Harry potter: the ring maker

Royal visit

By the middle of November there was finally a change in the monotonous nature of Nicks life as Hogwarts got a rather controversial visitor. A woman with pale skin , red eyes and long blonde hair like silk , Mina Tepes the vampire princess. Dumbledore played the part of host when she suddenly seemed to to show up out of no where. Nick only discovered her presence due to seeing her at the head table during dinner when she made no effort to hide the fact she was staring at him. 'What is she doing here and why do I have this ominous feeling?' he thought confused.-

As it turned out he didn't need to wait very long to learn why at all as the woman sought him out on her own. "What are you?" she asked bluntly as she walked up to him while he was in the library. "You don't need to know." Nick said without looking at her at all. She frowned "You could at least look at me when I am speaking to you or did we not have a good time at the ball?" she asked with a pout.-

Nick sighed and left a bookmark in the book he was copying before looking at her. "It was a single dance and if I am not mistaken you rather forced the issue no?" he said with clear annoyance. "Bah , you know you loved every second of it , besides I don't let just anyone touch me in such an intimate fashion." she said dismissively. "You didn't exactly leave me much choice in the matter when you loudly said that I was afraid to dance with you. It wasn't even a good dance since you stepped on my feet three times during it." Nick retorted and she looked embarrassed.-

"Enough playing coy , why are you here?" he added firmly. "Tch , you are no fun at all. If you must know my father sent me here after he heard a rumor that you were going to be graduating this year. He didn't trust the mirrors to keep it secret with the offer he has for you." She said turning serious. "I already have plans for after graduation so I doubt I would be very interested in whatever he is offering." Nick said honestly. "Not even when it pertains to an ancient wizards tomb that was recently discovered deep inside one of our mines?" she asked with a teasing smile.-

"While that is interesting I really do have plans also now I know for a fact you are lying to me because he already asked me about that place two days ago which you would know if you didn't avoid him like the plague. So spill it , why are you here Really?" Nick said and Mina pouted at getting played. "Why don't you guess?" she asked playfully. "You are testing my patience so speak clearly or leave , I don't care which." he said officially out of patience to deal with her nonsense.-

"Fine have it your way then!" she said angrily before storming off. 'Three reasons she's here at this time , first is she has some plan that involves me. Second she is trying to seduce me , again. Third is that she is just messing around just for the hell of it. I'm leaning towards the third option here.' he thought as he opened the book he was on again to continue copying it. Mina Tepes was in many ways the exact opposite of Nick in that she was a free spirited individual who does whatever she wanted without care for consequences.-

In recent times she had taken an interest in Nick for some gods awful reason and despite what he might think everyone assured him it wasn't romantically either. He found that hard to believe when she had taken to flirting with him both in person and over the mirror she stole from one of his shipments of them. Hell even Vlad said that she was likely more interested in the fact he denied her to her face. She was a spoiled child and revered by nearly everyone she met so his rejection of her was new and interesting.-

According to Vlad she was probably trying to be friendly with him but had literally no idea how. In all regards Nick considered it a headache to deal with since he didn't have time to be wasting on her whims. Later that evening Mina went and started a rumor that they were engaged which caused Nick to have more than a few people ask him about it. It wasn't bad enough to get Vlad involved as it was mostly harmless fun on her part but it was still more than a little irritating to deal with.

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