Harry potter: the ring maker

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"First it just Nick , second no one has records from when you were sealed away , best we have is about three or four thousand years ago. As for lodging I have a place that should work just fine so long as you don't go messing with stuff." Nick said and the goddess frowned. "Less than optimal but it will have to suffice , lead the way strange Nick." she said with a small smile at the end. Nick could only sigh before changing to his Animagus form and teleporting to his island.-

This was actually a small test on his part to see if she could follow him through space itself since if not then it would be a viable escape method from Zeus. "I do not recognize this creature you have taken the form of , what is it?" the goddess asked curiously from right next to him in mid air. 'I think I may have underestimated what a god was capable of.' Nick thought more than a little bothered by how easy she followed him. Keying her into the ward Nick descended from the sky towards the manor with the goddess casually following behind him.-

After landing Nick turned back to normal before addressing the question he was asked "That is a celestial bird , the natural offspring of a phoenix and a thunderbird. It can also be considered another true form of mine." he explained honestly. "It surprises me to learn that those two prideful creatures would have an offspring. Hestia and Zeus's favored beasts usually avoided each other in my time." the goddess said giving Nick a piece of information that he didn't previously have. He assumed that thunderbirds had some sort of tie to Zeus given the massive overlap between the two but the fact that Hestia was tied to phoenixes was new.-

Not too surprising though considering Hestia was considered the keeper of the eternal flame of Olympus so the tie was easy enough to see. "This residence is also rather humble is it not? In my time a great mage would live in grand palaces of marble and gold." the goddess said looking the manor with clear surprise. "I don't need so much space for living since I am a craftsman before all else." Nick said honestly and he noticed the goddess's eyes lit up in excitement when he said that.-

"You have a forge then?" she asked enthusiastically. "I have a forge and enchantment room for whatever I happen to be working on at any given moment." Nick said honestly. "I would like access to these places." She said with big pleading eyes that worked uncomfortably well at making him want to say yes immediately. "You should acquaint yourself with the history of the world in your absence first. We can speak more on the matter after that." Nick said while trying to maintain a straight face. He wasn't sure why exactly but he felt strange looking at her and it bothered him greatly.-

"I understand." She said with a bit of a pout which Nick tried to ignore as he gave her a tour of the manor. The library had of course been updated and organized with the copies he made of the Hogwarts books as well as the things he got from the room of hidden things. The room had an expanded space to accommodate it all but was a sight to see. The goddess paused when Nick showed her the crafting rooms and seemed especially surprised to see the astral tools that he had neatly organized in the room he converted to his metal working area.-

She didn't linger there for too long however and continued with the tour of the manor which actually led to an encounter between her and Dotty. "What sort of creature are you?" she asked bluntly. "This one is Dotty , first of the Hildra and servant to my lord Nicholas Ravenclaw." The servant said with a polite bow. "Hildra? Is that what he is?" The goddess asked while looking at Nick. "Perish the thought! This ones master is of a higher existence than I!" Dotty said seriously. "Is that so?" the goddess muttered with a thoughtful look.-

"My race does not technically have a name but the general categorization of Dotty's and my races is Daedra. Dotty gained their own race due to the magical bond we share in fact as a sort of bleed over from my own race." Nick explained honestly. "I see , so your race truly must be of a higher order to cause such a change in those connected to you." the goddess said in understanding. "I suppose you could consider that to be the case. Enough on that though there is still more to show you." Nick said before continuing the tour.

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