Harry potter: the ring maker

First meeting

Not only had she finished teaching Nick the parts he was missing and then correcting those he had wrong but also let him advance his plans against Zeus. On the final day of this time though there was a bit of a commotion as Nazgul returned from wherever she had been this whole time. She had simply left shortly after Grindelwald completed his ritual and Nick hadn't bothered to try and figure out where she went since he could feel that she was fine through their bond. That said he also wasn't aware that she was coming back and thus couldn't warn those living in his settlement.-

Nazgul might be a beautiful creature but she was also the size of a large dragon and extremely powerful. So when the scouts reported her approach the alarms went off and it was all hands on deck as they prepared to confront the powerful beast that had shown up. Nick had donned his armor and was floating in the air outside his settlements walls to wait for this unknown creature. When he saw her however he laughed and told everyone to stand down which confused many until Nazgul crashed into him and chirped affectionately as she rubbed her head against his chest.-

"You must have been eating well girl , you've grown!" Nick said with a wide smile as he gave her attention much to the dumbfounded looks of many of his settlements residents. "Uh sir can you explain your relation with this creature?" one of the muggle guardsmen asked respectfully but also with more than a little fear towards Nazgul. "Ah right I totally forgot to make that public what with the way the world has been recently. Anyways this beautiful creature here is my familiar , Nazgul." -

"She was born from an experiment I made while I was trying to give ghosts corporeal forms and is an absolute sweetheart so no need to be afraid of her at all." Nick said without looking away from Nazgul. As if to prove his point Sirius walked out of the crowd and scratched her under her horns without any hesitation. Sad as it was Nick was less believed than Sirius was in the settlement due to how unapproachable he was as he rarely made public appearances beyond shows of power. Sirius on the other hand was an active participant in the community that was formed in the settlement and well known by everyone.-

With the man confirming what Nick said with his actions everyone relaxed and a few of the braver folk even tried to pet Nazgul as well if rather nervously. She just flopped down with a heavy "THUD!" with a content expression at the attention. Seeing as he wasn't needed anymore Nick went back to the island and Nazgul shrunk down and followed after once she was satisfied with the attention she received. At the same time Hephaestus was finishing up her lesson and was ready to go back to the normal world.-

Nick thought nothing of it and let her out but the moment he did so the goddess noticed Nazgul and stiffened as a look of terror appeared on her face. She immediately hid behind Nick like he was able to protect her from anything that could legitimately threaten her. "W-what is that thing!?" she asked in panic while Nazgul just tilted her head at the goddess in confusion. Nick was equally confused about why the goddess was so afraid of Nazgul until he remembered what she said about the true nature of gods and how they were uniquely vulnerable to soul based attacks after their bodies were "killed".-

Nazgul was a perfect counter to gods as she was able to bypass ones body and attack a soul directly even to the extent of truly destroying it. In other words Nazgul was the natural predator to the gods that had never known what that was like. One would think that meant she was a genuine threat to them at this moment but that was not actually the case as despite being a perfect counter she was still only tier four much like Nick himself.-

Compared to a tier seven she may as well be a bug with how easy any god could kill her at the moment , a fact the goddess seemed to not notice at the moment. "This is Nazgul , my familiar. She's quite friendly I promise." Nick said reassuringly. The red haired goddess relaxed minutely but was still highly vigilant against Nazgul who got bored of the interaction and yawned before curling up to go to sleep. It was rather amusing to see the goddess be left speechless at the sheer lack of care given by the hyper dangerous soul devouring beast in front of her.

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