Harry potter: the ring maker

The time approaches

This was admittedly a pessimistic way of looking at it since besides testing those weapons had only been used offensively twice. Soon enough though this argument will become pointless as Grindelwalds ritual drew to completion rendering the vast majority of muggle weaponry ineffective. Nick was fairly certain of the date of the ritual as well as there was only one that would serve this purpose perfectly , Beltane. At that time the earths mana skyrockets for a brief few hours before settling down again. Grindelwalds ritual will either increase the duration of this spike until it becomes the new normal or use the many sacrifices he made to flood the earth with mana.-

It was hard to say exactly which it was however as both had the exact same preparatory steps in this case. Nick as a result redoubled his efforts clearing the room of hidden things and copying the library over the next two months. He had also started the process for early graduation which caused some commotion as the ministry tried to avert the growing sense of unease that everyone had as the date of the rituals completion neared.-

It was an instinctual sort of feeling that wizards connection to magic told them about but few truly knew where the source of this discomfort came from. The stronger one was the worse it was as both Nick and Dumbledore had become twitchy and irritable the more the date drew closer. Dumbledore had enough self control to maintain decorum but Nick was forced to isolate himself to prevent any incidents as he got uncomfortably close to blasting someone apart for walking near him in the library. Being daedric proved highly detrimental in this regard as his actions went from zero to a thousand in an instant if he wasn't constantly careful.-

Still by dropping the room of hidden things task temporarily Nick finally finished the library and seemed to vanish from the public eye entirely. He didn't eat in the great hall with the others and no one had seen him in weeks. It started several rumors that he was doing something amazing again but the subject of these rumors was rapidly sorting and breaking down the things in the room of hidden things. When he was needed for something involving his early graduation Dumbledore sent a house elf to get him.-

While the canon didn't expressly state it Dumbledore was definitely aware of the room of requirement. Since Nick hadn't asked the room to make it private the servants could still come into the room. The exams for the early graduation and in general were also starting up towards the end of March so the school was in a rush to do well on them. Nicks exams were especially difficult compared to say the final year students but were easy for him since he had long since surpassed that level of knowledge and skill. Finally though Nick completed cleaning out the room of hidden things right on April eighteenth.-

The realms size had grown by about ten percent from before he started cleaning out the room and the mana density was suffocating within it at the moment which led to the golden apple tree thriving. It also caused a strange discord between his original body and the one he used to copy the books in the library in terms of power. The secondary body originally was at the same level of power as the original but after being exposed to higher concentrations of ambient mana for a long time it had surpassed the original bodies power and was at the peak of tier four and needed but a small push to reach tier five.-

That wasn't to say that Nick's original body wasn't also growing rapidly in power as it was about halfway through tier four by it's own passive growth. This led to a sense of altitude sickness in Nick as it was as if his body was in a lowered oxygen environment and struggling to adapt. 'How does Flammel handle this feeling all the time?' Nick complained mentally as he was never truly comfortable anymore after reaching tier four.-

On the evening of the final day of April Nick went to the headmasters office since it was the last few hours before the ritual was completed. "The time draws near Dumbledore." he said seriously and the tired old man nodded as he stood up from his desk. "The dawning of a new era is upon us and I only hope we have prepared for it's arrival correctly." Dumbledore spoke softly but Nick heard him clearly. "Within a two years a great enemy shall appear and I will be forced to face them in battle and will likely fall at that time." Nick said catching the old man off guard.

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