Harry potter: the ring maker

Second task(3)

Once Harry realized the issue he moved to more aggressive solutions immediately as he started to use the immobilization charm to one by one keep the golems still before knocking them out. Harry and Ron got kicked out of the chamber once the number of treasures and defeated enemies were finished being counted. Harry collected forty of the the fifty treasures and defeated forty two of the fifty golems of that environment. The judges made it clear that they were impressed with his performance and Harry took the lead in points for this task with two tens and two nines from the judges.-

Obviously the headmasters of the other two schools were the nines in this situation as they nit picked a few small details so they didn't have to give him a perfect score. It was petty but to be expected so no one made a fuss about it. Once again there was a small break before it was finally time for the final champion to enter the chamber. Fleur got really unlucky however as she got the urban environment for her task. Madam Maxime also grimaced when she saw this as Nick had given each of the judges a rough list of which environments were the most difficult for this task.-

This was so they could make fair judgements and the urban one was the single hardest environment to deal with. Unlike the others that had magical creatures that were not overly intelligent the urban environment was stocked with golems that imitated wizards and as such were each not so easy to deal with as a result. That didn't even consider the sheer amount of hiding places that treasures could be placed both vertically and horizontally. 'Perhaps she may surprise us all and do better than expected.' Nick thought calmly.-

While he didn't like her attitude and way of trying to fix the problem she had with his avian dominion he didn't hate her or anything like that. If anything she barely even registered in his mind as anything more than background scenery. It may seem like arrogance but in canon her peak was this tournament as she basically just became a housewife within two years after it. She was talented for sure but she simply never put that talent to good use and so Nick couldn't be bothered to elevate her status beyond being a mere background character.-

Fleur barely entered the chamber however when she ran into her first snag in the form of vertical obstruction. Cities were rarely straightforward things and the chambers environment reflected that as without getting to the top of a building it was impossible to scope out the area effectively. Fleur also seemed to realize this and chose to risk it by entering the crumbling apartment building in front of her. The magical image followed her as she carefully picked up treasures that she could see while cautiously checking the building for golems.-

There weren't any there however as that was one of the things Nick had programmed into this environment to give the challengers a fighting chance. The first three buildings were the golems no fly zones so that the challengers could adjust a bit before the golems increased the difficulty considerably. It needs to be understood that since the golems imitated people any battle that breaks out will draw more of them to check it out. This meant unlike with the magical creature golems that roughly stayed in a certain area the wizard golems can in fact join up in large groups.-

Even ants an kill an elephant if there are enough of them and these golems are no ants compared to Fleur but merely weaker wizards. There was strength in numbers so Fleur needed to play this very carefully if she wanted any chance of completing her task. Much like in canon Fleurs hostage was none other than her sister who was totally just chilling at the far end of the environment confident that her sister was coming to get her. This was reflected in the magical images projected to the audience but those who understood the difficulty of this task could only shake their heads at her confidence.-

Finally Fleur got to the top of the building with a few issues with the structural integrity of the building but otherwise smoothly. She did something unexpected however and cast a spell on herself that Nick figured out thanks to being able to see Gabriel's reaction to it on one of the magical projections. 'A bloodline tracking spell , a good move considering the situation.' He though with a nod. Thanks to that spell Fleur knew exactly where in the environment her sister was and surprised everyone with her next action. 

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