first time since I fought my father and the other titans I felt true fear. Not the petty concerns of being deposed or defied but the understanding that I was in serious danger. I was forced into hiding as my daughter came to hunt me down like a wounded deer.-

It was humiliating and I wanted nothing more than to teach her where she belonged , under my foot. But I had to bide my time until I recovered and grew more powerful so I sent her one last glare before vanishing in the sea of mortals. I found a spot outside of her perception to live in the meanwhile , a cave below the frozen landscape of the southern part of the world. There I hid and focused all my time and energy on repairing the damage the destruction of my weapon had caused.

(Two years later normal POV)

Two years had come and gone since Nick destroyed the master bolt and Hephaestus scared Zeus into hiding like a coward. The world had changed greatly in this time as Zanpakutos had made their way into every nation and profession. Civilization had more or less recovered reached the same point as it had before the mana surge in terms of stability. At the forefront of this recovery and advancement was Nick and Hephaestus. Together they had made many powerful items that raised the quality of life for the people in their territory so high that it was hard for other nations to keep their people from trying to go there.-

Sports had been revived in that place , the city was a massive magical marvel as the entire thing had been enchanted , personal achievement had never been higher and there were two gods residing there. Yes Nick had reached tier seven in the last two years though there was a problem neither he or Hephaestus had anticipated. While he was technically tier seven his power was only tier six as he simply lacked the mana to fully exert his tier seven power. This was no small sum to make up either.-

While the realm had grown many times larger and now had a surface area similar to a medium sized state from pre-ritual America his mana was nowhere near the same as a standard tier seven. Despite this however he was a bonafide god now and that came with quite a few perks. First and most important in his opinion was that his mind now worked at unbelievably fast speeds that exceeded even Hephaestus's. This was to be expected considering what his domains were however so neither of them cared all that much.-

The second perk was that Nick could quite literally see the domains that made up the world as his mana senses had evolved after reaching tier seven. According to Hephaestus the gods who held the magic domain usually had something similar so it too was par for the course. The third perk however was an entirely unique thing for Nick as he had become a daedric prince , a weak one granted but one none the less. He was officially the daedric prince of creation , destruction and hunger. This wasn't mere titles however as they held real power and gave Nick access to those domains. In truth the first two were from all of his original domains fusing together upon reaching godhood and the last from his hollow part.

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