Harry potter: the ring maker


It was at the end of this period however when a bit of drama chose to make itself known. Fleur had started stalking Nick in a vain attempt to try and acclimate to his presence near her as far as he could tell. "You know it is hard to focus when someone is glaring at you for hours on end." Nick said from behind her making the girl jump in surprise. "How did you get here?" She asked confused. "Illusion magic , a bit of a specialty of mine I have been neglecting as of late." he said calmly. -

"It's not working." she said angrily. "What isn't?" he asked casually. "I heard that being near something that makes you uncomfortable for a long time helps remove that effect on you , it is not working." she said frustrated. Obviously they were speaking in French since both spoke it fluently and Fleur knew it. Nick scoffed "Of course that wouldn't work in this situation. Thing advice only applies to mental things like if you were afraid of spiders but lived near one for a long time. Obviously you would get used to the spiders presence without it stressing you out."

"What you are going through has nothing to do with your mind itself but rather the fact you are a Veela. I believe I already explained this but I exist as the ruler of all avian creatures , that isn't some fancy appointed title that only holds power because others believe it but a solid fact. It has real power and thus isn't something you can just try and suppress away like a phobia. Fact of the matter is that you and your family just have the misfortune to be avian in nature and thus fall under my lordships effects." Nick explained bluntly.-

"It's not fair , why should we be under your thumb just because of how we were born!?" Fleur said angrily while tearing up. "Fun fact chick the worlds not fair , never was. I didn't choose to be born just like you didn't either so all we can do is play with the cards we are dealt and try to fix anything we don't agree with. You want to get out from under my lordships effect? Just cast off your race for something that isn't avian in nature and there you go problem solved. " he said harshly.-

Nick was honestly more irritated than anything about the way Fleur was dealing with this whole thing. If she wanted to stay out from under the effects of his presence on her she could simply just avoid him easily enough. Instead she is making a nuisance of herself out of something as stupid as pride. She simply rejects that she is meant to fall under his thumb as a natural course and is refusing her very nature to do so. It's frankly stupid in his opinion and he wanted no part of it but she couldn't care less what he wants so long as she can satisfy her ego.-

"You want me to just change myself so that it doesn't inconvenience you!? How can you be so heartless!?" She exclaimed angrily. Nick stopped caring about playing nice after hearing this as he grew angry at how blind she was to reality. "I'm not the one that is making this a problem you are!" he roared while he lashed out with his mana. "I am just minding my own damn business but you are so stuck up your own backside that you keep bothering me rather than just avoiding me which would solve this whole thing for you!"

"I'm done wasting my time dealing with you so listen closely , if you or your family so much as look at me wrong and I will rip out your eyes and make you eat them!" Nick threatened while the very air quivered under his suppression as he he unknowingly used his lords presence. He wouldn't realize it until later but becoming daedric in nature had made him much more innately aggressive and Fleur was unfortunately the first person to be subjected to it. Daedra were violent beings by nature and Nick was no different now.-

Storming away Nick left Fleur a fearful mess in the library as he threw himself into the dull but calming job of creating the chambers. His outburst came back to bite him when Dumbledore called him to his office where Madam Maxime demanded an explanation. Nick bluntly explained the entire situation and while it was clear that the threat he gave was overboard he was also not entirely unjustified in it either. While the Beauxbatons headmistress might prefer to take her own students side of things she knew that majority of this issue came from Fleur rather than Nick after getting the explanation , she could even understand why Nick would get mad like he did.

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