Harry Potter’s Death Authority

Chapter 120: 15 full moon

  Darkness has descended. This is a calm night. The moonlight forms a sparkling scene on the sea, and some fish swim happily in the water.

   The Discovery drove firmly in one direction. In the captain's room, Charlie and others gathered to discuss something.

  "This ship will always follow the coordinates I set and then drive straight when no one is at the helm, so someone must always pay attention to the situation in front of the ship to avoid accidents.

  My plan is this. We can be divided into three groups, Luna and Lisa, and then we take turns on duty for three hours, and I will be in charge of the day, so that everyone can have a good rest without delaying daily life. "Lovegood looked at Charlie and said his proposal

   Charlie frowned and said, "I don't agree with this, I don't trust Lisa."

   After all, this place is at sea. If danger is encountered during Lisa's observation period, Charlie sleeping has no time to rescue Lisa, so Charlie quickly rejected this plan.

   "How about this, you guys are responsible for the observation during the day, and I will come by myself at night." Lovegood made a proposal again

   Charlie didn't refute it again after hearing it. After all, it was much safer for Lisa. If there is a danger during the day, it would be easier for him to react, and there is no need to change biological habits.

   So Charlie nodded in agreement. After seeing it, Lovegood continued to say, "But tonight we still want the two of us to take turns to observe, after all, I didn't have a good rest, so as to avoid time of negligence."

  Charlie did not refuse this proposal. After all, it was for the safety of everyone on the ship. Charlie paid nothing at all.

   "Charlie, do you choose early or late at night?"

   Charlie thought for a while, and then said, "For convenience, I'll stay in the middle of the night."

   After finalizing the shift duty, Lovegood said that there was nothing more to do and everyone could go back to rest.

  Charlie said to Lovegood, "How about I'll be here at ten, and then keep it around one point?"

   Lovegood nodded in agreement, so Charlie took Lisa back to their room.

   Later, Charlie helped Lisa clean her feet, then coaxed her to sleep, and then sat on the floor-paved bed to meditate.

During this meditation, Charlie clearly felt that there were more blue light spots, but a part of the area around him was still covered in black. This time it was much smaller than the last time, and the periphery was densely packed. Blue light spots.

Charlie guesses that these blue light spots are the spiritual power of the water element. He is currently at sea and can say that the spiritual power of the water element is the most, but what makes Charlie puzzled is what kind of element these black energy are, no matter where, he meditates. At that time, my surroundings will be shrouded in darkness.

   I checked my ideals to the point that I now have a program that is not human.

   Maybe she can know something, after all, she had absorbed so much at the beginning, and Charlie asked Yiyi about his doubts with this idea

"Young Master, this is actually just a synthesis of some dark elements. Because Young Master’s body is contaminated with the breath of the godhead, it is very easy to be loved by these dark elements during meditation, so that they will gather around Young Master. Form a range that excludes other elements."

   "Then if I absorb these elements, there is no harm to my body." Charlie asked again

"Generally speaking, the young master’s body will gradually be invaded by these elements over time, but in fact these elements only pass through the young master’s body. Most of them are directly absorbed by the godhead, and they are protected by the godhead. There will be no problems with his body."

   After hearing Yiyi's explanation, Charlie put down most of his heart and began to meditate seriously.

   But Charlie didn't think for a while before he felt a place in his mind shaking, it was the contract.

   Charlie looked at the contract as if thinking of something, but it was very vague.

   "Charlie, do you know what happened to Ali Mia? Why can't I contact her? And there is no way to locate her through the contract. Did something happen to her?"

  Mary is a little urgent. After all, this contract is related to the rise and fall of the fairies. At this time, she found that a contractor had no news. How could she not be in a hurry?

   "I don't know, and all the memories of Ali Mia have been erased by others." Charlie said flatly

   "Why did this happen? Doesn't this mean that something is wrong with Aremia? By the way, how did you get to the Atlantic Ocean?"

Feeling the urgency in Mary’s tone, Charlie comforted, "I asked Professor Dumbledore when Alimea disappeared. He seemed to know something. He told me that Alimea had gone back. So I didn’t have much. miss you.

I’m now accompanying my sister on an expedition, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, so the thing about Alymia is still waiting for me to go back, when we talk about it, you can tell what you know about Alymia Tell me all. "

   "Well, it can only be done like this. You must pay attention to your safety. If there is any danger, you can tell me. I can directly transmit it according to the coordinates on the contract." After Mary said this sentence, there was no sound.

After several twists and turns, Charlie finally did not continue to meditate but went directly to the captain’s room, taking over Lovegood’s task ahead of time, and Lovegood went to bed without any refusal. He slept directly in the captain’s room. A corner inside.


   A few days passed, nothing special happened during the journey, everything was calm, and there were even no big waves.

   In the past few days, Lisa felt very boring after the initial freshness passed, because there is only an endless blue ocean and a blue sky sometimes with white clouds.

   In order to relieve Lisa's boredom, Charlie made a fishing rod and used it to relieve the boring daily life.

That morning Lovegood found Charlie a little tired and cautiously said to him, "Charlie, now our ship has reached the original sea area, so we will continue to cruise in this area these days, if we find it Remember to notify me as soon as possible."

   Charlie nodded casually, because Charlie thought that even if a mermaid really appeared in this sea area, but a year has passed, the other party must have never known where to go, how could he still stay here.

   Just as Charlie thought, everything during the daytime today is as calm and calm as the previous few days. The difference may be that the moon that rises today is exceptionally round, but Charlie doesn't think there is anything wrong with this, because today is the fifteenth.

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